**bad, but then good again.**

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: **bad, but then good again.**
By wisper on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 04:21 am:

    I don't know how it works down in those zany states of yours, but up here, every year we have to go to the Ministry of Transportation and pay $75 to get a renewal sticker on our license plates.
    You have to do this on or before your birthday.
    My birthday is in April. So I've been driving illegally for 6 months now. I forgot.
    But a nice police officer reminded me last night at 4am when we were coming back from depositing rent checks. Reminded me to the tune of $110 dollars, in fact!
    So my sticker will be costing me $185 dollars this year. Sweet.
    I wasn't upset about the money, more about how
    1) six more months and I would have gotten away with it!
    2) I forgot something so basic, a tradition, if you will.
    3) No job.

    I really didn't know what I was going to do.
    Nearing 3 months without work is scary. I was approaching Ramen Noodle territory.

    I went in for a second interview at this place. While I was lamenting the ticket and license issue I noticed there was a Transportation office right across the street. Well, that was easy.
    I went to the mall. Oh good, the popcorn stand is hiring. Yippee! This is what things come down to since I'm broke and would rather turn tricks then work in an office ever again. Seriously.
    I'm not going to be one of those people that laments about not being able to find a good job despite having a degree. I need to eat, so I'll work in a popcorn stand.

    Before scrounging my pockets and car for change to buy some fries, I called Rowlf.
    The interviewer called back and I have to call them. So I did.
    I work for a charity now!!
    I always wished that if I couldn't get an art job at any time, I'd want to work for a charity. And now I do! Just like the bleeding heart liberal I am. At a huge charity store, lovingly sorting through donations.
    I'll only be getting $8/hour to start, but for some reason they seem intent on showering benefits on their workers. When I read the list to my father over the phone, he referred to it as a "goddamn socialist dream".
    Not only do they have a bitchin' dental and drug plan, I also get an RRSP (401-K), a minimum $100 bonus at x-mas, paid sick leave and vacation, my birthday off (so I can go get that license renewal heh), and the knowledge that much of the profit the store makes goes right back to charities, and anything they don't sell gets sent to 3rd world countries.
    I can't shut up about it. The idea of getting money from a worthy cause is something new to me.

    I don't work for evil anymore. I don't work in a fancy landfill anymore!
    Quite the opposite.

By dave. on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 04:30 am:

    rock out, wisper.

    i wanna be canadian.

    america stinks.

By Rowlfe on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 05:31 am:

    I'm still waiting for someone/anyone who threatens to move to Canada if ____________ wins the election to actually go through with it.

By semillama on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 10:23 am:

    Well, my coworker is moving to Canada before the election, but he's Canadian in the first place.

    I don't suppose that counts.

By Antigone on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 11:55 am:

    Some friends of mine are moving to Australia. Does that count?

By Nate on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:16 pm:

    we renew based on the month printed on our license plate, and it costs more. i think. maybe it depends on how sweet your ride is.

    but my big question-- i thought canada was already socialist? what's the deal with the dental and prescription benefits? i thought your government provided for its people?

By Rowlfe on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:39 pm:

    it doesnt include dental. I'm not sure the exact perscription details.

By patrick on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:50 pm:

    CA is considerably more for sure.

    One of the most expensive states to register in as I understand.

By wisper on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 05:46 pm:

    Our country doth provide for us amply, Natey.
    But healthcare doesn't cover basic dental, prescription drugs (given outside a hospital) or glasses.
    It also doesn't cover cosmetic surgery. That's about it.

    We must pay for our own prescriptions, however all drug prices are government subsidized and have price caps on them. The government controls how much they cost.
    60 Minutes told me that Rx drugs in canada cost at least 1/2 as much as identical products in the USA, if not less.
    It's becoming somewhat of a huge problem for american drug retailers... see?

    They're trying to cut down on USA people crossing the border to get their prescriptions filled here by saying that canadian drugs are "risky" and "not up to the same standards as american drugs". This is because we have notoriously HIGHER STANDARDS than the FDA.
    And besides, all name-brand drugs are made in the same factories overseas. If you buy a box of Tylenol here, it's exactly the same as Tylenol there. We just pay 1/2 as much for it.
    Oh, those sketchy canadian drugs. It's so absurd.

By Rowlfe on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 10:51 pm:

    We have higher standards for a lot of things.

    I wonder how many Americans realize whats in their milk.

By Platypus on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 11:44 pm:

    Registration cost depends on the bluebook of your wheels, I believe.

    But it's still pretty expensive.

    Last year after we elected Ahnold I got some dinero back from my registration and got pad thai with it. Children don't need textbooks.

    And congratulations wisper.

    Rowlfe--I don't think most do. I interviewed yesterday to become an ice-cream maker and we had a very interesting conversation about the american ice-cream industry.

By wisper on Friday, September 3, 2004 - 03:55 am:

    thanks Platy and everybody!
    You want to be an ice cream maker? that's neat.

    here it's $75 flat for your car, and $75 every 5 years to renew your drivers licence.
    And $35 every 2 years for mandatory emission testing.

By semillama on Friday, September 3, 2004 - 10:46 am:

    My favorite ice cream shop here has a section where you can go and eat your ice cream and watch them make it. They use the old-fashioned "French Pot" technique, and a finer ice cream you will not find.