The worse are over! Are there any news?: The worse are over!
By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - 01:54 pm:

    We just emerged from the worst blizzard in 40 years! We have accumlated about three feet of snow.
    Took me two hours to shovel the snow around the car.
    I was relieved when the work called me this morning that there will be no work. This is the first time I ever gotten a call from work! (Actually my supervisor called me.)

By heather on Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 06:07 am:

    The worse *are* over.

By ... on Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 06:55 am:

    i slipped on the ice and fell flat on my back yesterday. my possibly-concussioned head still hurts. my south-eastern rib cage aches. it is nothing a few beers won't numb, but today was a lot of bodily pain. full body thud onto pavement. i was recording the sound of my feet crushing the ice on the sidewalk and roadway. i am listening to the playback now. it sounds awesome. quadrophonic. well worth the busted rib cage.

By Dr Pepper on Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 12:19 pm:

    I take that, heather has a "personal issue" with me...

    Mark, I am sorry that you had a accident, ice is what we called a "culprit". Go see your doctor for medication.

By heather on Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 09:37 pm:

    I just like repeating some things. Don't take it personally.

By Daniel on Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 10:55 pm:

    I'd take bitter coffee and an expresso at 67 degree F...and Heather's this bone chilling gnarly cold damen-my-hot-tub-is-not-heating-properly-cold cold cold. Younger son said yesterday he was schucking oysters in the sunshine in Marin County... I turned up the heat on the remote control fireplace.

    But it is fun playing on ice with 4 wd.

By Dr Pepper on Friday, February 4, 2011 - 01:14 am:

    Hi Heather!!!

By Nelly on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 01:59 pm:

    well this is odd. i posted a possibly repetitive account of my slipping on the ice and discovering the wonders of aloe yesterday, but it's not showing up here. am i surprised...

By Daniel on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 03:06 pm:

    we should start a who are you---really---thread again, and see how far from truth we can get. I learned recently that it is illegal to post online under an assumed name in Australian law.

    I forgot who Nelley is. I admit it.

    And because I work for this outfit in Aussieland, I'm hoping they never inquire on my FB page as there is very little (A) of interest and (B) true.

    Though all of it is real. But then again, it is FB. So as Heather says, let's not cross contaminate. But a "who did you think you would be by now" thread has its appeal.

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 03:13 pm:

    Daniel, you're not from Autralia? I tho you're from Missouri..... or at least, Kansas?

By Daniel on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 03:38 pm:

    I am from New York, if that be where i was born and raised, upstate NY, at the edge of Appalachia, that economically (and morally) deprived geographic area that extends from the Applachian mountains through Pennsylvania into the southern tier of New york State. I live presently on Southwest Airlines and am home based in St Louis Mo in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains just south of the metro area where the meth labs are hidden in the woods. I have a private practice in StL, but teach and train throughout the country, and for several months have contracted with an Australian firm, and work where ever my laptop takes me.

    But of the simple sort, let's just say I'm a midwesterner. You is in Chicagoland, correctomundo? I did my undergrad at Valpo and my home airport (once i left the hills of NY) was OHare, which I shall endeavor to always always always avoid

    So yes, technically, I am not from Autralia or Austria, or even Australia, or Kansas, or Missouri.

    Mark, how do I start a new thread? I don't see a link.

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 07:33 pm:

    Daniel, ecuse my keyboard, it is hard to press "S" sometimes, I meant to say Australia, Yeah, I know meth lab is VERY COMMON, and I am not suprised, but I do get a cringe in my stomach often when I hears a news telling a story.
    So, what did you study at the univeristy in Valaprasio, Indiana? I am curious.
    Yup a hour west of Chicago, So, tell me what is with your I.P. pointed down at the middle of no where in Kansas? A Wizard of Oz? You out looking for Dorothy and her dog, Toto?

By ... on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 08:11 pm:

    click the "" link at the top left of the page.
    click on the forum to which you want to post a new thread.
    click the "say something" button at the bottom of the page.
    jeez, i hope that still works

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 09:45 pm:

    Ah.... Hi Mark.

By Hal on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 10:13 pm:


By Dr Pepper on Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 11:58 pm:

    Hal, My son and daughter did went to Great Falls, Montana.

By Daniel on Sunday, February 6, 2011 - 03:30 pm:

    It is.illegal to seek Dorothy. Unless seeking anxious dots in
    series of three, said search shall elude seekers of Dorothy.

By moonit on Sunday, February 6, 2011 - 04:33 pm:

    It was 35 degrees here yesterday. It burnt out my hangover and melted my icecream super fast. Before you ask Dr Pepper, I speak in celcius, centermetres and meters, grams and kilograms.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, February 6, 2011 - 04:40 pm:

    moonit, I speak in fahrenheit,inches,feet,ounces and pounds. Ha!

By wisper on Monday, February 7, 2011 - 03:51 pm:

    35 uuuuuugh.

    it's been around -19 these days, moonit ;)

By moonit on Monday, February 7, 2011 - 09:56 pm:

    yeah -19 my heatpump would not work and I would freeze. The doggies would not be happy either. Frozen boxerpop. Yesterday it rained like crazy, I got a migraine and headed home.

By sarah on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 10:23 am:

    during bath time last night-

    td1: mama can i see your butt.

    me: you want to see my butt???

    td1: yes. i *need* to see your butt.

    me: (stand up, turn around, pull up skirt)

    td1: WHOA! that is very big!!

By Dr Pepper on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 11:42 am:

    HA HA HA HA! How big is it?

By Dougie on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 01:43 pm:

    That's awesome sarah!

By heather on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 05:44 pm:

    Good job on the butts!

    (This is all a joke that you aren't going to get but I promise it is hilarious.)

By sarah on Thursday, February 10, 2011 - 12:13 pm:

    i am always up for a good butt joke.