Obama absolved him of the 'clean article' supposed racism charges long ago. I never thought Biden was a racist, he's just a goofball who makes Larry David-ish mistakes. He is definitely gaffe prone. Biden brings a lot to the table, but he's not without his own problems. McCain already has an ad out with Biden saying Obama was inexperienced and McCain is wonderful, of course - as if there wasnt an ad ready for everyone else, as if Romney (who I'd bet money will be McCains VP) never said a zillion times worse about McCain, and as if Hillary, hypothetical scandal free Edwards, Richardson, or Bayh, etc never said anything negative or did anything harmful. Anyways its clearly a 'balance the ticket' choice instead of a 'reinforce the theme' choice. |
"You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent" -speaking to a group of Indian-Americans "Better than anybody else. You don't know my state. My state is a slave state...My state is anything but a Northeast liberal state." -Fox News Interview, on his chances in the South during the election "There's less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African-American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with." -Biden on why District of Columbia schools are so wretched And of course the infamous "clean" quote: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” The Economist actually has a great discussion about how that quote is perhaps misinterpreted. |
At the very base level of dumbshit electability, Biden is one of those 'can go into a bar and look genuine' people that wears hairplugs and is loud and proud. Lets just say that if he was announced in say, May, he'd be a lot more of a concern than he is now. He's going straight into the convention with his chance to make his case, and if Mittens is the McCain VP, Biden will slaughter him in their debate, if not on actual points, at least in demeanor, much in the same way admittedly Cheney mopped up Edwards in 04. |
What did it for me was the Edwards adultery thing: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ari-melber/hannity-freaks-on-mccain_b_118805.html It was an opportunity for Democrats to lure in conservatives, laying down the great fresh meat of Edwards having an affair, then sucker punch them with McCain's own adultery. Now, with Biden, they can do the same thing over and over: Biden's gaffes: "Where the fuck have you been every time Bush speaks?" Biden's unpredictability: "You don't like mavericks? Isn't McCain supposed to be a maverick, you dipshit?" Biden's plagarism: "What was McCain doing at the same time? Keating 5, you asswipe!" It goes on and on. Biden's "flaws" are all opportunities to turn the tables on Republican smear attempts. The Edwards flap was just testing the strategy. Next up: whisper campaigns against McCain that mimic those that were done against Kerry. Their life paths are very similar, and Republicans left a lot of great ammo on the battlefield last election: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/08/22/gigolo/index.html |
Anyways did you see CBS covered for McCain, AGAIN? First they block his timeline factual error a couple weeks ago, yesterday they cut out his weak Noun Verb POW response to the 7 kitchen tables thing. Both of those items were newsworthy - what does CBS have to gain from not airing these? |
There are people out there who think that this family hates America. Lunatics. |
same web site.... interesting the photo and headlines they chose on their report of Michelle Obama's speech last night at the DNC. wonder why they didn't choose a photo of her as she was escorting her children on stage? or a photo of her smiling? or frowning? instead of a photo making her look like an outspoken woman (the horror!) |
Biden specifically brings nothing to the ticket except an admission by Obama that he knows nothing about foreign policy. And even on that score, he got ripped off: Biden's a second rater, no scholar, and his naturally large ego has taken naturally to the idea booted around by the lazy media lo these many years that he's some kind of shadow secretary of state. He's wildly arrogant (though that's something that almost every politician is, including and especially Obama). He's at the very least prejudiced, if not outright racist, he's got a paper trail ten miles long, much of it embarrassingly anti-Obama and pro-McCain, and finally, he may make the difference in tipping all of Delaware's electoral bounties to Obama. For Christ sakes, the election will come down to Ohio, or perhaps Pennsylvania or Florida. All the other states are pretty locked in -- if you're campaigning anywhere else, you deserve to lose. McCain, in order to balance things out with the suspicious right wing, will choose someone with impeccable conservative credentials, almost certainly Romney or Huckabee. Why the hell would he pick Lieberman, a former Democrat, a political shadow of himself but more gaffe prone and with more baggage, not to mention that Jewish thing that might negate his free