it's so fucking gay. Are there any news?: it's so fucking gay.
By wisper on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 07:13 pm:

    Do they run bus tours through this place?
    Next they're going to build a moat around the county line to keep the damn fags and negros out.
    Ma, hand me my shotgun.


    DAYTON, Tenn. - The county that was the site of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" over the teaching of evolution is asking lawmakers to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature.

    The Rhea County commissioners approved the request 8-0 Tuesday.

    Commissioner J.C. Fugate, who introduced the measure, also asked the county attorney to find a way to enact an ordinance banning homosexuals from living in the county.

    "We need to keep them out of here," Fugate said.

    The vote was denounced by Matt Nevels, president of the Chattanooga chapter of Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

    "That is the most farfetched idea put forth by any kind of public official," Nevels said. "I'm outraged."

    Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) struck down Texas' sodomy laws as a violation of adults' privacy.

    Rhea County is one of the most conservative counties in Tennessee. It holds an annual festival commemorating the 1925 trial at which John T. Scopes was convicted of teaching evolution. The verdict was thrown out on a technicality. The trial became the subject of the play and movie "Inherit the Wind."

    In 2002, a federal judge ruled unconstitutional the teaching of a Bible class in the public schools.

By dave. on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 07:45 pm:

    fuckin a. i reckon i'mo build me a wall around that there county and shoot anybody what tryin t leave it.

By wisper on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 01:51 am:

    Also, can someone please just tell me once and for all what the heck is wrong with swearing?
    Does it hurt anyone? Saying fuck, shit, etc.?
    I know it's not proper or formal but last time i checked tv shows were not trying for formal speech.

    I don't.... i can't..... wrap around it....yet...

    FCC hurt brain.

    I have never understood why you would try to keep children from hearing certain words, which they will end up hearing and/or using daily for the rest of their lives. Starting at about 3rd grade.
    Just teach them how to swear, and when not to swear, and you're done.

    It's like trying to keep them away from, i dunno, avocados. Only people over 18 can handle avocados!


    WASHINGTON - Federal regulators opened a new front in their crackdown on offensive broadcasts Thursday, saying that almost any use of the F-word on over-the-air radio and television would be considered indecent.

    The Federal Communications Commission overruled its staff and said an expletive uttered by rock singer Bono on NBC was both indecent and profane. It marked the first time that the FCC cited a four-letter word as profane; the commission previously equated profanity with language challenging God's divinity.

    The FCC on Thursday also proposed maximum fines for the broadcast of the Howard Stern radio show and for a program on two Florida radio stations owned by a Clear Channel Communications subsidiary.

    Commissioners said they did not propose a fine for Bono's expletive during the 2003 Golden Globe Awards because they had never before said that virtually any use of the F-word violated its rules. The FCC specifically rejected earlier findings that occasional use of the F-word was acceptable.

    "Given that today's decision clearly departs from past precedent in important ways, I could not support a fine retroactively against the parties," said FCC Chairman Michael Powell, who had asked his fellow commissioners to overturn the agency's enforcement bureau's finding.

    "Prospectively, parties are on notice that they could now face significant penalties for similar violations," Powell said.

    NBC issued a statement that said: "We believe the commission made the right decision in not fining us over the regrettable Bono incident. As we've previously said, Bono's utterance was unacceptable and we regret it happened."

    A publicist for U2 said Bono was in the studio in Ireland and was not immediately available for comment.

    But the decision was criticized by the Parents Television Council, a conservative advocacy group whose complaints led to the FCC's review.

    "Bono may have used the F-word as an adjective, but today's FCC ruling turned it into a verb directed at American families," council president L. Brent Bozell III said. He said the decision "does nothing to hold NBC accountable for this obvious breach of commonsense decency standards."

    The FCC received hundreds of complaints about the Golden Globes broadcast after Bono, the lead singer of the Irish rock group U2, said, "This is really, really, f------ brilliant." The enforcement bureau said last October that Bono's comment was not indecent or obscene because he did not use the word to describe a sexual act.

    To avoid a repeat incident, NBC aired this year's Golden Globes broadcast on a 10-second delay. ABC did the same with its telecast of the Academy Awards show.

