new year update Are there any news?: new year update
By sarah on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

    so i was going to write about all the crazy ass stuff that's been going on, and i probably still will...

    but first:

    can anybody tell me why the fuck my photo is posted halfway down this page??

    jeeeezis that's creepy.

By semillama on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 01:08 pm:

    what's up with the Iraq flag as well?

By Antigone on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 01:08 pm:

    Is that a board you go to often?

By Antigone on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 01:12 pm:

    I notice that the image is linked from your domain. Do you have access to your http logs? If so search your refer logs for when hits started from (The board) Then check the IP's of any access to the image in the preceeding few days. That should tell you who could have posted it, unless they surfed your site anonymously.

By Antigone on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 01:13 pm:

    Also, who do you know in Tampa?

    sarah, e-mail me...

By kazu on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 03:18 pm:

    That is creepy. Even without the animated graphic next to it.

By sarah on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 03:50 pm:

    i've never seen that bbs in my entire life, and the only person i know in the tampa area is my (e)stranged mother, her husband, and my grandparents. that photo was taken last new years in key west, florida, while i was on vacation.

By sarah on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 03:54 pm:

    and the question isn't how, but rather why? i mean, what. the. fuck. it just doesn't make any sense why someone would do that.

By J on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 04:08 pm:

    I sure as hell want to know WHO did it.

By semillama on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 05:29 pm:

    Who's the guy in the photo?

By jack on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 05:33 pm:

    that's me.

    just kidding.

By random drunk guy on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 05:54 pm:

    the name of your picture is random drunk guy.jpg.

    type random drunk guy into google image search, and your picture comes up #1. whoever's leeching your picture probably did that, and thinks a picture of a random drunk guy adds something to the conversation. almost certainly, s/he doesn't care whose picture it is.

    leeching pictures off other people's sites is an asshole thing to do, but if you want to have fun with it look into Apache's rewrite and referer modules.

By semillama on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 06:12 pm:

    Strangely enough, that google search will also return a photo of a person in a tomato costume.

By wisper on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 06:29 pm:

    switch that photo on your website with something else, could be anything from a graphic that says "I AM A LAME MOTHERFUCKER WHO MOOCHES PHOTOS" to a picture of the pope, old lady porn, whatever, just make sure that you erase the old jpg and make the new jpgs name the same as the old one.

    the possibilites are endless.

    or tell the board moderator.

By sarah on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 - 11:56 am:

    ooooo good ideas!

    nate, help me out w/ this one.

By sarah on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:10 pm:

    well, while i'm sitting here waiting for the ex-lax to kick in, might as well get caught up around here.

    actually i've been having very regular, healthy, easy shits for the last week, after what seemed like a month or more of IBS. i have that appt w/ the gastro doctor next monday. i took the ex-lax to relieve the digestive bloating, since the pamprin isn't doing anything to relieve the menstrual bloating.

    i feel like i'm about to float away. they're gonna have to roll me out to my car after work.

    but i didn't really come here to write about any of that.

    so things are generally going really well. i'm knocking on wood as i type that. the patch is good, the buprobion is even better, and i've managed to lose most of the weight i gained over the holidays. despite that i've been drinking like a fish.

    i have a new friend, her name is sara. her sig other is a bartender at my favorite restaurant/bar downtown.

    sara moved here last august from minneapolis to be with him. they met (ahem) during sxsw a couple years ago. it's working out for them. she's the only person in the last year to whom i've told the real story of how i got to austin. even dave doesn't know the story, though he has met kevin. once. but never again.

    things with dave are great. i mean like what the fuck kind of great. like we laugh and have fun and hang out and do fun things all the time. and the sex is great. and when i get upset about something (only 2x in the last 3 months), i'm able to take a few days to sort it out in my mind first, and wait for a good time to bring it up.

    i'm learning that when it comes to conflict resolution, or any kind of sharing of meaningful feelings, timing is everything. it's like someone can come into my office five days in a row and say the same exact thing to me each time and each day i might react very differently depending on lots of factors. being in a healthy relationship for me means being sensitive to the issue of timing.

