breast AND colon cancer. ouch. tits and ass. tits and fucking ass. |
poot. |
Stu Hart also died but he was quite old, though. |
Any bets on Bob Barker? |
It was particularly interesting last night, but that was probably just the percocet. |
this is where i get smarky and nerdy to pretty much everyone else. its only when some of the characters really go through on their own will and push themselves and run with what their given that i really care. therse others, like Benoit, who are awesome, but arent working hard enough in other areas to make them absolutely crucial to watch every week. right now, I see that select group of people being the Guerreros, Kane, Jericho, John Cena, Christian, Victoria, Nowinski, Test, Maven, and Mark Henry/Teddy Long most others are lost in the shuffle or not really intersting right now.... i absolutely hate Triple H, Austin, Shawn Michaels, Nash, Steiner, and the McMahons. I blame them for everything. |
I really liked where they were going with the Hurricane and Rosey but they've kind of put them on hold. The whole tag team scene is pathetic right now. There are some bright spots, such as Cade and Jindrak, but they don't make up for the Bashams - arg! I hear that they are going to go back to the old Undertaker gimmick, which I loved. They need more over the top characters. Kane, I dunno, they need to get him out of this stupid Shane McMahon feud soon or I am totally going to lose interest. Cena is going somewhere, I think. They need to push him to the top. What they really need to do is slowly get rid of the whole "brand extension" thing. I really think that it's limiting where they can go with characters. However, I do recognize that it gives more wrestlers weekly air time, but since lately the goddamn McMahon family has been sucking up air time with their melodramatic "Family infighting" story lines, the wrestlers aren't getting that much more exposure. |
John Cena is the Roddy Piper of the new generation. I think they're taking it easy on his push because he's still pretty green, and unlike Brock, he's in a position and style where he can't be. the McMahons have gone so far with their infighting that they might just quit it. theres not much more they can do. i'm completely for 'brand extension' in theory, and in some ways it totally works for me... having a storyline go through two shows in one month to get to a ppv was really annoying, and it always grew really thin, they just couldnt make a feud last ten shows and then move on to something else. it doesnt work. it made them hotshot titles too much, which was bad. I'm excited to see what happens with Bob Holly. that guy is a legit total asshole, and legit tough, and I WANT him to really take a shot for the top. I wonder if they're serious about it, because you notice how tough they made Molly look last night? Could be a family thing. Now that Nash is injured and might have to retire (thank god!) i think they oughta make him Jerichos' bodyguard or something... |
Bob Holly is bound for TNA, i think. He works too stiff and that's the exact opposite of what the WWE is going for - they are trying to keep their wrestlers healthy by reducing the crazy spots and a stiff worker like Holly becomes a liability in that mindset. I think that Molly is the best female wrestler around, and that they need more female wrestlers. They have a good core on RAW but need more. As far as tough wrestlers go, nobody has anything on Spike Dudley (except Mick Foley). I've seen that guy take some bumps that were truly sick. |
hahahahaha he was mistaken for him twice. that's somewhat of a stretch. |
I watch every week, and TiVo the rest of the shows as well. I'm for the brand extension, against the McMahons on TV for more than 10 minutes a week (5 min per show). That was about a half a cent. If you want the rest of it, I'll do it, but it's depressing to write about something you used to love that is tuning to shit. LS |
okay fine back to wrestling.... probably the most offensive thing on wrestling this past little while has been La Resistance... I mean they push it enough with Eddies accent and Teddy Longs attack at 'the man', but JR on Monday said he didnt understand why the French didnt help attack Iraq... um, read any papers lately? and Lawler said flat out that they were "gay". You know, if theres one thing thats worse than the French, its gay people. Please. JR and Lawler need to be fired, and not like an angle, but for reals. They suck hard. I'm remembering now when they made Chris Nowinski a heel because he was against the war, and when they made Steiner a face, and he said on TV that Iraq was behind 9/11. its so ridiculous and weird they'd get involved with all this shit at all, considering how awful the Sgt Slaughter/Hogan angles were 10 years ago. Who knows what McMahon really even thinks of all this, its so obvious that he's just exploiting the patriotism for money and for no other reason... |
