Drunken Rambling Blowout II

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: Drunken Rambling Blowout II
By Midana on Thursday, December 9, 2010 - 11:29 am:

    the first part "blowout" almost take me forever for the pages to load.

    Woke up this morning finding the weather still cold, had a little trouble breathing and my kidney acting up.

    Applied a lip gloss said hello to my dogs. Dammit! can't find my straw so I can drink without smearing the glass.

By la on Thursday, December 9, 2010 - 01:53 pm:

    two cups of coffee talking about crocheted taxidermy feed the kitties pet the kitty pilates kitty pet the kitty turkey leg fashion knitwear for conjoined twins bad banana good banana tea?

By Dr Pepper on Friday, December 10, 2010 - 01:42 am:

    two cups of Mr Pibb talking about registered at county governement took dogs out cussed at the cat couch potato dogs cover them with blankets put a snow caps on them dogs dammit brownie Mr pibb?

By ... on Friday, December 10, 2010 - 04:56 am:

    i'm gettin my mojo back. monday was the first good day i've had since 11-14. i am kicking off and/or disconnecting all my now-and-again hosting customers (most of whom who never paid me anyway) and all my server space will be mine mine mine once again. i had Florida real estate problems and a head full of bad steroids the week of the blowout. i was incoherent and not safe alone, but i guess it's hokay now. closing down that 9-year-old server as we speak. getting on with things. feeling good again. it's four o clock in the morning, dammit, i'm sleeping with myself again, i'm a butterfly, and a butterfly is free to fly, here comes sister christian on the infinitely commercialless wcbs-hd2 radio.

By Antigone on Friday, December 10, 2010 - 05:24 pm:


By J on Saturday, December 11, 2010 - 01:41 am:

    RIGHT ON!!!!

By Daniel on Sunday, December 12, 2010 - 09:18 pm:

    Sorabji challenge: Nake it through til Jan 1.

By moonit on Sunday, December 12, 2010 - 11:31 pm:


    Tiggy I am going to buy magnesium this weekend.

By Antigone on Sunday, December 12, 2010 - 11:44 pm:

    Kewl. Avoid oxide. Get chloride, ororate, malate, or citrate.
    (in order of preference)

By ... on Monday, December 13, 2010 - 02:05 am:

    i am gorging on vitamin D these days, having seen virtually no daylight for 2 months. awake till 6am, sleep till 2 or 3pm. breakfast at 5pm, dinner at 4am. by the time i look out the window it is already dark. just like the old days. good times.

By Antigone on Monday, December 13, 2010 - 02:11 am:

By semillama on Monday, December 13, 2010 - 02:00 pm:

    Dude, I hate to rain on your parade, but I peruse that website, and that Knox person is a quack. She's a supporter of Mercola, Weston Price and I even found some anti-vaccination propaganda there. So I think that I would have to go with actual science-based medicine on this type of stuff.

By Antigone on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 - 12:22 am:

    Yeah, I saw the vaccination stuff on the site a while ago. It's
    dissappointing, for sure, but it doesn't mean she's wrong on



    Vitamin D has co-factors that the body needs in order to
    utilize vitamin D properly. They are:

    vitamin K2
    a tiny amount of vitamin A

    Magnesium is the most important of these co-factors. In fact,
    it is common for rising vitamin D levels to exacerbate an
    underlying magnesium deficiency. If one is having problems
    supplementing with vitamin D, a magnesium deficiency could
    be the reason why.

By semillama on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 - 01:50 pm:

    It may not mean she's wrong on everything, but it sure makes her information suspect. Seems to me like they're just trying to get you to buy supplements, when it's not all that hard to get your RDA of magnesium from whole foods.

By Antigone on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - 12:52 pm:

    The problem is that the RDA is not enough. And I don't buy
    the "they just want you to buy stuff" argument for magnesium.
    literally dirt cheap, and it's available from everybody. As for
    food sources, it's difficult to get even the RDA that way
    unless you like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, or almonds.
    (and even then it's not sure, as the mag content of the food
    depends on the mag content of the soil it was grown in,
    which is not supported by modern fertilizers.) That said I eat
    about a fistfull of all three each day. :)

    Some transdermal options for getting magnesium aren't
    cheap as far as up front costs, but it lasts a long time. I
    bought a 2 quart bottle of magnesium water (MgCl) for $60,
    but at the rate I'm using it should last about two years. You
    can also use epsom salt for baths to get mag through the
    skin, and that's really cheap, and available everywhere.

