laura bush driving record "Laura Welch Bush, driving east on Farm Road 868, was approaching the only highway in town on a clear night with a bright moon. She lived only a couple of miles away and had been through this particular intersection hundreds of times in the years her family had lived in Midland, Texas. On her left Laura Bush could see her boyfriend’s car approaching the intersection for the entire time he turned off of Solomon Lane, where he lived, and onto the highway. She knew it was her boyfriend’s car driving south, because of the unique headlight configuration of his 1962 Corvair Sedan. Laura Bush knew her boyfriend, she knew his home, and she knew his car--the headlights are low slung and a full 9-inches narrower than any other car on the road. The entire profile of the car is small and easy to distinguish anytime, day or night." INDICT LAURA BUSH! A premeditated, child torture butcher--who perpetrated her act during the commission of two other crimes--should not be permitted unsupervised access to the President of the United States. CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT THE LIES OF LAURA BUSH Laura Bush has spent a lifetime lying about deliberately murdering her boyfriend with malice aforethought. Laura’s Litany of Lies #1: Laura Bush for years insisted that she was not driving. No, Laura, we have the police report. Laura’s Litany of Lies #2: Laura Bush said that it was raining and slick. No, Laura, the weather was dry and clear. We have the police report. Laura’s Litany of Lies #3: Laura Bush said that her boyfriend was riding in an open jeep. No, Laura, it was a 1962 Corvair Sedan. We have the police report. Laura’s Litany of Lies #4: Laura Bush said that Michael Douglas was not her boyfriend. No, Laura, the District Attorney said that Michael Dutton Douglas was your boyfriend when he released the police report! Laura’s Litany of Lies #5: Laura Bush said that she did not know who her murder victim was until she got to the hospital. Michael Dutton Douglas’ father was following his car and was on the scene seconds after the “accident.” Laura Bush knew her boyfriend, she knew her boyfriend’s car, and she knew his father. Laura’s Litany of Lies #6: Laura Bush said that she was sorry. While she did stay home from school for several weeks, it certainly hasn’t kept her from any of the class reunions! Was it murdering her boyfriend, or claiming to be sorry, that made her The Perfect Wife? HEARD IN MIDLAND “Laura Bush thought that she was pregnant by her boyfriend Michael Dutton Douglas. When she told him, instead of agreeing to marry her, Douglas had instead broken up with her.” Perhaps she mulled over murder after reading this article in the local paper Laura Bush, Midland’s Emissary of Death, had the means, the opportunity, AND the motive! WE GET QUESTIONS Dear Justice for Michael: “What make you so sure it was murder?” Wondering Dear Wondering: When you are speeding and run a stop sign and someone in the other car is killed, that is an accident. When you are speeding and run a stop sign and that someone the other car is your boyfriend that is killed, that is not an accident. It is murder! Dear Justice for Michael: “Reader’s Digest (January 2004, pages 166-167) said that "Michael Douglas was only a good friend of Laura's, or ‘a boy in her crowd.’" Confused Dear Confused: The District Attorney of Midland, Texas, at the time he released the police report, said Michael Douglas was Laura’s BOYFRIEND. He did not say, "A boy in her crowd." And how about this revealing line from the spin doctors at Reader’s Digest, “Perhaps the local authorities regarded the whole episode the way Laura described it to me, as 'a tragic accident.'" Note that telling choice of the word “Perhaps.” They even hyphenated it, so it ran from one line to the next: Per – haps. Dear Justice for Michael: “The Republicans are always insisting that they are the “Rule Of Law Party,” yet I haven’t heard about the law being applied in this case. Also, they claim to be the “Right to Life Party,” yet nobody seems to care about Laura taking the life of her boyfriend. Just Asking Dear Just Asking: Republicans even say, “No child should be left behind,” unless of course it is Michael Dutton Douglas twitching in the dirt. As for the Republican Party’s claim to be the “Right to Life Party,” Michael Dutton Douglas would only have had such a “Right,” if he had been a fetus! The Republicans only care about the Rule of Law when it involves a Presidential cum stain. Republicans care nothing about the Rule of Law when it comes to a child’s blood stain. After all, what is a Republican, but a traitorous, cock-obsessed psychopath, specializing in being an apologist for their favorite child torture butcher, Laura “Threat to National Security” Bush. If George and Laura aren’t murdering children, they simply are not happy! |
"America’s Black Widow of the Night" |
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