    i've had to fight the urge to act passive aggressively when i've felt hurt or upset by something. i've had to fight the urge to withdraw and "punish" him for something he had no idea that he did or how it affected me. instead i take time, moments over a period of several days, to think about it, feel about it, break it down, and figure out what the issue really is. very rarely is it actually about what he did, but rather about my own issues.

    after i figure it out, and when the timing is right, then i approach the subject.

    both times we've had open, honest, calm, rational talks. he's been receptive, expressive, compassionate and understanding, and after we both feel like we've come to a deeper understanding of each other. we don't fight. there is no fighting, no drama, no tensions.

    we've recently talked about kids. wanting, not wanting, how many, etc.

    tomorrow night and friday night we're going to see a band we love, saturday we're going to a Carnaval party a friend's house, and we're going to go see Mystic River on sunday. generally i stay at my place mon-thurs and at his place fri-sun, though there are exceptions.

    he said he feels like we've settled into each other very fast, almost too fast. those were his words. i said that implies that there's some sort of prescribed timeline. true, he said.

    things have changed. i pay attention to football and college basketball. he bought a yoga DVD to try in the privacy of his living room. i go out more, i spend less time in the gym. he drinks mineral water and eats more salads.

    i'm going to santa fe for spring break next month with my roommate (snowboarding, spa-ing, and hiking/hot-springing). my aunt and uncle just moved to mexico and i'll be visiting them in april - with heather hopefully, if she doesn't have a job by then.

    he needs to get a new job by the end of may. a new car for sure. maybe a new couch.

    timing. i guess some time needs to go by. i'm not in any rush right now. he knows how to handle me. he knows what to do.

By kazu on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:20 pm:

    I love college basketball.

    GO ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By kazu on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:21 pm:

    even though they suckass this year.

By patrick on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:38 pm:

    i loathe it. its the worst. in fact. basketball fans in general are the worst.

    im sure much of that has to do with the fact that basketball competes (and most often wins) when it comes to NHL coverage as their seasons are almost parallel. that and i live in Kobi and Shaq land of with the banter is endless.

By kazu on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:49 pm:

    Probasketball should just go away. I don't know why anyone even watches it any more.

    I dislike sports fans in general.

    Hockey is the better sport, I will agree with that (thanks mum).

By Anitgone on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:59 pm:

    "instead i take time, moments over a period of several days, to think about it, feel about it, break it down, and figure out what the issue really is."

    Bitchin! That's rather kewl, sarah.

    Now, when you feel ready, tell him how you came to Austin. :)

By sarah on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 03:46 pm:

    hm. why do think it's important that he knows? just curious.

By patrick on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 03:47 pm:

    you came to Austin by plane....naturally.

    no biggie. right?

By sarah on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 05:31 pm:

    actually we drove from the shipping yards in oakland, california.

    he knows that part too.

By Antigone on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 06:54 pm:

    I think it's important for you to trust him with the knowledge, and for you to be comfortable telling him.

By wisper on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 10:14 pm:

    in time, honey, in time.

By sarah on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 11:48 am:

    yeah. the thing is, i'm not comfortable telling *anyone* the real story. i used to tell people, but i stopped because i realized it immediately categorized me. people seemed immediately to assume things about me i knew were not true, or if they were, i didn't want those things to be the first things they learned about me. i didn't want that to be my Story. i don't mind being The Girl From Hawaii, but i do mind being The Dumbass Who Moved Away From Paradise For Love, But It Didn't Work Out.

    he knows kevin and i met at sxsw. he knows we were friends. he knows we dated for about a year when i moved here. he knows the facts, the details, he just doesn't know the meaning of it.

    i don't tell dave not because i don't trust him with the knowledge. i don't tell him because i still feel scarred by the depths of the feelings i had for kevin, scarred by destruction of those hopes and dreams, scarred and embarrassed by my foolishness. i don't tell him because i want to refresh my private, internal viewfinder, so that when i flip the lever through my life's history and i see myself with dave, i see myself with the only man i've ever truly loved.

By sarah on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

    that said...

    what would you think if you and your boyfriend of 3 months were sitting on his couch at 11:30 at night, getting ready to go to bed, when the phone rings and he lets the answering machine pick it up, and it's his ex-girlfriend Maria calling from Queens, the one he lived with for a year in Boston back in the mid or late 90's, and the message she leaves says, " me back, I need to tell you something."