By Daniel on Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 11:46 am:

    Endocrinologist suggested D after blood tests confirmed deficiency; chiropractor recommended magnesium after applied kinesiology testing; at nearly 60, I get sunshine but the D is not a bioavailable as when younger (old farts can't get even half of their B vitamins from food and must rely on synthetics in order for proper absorption to occur...) so it's a prescription D I take for most of the shit on the shelves is worthless. Get a script for D, and magnesium, then you'll know what you're getting if the pharmacy is legit (and i don't mean Walgreen's or some grocery store's pharma.) And you know I don't support Big Pharma, but i do support good quality nutriceuticals. Rexall in Canada is a good source in general.

    But then Sem does not agree that most archeologists have been fed a myth from their textbooks and cannot see the actual facts of history in the dirt. Not meaning to revive the Barry Fells (?) controversy again.

    How the hell is everyone anyway? I'm gonna go the way of droopy soon I think and drop out for a longer while.

By M on Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 02:26 am:

    So, I am glad that Mark's website is back again for the second time.. what does he mean " Sorabji.com just blewup on November 14?".
    Nothing is new.

    I was relieved when we just got our Christmas bonus yesterday, and had to pay two different bills. If this is not for Christmas bonus, I am screwed.

    I looks forward trying to be better next year, and going to seek a therapist, hopefully if I have enough money.

By M on Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 02:29 am:

    Daniel, ever heard of Acai berry? I'd like to hear this from everybody, cause, I needs to "Flatten out" my belly........

By wisper on Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 08:10 pm:

    Acai is fucking delicious. Like a combination of
    grape and blueberry.

    (*and they're not berries. They're a drupe, like
    peaches or cherries.)

By M on Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 10:26 pm:

    How interesting.

By Daniel on Thursday, December 23, 2010 - 02:18 pm:

    Like a droop? we should put a missing persons buletin out, that is, if we are sure that said missing person is actually , well missing, or a person. He could be a peach, a cherry, or a droop, right?

    How are you Wisper?

By wisper on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 08:36 am:

    Honestly? bad.

    I've determined that it's probably therapy time.
    But being as i have no money, I'm most likely going
    to have to wait a while. This is not good.

By M on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 01:04 pm:

    What do you mean "This is not good"?

By Daniel on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 02:46 pm:

    wisper, I do online coaching thru skype or adobe format. If you've got a connection, you don't need much money to get some good orderly direction. Seriously. Email me, hang in there.

    thought I would post my holiday gift to you all....this is as good a place as any other...

    here goes: Note please this is coming from a bad buddhist....

    (c) D Smith 1999

    "coming out of the darkness"

    An Effort to Comprehend
    The Twelve Days of Christmas

    D. L. Smith

    So, we have survived the gift selecting or making or buying frenzies, the gift wrapping, and the gift giving of the season…and rested and ate too much on the Child of Wonder Day (at least we hope so). Though this may be the busiest time of year for certain members of the culture, we ought to pause to reflect.

    First, Christmas Day. Perhaps you put to good use those skills you've learned over the past few months. Success? Failure?

    Even if Christmas has lost its meaning for you…this time that follows Christmas can provide a means to search for meaning and purpose. At least it used to in many cultures including those transplanted here in the Novus Ordum Secularum; does it for you? Take it a day at a time…

    Day 1 -- Boxing Day or St. Stephens' Day:
    What does service mean to me?
    How does the holiday provide an opportunity to serve others?
    How can I honor the male, masculine, or father within me?
    Honor the fathers (?)

    Day 2 -- Mother's Day or St. John's Day
    How do I nurture myself, provide for and protect all of creation?
    How can I honor the female, feminine, or mother within me?
    Honor the mothers (?)

