Delay indicted! Are there any news?: Delay indicted!
By semillama on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 04:39 pm:

    Finally happening, folks. What Pelosi just described as the "Culture of Corruption" is getting its seedy underbelly exposed.

    Of course, the prosector who brought the indictment is being attacked for being a partisan, but the guy's record shows he's indicted more democrats than republicans.

    Delay claims this is an act of retribution. Since retribution means "severe and deserved punishment" I tend to agree.

By Rowlfe on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 05:54 pm:

By Rowlfe on Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 03:33 am:

    just wanted to put this link in here somewhere. someone took a bunch of songs and edited Bush in so he's singing. Surprisingly its actually quite entertaining