I know you all want some kind of comment when I post these links. I really don't have any, in regards to this particular action. I have expressed my personal views on abortion before, and still maintain that until science can prove that life begins at conception, then the government should stay out of it, and leave it up to the individual. |
CNN has a great "Roe vs Wade- 25 years later" page, which i am too lazy to find & link again, but it's good. I think it's especially cool that she (Roe) fought for the choice, but never ended up having an abortion at all. Just wanted the choice. Her turning to jesus in the end, i'm rather neutral about. and her current anti-choice stance, well, that's really kinda sad. |
I know how that sounds, and part of me cringes about that, but another part of me cringes at my friend. It's like they turn into a whole different person. |
Then again, it does seem that becoming born-again equals trying to "save" every single family member, friend, and acquaintance, whether or not they're interested. That's bloody annoying. I have sharp throbbing pain in my lower right back. Could that be related to my kidney? |
That stems from "be ye fishers of men". My boss (a devout catholic) wears this bracelett made of fishing tackle. I am not too familiar with fishing terminology, but it is made up of that piece that joins the fishing line to the sting that holds the hook and sinker. or maybe just the hook? |
It might be due to lack of drinking enough water, so your kidney is acting up. But those pains are usually on the right or left side of your spine. |
My best friend is in love with a man who's an atheist, and she's actively trying to get him to convert. I'm not very comfortable with that. If I were about to marry an atheist, I would make two demands -- 1) he never ridicule or try to impede my religious devotion and 2) he come to church with me on Christmas and Easter (because those are family occasions, and I'd want to have him with me and my family). |
In return, I would stay out of his head and allow him to believe or not believe as he wished. My back pain is gone now. It might have just been neuralgia. |
i wouldnt consider you a 'born again' spidey. |
i thought this was going to be a discussion of ikura v. tobiko, or maybe the nuances of kazunoko as contrasted with kazunoko konbu. |
For my birthday, my brother got me a DVD of most of the Beastie Boys videos with band and director commentary, lots of remixes, and some additional footage. There's a "movie" of the Intergalactic video, featuring the Robot vs. the Octopus man on there -- it's cute. Mike D is cute, too. |
"Wednesday, May 28, 2003 Dear Family and Friends, I have something very important that I want to share with all of you. I pray that you will read the entire letter. I actually wrote this last night while at a work retreat on the eastern shore of Virginia. Once I wrote this, I could not wait to get home and tell everyone. About a year ago on my way home from my niece’s graduation in Florida I purposely had a long layover in Atlanta. I had planned on heading to Underground Atlanta and checking out the sites. However, something moved me to do something else. I took the Marta Train to the West End section of Atlanta and proceeded to walk towards Clark Atlanta University. I attended there in 1993. It was a place where I had previously felt defeated when I left. Well anyway, the area looked very different than it had. As I eventually made my way toward the campus I finally found my way to a nice quiet bench and proceeded to pray. It was at this moment that I asked Jesus to be my savior. It was a wonderful experience. Since this moment, I have attended church once in a while, prayed seldomly and hardly ever opened my BIBLE, I had asked for something special; but was not willing to accept it. I have spent the last year being just as arrogant as ever. I have always felt like something was missing but did not see what it was. I heard many people tell me about the joy of GOD but always thought I was so special that things would be different for me. Instead of praising him, I focused my attention on worry, lust, worry, greed, worry, jealousy and everything else imaginable. Ok, now to present day. Recently, I have experienced a crisis that has brought me to my knees. Please do not worry. I am not losing my job, house or life. However, it has brought me to my knees. In the past, I would have given up. I would have moved along and wallowed in self pity. However, this time I began to pray for peace. I prayed that GOD would restore what I had lost – only he could. I prayed for a miracle. I prayed that if GOD’s answer was no that he give me a peace to get through the crisis. On one evening, I grabbed my BIBLE and wept as I prayed. I actively prayed. I believe I have a little feeling about what it is to really pray now. I prayed for the strength that only GOD could give. I placed it in his hands and asked him to provide me the strength to be strong. I had been doing this for a few days. Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting with my coworkers at the retreat and I realized something. I realized I was finding the thing that has always been missing in my life – my JOY. I realized that my job was not allowing me to find my JOY. My greed,worry, lust, worry, jealousy, worry was not helping me to find my JOY. My prayers were helping me to find my joy. We had a small break before dinner and I sat down and immediately gathered my thoughts onto paper. I did not ever want to forget how I felt at that very moment. I ended up writing a 6 page letter before dinner. – filled with my thought, hopes, dreams and aspirations. After dinner I wrote the letter I was going to send to all of you but to be honest since I have sat down here to type I have not looked at it once. I just cannot stop typing long enough o look back at what I have written. I know that many of you are reading this and thinking – they got him too. You are thinking –what the heck is this guy thinking? You are thinking – GOD does not sign my paycheck. You are thinking GOD does not provide food for my family. You are thinking all sorts of things to negate what I have told you. I totally understand. I have said all those things before. I am here to tell you he has provided all those things and more. My sister Melissa used to send me all these forwards about people just like me. Half of the time I would not even read them – so yes I know exactly how you feel. For those of you who really know me, you know that I am the inventor of skepticism. I can pick apart anything that has been given to me. I cannot pick apart this. I am rejoicing in FAITH. I am humbling myself to GOD. Some of you may be saying, yeah everybody asks GOD for help when they are having a crisis but once they get through it they forget about him. I know I said the same things before. I know the feeling I have inside of me will never go away. As I wrote that letter yesterday, I rejoiced in how happy I was feeling. I have every reason to be sad right now because of my crisis. If GOD’s answer is no of course I will be sad; of course I will immediately think about my foolishness and arrogance that has caused the crisis. However, he will also give me the strength to be filled with JOY. Why am I sharing this? Someone told me nearly a year ago that I was suppose to share my birth with everyone. At the time, I was embarrassed. GOD has filled me with a JOY that will not allow me to be embarrassed. That same person also told me it would take a miracle to overcome my current crisis. I am here to tell you that GOD performs miracles. He has made a believer of a true skeptic. He has given me what has been missing my whoel life – JOY. I have a lot of work ahead of me. I have to soak up GOD’s word. I have to make praying a habit. These are small prices to pay for my JOY. I am meeting with my pastor tomorrow for lunch and I cannot wait to tell him everything that is going on in my head. I cannot wait to receive some more guidance. It is hard for me to stop writing this. I feel like there is so much to say. However, I will end by saying that I hope you all keep me in your prayers. I have seen first hand how prayer can heal. Please pray that GOD tells me yes." This totally does not sound like the guy I knew. I'm glad he found a way out of his troubles, but I don't know about this one. If he ends up beign a active christian like Spider, then it's all good, but if he ends up being like the majority of active christians I have known, i don't know that I would want to hang out with him. Perhaps it's because deep down, I don't have faith that God exists. Maybe he does, but I don't really think that it's a good possibility most of the time. He or she or it is welcome to tell me I'm wrong, but so far, nothing. |
Also, new converts are usually extremely gung-ho when they first convert, and that can be pretty off-putting to everyone else, just because it's so intense. He might settle down (hopefully, he'll settle down), but there's a possibility he might not... My best friend hasn't settled down, and it's been 7 years since her "conversion experience." (She'd always been Catholic but didn't really get into it until she was 18.) And even though I share her beliefs, I got mighty sick of talking about spirituality EVERY DAY in almost EVERY CONVERSATION when I lived with her for two years. (You might think from the way I post that I talk about religion a lot in real life, but I don't, honestly.) Good thing you don't have to be around this guy that much. |
Like too many of my friends from college. Of them all, there is only one i really want to get back in contact with but his absent minded brother never replies when I write trying to get his address (my friend was in the Army last I heard, so god knows where he is now). |
He needs PROZAC which will make him forget about his maniacal need for JOY. |
I need to start posting some of the emails I get from her. I do love her, and would feel guilty about setting her up for ridicule even though she would never know it, but sometimes she can go over the edge. I don't think I would. Even the ones where she chews me out for something..... I will never forget being told I will go to hell unless I forgive her for things she did durring my childhood..... but she never said she was wrong. Until 2 years after I married eri. Then I think it was just to get me to think about leaving eri and moving up to Nebraska to be close to THEM. |
