Moreover, the success of it. Call it a bandwagon, but Im jumping aboard. Why? Several reasons. His politics are most closest to mine of all the other wankers out there. Further, i think to release the current neo-con's grip on thecountry, requires innovation and creativity. I think Dean has that capability. I think the momentum is there. Maybe im being optimist. Lets face it, the majority did NOT vote for Bush in the last election. Its right there for the taking if only Democrats and/or liberals had the balls to take a stand on something, and stick with it. Right now, Democrats have no cojones. None. Liberman doesnt. Gephardt just needs to go away. Kerry is a waffling wanker just as that rookie from NC. Graham just....I dunno....seeing his name just makes me think of the evangelist Graham. Kuscinich or whatever his name is....well, his poltics, sounds as if they are close to mine as well, but thus far, he has yet to make an impact. So, as of today, a year and 3 months away from the election, im tossing my hat for Howard Dean. let the games begin. |
( I just had a mental image of a Bush/Sharpton debate - and the SNL writers absolutely going nuts trying to satirize something like that) |
the democratic party has become too scared to ...*GUFFAW* DISAGREEEEEEEE with republicans, they only stick their neck out when its safe. if he's scaring the pussies at the democratic party headquarters, he's doing something right. |
Not so strange. Maybe they say that because they don't want him to become the candidate... |
the only politician to openly say he will repeal key sections of Patriot Act I, and stop all future expansions of Patriot Act. |
I mean, so did Clinton, but still. Did anyone else read the article in the Times about him? Wait, my times is probably different than the rest of the nation's. Well, in the Northern California edition he made the front page and all. |
well, not really. |
Computer problems. lack of time. meh. |
On the same subject, I've learned to have interactions with internet folk without worrying too much about their identity. I've found that being that way actually helps me be a better person in meatspace. |
I'm going to use that |
provided the dems can get him to the general election. |
Clark is very considerable thought, indeed. handsome, well-spoken, and former general and most of all former NATO commander. The Dems's could address their typical weakness when it comes to security and military. Clark has world wide rebuild a foreign policy that Bush has made a mess of. But Sam and I hashed this out the other night, and he's of the opinion, that all of sudden we'll "capture" bin laden or hussein, say next spring or summer. Something he can ride right into Nov. A bit conspiratorial I know, but whats to say they don't have either one of those guys as of right now? Who the hell really knows? Whats to stop them from pulling one of those guys, dead or alive out of their Karl Rovian hat? If Dean can get Clark on board, I think they have damned fine shot at it. |
Has anyone read Doonesbury lately? The little girl started a riot yealling the name of Dean's dog. |
I didn't know what it is either, I'm going to guess it's true. |
from here its hard to judge what sort of national support he'd have against bush, since he has a lot of new england support, esp. vermonters (including a lot of those who didn't support him originally). |
Considering that in order to be president you have to be from the south (well, you do!), if they're together on the ticket I still think Clark should lead and Dean should be running mate |
Maybe you meant you had to be from the south to be elected as a Democrat? |
apparently, according to this mornings news, thats not going to happen. Clark is gonna do it on his own. But then again, that could be the strategy all along. Run a campaign for the title, and them meld two popular campaigns into the momentum? I dunno. |
i'm looking forward to the clark/dean ticket. or the dean/clark ticket. i'm more looking forward to the gene and dean ticket for sept. 27th. |
like i hypthosized, perhaps they both will run seperate campaigns, and then consolidate, if one or the other makes it through the primary. |
I would like to see clark get the demo nod |
I've been listening to them almost nonstop this week. |
. What song have you heard? |
Then Ween comes on and it's like "Yeaaaaa! I've got the moon and there's so many people in the neighborhood!" |
I've spelt extra wrong 3 times today. exrta. |
its also a kind of wheat grown in Europe! | |
not to mention that he raised money for the republicans a few years back. wisper- extra ween ticket. |
Yeah, funny that those same Republicans gave the Clinton administration a whole heap of shit about "giving" the Pristna airport to the Russians... |
this rant against clark is much more amusing, especially if you look at the picture of Dan Frisa first... calling him a traitor, the leader of the "pinko parade" why does every right wing pundit suggest a Hillary/Clark ticket is going to happen? are there people who actually want that? the only interesting aspect to that would be the idea of a Clinton defeating a Bush -- twice! |
only the names have changed so, i hope dean or clark wins. or whatever. the democrat. then, suddenly, roles will be reversed. offense becomes defense. spunky becomes patrick. semen melts on your quivering belly. ne'er an ounce of truth. all pigs at the trough. |
i think dean/clark ticket would be a good call. or clark/dean. whatever. they both have wide, er, fan bases or whatever. i got my voter information guide and am reading it with joy. Californians in the house, check out page 18 and Trek Thunder Kelly: "Dear Voters, Please vote for me, thus breaking the Seventh Seal and incurring Armageddon." i am not shitting you. |
Platypus answers: "ewww hillary." |
Rowlf, it has been bandied about in the media a lot, that's why. While the demo's would be more than happy to mount a female candidate, thus showing their commitment to diversity, etc, I don't think hillary would be a good choice. But hey, that's just me. |
like how they kinda actually supported Joe Liebermann and Bill Clinton. supposedly they thought of them as 'evil libbies', but we all know they stuck up for most of Clintons policies, as they tended to continue what Bush Sr. had done before. |
I thinks so too, matey! I think they would be stoked to have Billary in office. Maybe even Clark. Dean, not so much. He managed to successfully run a state (small, granted) on fairly liberal policies... |
lately, i find myself reading everything -- emails, headlines. . . -- hightower stylee. |
ACCESS TO PUBLIC RECORDS LAWSUIT FILED IN VERMONT STATE COURT (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it filed a lawsuit in Vermont to gain access to hundreds of thousands of documents concerning the administration of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. In addition to Dean, the lawsuit names the State of Vermont, the Vermont Secretary of State, and Vermont’s State Archivist as defendants. Judicial Watch had sought and was repeatedly denied access to Governor Dean’s records from his tenure as governor. Governor Dean has cited his presidential run as the basis for denying the public access to these government records, reportedly telling Vermont Public Radio, “Well, there are future political considerations. We didn’t want anything embarrassing appearing in the papers at a critical time in any future endeavor.” Judicial Watch uncovered, through a public records request, that, in negotiating the agreement to seal the records, lawyers for Dean and Vermont state officials repeatedly discussed Dean’s presidential campaign as a basis for keeping the records secret. In its lawsuit, filed this afternoon in Vermont state court in Montpelier, Judicial Watch asks the state court to provide it, the media, and the public access to upwards of 400,000 records being withheld from public scrutiny pursuant to an unprecedented agreement between Dean and the State of Vermont. The records in dispute would otherwise not be made public for 10 years. Dean had initially sought to keep these records sealed for 24 years. Vermont law provides for expedited court consideration of this lawsuit. (Judicial Watch has also filed two lawsuits to gain access to the records of Vice President Cheney’s Energy Task Force. Dean had criticized Vice President Cheney for withholding these records from public scrutiny.) “It is unlawful for Governor Dean to deny the public access to his gubernatorial records because of ‘future political considerations.’ We hope the Vermont courts will agree that it is in the public interest that Dean and the State of Vermont immediately unseal these important records,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. |
speaking of the kitty fetuses thing.. in the recent Ontario election, an underling of then-premier (equiv of governor) Ernie Eves called what became our new premier, Dalton McGuinty, an evil reptilian kitten eater from another planet... for reals. it probably cost him the election more than Eves own mistakes while in office did |
:) |