bonus of the Bubba vote against Obama? His "maverick" schtick is already hitting hard in the middle with the independents and conservative Dems; he needs someone to appease the neocon nuts so they don't stay home, just like Obama's got a problem with the Clinton koolaid drinkers, though there's a slightly greater possibility there (but not much, despite their muttered threats) that they'll go to the other side instead of sitting it out. Romney should never be President, but he's perfect VP timber: fully programmable, eager, enthusiastic, put him back in the drawer when you're done. Don't mistake your fond wishes and comforting fantasies of polical nirvana for clear headed political analysis. Those of us who actually work in this business don't last long with dreamy eyes and sighs about how our candidate is just so self-evidentally right, and certainly the mass of civic-minded voters (except those delusional troglodytes on the other side) will see that too. It's a war: you find out what the objective terrain is, exploit the enemy's weaknesses and protect your own, and don't fight the battle you wish you had. |
clearly americans *love* politicians with big egos. |
Romney is the ultimate plastic cookie cutter Republican, to the point that the idea of him even as VP makes me want to say things that will get the Secret Service looking at this site again. |
"Again, the news media showcase young women's 'feminist -- new style' pseudo-liberation -- the flapper is now a girl-gone-wild. Again, many daughters of a feminist generation seem pleased to proclaim themselves so "beyond gender" that they don't need a female president. As it turns out, they won't have one. But they will still have all the abiding inequalities that Hillary Clinton, especially in defeat, symbolized. Without a coalescing cause to focus their forces, how will women fight a foe that remains insidious, amorphous, relentless and pervasive?" -susan faludi |
The media is feeding evil retarded cat ladies |
there was that guy who spoke last night, Jim Leach the former republican rep who has switched teams who i thought was the most prolific and substantial speaker last night. if you missed it and can find a trasncript for it, its worth checking out. |
I don't think he's amazing either, but he has had his finger in enough issues, and theres the sentimental factor of a Kennedy actually growing old and dying of natural causes. I have to admit even I felt a little sad watching him realizing it was his last hurrah, not because it was him, it was more of a transcendent human thing. I can't explain it, its a little cheesy, but it is what it is. Jim Leach's speech was better on paper than presentation, but it was good. He's kinda Kermit-voiced I don't know if I could ever like Hillary again, but I hope she rips McCain's throat out tonight. I wont see it till very late when I stumble home drunk after music trivia night. |
nate, why are you of all people quoting susan faludi? i think my head just spun around on my neck several times. |
aHAH-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa That is awesome |
i think they're doing that experiment where if you get enough monkeys on typewriters for enough time, one of them will type hamlet. this is yielding a lot of monkey-typed content that is not hamlet, and so as not to let it go to waste, foxnews was created. |
Don't know. It's gained traction today though, and some people say its a Photoshop. I just posted it because its the Biden thread :/ |
the loyal minions are at work. |
There are rifts all over the place. The media doesn't need to invent them. Yet it does. And the myth of the liberal media continues. |
Biden's did. Because it's Biden. |
i could have done without the brooks and dunn country song at the end, though |
I could imagine the demon that lives inside Cheney inwardly writhing in Obama's presence. |
i caught the hughes reference, too. three words go by and you get a liberal-on because you recognized it. but i liked the 1970s tv show reference, too. |
dubya used 8 is enough against in his race against clinton. |
if you want to pass along a hope for the American flag, then also pass along this. Please pass the word that a Republican Iraqi War veteran put forth a Democrat's, Obama's name for the nomination. It is time for a change. As a Republican, I am so ashamed of my party. My father and grandfather, both staunch republicans, would roll over in their graves seeing the corruption and idiocy of today's politics. They would not recognize the corporate owned party even in its present religious right incarnation. They would disown their party, as I have. Not that the democrats are any better. We would be better without a two party system, for it is a sham, and always has been. When Washington appointed himself president, he was the richest man in the world. We do not have a democracy, far from it. When the two party system was introduced, it was one of the most corrupt elections this country has seen. Lincoln would not conspire with the