Carry on. |
But, now Steiner's a heel - so what does that say? But it's interesting to note that in order to exploit the current geopolitical situation, they didn't resort to what they did in the eighties and create an Arabic heel character like the Iron Sheik. I'd be more for the brand extension if there was cross-brand stuff. Like if they made King of the Ring cross-brand with the wrestlers competing for it coming evenly from each brand, and having to face a wrestler from the other brand in each initial match. I mean, I want to see Goldberg vs. Lesnar, or HHH vs. Angle, you know? Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio would also be entertaining to watch. |
It wouldn't have worked. Wrestling is all about the the moral concept of justice and the spectacle of suffering and defeat (Barthes 19,21).The arab-terrorist character (assuming they would have been exploiting that) would have had to be totally evil and he wouldn't have been able to win ever. There wouldn't have been any balance or any story for that matter. He'd be a dead (meaning worn out and done) character from the outset. Barthes, Roland. "The World of Wrestling." Mythologies. 1957. Reprint. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972. |
did any of y'all see the movie Charlie's Angels II? there's a great scene in there where Drew Berrymore (Dylan) is a pro-wrestler. hilarious shit. |
I am going to miss Patty, honey......... I still have not gotten to see the Hulk House of 1k corpses or Matrix 2............ |
ANYWAYS....... I saw the scene with Drew Barrymore doing the pro wrestling and thought it was the worst thing I had seen in ages, so therefore I laughed my ass off. |
So, spunkeri, it sounds like you are taking off for the wild blue 'bama? I just read an article recently about all the budget cuts going on there, sounded pretty bad. but I guess property taxes are really low. |
you like the cheesiness of pro wrestling but not the cheesiness of Charlie's Angels? i don't get that, but hey, whatever. |
Hopefully for no longer then a year, with a planned return to San Antonio, the land of Cheech and Chong. Yes, they are cutting their budget. Not a bad idea at all, really. If my income goes down, I have to cut my budget, why not the states and the country? The people of alabama just got to vote on wether or not their taxes were raised. They said HELL NO! Kebron, you have developed a rather close relationship with my wife. Seeing that you are a single man, and only weeks younger then I, I must then take the stance of keeping a wary eye on you. I hope you understand, nothing personal. Past experiences have tainted my trust of such situations. I trust eri with every fiber of my being. I don't know you well enough to trust you with my wife. I probably never will. I think if I had met you first, we could have become close friends. I have very few because I am very cautious in that regard. Unfortunately, that is not the way it is. |
you gots isshues "I trust eri with every fiber of my being." is that not enough Pa? |
that helped a lot. it took a lot for me to write that. |
I don't think it makes you a bad person because the feelings of jealousy aren't right or wrong. And they are natural. Most of us have had them for whatever reason. And sometimes, it can be an indication that there is something wrong. However, I doubt this is the case and the problem is that it can cause a lot of unecessary strain in relationships that you have and can prevent a lot of friendships from forming. I suspect, that in cases like my exboyfriend, it has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with insecurity. I don't mean this in a dismissiv way, but get over it (and I don't mean to suggest that it's easy), if only for yourself. |
you know, if Tiger Ali Singh was still under contract, they would have. never mind that he's indian and not iraqi or whatever. they'd pay no mind, just as they pay no mind that Dupre and Grenier are from New Brunswick and Quebec respectively... despite the bad gimmick, Rene Dupre is gonna go far. He's got it. |
There is something that is bothering me about it, but I cannot put my finger on it. |
i am pretty sure that the night before she said she wanted to seperate, she went alone with him to a bar might have something to do with it. and she knows his tickle spots. and they talk on the phone for hours. |