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:18 pm:

    Maybe a mutual friend died.

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:18 pm:

    or has cancer.

By Dougie on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:26 pm:

    What's sxsw, sarah?

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:37 pm:

    Or maybe she wants him back, but I doubt it (as if I could have a clue). But based on what you've said about him, he doesn't seem like someone hampered by that kind of baggage. Again, as if I have a clue...but it is my hunch.

    The mid-late 90s was a while ago anyway. Where did he live in Boston? That's when I lived there...maybe we have some people in common. It wouldn't be the first time.

By patrick on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:43 pm:

    South By Southwest dougie. Austin's annual indie music festival. Its like the West's version of NYC's CMJ.

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:44 pm:

    I thought South by Southwest was a movie festival. Cool dat tho' Coooool dat.

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:45 pm:

    Oh, it's all of those things.

    Coooooooooooooooool dat

By heather on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 01:53 pm:

    "scarred and embarrassed by my foolishness."

    what if all of these things were necessary for you to find dave?
    it had to be big to get you there, and to get you ready to meet him probably among other things. that's not foolish.

By kazu on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 02:03 pm:

    "I didn't want that to be my Story. i don't mind being The Girl From Hawaii, but i do mind being The Dumbass Who Moved Away From Paradise For Love, But It Didn't Work Out."

    You're not a dumbass, and all the things we do on that godawful painful journey that seem foolish rarely look foolish to those who love us. The people who hurt us are the ones that look bad. Everyone has these stories; they are part of who we are.

    it's not required to divulge everything, but I think it's important to stay true to yourself and your matter how fucked up and embarrassing.

    "I don't tell him because i want to refresh my private, internal viewfinder, so When i flip the lever through my life's history and i see myself with dave, i see myself with the only man i've ever truly loved."

    Is that possible? It's not for me. It's one thing to heal from the past and to look at it differently, but I for one, cannot rewrite it. Certainly, I see all my past relationships in a different light, but that doesn't change the depth of feeling I had at the time.

    And what heather said.

By dave. on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 02:50 pm:

    ok, you need to come up with a different name for dave. how about seņor ballz?


    i laugh.

By semillama on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 03:27 pm:

    I second the motion.
    only because I want to see "Senor Ballz" typed out more often.

By Antigone on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 04:57 pm:

    "people seemed immediately to assume things about me i knew were not true"

    See, that's exactly what you should NOT do with dave, sarah. Never assume you know what your lover is thinking. Too much is at stake, and too much charged emotion is involved, for you to get worked up about your own assumptions. It's a viscious circle.

    Get worked up over reality, not your anxieties. Then you're not in a tight loop with yourself. You're in an open flow with reality, and with the one you love. Isn't that what you want?

    "when i flip the lever through my life's history and i see myself with dave, i see myself with the only man i've ever truly loved."

    But that would involve erasing your past. If you try to erase your past it will always return. You can't purge yourself.

    One thing I had to learn recently was that the way I loved, and who I loved, was all wrong. I always got myself in trouble. To really build on that revelation I can't forget or ignore my past. If I did that I'd just repeat the same mistakes.

    We can't start each relationship completely fresh. And why would we want to? Sure you've loved other people besides dave. Each love can be different. Love has no bounds.

By heather on Saturday, February 7, 2004 - 05:51 am:

    everything you've ever done was perfect for then

    and now it's over

By sarah on Monday, February 9, 2004 - 11:15 am:

    fwiw, his ex called to tell him her cat died. he lived with the cat too when they were living together.

    end of story.

    we had one of the best weekends we've had together so far. everything is great. i don't feel like i'm holding secrets from him by not explaining fully the kevin story. it's not about dave, it's about me. and it's not *that* big of an issue. you're right, it happened, it's real, i shouldn't try to erase it, but i think it's natural to wish to erase past hurt. i don't even know why i brought it up. i think it was because of my friend Sara's story...

    i ran (uh, jogged) this uphill race yesterday morning with jackie, one of my yoga teachers. my ass hurts like hell today.

