How many of you even heard of her before today? |
if this actually works for mccain, it is case closed if there was any doubt of the gullibility and stupidity of american voters. but i actually think that it's going to backfire on him, in the end. it's been made plain - american voters are not ready for women in the whitehouse. which, you know, whatever. i'm so beyond gender. |
can anyone look up for me what her record is on drilling in alaska? i'm too busy packing, we're leaving for st. louis in a couple hours. |
her husband works in the oil industry. |
geraldine ferraro. hilary clinton. but neither of them have husbands who work in the oil industry. |
but i see your point with hillary. it was either a woman or a black dude, and the democratic party is (just slightly) more sexist than racist. palin is a woman, which will probably draw some of the sexist-feminists who were voting hillary over obama based solely on gender. she brought up hillary's 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, and proclaimed that she (palin) is going to shatter it. palin has a son going to Iraq this September (the 11th, of all days, if you can believe that.) that will give her extra cred in discussions about our troops. palin has a retarded baby. i'm sure that's good for points somewhere. palin opposed the bridge to nowhere/ted stevens thing. she's all about cleaning up government. palin is aggressively pro-life, which mccain needs. the downside is that she has almost no experience whatsoever, and could very well become president if mccain is elected. |
I think a telephone pole sized cock would have worked against the Mondale/Ferraro ticket as well. |
She's also in the midst of a corruption scandal. I may have trashed Biden earlier, but I kind of can't wait to see him shred her at the debates. |
Apparently she got her sisters ex fired or something... I doubt McCain even know anything about her other than what his advisors told him. I mean I saw Hutchinson on TV forced to spin for the pick, and saying she knows absolutely nothing about her. The coup de grace though, was apparently Palin was on TV about a month ago, and when she was asked about speculation, she said basically that someone was going to have to explain what the VP actually does all day first. |
Its like Bush 'looking into Putins soul' all over again. Hoo boy. Gimmick Veep. |
when franklin roosevelt was running for his 4th and last term in office, he needed to find somebody - anybody - to get his former vp henry wallace off the ticket. by committee, they settled on obscure senator truman from missouri. truman so didn't want to be vp that they had to stage a phone call that truman "secretly" listens in on where roosevelt tells another man that truman is trying to undermine the unity of the party. that forced him into the position. i don't think roosevelt had ever met him before that and i've heard that he rarely ever spoke to him after they took office. |
--comment from the Telegraph newspaper, London. |
I hate kids, and frankly - I'm kind of rude when it comes to all handicapped people, I'm an asshole that way - but I don't think wagging my finger and saying "Bad mom" is out of line. |
I mean seriously, some people are propping her up today. Within a week the late night comedians themselves will have ruined this pick. Obama doesnt even need to say ANYTHING | Charles fucking Krauthammer. Amazing. |
Palin is a member of the Assemblies of God Speaking in tongues, stick waving pentecostal Assemblies of God. wowza. I hate everything I know about this woman. |
even more trash. this is what happens when you dont vet your picks |
and the teaching of creationism along side evolution. My friend raised a good point today. Just because she's McCain's pick doesn't mean she will receive the nomination. If the delegates don't support her, McCain will have to withdraw the nomination. |
her problems will probably start when she has to debate joe biden. she did pretty well in alaska, but she's never really been in the trenches in washington. it'll be interesting to see how she handles it. she might even rise to the occasion, for all i know. all i know is factoids. |
Couldnt even last one day for the crowd. |
i could be wrong; i've never had much of a political mind. but i wanna play too. |
This on the other hand, is disturbing: McCain ACTUALLY said (even though he's only met her once) that Palin is his "partner and soulmate" |
I mean, it's all a game, but he's not even pretending anymore. |
But if true, it might mean that his gamble isn't paying off. |
On ABC today Cindy McCain said that Palin has national security experience because Alaska is close to Russia. jesus fucking christ |
" Question: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not? SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance." This woman is a fucking retard. If the US votes McCain in, as far as I'm concern, the US is fired. |
While I think its REALLY questionable that so many blogs are trying to make it a story - because if and when they are shown wrong its going to take power away from the other more veriable scandals and questions - the more i've read on this today, a couple of the details are just plain... weird.. So the daughter was taken out of school for several months because she had mono? Convenient. and that long flight after the water broke back to alaska not telling anyone she was pregnant? This is a big enough, "secret muslim" damaging whisper campaign that if its defendable, we will see the medical records and birth certificates sooner rather than later. If they can defend the smear, I hope they do so right away. | if she was pregnant with this new kid, she certainly didn't show it. |
