they finally made it ! Are there any news?: they finally made it !
By wisper on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 06:46 pm:

    hey Israel! good job dudes!
    you've finally started well on your way to proudly becoming Nazis!

    security fence. For their own "protection".
    Please see: German ghettos, 1930's.

    Move em' out, fence em' in real nice, next up... free showers for everybody!

    i am horrified beyond all words or description.

By patrick on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 06:50 pm:

    is this the first you've heard of this?

    the fence has been in the works for sometime now.

    i thought they would have abandoned it.

    im relatively pleased Bush is critical.

By Article on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 06:50 pm:

    Israel to Continue Building Security Fence Criticized by Bush

    By DAVID STOUT The New York Times

    WASHINGTON, July 29 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (news - web sites) promised today that Israel would continue to work for peace with its "Palestinian neighbors." But he again demanded an end to terrorism, and he insisted that Israel would continue to build a security fence that has become a source of irritation between the two sides.

    "A security fence will continue to be built with every effort to minimize the infringement on the daily life of the Palestinian population," Mr. Sharon said on the steps of the White House with President Bush (news - web sites) by his side.

    At a meeting last week with Mahmoud Abbas, the new Palestinian prime minister, Mr. Bush indicated he was sympathetic to Palestinian objections to Israel's construction of the security fence.

    Mr. Bush said he had "urged the prime minister to carefully consider all the consequences of Israel's actions as we move forward on the road to peace."

    Mr. Sharon referred several times to the Palestinians as "neighbors," and he said his government was committed to peace. But he said, as he has before, that peace depends on a complete end to terrorism. And he said that Israel's tough approach has been crucial to progress toward peace.

    "We are currently at an important juncture in our relations with our Palestinian neighbors," Mr. Sharon said. "While a relative quiet currently prevails in Israel, terror has not yet completely ceased.

    "This relative calm was achieved first and foremost through the uncompromising activity of the Israeli security forces, and as a result of your personal efforts and the actions taken by the United States among Arab and European countries. We are thankful for every hour of increased quiet and less terrorism, and for every drop of blood that you spare us."

    At another point, Mr. Sharon said, "I wish to move forward with a political process with our Palestinian neighbors, and the right way to do that is only after a complete cessation of terror, violence and incitement, full dismantlement of terror organizations, and completion of the reform process in the Palestinian Authority (news - web sites)."

    Mr. Sharon warmly praised Mr. Bush for the United States military campaign that overthrew Saddam Hussein (news - web sites). "There can be no compromise with terror and evil," Mr. Sharon said.

    The Prime Minister said the experience in Iraq (news - web sites) "will serve to advance the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians and the entire Arab world."

    It was clear that several issues remain unresolved between the United States and Israel, not to mention between Israel and the Palestinians. Mr. Bush reiterated America's commitment to Israel's security, a commitment for which the Israeli people "are greatly thankful," as Mr. Sharon put it.

    And Mr. Bush was effusive in thanking Mr. Sharon for Israel's conciliatory moves that accompanied the Israeli's visit to Washington.

    Mr. Sharon's government voted on Sunday, in a conciliatory move apparently time to coincide with his trip to the United States, to free 540 Islamic militants and to remove several military road blocks in the West Bank.

    Mr. Sharon's visit to the White House followed by four days that of Mr. Abbas. While sympathizing with the Palestinians' objection to the construction of the fence, Mr. Bush insisted on Friday that Mr. Abbas had to clamp down on terrorist activities by Palestinian groups.

    And Mr. Bush pointedly rejected calls by Palestinians for Israel to free as many as 6,000 prisoners whom it is holding. Israel has accused many of those prisoners of partaking in terrorism, in contract with the 540 ordered free on Sunday. The Israeli authorities said some of the 540 had been convicted of minor crimes, while others had been held without being charged.

    Whereas the White House visit marked Mr. Abbas's first meeting with Mr. Bush, Mr. Sharon has met with the President on several occasions and, by most indications, the two men have gotten along well.

    Still, Mr. Abbas got far better treatment from Mr. Bush than has the Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. Mr. Bush has been consistently distrustful of Mr. Arafat, whom he has never met, but he praised Mr. Abbas as a man dedicated to peace.

    And while Mr. Bush has generally urged Israel to show restraint in its responses to terror attacks, he has also said repeatedly that the country has a right to defend itself.