By kazu on Monday, February 9, 2004 - 04:20 pm:

    yes, but where in Boston did seņor ballz live?

By sarah on Monday, February 9, 2004 - 04:32 pm:

    jamaica plane

By sarah on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 02:12 pm:

    so kentucky totally fucked up my bracket by losing to uab. i had them beating duke in the final game. in fact, except for the st. louis region, i was 99% accurate in my bracket, and 85% overall. so fuck you kentucky. also, i'd like to send out additional fuck you's to maryland, and georga tech.

    so i decided i'm going to get a do-over and start over from the sweet sixteen. i'm calling duke vs uconn in the final, but haven't decided who's going to win. some say oklahoma state, they're real good, but they won't make it out of the final four.

    this is my life. college basketball.

    it's so weird how much your life can change when you let yourself be influenced by your environment and the people in your life. the thing is, it's kinda fun, all this sports stuff. it's fun because dave is so into it, and his enthusiasm is contagious. and i think part of being in a fun relationship means showing interest in the things that are important to the other person.

    i don't think of the word love anymore. not since dave's freak out. we still have fun together and there's still intimacy, but the big dark cloud of "I'm just not sure" hangs over my head. so i'm much more detached, i don't put so much of myself into it anymore. i guess i'll give this thing six or seven more months - a total of one year - and at that time, if he's still Not Sure, then i'm gonna wrap it up, put a tag with the word Friendship on it, and move on. because if he's not sure by then, he'll probably never be sure, there will always be those things in the relationship that make him doubt, and i don't want to get stuck inside of that mess.

    besides, leroy is turning out to be the true love of my life.

    has anyone seen 50 First Dates? i'm a total sucker for adam sandler movies and i have a huge crush on drue barrymore. but if i had known more about certain scenes in that movie, i wouldn't have gone to see it with dave.

    my roommate donna and i went to new mexico for 5 days during spring break last week. hadn't been there in about 10 years and man oh man i forgot how beautiful it is there. we had great weather too. we went skiing at angelfire, hiked in the jemez mountains to hot springs, visited pueblos and museums, went to a spa and got mud baths and other treatments, drove to taos, and ate yummy new mexican food.

    i'm running the Capital 10K this sunday for the 3rd year in a row. i bought a whitewater recreational kayak two weekends ago and am going kayaking on saturday.

    well, i guess that's all.

By kazu on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 03:37 pm:

    I'm glad Kentucky lost. I hate Kentucky the most. Next I hate Michigan State, though I like Their coach, Tom Izzo. Then Duke. I like Coach K, but I hate Duke. Duke better not win.

By kazu on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 05:17 pm:

    And I'm glad you told us what was going on with Senor Ballz. I was wondering, I mean, even on my walk to school not just when I am posting here kind of wondering. I'm glad you gave him a second chance but are remaining guarded. And that you aren't going to "get into that mess." The way you are handling it sounds like exactly what I might do in similar circumstances, although I would have been kidding myself if I thought that any detatchment or distance on my part wouldn't come back later and kick me in the ass. Take that as you will, it's really based on *my* experience the sum total of all my past attempts at being aloof when it comes to relationships.

    It's fun to pick up interests from other people, especially significant others. I watch wrasslin' with Sem and I tried to read his comic books, but I can't. Comic books hurt my eyes. We also go birdwatching. I don't have any hobbies for him to pick up aside from cooking, which he hates. But he likes eating so it works out.

    By the way, I've decided to subscribe to two food magazines, one vegetarian and another more regular kind. Does anyone have any recommendations?

By patrick on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 05:32 pm:

    Food and Wine has great recipes and you can learn a bit about wine too.

By kazu on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 05:40 pm:

    That's the one I was thinking about.

By sarah on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 06:21 pm:

    my new friend Jay who is a former gourmet chef from SF subscribes to and swears by Food and Wine.

By sarah on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 06:22 pm:

    and fwis, nate calls Cooking Light an ass magazine.

    my sister loves Bon Appetite.

By Nate on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 07:21 pm:

    cooking light is ass.

    food and wine is good.

    go on epicurious and start browsing around and see where the sources of the recipies you think are interesting are.

    and i can't believe you picked alabama over stanford. i mean, you were right, but really.

    if xavier can beat texas xavier is going to beat duke.

    i have spoken.

