G. Dub's 80th

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: G. Dub's 80th
By Wimp Patrol on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 10:22 am:

    It seems a bit ironic that George Bush Sr. now does a parachute jump for his 80th birthday celebration But
    Part of a continuing series of parachute jumps held over a period of years to commemorate his medal-winning parachute-assisted escape from a plane he was piloting over the Pacific during World War II sadly the rest of the crew of the plane, doomed and helpless without their pilot, spun into the sea and perished after their pilot, Lt. George H. W. Bush, son of then Sen. Prescott Bush (R-CT), parachuted to safety.
    He was picked up in the water, rescued and decorated for his "valor."

By semillama on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 11:14 am:

    What's shitty is that the 80 year old WWII vet Bush gets to jump out of a plane, but the actual paratrooper vets were not allowed to do so for the 60th anniversery of D-Day.