Rupert Murdoff Plan For World Domination Cemented By Today's FCC Vote Are there any news?: Rupert Murdoff Plan For World Domination Cemented By Today's FCC Vote
By O.N.A.M.W. on Monday, June 2, 2003 - 03:01 pm:

    Michael Powell (Colon Jr.) is the head of the FCC.
    His father can't resign from the Sec. of State post out of principle because his baby would go out with the baathwater.

    TV has been de-regulated.
    "Anti-trust" law has not been enforced for a long time in this country.

    "Look what happened to radio when it was de-regulated"

    Rupert Murdoff is one of Tony Blair's most valued English supporters.

    Rupert Murdoff is the world's most powerful man.
    money power >><<media power.

    He owns The Weakly Standard in Washington DC, a knock-off title from the English tabloid that he can not own, we hope (hey may actually own it!?):The (London) Evening Standard.

    (England comments)
    Toney Blair values Rupert's support.
    The most powerful tabloid in England is owned by Rupert (The Sun)
    and he also owns the most influential establishment papers, The Times and The Sunday Times.

    In England "Fox" is pronounced "Sky" . . . sounds more cosmic doesn't it. .
    I mean . . in England "he" owns. . . . The Sky!
    Unfortunately in this case The Sky is _not_ the limit.

    3 or 4 years ago Rupert had Toney pick up the phone, call the premier of Italy and tell him to okay Rupert's purchase of one of the Italian TV networks - Overcoming one of those "archaic" European Community aniti-trust quibbles. Yah, in old Europe they still care about such things.

    In Broadcasting BSkyB is a whole galaxy of satellite-delivered channels: Sky News, Sky Englans foootballs and even the BBC has to be re-transmitted through BSkyB dishes including Channel 4!

    More about Rupert's plans for world domination later unless the national security apparatus pick us off before our next posting.

    Omniscient North American Media Watchers


    "orange alert"
    actually this news should be a RED Alert

    *********O.N.A.M.W. Disclaimer*********

    Composing and posting the above rant does not necessarily represent the opinion of the network. We were just feeling kind of spunky.

By Spider on Monday, June 2, 2003 - 03:07 pm:

    I was thinking "Oh, Not Another Meaningless Waste (of time)"

    Don't you mean Rupert MurDOCK? If you can't get that much right, what does that say about the rest of your post?