the new and improved tom? Are there any news?: the new and improved tom?
By spiracle on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 01:43 pm:

    this just bugs me for some reason..

    but i think mr. cruise needs to go back on his "mind altering" medication and save us from his antics..

By J on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 01:45 pm:

    He acts like he's smoking crack,did ya see him on Ophra? Really wierd and just a tad desperate.

By spiracle on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 01:56 pm:

    i have this theory that he's always had ADD and scientology made him go off his meds..

    i think this theory explains the oprah incident..

    crack or ritalin..could be either one

By wisper on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 05:14 pm:

    i gotta see this Oprah clip, I've heard so much about it.
    What does he say? what was he like?

By J on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 07:04 pm:

By agatha on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 08:21 pm:

    He is SO insane now! I saw another interview where he was talking about scientology the whole time, and explaining why he felt okay about promoting his fabulous "religion" to just about anyone at all.

    It gave me the chills.

By heather on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 10:09 pm:

    okay, this is weird

    i hadn't heard of any of this [till now] and i just a couple of days
    ago had a dream where tom cruise called me and was going on
    about how he mocked people in a tom cruise chatroom and i
    was like.... whatever. and i hung up on him.

By spiracle on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 11:15 pm:

    thanks for the clip, J. I hadn't seen the whole's soooo much better with the song track..

    i don't by the whole "i have a moving comming out.." thing because i've never had anything against tom cruise..but i now have no desire to see any of his movies ever again..

    i just think this is the REAL unmedicated tom..

    oprah looked scared...afterwards she was probably saying, "what the HELL was that all about...FREAK"

By Antigone on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 11:38 pm:

    Nah. It's the movie thing. Tom Cruise has "War of the Worlds," Katie Holms has "Batman Begins," Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have "Mr and Mrs Smith." They're all riding the relationship rumor wave to hype their movies.

By spiracle on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 12:17 am:

    whatching the holmes on dave...and..i'm convinced..they are creepily made for each other..

    both melodramatic weirdos..