It really is a giant blob. Look at it. It's gross. |
From a whale? What is he trying to say, whale's molt? I don't think so... what the hell could that possibly be to have come from a whale? |
I like the plankton colony idea, but I don't think that's going to be it. |
why aren't birds and rodents grazing on it? i've seen seagulls go to town on a half rotten sea lion. why does it take so long to compare tissue samples. are the cells squamous, ciliated, stratified, columnar, epithelial. . . any like, connective tissues on one or both sides? musculature? vasculation? anybody have a cheap microscope? uhhh, it might be a stomach or something? what kind of scientists are these doofuses? personally, i think (hope) it's the afterbirth from one of these | |