"and she knows his tickle spots. " thats so like third grade yo. not that you know she knows, but the fact that the idea of knowing "tickle spots" even comes up. something must be in the water, because i've all but lost my wife too. And I don't mean it lightly at all, Im just putting it that way as a defense mechanism. fuckin A right? i have a huge huge huge task ahead of me and there are no guarantees (not that there ever was) but I can empathize. |
I wonder if Rowlf has anything to say about your situation... ----- Remember when Lawler was away for a few months because of contract shit + his crazy wife? That was the best time, not hearing him screaming in the background about boobies. Oh my does he need to go. |
Sorry eri, I'm not accusing you of anything. In any case, Spunk, if there is something to be concerned about then it is between you two and it is to her that your attention (not necessarily anger) must be directed. |
oh my Patrick...I'm sorry. |
dude south park buddy, i guess uhh..... I actually think your real fear spunk, is not that eri would run off with this dude, but that she would be in a position where she had the opportunity. If you trust her, you'll trust she wouldnt cheat or walk out on you. I know how you feel. You never want her to be in a position where she has some guy friend and he wants to be more than friends, and has to decide, not just whether or not to go for it, but also to decide that in that situation that she has to turn the guy down, if she can ever be friends with him again. I think spunk also believes, as i still do, that most ladies, even the smart ones, are naive when it comes to male intentions. and when the odd guy comes along who just sincerely wants to be friends, you just dont believe it because guys dont do that. I also think, based on spunks security needs, be they about spraying the backyard for the kids or toppling foreign dictators, that he's scared as hell that eri would ever be in a situation where some guy, be it friend or stranger, could harm her, and he'd be nowhere around, helpless, to do anything about it. i dont know how i ever let a lot of this shit go, but for the most part i did. it still doesnt mean i wouldnt try to kill anyone who tried to go after her romantically who had pretended to just want to be friends.... i dont think even if i'm hitting the nail on the head bout spunk that this post is gonna do any good. bottom line is spunk trusts eri and probably eri's judgment, but maybe thinks eri could possibly fail to recognize someone elses hidden intentions. anyways, most of wispers' friends are guys because wisper hates girls. wisper is in some ways practically a guy anyway so that helps me get past most dumb guy shit. it might be good for you and eri to discuss what she talks on the phone about, if it aint too private. wisper talks about dumb work stories and tv shows and shit to her guy friends back home. if she was talking about shoes and makeup and Friend Green Tomatoes and some guy on the other line was listening to hours on end to that sort of thing, then i'd be suspicious about that person, and hunt him like a dog. no 'guy best friend' listens that shit for that amount of time unless they're gay, metrosexual, or on the prowl. |
fuck |
dude that's for the other thread, and I don't know about you but none of MY friends are edible pedophiles. |
1. right in their concerns 2. paranoid and insecure 3. possessive in general 4. all of the above Otherwise, they let it go until they are certain that there is something they should say or do. I know it's more complicated. Really, I hope everyone works their shit out. It's a terrible feeling. I've been on the jealousy end and it sucks. Different situation entirely, but it still sucks. |
wispy drew me, it was posted before in the canadian idol thread. big yellow sexy beast. When I got mistaken for Jericho, it was a specific circumstance that made it look so. It was christmas eve and i humored my mom by going to church. I was all dapper in a suit, and when I'm in a suit, I look, i dunno, wrestler-like. Jerichos' not exactly the tallest guy in the world, and my hair was tied back in a ponytail, which was red. And I had a little bit of Jericho-esque facial hair. And we're in Canada. Therefore some dad and his kid thought I was Jericho. I definitely wouldnt pass for jericho any other time. But its not completely stupid for someone to think some average build guy is a wrestler, considering how built Benoit is, and when I met him at WalMart a few years ago (thats another story), he didnt look like a wrestler at all. anyways. a case could be made that spunky is generally paranoid. I severely doubt any paranoia is uniquely focused towards his lovelife. |
on all accounts its all confusing, but it's HIS intentions that concern me. and they do yack like girls for hours....... |