maybe this pic will end it |
Palins 17 year old daughter... is pregnant. for reals. WOW |
Palin's choice to accept the VP nom has led to her publicly humiliating her 17 year old daughter. Disgusting |
I also note that the timing of the pregnancy is ideally positioned to dispel rumors about the daughter's earlier pregnancy...either way, it's good to know how effective abstinence-only education can be! |
the pregnancy was going to come out - publicly - in alaska anyway. now that palin is part of the mccain machine, the kid is probably better off. it's in the interest of the republicans that this kid is taken care of. palin probably did her daughter a favor. if anybody wants to humiliate the girl, it's the democrats. |
I simply would figure that given a choice between the people of Alaska knowing I had a teen pregnancy and the entire nation, I'd go with the former. |
Maybe Palin's daughter is the daughter of Zion, the new scion, or whatever the hell is supposed to be coming. Mark of the beast yes, politics. let the kid alone. |
I don't know why it sounds evangelical, I just think its kind of tragic. Palin's kid is better off, most certainly, seeing as they are well off, and no matter what the rest of them truly think about what her daughter did, they are pretty much forced to support her and make sure things work out for the best. But we dont, and probably wont, know the detailed circumstances unless someone blabs, why it happened, accident or on purpose, etc. it doesnt even matter. But I don't think a zillion "Juno"s are going to remove the stigma and embarrassment of a nation of people judging you. I don't know how a 17 year old, even Jamie Lynn Spears, is prepared for it. Am I out of touch? I don't know, but if I sound prudish and upset its because I really don't want to see a teen pregnancy spun as a positive. |
Since the press and bloggers have had to do the vetting that McCain didn't do himself, in 3 days I am still both car crash attracted to each new thing that spills out, and absolutely sick of hearing about her. It's like a loose tooth, it hurts but I can't stop paying attention to it. |
Anything. Obama has no experience: BAD! Palin has no experience: GOOD! Your daughter has a child out of wedlock: BAD! (Shows your irresponsible parenting.) Palin's daughter has a child out of wedlock: GOOD! (Shows she lives by her pro-life beliefs.) I'm wondering what the spin will be if it comes out the father would be convicted of statutory rape in most states. Age of consent in Alaska is 16, but not in much of the union. The age of the father isn't known at the moment, but the probability is high that in most of America (and definitely in McCain's home state of Arizona) he'd be guilty of statutory rape. |
| This is the kind of shit that happens when a candidate is not vetted at all. I'm seriously thinking Palin was foisted on McCain by the religious right who probably thought vetting wasn't necessary because their choice was ordained by god. |
Today McCain hired Tucker Eschew, the guy in charge of sliming him in 2000 with the 'black baby' smear. You know, it wasn't that long ago I was a mild McCain defender. He's done everything to tarnish his image with me. Its just just an us vs. them thing, he's seriously sold out everything about himself that made him stand out from his party. |
The dependence of industrial agriculture on fossil fuels, the declining fertility of the land, and the positive feedbacks imposed by declining net energy will force the economy to divert much more investment into the agriculture and energy sectors as part of a desperate attempt to maintain agricultural output. Government budgets must also decline in real terms as greater and greater fractions of the economy are diverted into the resource sectors. As resource quality and land fertility continue to fall, society will be forced to allocate more and more capital to the agriculture and resource sectors, otherwise the scarcity of food, materials, and fuels would restrict production still more -- it's circular, there is no way to avoid the positive feedback. Ultimately, industrial capacity will decline rapidly taking with it the service and agricultural sectors, which depend upon industrial inputs. Constrained by the laws of thermodynamics, the availability of life-supporting resources will go into a permanent, steep decline. In less than 20 years, the self-regulating market system will have "run out of gas" and vanished. With the market system gone, the ruling elites will fall back on the good old-fashioned means of control: a police state. In the US alone, 200 million guns in private ownership guarantee that this police state will quickly devolve into rebellion and anarchy. If the anarchy scenario were to reach its natural conclusion, the global elites would be eliminated by the angry masses. Those who managed to escape would die more miserably than the poor since they are unsuited for day-to-day survival because they lived their lives like queen bees. But when the above scenario seems inevitable, the elites will simply depopulate most of the planet with a bioweapon. When the time comes, it will be the only logical solution to their problem. It's a first-strike tactic that leaves the built-infrastructure and other species in place and allows the elites to perpetuate their own genes into the foreseeable future: "War is a male reproductive strategy. All that is needed for the strategy to evolve, is that aggressors fight and win more often than they lose". The global genocide will be rationalized as a second chance for humanity -- a new Garden of Eden -- a new Genesis. The temptation will prove irresistible: also see: (I just found this interesting.) |