    In another decision Thursday, the FCC proposed fining Infinity Broadcasting the maximum $27,500 for a Stern show broadcast July 26, 2001, on WKRK-FM in Detroit. The FCC received a complaint from a Detroit listener about a show that featured discussions about sexual practices and techniques.

    Infinity Broadcasting failed to immediately return a call seeking comment. The Center for Responsive Politics, a watchdog group, said fines against Stern accounted for almost half of the $4 million in penalties proposed by the FCC since 1990.

    The commission also affirmed a $7,000 fine for indecency first leveled in 2000 against Infinity station WLLD in Holmes Beach, Fla., for a live hip-hop concert featuring references to oral sex.

    The FCC also proposed fining a subsidiary of Clear Channel, the nation's largest radio station chain, the maximum $55,000 for a broadcast on two Florida radio stations, WAVW in Stuart and WCZR in Vero Beach, where the host conducted an interview with a couple allegedly having sex.

    Commissioners noted that they acted against Clear Channel on the complaint of a listener who did not have a transcript or tape, a departure from past practice. "Complaints should no longer be denied because of a lack of tape, transcript or significant excerpt," Commissioner Kevin Martin said.

    Commissioner Michael Copps dissented from the decision, saying the commission should have moved to revoke the stations' licenses. "The time has come for the commission to send a strong message that it is serious about enforcing the indecency laws of our country," he said.

    Clear Channel executive vice president Andrew Levin said, "We're as determined as ever to make sure that we don't have any violations in the future."

    Federal law bars radio stations and over-the-air television channels from airing references to sexual and excretory functions between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children may be tuning in. The rules do not apply to cable and satellite channels or satellite radio.

    The House earlier this month voted to increase the maximum fine for indecency to $500,000. Similar legislation is pending in the Senate.

By dave. on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 03:06 am:

    i can imagine being shot dead opposing this kind of shit.

    same with the tennessee county thing.

By TBone on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 11:51 am:

    I just don't know. How can people devote so much energy toward fighting the use of certain words?

By kazu on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 02:45 pm:

    Tennessee County Reverses Ban on Gays

    I don't intend on recinding my position that we should ban Tennessee counties.

    Why did they quote a twelve year old?

    Twelve-year-old Caitlin Kinney and others in a noisy crowd at the courthouse Thursday night were disappointed at the reversal.

    The seventh-grader said she doesn't want homosexuals in the community. "It's not a Christian thing," said Kinney, identifying herself as a Baptist.


    "I've never seen nothing like this," Fritts said at the historic courthouse where a jury 79 years ago convicted John Scopes for teaching evolution.

    Yall liss'n here. Ah is for certain that my use of the english language shows dat mah opinion is the moral an' intellectual s'perior of dah others. Ya reckon?

By patrick on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 02:52 pm:

    i listened to stern this morning.

    they played a tape of a clip from an Oprah Winfrey show in she and some hen discuss the "tossing the salad" and in which the euphamisism is explained in detail.

    does winfrey get fined? no. yet howard stern, 3 years ago, discusses something similar and gets fined.

    its fucking bullshit and i hope this backfires in Bush's face.

By Rowlfe on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 05:54 pm:

    are books (not porn, but you know regular books) watched the way radio and TV are in the US? I mean, any teenager can go and get some crappy romance novel talking about "manhood" going in and out of someones flowery vagina, but the suggestion of it on radio and TV draws so much outrage...

    I mean, I had a neighbor who had CHRISTIAN romance novels, and I leafed through these things and they still had graphic descriptions of sex (albeit with a mongomous married couple)...

    Its this weird standard that allows Bill O'Reilly to write a novel ("Those Who Trespass") with half the amount of "fuck"s as a Ludacris album and some sexual content and still feel justified in pointing the finger and telling others they're immoral...

By wisper on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 06:15 pm:

    "Why did they quote a twelve year old?"
    heh. So many hillarious answers.

    They say they just wanted to keep gay people from getting married and living there?
    Because you know, SO MANY gay couples are just DYING to move into that hotbed of culture and acceptance. There's a waiting list. I'm sure they come by the bus load.

    Rhea County- Honey, it's FABULOUS!

By wisper on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 07:05 pm:

    oh wait, i just remembered, these people VOTE.
    I'm sleeping good tonight.