... Um, huh? Do they think Saddam is the new George McLellan? Shouldn't they be keeping this info a secret? Or is it that surveillance is so sophisticated nowadays that there's no use in trying to hide anything? |
What ever happened to the secret stuff? Stuff too scary to let the public know about,untill it was all over. Secret agents. Thats what we need. Somehow announcing where, when, how, and what kind of weapons and troops we have sorta just doesn't seem like good war strategy. "We'll be at your house at 4:30 pm, on Wendsday,so you better be ready for us." Something just doesn't seem right about this. |
Kinda like on 9/11 or 9/12 when the president was moving so that no one would know where he was and the tv says "he was at joe blow afb and left ten mintues ago and should arrive at who cares afb in city state at approx whatever time". He's on the run afraid he is a terrorist target so let's just tell them where he is going to be and when he is going to get there. Same thing. Too much information out there. I understand that people want information, but give me a break. I don't want to know who is where with what weapon and what each of their plans of strategy are. Having this information available just puts those out there in greater danger than they already are. |
[True Story: In a letter sent to a friend of mine during the Gulf War, this soldier she was writing to said that he saw very little action, and that the soldiers they met threw their guns in surrender because they were terrified of the US marines.] Or maybe they are trying to provoke him. Into doing what? Who knows? But it does, I think, indicate a certain level of confidence (read: arrogance) that we are trying to display to Saddam and the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong, if I thought the war was justified, I'd be just as quick to call us arrogant, but I'd be damn proud of it. |
kinda like "My dick is bigger than your dick." |
The secret scarey stuff is a a lot scarier than the public shit. |
Janes has published accounts of military technology that even the US still considers classified even though they display it USAF Air shows all the time. one thing they havent done is said when. and they wont. they psych factor....put the Iraqi troops on ice, let them shit in their sand bunkers a few nights. if info is leaked that shouldnt be leaked Rumsfeld is usually huffing and puffing the next day. |
the fact that the info above was on worldwide tv only means that some one wants the world to know that stuff.... wether its true or not we'll probably never know. |
No doubt about it. |
Last night, I re-read the part of this book that describes Claude Eatherly's actions during WWII and his subsequent descent into crime and mental illness. Eatherly, as that second link details, lead the reconnaisance flight over Japan and picked out Hiroshima as the target for the A-bomb. He spent the rest of his life tortured with guilt over what he had done -- eventually, he cleaned himself up and spoke out against nuclear war, and he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital by the Army (and his family) for his efforts, the point being that no one wanted to listen to him when he refused to be proud of his actions. He eventually died of cancer in the '60s. His story is heartbreaking, really. I'll screw it up, but the last lines of his NY Times obituary quoted his brother, saying, "He never stopped thinking about what he had done. He said he could feel those people burning." |
I cried during Bush's speech last night. I cried at the footage of people protesting on the Capitol steps. I cried when I thought about Tony Blair -- I feel like we've destroyed that man. I was pretty depressed last night, and I hadn't even had anything to drink. On a positive note, last night I also thought about the line from Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, "Where is the life that late I led?" and I read the play before I went to sleep. Sort of "Hell, Healing, and Resistance"'s antithesis...I've read it many times, and each time I laugh out loud. If you can, try to find the version with John Cleese as Petruchio. Oh, man! |
Yeah, that was the message of the Nuremberg trials. And yet, didn't the trials also determine that wars of aggression were unethical? |
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." right and the UN has refuted and dispelled so called evidence that has been made public. so, you know, i got a $10,000,000 bill in my hand but Im not showing you, but it exists. I swear. |
1) I thought that Congress gave Bush the greenlight to decide about war on the condition that clear evidence of a link to Al Qaeda was presented. 2) Bush blamed the UN for Rwanda, but wasnt it the US who vetoed action in Rwanda, and for that matter, vetoed keeping peacekeepers in Bosnia and then supported the KLA who had ties to organized crime and terrorist groups? |
oh, just wait, i'm sure CNN or Fox will have a big special on it soon. My thoughts lately: I can't wait till the war (or, uhm, "war") goes full-on, and CNN whips out their shiney new WAR logo and theme. It just ain't a war without a catchy theme. I was just thinking about how their slogan right now is 'SHOWDOWN: IRAQ' and how funny that is. I discussed with my housemate how they use the word showdown to give the impression that it involves 2 sides of equal force, a collision of sorts. Old west style, pistols, high noon, etc. When in truth it's more like BULLDOZE: IRAQ. It's funny. I think about the poor dudes in the CNN graphics department. In my line of education and work, i tend to *always* think about the graphics people, in all situations. I'd love to visit them, what are they like? do they ever get sick of blending flags, flames, targets, maps of Iraq, etc? Are they nice guys? War brings together strange people. A few weeks ago CBC had a debate about the war, and they had a whole new stage setup for it. And get this, the floor.. the goddamn FLOOR, was tiled in the shape of Iraq. Just for one show. Imagine the floor guy getting that order, going to Kinko's, getting a map of Iraq printed out that big, just for an hour show. Where is that floor now? Did they keep it? Is it in the lunchroom? Wolf Blitzer was in Kuwait last night. BOMB KUWAIT NOW! for the love of all that is good. |
From now on on any message board I'm just going to call it what it is, the Persian Gulf Distraction, or PGD. Try to keep up. |
wtf is that all about? |
it made me realize that the reason i have been crying so much these past few days has less to do with the nature of the war itself, and more to do with the fact that it is war, the first war i've been emotionally involved with, the scariest and most disheartening and tragic thing i have ever cared so much about. i dont know how to deal with so much killing and destruction. it is new to me, and i am scared. |