I S A W E S O M E seriously, she's gonna sink the Mccain ship real fuckin fast. i love that little dust up over having a police commissioner fired after he refused to have her former brother in law (a state trooper) fired. T R O O P E R G A T E I S A W E S O M E! the whole baby mama thing? fuck yeah. all good stuff. good for obama to step away from this. the media will do the dirty work on this story. i find it offensive that the mccain camp would imply with this selection that hillary voters switch their hillary vote to a mccain vote based on gender alone. there's no fucking comparison between those who supported hillary and those who support palin. i actually like the fact that "gustav" and "palin" are taking some spotlight from mccain. did you hear now, that the downs syndrome baby was actually her daughter's. its preposterous but at the same time its nice to see the shit being stirred over on that side. |
i think the mccain camp made a huge blunder in picking her. she's is a target from so many points of attack, legitimate criticisms and some not. |
i can't buy the 'shitty liberals' side, because frankly - McCain didnt vet Palin, so now bloggers are doing it, and they're the bad guys? The liberals are wusses when they dont attack, and venomous fascists when they do? No win situation? |
palin will be on the ticket with mccain from now on. nothing anybody write in newspapers, magazines, or blogs is going to change that. mccain has got to commit to her because dropping her off the ticket would be a worse move - damage his credibility even more the choosing her in the first place. |
I mean christ, its even out now that she cut funding for teen moms, slashing funding for "Palin reduced funding for Covenant House Alaska by more than 20 percent, cutting funds from $5 million to $3.9 million. Covenant House is a mix of programs and shelters for troubled youths, including Passage House, which is a transitional home for teenage mothers." all this stuff is relevant, and besides making Palin look bad, the bigger issue is that it makes McCain's judgment look clumsy, reckless, cynical, and risky. |
This is why I like the internet. Yeah, even Captain Kirk is involved...I mean after all, he is promoting himself (taking on the role a shaman in the media commercials for) role playing somewhat shamelessly... We move further in these politics, further from reality, all the time. Ice, life and now republicans on mars. but then again, don't we simply create our own reality? |
1) that i read the whole thing 2) that Libertarians are involved, or 3) that the conspiracy nuts believe that the White House believes that human society is too frail to handle the idea of bacterial life on Mars. Omg, mind-bending shit. |
I like her. I think after tonight we could possibly be looking at the first woman president of the United States. She does have something Hillery wishes she had - poise and grace. |
-intimidates librarians to remove books from library shelves? -believes the Iraq War was a task from God? -cut state funding to help teen mothers? -calls herself a fiscal conservative while leaving her town $23 million in debt? -wants creationism taught along side evolution in high school science classes? -fired an administrator who wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law,involved in a nasty divorce battle with her sister? -supported a $150 bounty on wolves and supports the aerial slaughter of wolves? -sued the Bush administration's EPA to delist Polar Bears from the Endangered Species List because the listing could have an effect on oil development? -was once a member of the Alaska Independence Party, which advocates secession from the union? Oh, but she supposedly has "poise and grace" - fine, go with that. |
But I will add that she's *cut* funding to schools which support special needs children, which kind of runs contrary to her whole "you'll have a friend in the White House" comment. |
drill baby drill ? fucking hell |
has clinton ever been associated with a lack of poise and grace? i mean....what does that mean exactly? like, she didn't bring poise, grace, humility during the whole monica lewinsky fiasco? just like this whole mccain "maverick" crap. you keep perpetuating an idea, regardless of how rooted in reality it is, and eventually people eat it. |
Her own handwriting on an earmark. HA! |
Just to annoy Nate, but it does raise my eyebrows quite a bit. |
No, I did not makeup my mind watching Fox news. I checked out other sources as well. |