railroads, so they eliminated him. Kennedy was also an independent thinker, wishing to develop community psychiatry, for one, and the power brokers here eliminated him too. What's next? We do not have a republic. Far from that too. We have an oligarchy. Government by and for the rich. The middle class in this country is a myth, an invention to keep the poor class from interfering with the rich getting richer. From racism and black power to Indian rights to environmental concerns, all serve to separate us into the rich and the poor, the haves and the have nots. I have worked diligently all my life, and have nothing, not because I squandered anything but because the government has taxed me to death. Somewhere in Texas a village has been missing its idiot. While his father, former President George Sr., has been making millions as a consultant for years off the Saudis, these people who still sign Bush's paychecks, these countrymen turned the WTC into ash. Yet the warmongerers in Washington felt that going after them was unkind. Better attaack an illusion of evil in Afghanistan and then Iraq, and almost Korea again, ...that would satisfy the militarists' extremists of this country, provide a drain and redistribution of wealth from the ones who least can afford it, and eliminate the troublesome youth who had become restless and ganglike in this country. That the Saudi's or anyone else for that matter, especially the illusioned evil non christians, were not responsible, certainly, made no difference. they might have carried out the deed, but the apathy and arrogance of the Us government made it possible. For as anyone can see by Dubya's televised reaction that morning, he knew all along and was complicit in the devastating attack on his own country. Republicans attacking the WTC? Surely I joke. But the evidence is there. Dubya certainly is not smart enough to plan something like that. Just review David letterman's "great moments of Presidential speeches" and you can see that. "I like to fish." I love this land and my country. I love its formerly open borders and wide open spaces, and individual freedoms, or the shattered illusion of such. But. I detest my government. I am ashamed to be born a republican, that my family was republican. My family, proud of their heritage, have travelled the world, and I just a little bit too. I worry when anyone travels on a US passport these days. I am proud tobe American but say it very softly when outside this country. And airport security, what a useless but expensive little industry the government cooked up there: employ the less fortunate in minimum wage jobs whose main task is to confiscate waterjugs and toss them into a barrel next to the xray machines. What if the water were explosive? The whole barrel of...nevermind. Such nonsense...a whole industry for the marginally employed. I know. I was involved in the initial training efforts, though for reasons of national security I cannot devulge what...and I know that of the people initially trained over 3/4 quit before the November deadline and never worked a day. Just the movement of supplies and technology for that first wave of security cost so very much and did so very little. At least a vote for Obama will register my complaint. It is time for a change. In the spirit of all sense, let's get religion out of government, but let's keep god on the money. let's stop immediately the devastating war which never should have been begun, and dismantle the wealthy corporate government stooges in this election. Get all the incumbents out of office. Otherwise there will be anarchy: our schools have fallen behind, our food is exorbitantly highly priced and less nutritous than ever, and since Prozac's introduction in 1988, the FDA has been like so many other government agencies, think tanks, and not for profit influence brokers, simply a front for the corporate magnates. Another example: the government's statements that -- suddenly -- gasoline reserves were surprisingly much lower last month (therefore encouraging wild higher speculation which is legal and benefits only the Bushes, Cheneys, and the others from Chevron and Exxon, good old token black women Rice and whathisname who ran for President. yeah the third party alternative that was just a dem or repub in different clothing. Send every senator and every representative a message, and then send them a-rifle toting to some sand dune to play war. Imprison every single lobbyist, and every neo con think tank suit, as a threat to national security. And while you're writing your congressman, why not ask why one of the biggest industries, behind energy and big pharmaceuticals, is prison in this country. The land of the free has a big sign on the highway to my house: air quality yellow; fill up after dark. Like that will help?? We are a culture of sheep and fearful ones at that. Three steps to a better life: Apply for a passport, vote in the coming election, and move to another country. hope all is well with all of you and yours! |