In the end i got my DriveClean test done and passed, all it needed was a tune up. Credit card maxed on car repairs, just enough left to pay the rent for one month. Then i got fired. They were nice about it (like they are with everything) I just couldn't cut it in an assembly line environment. And sorting the donated clothes for charity was just gross, even on the best days. And i got a 1 weeek severance pay, and that's friggen unheard of in that industry. I wasn't fast enough. I hated my co workers more than i care to talk about. This was all last week. I liked working for charity though, in theory. Last night i was speeding down the highway when i discovered my brakes are not working properly. They are doing strange things. I will have to take the car back to the shop. When i have money. Which is..... I've got a package for Spider, can't afford to send it anymore. I can't figure out if this is the beginning, middle, or end of the worst year of my life so far. It's my birthday on saturday. And you? |
my back hurts, my stomach hurts, and I am too far beyond bored to ever come back again. |
I'm sorry to hear that things are shit. Cars are a spectacular money drain. Be careful with those brakes. Good luck with the work. I saw one of my younger brothers over the weekend. He made me feel like such a slacker. He's started rock climbing and is really positive about his choice of study at the University. I, on the other hand, am having a hell of a time getting myself to work out even semi-regularly and dispair of ever experiencing job satisfaction. I'm still working my way through the original Star Trek episodes, which is highly entertaining. |
my best friend is getting shipped to Iraq in 15 days. |
Will send it soon. |
Pretty assy over in these parts too. |
joy-seeing the girl's face when i wheeled in her retro red radio flyer trike for her birthday. i was delighted as it was totally affordable. joy-learning i will be getting a couple grand back in taxes that will fund my divorce and necessary car repairs. my car is running hot and summer is approaching, this must be dealt with. my brakes also need some love too. please tell me when kazu goes to iraq, she will have a weapon? like chinese stars or numchuks or something. |
joy-seeing the girl's face when i wheeled in her retro red radio flyer trike for her birthday. i was delighted as it was totally affordable. joy-learning i will be getting a couple grand back in taxes that will fund my divorce and necessary car repairs. my car is running hot and summer is approaching, this must be dealt with. my brakes also need some love too. please tell me when kazu goes to iraq, she will have a weapon? like chinese stars or numchuks or something. |
the one who is going to iraq, his wife just had a baby *i'm not the other one |
I went to the crazy Z-name man to get my breaks fixed today. He gave me a great deal since he felt real bad for me. On the way home i was singing and glad it was all finally over. Then my RPM thing shot to zero and i had to coast on to the shoulder of the VERY BUSY highway and come to grips that some or all of my engine has died. On the way home from the fucking mechanic. It won't start. They think it's the fuel pump now. Or whatever. I may have to put the car in storage until i can afford for someone to even look at it. If room mate Dave didn't have CAA Gold (AAA for you guys) I'd still be stuck out on the highway right now. Well, my breaks work anyway! Feel free to laugh, the tow-truck driver sure did when i told him the whole sordid tale. And March is finally over as of 45 minutes ago. I so need April to be better, I'm so fucked right now I'm beyond tears and sadness. |
i wrecked my car a couple weeks ago. working on getting the truck running. i have the carburetor, just need to bolt it on. olympia buses suck. behold the parade of lowlifes. being without a car, i've been doing a combo bike/bus thing until last friday, when some fuckstain stole my bike at the grocery store. i hate people. bring on the extinction level event. |
I've got a giant Toblerone to comfort me, it was 75% off due to easter being over. |
It's that or silver bullets, I think. May bike thieves get their nutsacks caught in the derailer. |
Maybe it will captivate the nation. "Front passenger seat from 1993 Ford Escort--with Virgin Mary imprinted on the back!" |
i get my tax return filed. i have over a grand coming to me. with it i intend to do some car work. mainly the brakes. if they could just hold on another two weeks. but no. they can't. they grind this morning. i had a meeting with a prominent a-list photographer this morning too. but he's on the other side of town. can't risk it. i find myself going the way of dave. how do you do it man? how do you keep sane? i work 7 days a week. i live with extreme modesty. i've shaved expenses every way you can imagine. so why must i be in a position to juggle daycare or carwork? why? gas prices are kicking me in the dick. We pay $2.50/gallon here. I pay over $1000 for an apartment plus a couple hundred in utilities each month. I'm going the way of dave. if only i knew how to put on brake pads myself. |
patrick, one thing for sure, it doesn't fucking stop for anything. my recommendation to you re- the brakes, get a loaded caliper rather than just the pads. i don't know how old your car is but every time i've tried to replace just the pads, when i go to compress the piston, it's frozen and i end up having to buy a caliper. so i've learned to just buy a loaded caliper and it's just 2 bolts and the banjo bolt for the brake hose, a little fluid bleeding (if you do it fast enough, you don't have to bleed the whole system -- just watch that the brake fluid reservoir doesn't completely drain), and you're on your way. also, leave one side fully intact so you have a reference on what it's supposed to look like when it's put back together. also also, buy a quart of brake fluid, 2 or 3 cans of brake parts cleaner, and one of those one-man bleeder hose thingys. douche all the parts with the brake cleaner before you even touch it, and after it's all put back together. i just did one last night. |
it's 93 cents a litre, the highest I've ever seen. Last year it was 60-something cents. moonit, however, is paying $4.18 a gallon, so we should all just shut up. |
we've always had cheaper gas in the states. i don't subscribe to the idea that we should be entitled to cheaper gas. He consume and pollute at such a high rate, perhaps we should pay a lot more. its the growing pains that hurt. moreover, there are all kinds of other economic conditions. im giving serious thought, as is my daughters mother, to ditching this land of CA. We're both struggling for what? Neither of us would leave the state without the other because to not be present for our daughter is just not an option. We've considered going back to NC, where our respective parents live an hour away. Its something that could happen in the next year as the economy continues to suck a fat one. The cost of real estate in southern california alone is absolutely staggering and unrealistic and will surely be a large factor in some sort of recession. Its just that out of control. Ive been reading statistics all morning. Middle class American workers are less and less able to afford the basic costs of living and yet the American work is more skilled and educated than in previous generations. |
out of curiosity, i did a search on Workbook dot come (the mainstay of the advertising industry and photographers) and there are 26 photographers registered in the Raleigh/Chapel Hill area. In Los Angeles, the search yields over 1400. There is opportunity, I think. I need to stop thinking about it though and just figure out how fast I can get my fucking brakes fixed. |
Adjusted for inflation, the highest national average gas price was $3 in 1981. |
Cost of living in So Cali sucks stinky ass, I comiserate, especially if you are only paying $1000 in rent. I can only imagine how much you have cut back. My cousin out there is paying $1250 for a two bedroom in Gardena for chrissakes. They have money (in comparison to us) and are talking about buying our house (and then we make the payment to them) out here cuz it is so much cheaper. Having lived there for so long I can understand the idea of leaving. I have no idea what NC is like, but out here we are paying $735 a month for a 3 bedroom flat with over 1300 sq. ft. Our gas is currently $2.09 9. Our utilities run about $400 a month, but that includes cable and internet and phone and water and trash and electricity, etc. We haven't cut back that much to be honest. Whatever you decide, good luck. Sorry I am too far away to show you the brakes. |