"I will never forget being told I will go to hell unless I forgive her for things she did durring my childhood....." That is INSANE. It's frightening the mental convolutions people will go through to preserve their own self-righteousness. |
Oh, the stories I could share. OMG....the stories spunky could share. She is the epitome of the woman who twists the meaning of the words in the bible to suit her viewpoint and none other, and is mentally abusive still. Using the bible as a justification for hurting others and saying she doesn't believe in hurting anyone. I won't start to rant on this though. It's too much and too upsetting. |
My evil grandfather is one of them. When I was little we would go to malls and he'd use me as bait to talk to strangers about Jesus. We'd then go to Pizza Hut as my reward. One time at the Hut our waitress happened to have the name "faith" so of course he had to leave scripture references on the back of the bill. This is the same grandfather who kidnapped me for a day trying to convert me from my heathen Anglican upbringing to the Baptist fold. We don't really talk much anymore. My entire family is pretty much like that. My one cousin (who has to be gay, but will probably never come out because he will be disowned by his parents), the poor kid, has these awful religious posters on his wall, of a) a Waynes World poster, with "waynes" scratched out, and "God's" written in above it... b) posters of Christian athletes, basically unknowns, like some former defensemen for the Quebec Nordiques, or "Pray for Me" Paul Henderson. He also has these awful religious T-shirts, like "Gods Gym: His Pain, Your Gain" and it has Jesus doing pushups with a cross on his back... theres a shirt with the old Pepsi logo and "jesus" is in its place. and then theres his "God Dont Make No Trash" shirt, the Steve Green, Michael W. Smith and Carman CDs, and the Bible game we played that was so much like the one Rod and Todd play on the Simpsons its not funny. It was called "Heavenbound". Candyland type set up with a Pop-o-matic bubble and the object is to get your "soul" into heaven at the top, avoid "sins" along the way (included this really pornographic looking drawing of woman holding a beer), "peer pressure", answer scripture trivia cards to move up extra spaces, well some were trivia and other ones were multiple choice of what you should do when presented with certain temptations. at the top of the board is this cartoony illustration of Jesus kneeling down with his hands out, I guess to catch your gamepiece as it enters the pearly gates. Gamepieces were loaves and fishes. I found it hilarious that the first person to get to heaven wins. |
My brother paid $25 for one, and my mom promply cut it up, saying it was just a play on words. But then he had a tape, "secular" rock, and mom thought it was ok. I tried to put "phil collins serious hits live" or chicago's greatest hits 1984-1989 (i think) and i tried to play it in the van's casette deck. She took my tape out (it was a birthday present from my best friend, back when the really good ones could cost you $25) and ripped the tape out of it saying it was the devil's music. I hid the book he gave me, Stephen King's IT. |
MUST HAVE THAT GAME ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! |
He sent out letters to my other aunts/uncles/parents about jesus around the holidays... I remember being in his limo (he drove one) and "all I wanna do is make love to you" came on the radio with us kids in the car, and he freaked out like I've never seen before. He screamed "CLOSE YOUR EARS! DONT LET THE FILTH IN!" He prays before eating at McDonalds. I've never seen anyone else ever pray at McDonalds. |
She prays before she starts the van, (angels to ride on the van for a safe trip) she prays for little animals that run across the street (angels to protect the animals) she prays when an ambulance or fire truck runs by with it's lights on, etc. She prays before anything goes in her mouth. |
I'm sorry... thats naughty... NAUGHTY NAUGHTY FILTH DIRTY |
Man thats hilarious. |
That game does sound hillarious, right along side the "Ungame" which is available at Christian bookstores. It's a game where you are asking each other moral questions in order to get to know each other better (better to beat the heathen out of you). It's funny as hell. I went to an assembly of God church once where for the teen easter program they had a guy dress in a bunny suit bearing a cross on it's back to try to reach the teens and drive the point of Jesus's sacrifice home. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen in a church, cuz they were all so over the top about it. I am not evangelical, and I don't appreciate people trying to ram their religion down my throat. Therefore, I won't do the same. Too many christians that I know are too busy telling you how to live your life. That you will burn in hell if you don't do things their way. I don't even believe in hell, so whatever. I applaud you if you have faith, but don't shove it down my throat, I will discover my own faith in my own time, on my own terms. |