By Antigone on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 08:47 pm:

    I am so farting up a shitstorm today.

    Happy birthday!

By sarah on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 12:50 pm:

    okay, here's my new sweet 16 bracket:

    St Louis
    UAB over Kansas
    GT over Nevada (this was a tough one though)
    GT over UAB

    Duke over Illinois
    Xavier over Texas
    Xavier over Duke (i'm going w/ nate's prediction)

    East Ruth
    St Joe over Wake Forest
    OSU over Pittsburgh
    OSU over St. Joe

    Alabama over Syracuse
    UConn over Vandy
    UConn over Alabama

    Xavier over GT
    UConn over OSU

    i just can't decide, but i'm leaning toward UConn

By patrick on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 01:25 pm:

    isnt that shit over with yet? god damn.

By sarah on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 03:19 pm:

    btw nate, why do you think xavier can beat duke if they beat texas?

    texas hasn't been all that great this year. esp in the last third of the season, their playing was terribly erratic.

By Nate on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 03:58 pm:

    texas beat UNC. i don't know, the whole tourney's been fucked up.

    i don't think st. joe is going to beat wake. and i want the orangemen to beat the crimson tide. mostly because i fucking hate steely dan.

    who knows.

By Dougie on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 06:33 pm:

    What's wrong with Steely Dan? Learn to work the saxomophone, baby.

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 02:12 am:

    I want UConn to win.

    Or maybe I just want Duke to lose.

By dave. on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:27 am:

    lose what? hope?

    are they bad people? inferior? are they enemies or something?

By sarah on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:31 am:

    wow, my sweet 16 bracket is perfect so far.

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:37 am:

    but Xavier didn't win. :(

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:44 am:

    I want the Duke basketball to lose all sense of hope and well-being in the world.

    Aside from Kentucky, I have a very chick-like way of choosing which teams to hate. With my luck, the only job offers I will get will be from Kentucky, MSU, and Duke...I can think of worse things though. Maybe I should start hating all the west coast schools.

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:46 am:

    Yeah so all the balls should lose hope, the team can just lose the game.

    why can't I type? why? WHY?

By sarah on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 01:34 pm:


By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 02:09 pm:

    at one pointed I wanted a certain ballz to lose all sense of hope and well-being in the world.

By H.W. on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 02:44 pm:

    kazu, go back to bed.

By dave. on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:08 pm:


By Harvey on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:41 pm:

    yes, mr. dave., hello! how are you?

By sarah on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 04:08 pm:

    chocolate chocolate chocolate. everywhere is chocolate. my mind is full of thoughts of chocolate. my thighs are filling up with it too.

    i woke up and, after fighting the nausea for two hours, gave up and puked. puked up nothing, having not eaten dinner the night before. well, i had dinner, but it consister of two margaritas and half a chocolate bar. i'm hoping that's why i puked.

    my sister has a friend who was on the patch, and now her friend's baby is due in may...

    why is it when you finally get settled into a good relationship, one of two things happen? either they freak out and ruin things, or they break up with you, or suddenly there are like a thousand good looking, elligible, interesting men coming around vying for your attention? it's weird.

    while my relationship with senor isn't perfect obviously, it certainly is by far the nicest, easiest one i've ever been in. but things have cooled off considerably. i'm trying to figure out how much cooling off is normal and where is the line between cool and cold. ever since his freak-out, i've been a lot less enthusiastic about the relationship in general, even though i still enjoy spending time with him. but then again, i always did, even when we were friends.

    since senor's freak-out, i've begun to struggle a bit with my own doubts, but i'm sharing them with him, not yet. i'm still digesting these thoughts, weighing them, considering them, giving them time to fully reveal themselves to me for what they truly are.

    mostly it's my incredulousness over his not being sure about us. i could understand if it's just an issue of time, not feeling like he knows me well enough. but it's like, you know, dave's a great guy, a really really great guy, and i feel lucky to have scored such a genuinely nice guy. but on the other hand, i'm like, hell, i'm the best girl he's ever had, and i certainly wouldn't be the last girl he'll ever have if we do break up, but i maybe immodestly believe that he couldn't do much better than me.