but all it does is add to my mental image of Rowlf as Jericho, now with Wisper as Victoria..... |
yeah, spunk, and it's not wrong to have concerns, I hope I didn't imply that. and you don't have to like anyone you don't want to. again, not accusing, but if I made friend who didn't respect my relationship, well we wouldn't be friends none much more. Keb, Eri, this is not anything against you guys and I'm just giving spunkems a mix of personal/general advice based on what he said. And my opinion of you guys hasn't changed none. |
SHUT THE FUCK UP she thinks of herself more like Lita. She's got the spinal injury to back it up. but no cheekbones that could cut diamonds, red hair, or disposable autobiography. I've been told by many, that facially the person i most resemble is Gaz from Supergrass, except less ugly. I hope so. I'm going to cry now. And make noises as I click buttons on my internet browser.... the stop buttons noise is "bonk" |
but are they yacking about girl things? Oprah? dieting? "Tuesdays with Morrie"? |
you stole that from "adaptation", admit it. |
and cooking and weight |
if he's just going 'uh huh', then its different. somehow i doubt eri's the type who would let a conversation go on for hours unless she was getting something back from it. she's not really some chatterbox who does all the talking, right? spunk, have you ever JUST been friends with a girl, not wanted more. maybe you haven't, and thats affecting you, because you cant relate to platonic nonsexual behavior with the opposite sex... |
patrick, i am truly sorry to hear that you and nico are having trouble. from what i understand, having a baby while being completely wonderful in and of itself can really rock the relational boat (understatement of the year). i hope you are able to do the right thing. |
however, in my opinion, it's just not that black and white. in every relationship/marriage, there is a code, a unique code. it's not necessarily right or wrong to have friends of the opposite sex when you are married, and it's not necessarily right or wrong to not want your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex. i don't think it's right or wrong to feel or express jealousy or insecurity if your spouse's friendships make you uncomfortable. some relationships are very loose and open (however you want to define "loose" or "open"), some are not as much, but that doesn't mean that a couple with a loose and open relationship has more trust between them than a couple in a relationship that is not as open. talk about the code. find out what's wrong - try not to be afraid to find out what's wrong, but face it, put it on the table, take away the power of innuendo and secrecy. be open to the way each other feels, because how each person feels is completely legitimate. and work to come to an agreement. So Says The Wise Old Sage of Successful Relationships. well, in any case, that's what i strive to do. |
Kebron is really good at girltalk too, but is not just sitting there and saying "uh-huh" he gets really involved in the conversations so it is funny as hell. Most of our friends think if he's not gay then he is bi and just doesn't know it yet. This isn't the first time Spunky has been this way, just the first time it has lasted so long. When we went to Cali, at the mall I ran into an old friend of mine, a guy who I had NEVER so much as dated. Just a good friend. When I saw him I gave him a hug. Spunky always felt the same way about Matt as he does about Kebron. Matt and I were never attracted to each other in any way, there was never anything like that in all the years that I had known him. I had known him like 12 years at this point. But Spunky was really uncomfortable around him and thought of him as a threat. It was pretty much the same as it is with K, but this time Spunky is more jealous. It was flattering at first, but sometimes I am just upset and think, if you trust me, then trust me. If I thought that K wouldn't respect my boundaries, I wouldn't hang out with him. Patrick, I am very sorry. If there is anything I can offer to help, please let me know. |
the kid definitely has played a huge part in what has transpired, and if anything, the kid is the glue. i've been lulled into false senses of security. im thick. so its taken some time to realize I've made a very long and consistant mistake, and its behavioral. its something i have to make a very conscious effort to correct and im barely making a dent in my progress. the kid has/is rewriting the standards. and in this regard, we are both very thick. we are trying to use the previous patterns of relating as measuring sticks and well, it doesnt always fit. by the same token, i wonder if what is going down, wouldnt be going down without the shorty. not that it really matters. its hard to hold to your previous ideals of the proper spouse when you have a kid. its easy to feel cheated (at your own hand or at someone elses) and hopeless. i honestly don't know what will happen. the outlook is more bleak on somedays than others. |
