A Chilling Message to American Voters

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: A Chilling Message to American Voters
By Concerned voter on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 09:10 pm:

    "It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the American armed forces would leave 50,000 of his citizens in the two towers to face these horrors alone," Bin Laden said. "It appeared to him [Mr Bush] that a little girl's talk about her goat and its ramming was more important than the planes and their ramming of the skyscrapers. That gave us three times the required time to carry out the operations, thank God." "It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the American armed forces would leave 50,000 of his citizens in the two towers to face these horrors alone," Bin Laden said. "It appeared to him [Mr Bush] that a little girl's talk about her goat and its ramming was more important than the planes and their ramming of the skyscrapers. That gave us three times the required time to carry out the operations, thank God."

    link to whole article: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia/story.jsp?story=577510

By semillama on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 10:29 am:


By wisper on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 06:31 pm:

    Little International House of Pancakes

By semillama on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 06:51 pm:

    What's really chilling is that Osama forgot Poland.

By wisper on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 10:07 pm:

    Rowlfe just told me what GOP stands for, since i've gone all these years not knowing.

    what the hell.

By Antigone on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 11:05 pm:

    Gitmo On Pot?

By Antigone on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 11:05 pm:

    Gelatinous Old Pimps?

By jack on Monday, November 1, 2004 - 11:22 pm:

    i just wonder what rowlfe told her.

    wisper, if the "P" stands for something other than "pancakes," he's just fucking with you.

By dave. on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:27 am:

    does everyone feel good about tomorrow?

    i've become such a political junkie, it's ridiculous. i'm all tense and taking it personally. so many people voting early in some places. day after day, they've been waiting in lines, sometimes for hours. i can't imagine everyone getting to vote if they didn't allow early voting in these places; if they all had to do it in one day. this is amazing.

    have i mentioned that i registered to vote and actually voted almost 2 weeks ago by absentee? i have to confess that it wasn't exactly a satisfying experience but i didn't really ever expect it to be. i still believe my one vote, especially here in washington, really doesn't matter. it's statistically insignificant. i just couldn't sit this one out.

By jack on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:38 am:

    you've never voted before?

By dave. on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:47 am:

    never ever.

By dave. on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:49 am:

    i never even voted for asb president.

By Antigone on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 02:05 am:

    Of course everyone's vote is statistically insignificant. By definition, d00d. Get over yourself.

    Everyone's vote COMBINED is not.

By dave. on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 02:23 am:

    well, duh. the point is, my warped perception of reality hasn't historically provided me with the appropriate amount of giving a shit. until now.

    i'm manifesting a large zit on my jowl.

By Platypus on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 02:42 am:

    Congratulations, Dave.

    I plan to get up early tomorrow and vote before I go in to the doctors.

    I'm nervous about this election. I allayed my fears for a good hour today making little graphs and charts to have up on the wall at my election party. I just want it to be decided tomorrow, not in courts months later like last time.

    Yes siree, this election will be interesting.

By RC on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 07:03 am:

    The recounts & challenges will be even more interesting!

    Get your popcorn early folks -- This go-round is gonna be the Show of Shows!

    And Congrats in Advance, Dave, on casting your first ballot in an election! :)

    Rock That Vote, Baby!

    - RC

By kazu on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 11:07 am:

    I skipped a shower so I could get to the polling place early. I feel crusty and it's super humid here. Waited an hour and a half. It wasn't bad and now I have a sticker:

    I'M A GEORGIA VOTER (on a picture of a peach...because you know, georgia peaches)

By jack on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 11:59 am:

    damn, dave.

    it's the end of an era.

    like, voting is for old people, man.
    you're old now.

By semillama on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 12:16 pm:

    Hour and a half wait at my place. I believe I was voter #155 at 9:15 when I cast my vote.

By lapis on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

    gonna go do the drop (we vote by mail here) as soon as the library opens.

By patrick on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:24 pm:

    "i'm manifesting a large zit on my jowl."

    you too?

    fuck man, i thought it was anxiety of clearing rent by $40, but maybe its the election!


    its a painful motherfucker too.

    and has 3 siblings in the same area. like all at once.

    i dont understand absentee for some people? how hard is it to go vote?

    After dropping shorty at daycare, i went to the church at the end of the block. Spent 5 minutes doing my business. No line. Thanked the old folks for their service. Left. Work on time. Easy peezy.

By patrick on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:28 pm:

    and the turn out....a good thing.

    voter turnout = bye bye incumbant. if more than 70% of the eligible populus voted assholes like Bush would never get elected.

By Platypus on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 01:47 pm:

    Dude, Kazu, you got a peach?! We just get "I Voted" stickers with an American flag.

    I pretty much rolled out of bed and down to the polling place. I was the only person under sixty in there, and there was no wait. Now I see why they didn't want me as a poll worker, I would have terrified everyone coming in to vote. Or something. Anyway.

    Yeah. I hate these optical scan things. I miss our punchcard ballots. These ballots, you fill out the bubbles, stick them in a machine that looks like a paper shredder, and buh-bye. No receipt. No nothing. Way to encourage me that my vote's going to get counted.

    I, too, have a manifestation of zits, and it's very annoying.

By Dougie on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 02:19 pm:

    I went at about 11:30 am, didn't wait at all, although it took a while to find which table had my name in the book. We have the little switch lever thingies here, and when you pull the handle back on the curtain to exit, it resets all the switches back. The other thing that's weird is they didn't check IDs -- I could have walked in later wearing a disguise, and said I was my neighbor, and voted, or read names off of the book they had you sign and come back later.

By Gee on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 03:18 pm:

    I did not vote at all, for anything, today!

By Platypus on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 04:06 pm:

    Yeah, they don't check id here either, I thought that was interesting.

    Also, while I was at the polling place, a man arrived and gave his name, and the election worker said "you are absentee."

    "Yeah, I never got it," he says.
    "Oh, ok," election official says, and hands him a ballot.

    Uhm...shouldn't that have at least been a provisional ballot or something?

By agatha on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 06:45 pm:

    Actually, you can tell them that you never got it or threw it out/ destroyed it, and they will let you go ahead and vote. I just found that out because I was vacillating between whether it's more secure to vote absentee or to vote in person. Although, the guy I talked to recommended that in his opinion it was most secure to vote absentee and then turn the ballot in at the voting place, which is what I did.

    Oh, and ask Dave what kind of fresh hell he put me through with voting this year. Jerkface.

    (I'm proud of him.)

By semillama on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 07:30 pm:

    What kind of fresh hell did you put Agatha through with voting this year, dave.?

By wisper on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 - 09:02 pm:

    i hear you, dave. I voted for the first time these past 2 elections.
    And that was only because of the gay marriage issue, and when that gets cleared up i wonder if anything else will move me to vote again.

    Of course we have slightly less pressing issues to worry about than you folks.

    Tell us of the fresh hell!!

By Dodi on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 - 02:21 am:

    GO BUSH!!

By Gee on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 - 10:57 am:

    I'm so tired of only getting stale hell all the time.

By Dodi on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 - 01:23 pm:

    GO BUSH!!