    Day 3 -- Holy Innocents Day, or Childremass
    What did I like about, enjoy, dislike, or miss in my childhood?
    How has my childhood affected me?
    Honor the child within, and all children (?)

    Day 4 -- Feast of Fools
    How do I allow myself to be human with all its frailties and strengths?
    Do I have an acceptable way to let off steam, ventilate my anger, etc.?
    What prevents me from letting go and having some fun?
    Honor my weaknesses as well as my strengths (?)

    Day 5 -- Boar's Head Celebration
    How do I honor the Creator when am I connected to seasonal cycles, the animal world?
    Am I present in this moment of time, or dwell on past, fret over future?
    Honor time, passage, present, the now, all cycles (?)

    Day 6 -- Hogmany or New Year's Eve Day
    What unfinished business do I have?
    How can I best prepare for change?
    What hindrance from the past must I let go of in order to move forward?
    Honor your abilities to analyze the past and let it go (?)

    Day 7 -- Kalends
    Survey your resources, give thanks, and see how best to use them.
    Celebrate and honor your skills, accomplishments.
    Honor the plant world that nourishes us (?)

    Day 8 -- Snow Day
    How am I an individual? Celebrate my individuality.
    Consider what brings renewal to you as an individual?
    Honor how you melt into the stream of things, belong to the whole while maintaining your individuality (?)

    Day 9 -- Evergreen Day
    What is lasting, stable, faithful in your life?
    In what ways are you are awake and watching?
    Honor the comfort and convenience in your life; know these are temporary.

    Day 10 -- St. Distaff's Day or Rock Day
    How is your work honoring to others?
    Is your work as fulfilling as it might be; how to make it so?
    Honor your occupation, and those toiling with you (?)

    Day 11 -- Eve of Epiphany, Festival of the Three Kings
    What are the gifts of and to your self this year?
    Identify your needs, wants, and resolve to do whatever it takes.
    Honor your real needs (?)

    Day 12 -- Epiphany, Twelfth Night
    What are your dreams, your hopes?
    What's stopping you from making them a reality?
    Honor and celebrate all of life within the tradition of your choosing (?)

    (Dec 1999 Draft above, meant to enlarge to be a solstice, 12 day, etc. a coming out of the darkness meditation and workbook, now in press 2010.)

By Dr Pepper on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 05:16 pm:

    Daniel, are you a Canadian? Cause a day after Christmas, it is a Boxing Day, this does not mean there's a boxing match, It is like a bonus such like Christmas bonus for those who works for Canada government.

    I like to hear something from a buddhist, It is like a comedian who give you some inspiration that lifts burden off from your back.

By wisper on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 08:37 pm:

    that's not what boxing day is, Doc.
    Boxing day is the same as Black Friday in the usa.
    Mobbed sales.

    it's called boxing day because in old england the
    rich would box up their xmas dinner leftovers and
    unwanted gifts and give the boxes to the poor.

    Thank you, dan. I'll keep that in mind
    Thank you for real :)

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 12:46 am:

    Merry Christmas Sorabjites! and Happy Friggin New Year with love!

By Daniel on Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 02:06 pm:

    Actually the way I heard it was that the rich boxed up not only the leftovers but the unwanted gifts from the well intentioned, and sent them off to the servants of the household. I think, Wisper, that both versions are likely correct. Time changes things.

    I've used this meditation for a number of years, finally put it down in writing in 99, and have used it with my clients who are suffering from post holiday blues, wrong gift for the wrong person for the wrong reason remorse, and didn't see so and so and/or get/got fucked this holiday (or didn't) this year depressions... as a way to put the events into perspective. I found the information in Caitlin Matthews work on the winter solstice, book by that title.

    Not a Cannuck, Pepper: born free and poor in Appalachia, educumated and escaped to the Great Midwaste in the late drug infested 60's in some last ditch geographic cure-futile efforts to sober up--and now live (sober)in a little old three storey four bathroom log cabin with granite countertops, hot tub, and swimming pool, with cat Doggie and wifey CJ, in the middle of the beautifully snowfilled Ozark woods.

    Where there is a full six inches of snow for this here whitey tidey christmas. Been a practicing buddhist in my Hanes since Vietnam collapsed into communism. But not a good one.