He is not that bad looking, he seems to mostly have his crap together, and seems to have time to spend with you, so why is he not out with other girls instead of hanging with my married wife? And, well, you know, both girls telling me you guys kiss (and they both said "there was no tounge") and boo telling me that you were sitting in his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck "just like she does with you"....... I know boo was being silly, but it still does not help. And then there was Jesse, who just got a divorce because his wife was cheating on him, who asked me the other day "Well, what do you think?" I said "I don't really know". His reply was "I am sorry to say this, but I have seen this happen before. He looks like he wants more then friendship. I feel for you." Then there was G who said "He kept putting his hands on her shoulders, and she kept brushing them off, and he was standing way to close to her. I'd watch him, trace, he is after more then friendship".......... |
I will admit after picking on him profusely, I did give him a peck on the cheek once.... Jesse I still wounded from his ex. He still loves her and wants to be with her, but knows he can't, so that wound is still raw...his reaction is natural. G only said he put his hand on my shoulder ONCE and I brushed it off, and I don't let him invade my personal space. He is not after more than friendship, and if I thought he was, I wouldn't be friends with him. I'm not that naive. I have had platonic relationships with lots of men, and I am not blind when they are pretending to be friends with the hope of getting more. I have known guys who settle for just friends cuz they know they won't get more and respect my relationship with you. Kebron and I are just friends. I couldn't tell you why the kids are saying what they are. A kiss on the cheek once, that's it. I don't sit in his lap, but he sits in the recliner and I sit on the couch. There is no threat. If there was, I wouldn't be a part of it. I won't be friends with someone who is dishonest or whom I can't trust. That is why I am pulling away from G again. All those feelings of distrust are back, just like last year. And her constant negativity is driving me nuts. Patrick, my heart goes out to you. I understand the false sense of security that goes with having a little one, and the life changes that go with it. |
its kinda weird im so glad the wife doesnt bother with this shit. |
Now for you Spunky I happen to know you are not a fucking idiot so why is it you are letting G and Jesse tell you how to think. If you would go to more of the functions that Eri wants to go to then you would be there to see what does go on. I can't tell you how many times she said she wished you were there. As far as your view on religion goes you do not have to be Pagan to attend the rituals and other events. Tony is not Pagan but because he loves his wife and he respects other religions he goes there with her and does participate in conversations. Not everything we talk about is involving Pagan and Wiccan topics, matter of fact less than half does. Tony also went to festival and did have some drinks and did participate in the drumming at the fires, it may not have been a spiritual thing for him like it was for the rest of us but it was simply just drumming, tapping the rum with the rest of the people. This does not bother us. So believe what you will. Think what you will. Trust in those who you know and love and your life will be enriched. K |
though |
needing to feel important |
K |
I think my jaw dropped around 6 to 8 times reading all this stuff. I wont tell anyone what to do, but I'll tell kebron what I'd do if I were him Keebler, Keb Mo, Kabal, Kebrone you can see right here how this effects Spunky. it effects him so much he's talking about it publicly even though this should be private. its effecting him so much he cant help but respond to all this stuff and cause every one of us here to share their heads in awe that its all coming out. and you can see that spunkys own kids, while maybe getting the wrong impression, are getting an impression that I think is of legitimate concern. If i was in your situation and I saw how this was effecting the spouse of someone I consider a best friend, and if I knew that they really loved each other and were meant to be together and that I was becoming an issue? Quite frankly, I'd back off. even if i thought i was doing nothing wrong, or that eri wanted me around