    and i'm not sure i could do better than him.

    you make lists. here are the things that are great. here are the things that are not great. are the not great things important? are they worth putting aside to keep the things that are great?

    it sucks because before the freak-out, i didn't have these doubts. i had eyes for nobody but dave. i would have happily gone on in bliss. now i consider my options. and there are a LOT of other options. but are any of those options any better?

    i'm thinking that it's just a matter of time before this underlying issue resolves itself one way or another. i don't feel like i need to actively do anything to solve a problem i can't entirely define anyway. i'm just going to sort of sit back for a while and enjoy what there is to enjoy and not wade in any deeper.

By dave. on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 07:14 pm:

    i think it's better to be cool. do all women overthink things to death like that?

    harvey, i had no idea.

By Harvey on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 10:28 pm:

    Neither did I.

By sarah on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:19 am:

    he started it.

By kazu on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:23 am:

    I overthink just about everything. I didn't with Sem though, but only because I didn't have to.

By dave. on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 04:55 pm:

    i forgot to mention how much it pleases me that the senor ballz handle has taken root.

By sarah on Thursday, April 1, 2004 - 04:13 pm:

    today is our five month anniversary. he actually has somewhat of a date night planned.

By kazu on Thursday, April 1, 2004 - 10:06 pm:

    how sweet! (and I think it says something).

By kazu on Thursday, April 1, 2004 - 10:43 pm:

    Speaking of getting excited about things in one's life changinge due to the influence of a significant other.


    I saw Hellboy on the local theatre marquee and smiled. Then I saw a commercial just a few minutes ago and got super excited. Why? WHY? WHY!?!?!

    goddamn boys

By sarah on Friday, April 2, 2004 - 04:16 pm:

    what *is* the deal with that movie? it's like already a cult classic or something.

By sarah on Friday, April 2, 2004 - 04:22 pm:

    things went awry last night. we ended up out with friends, and at the end of the night i got a little inappropriately upset by excusing myself to the ladies room and being in there WAY too long. i couldn't help it - i didn't want to cry in front of everyone. and normally i'm not that type. the type to freak out in public and go pout in the ladies room. i hate it when people do that, so i was embarrassed. but i was upset because senor decided he wanted to go over to someone's house and meet up with more folks after our night out with friends, rather than wanting to come home with me. which normally wouldn't upset me, but we haven't seen each other in 5 days and haven't spent any quality time together in over a week.

    so i wrote him a long email. it was a calm and sweet and tender email, but it also spelled out exactly what i've been upset about and i asked for what i need from from him in the relationship.

    he emailed me back, but i'm too nervous to read it. i should just get it over with so i can get some work done.

    it's raining like mad right now. suppose to keep raining all weekend.

By patrick on Friday, April 2, 2004 - 04:37 pm:

    yes. read it and report back to us promptly.

    in the meantime, I'll be here looking at work safe porn.

By kazu on Friday, April 2, 2004 - 05:44 pm:

    yes. read. report.

    And don't worry about what happened. I would've done the same thing in that situation.

By sarah on Friday, April 2, 2004 - 06:37 pm:

    i wanted to add that i had one glass of wine last night and i wasn't even close to tipsy or drunk when i got upset. just for the record.

    anyway, his email wasn't that bad. he was very sweet and compassionate (because that's just how he is) and said he was very surprised to learn i was feeling that way, but glad i told him how i was feeling.

    on the other hand, he totally missed my point and wrote back focusing on one little thing i said in passing. so i wrote back and told him i agreed and that he was fair and right in saying what he said. but then i reiterated the two issues that i am upset/concerned about how he could go about preventing that from happening with very little effort on his part.

    the good news is that he made it clear to me that he wants to spend as much time with me as possible this weekend.

    it's weird though. before the freak-out none of this was ever in question. we always just did things together and had fun and that was that. it used to be easy and now it's just so much work. i told him that too, and that i was frustrated that we can't seem to get back to that place, even though he told me that's what he wants.

    whatever, i'm rambling. i'm tired and ready to home. it's been a long week. hope y'all have a great weekend.