or whatever, I'd back off at least a little bit. It would help prove to both eri and spunky that I respected their relationship and wanted them to work it out and not be an issue. It would prove to them that i wasnt selfish or that i needed attention and to talk even if it did cause someone else stress or jealousy or whatever. It would give spunky a chance to maybe ease into accepting that the two of you are close... rather than him having to deal with her diving right in and having a chip on his shoulder, legit or not, about it. I mean its not like youre gonna die of a terminal illness next week. seriously, if I was in your shoes, I'd just back off, not run away, just cut it back a bit. for reals. |
I actually believe now that kebron isnt after your wife. i dont think he'd have the brass balls to say this stuff on this site if he had hidden intentions. i think he'd be hiding off in the background mysteriously if he was pulling something, and you wouldn't ever know all that much about him. and... with keb on this board saying all this, and it turend out he was actually after eri, and something happened... i'd be very tempted to come down there and help you beat the tar out of him... then we'd have a couple beers and watch South Park. "oh my god, they killed Kebron!" just whatever you do don't call "cheaters", cause noone comes out looking good on that show. ever. |
Also, don't come between a woman and her husband. Just don't do the "come between" thang. Not prudent. |
Ex. Spunky and Eri move to Bama and she gets some friends one or two of them are male. He has this insecurity problem with this and she has to crawl into a hole and have only him and the kids to talk to. I would go nuts if I had to stay home cook and clean and not visit or be visited by or talk with friends. That concept went out a long fucking time ago. When do insecurities begin to interfere with another persons life regardless of the relationship. Yes Spunkys feelings are important but it seems that EVERYONE is only thinking about his and not hers. Relationships are a two way street!!! K |
Spunky, you've nothing to fear. |
I do not keep eri locked up in a hole, and anyone who knows her knows she would not tollerate that for one instant. Nor would I marry someone like that. |
snfff snfffff c a g e m a t c h |
but, in the interest of chaos, i think we should all roll a die to determine the side we take, and then brutally fight for our random cause: 1-2: spunky 3-4: eri 5-6: kebron |
00-39: spunk 40-69: eri 70-99: kebron with a slight edge towards the spunkster, for obvious reasons. |
Team Spunk |
which is funny, because I'm making a homemade T-Shirt that says "spunky" on it this weekend. For reals. keb, i see where you're coming from, but you're coming across as incredibly selfish. and if you read what i wrote you'd know that i never said you should avoid her. i said if i were you i'd step back just a little. "Yes Spunkys feelings are important but it seems that EVERYONE is only thinking about his and not hers." I think you're thinking more about YOUR feelings than spunky's or eri's. "Relationships are a two way street!!!" you've clearly put a fork in the road, pal. |
. Ahem. . Kebron, goddammit, don't you see you're tearing apart a family on the verge of major change? They're moving halfway across the country and not one of them wants to go. They're leaving everything they know, and there's already a lot of resentment between Spunk and Eri due to this move. . Eri, it's alright to be mad about having to move away from your friends and everything, but don't direct your anger at your husband. It's not his fault, and he doesn't want to move either. He loves you, and he needs you now. |
Where, when, and why are spunky and eri moving? eri I hope you had a nice Holloween. I know it's an important time for wiccans. |
It is only supposed to be for a year, and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens, the move back. I love it here. I did have a nice halloween, but it was odd. It was extremely busy in the afternoon and evening, but as soon as night set in it was DEAD. Only 2 trick or treaters in a complex of over 500 units. But I did end up having tons of fun in that outfit at the mall taking the kids out. I missed out on the Halloween ritual, because I thought it was an overnight thing, but found out that Kebron (who was supposed to be our ride anyways) came home the same night, and we all could have gone (spunky and kids and I). Oh well. Still had a good halloween. |
crap. what day are you leaving? |
Wanna come help pack sarah? Actually all of my friends want to try to get one last girls nite out in there, but we need to come up with a babysitter for my two. |
Plus, the links again: |