-believes the Iraq War was a task from God? -cut state funding to help teen mothers? -calls herself a fiscal conservative while leaving her town $23 million in debt? -wants creationism taught along side evolution in high school science classes? -fired an administrator who wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law,involved in a nasty divorce battle with her sister? -supported a $150 bounty on wolves and supports the aerial slaughter of wolves? -sued the Bush administration's EPA to delist Polar Bears from the Endangered Species List because the listing could have an effect on oil development? -was once a member of the Alaska Independence Party, which advocates secession from the union? " Despite what liberals.... SAY? So if its reported that she did something... its just 'said' that she did it? Did you actually look into any of this? I swear man, if America somehow approves of this person, I could very well, honestly, become truly anti-American. I would lose all faith. The idea that the majority of Americans approve of her and what she has done makes me want to vomit. It's a dramatic statement, but at this moment is feels so goddamn true. |
Listen, we take a lot of derisive bullying from the States, especially from the American right - and in fact, that itself has probably made this nation more anti-american in reaction than anything else. Saying "you'll love us" about hypothetical military situations is a humongous turnoff. There's a lot to love about America, but when I see hate fests like last night from people who claim to love America, but make it so clear they hate half the people living in it: - That 'Democrat', 'Progressive', 'liberal' and 'communist' all mean the same thing - Evolution = atheist = no morals - Education = elitism - Pro-choice = Pro-abortion - Muslims = Arabs, Arabs = Muslims, Muslim sounding names = Muslims - People choose to live in poverty and want Well goddamit forgive me for at least temporarily hating America back if mroe than half of them will agree with that and vote for it. By the way, Iraq doesn't seem to 'love' you very much for saving them from Saddam. There's very good reasons beyond religious extremism and cultural brainwashing. Bill Clinton has lost a lot of respect from me by the way he's been such a baby the last couple years, but one thing from his speech is dead on: I am much more impressed by the power of your example, than the example of your power. The US will impress me a hell of a lot more by showing reason, intelligence and moral character in leading the world, than it will from saving people from bullies only as a side effect of protecting its own interests. |
I mean fuck Nate, yesterday you were complaining about ivory tower SF liberals. Do you realize how condescending the 'one day you'll thank us' attitude is, even if its joking? It doesn't matter if its from an intellectual or a redneck, that shit doesn't earn respect from anyone. |
you depress me, man |
not that we'd save your ass. nothing about thanking us. maybe you should lay of the huge cokes and tylenol pm. |
code pink got air time at the RNC two nights on a row. loves it. |
Canada joining the US would be America's biggest nightmare. You'd never have a Republican president again. Assuming you let us vote. The second a bomb drops on this country, I'd move to Norway or Australia anyways, so whatever. on McCain's speech: snooze. nothing anger-inducing simply because it was generic Republican stuff, but without the fire and brimstone. kinda funny at the end he encouraged everyone to go out and help the public and do all these things... that a community organizer does. |
wisper got what you were saying. I didn't. |
my friends, i don't see how anyone, republican, democrat, independent or otherwise, my friends, could come away after listening to McSame's speech thinking that he's actually offering american's anything different, my friends, than we've had for the last 8 years, my friends. although i did come away from that speech feeling as though i have a better understanding of why his physical movements and mannerisms seem so robotic. i don't think he can lift his arms up over his head because his bones were never set right when both arms were broken in nam. |
It wasn't interesting, but its a better swansong than he probably deserves |
I just think that this country is way too far out of control to right itself. Unless the entire process gets over hauled. We have moved so far from the intention of its people to live in peace, to help other countries without regard to personal US profit in doing so, so far from government by-for the people, that the sane and rationale thing might be to buy a used Airstream and head for the desert in Mexico. Few colonists wanted the revolution: it was the ruling elite that wantd to secede from mother Britain. Not that i am unhappy to be independent of the Brits. Our forefathers wanted mostly to be left alone to prosper in a new land, in peace with our red brothers. It was only the fearful missionary and profiterring politician who wanted war. So has much changed? Certainly. As a country we have broken every -- and I mean every treaty that our government ever signed. (See On the Justice of Roosting Chickens for details) We are a nation of warmongers. We are a people of peace. None of our allies and certainly our public detractors like us. As a nation. And they do not know us as a people. Public attrocieites like both the DNC and RNC only serve to villify the images of American people as...what I am not sure. McSame's speech really left me deflated. There's a lot of meanness in this process of governance. So when nearly senile robotic McSame is judged unfit to rule, if on the long shot he is elected, do we really want an inexperienced veep such as he has selected to run the country. I can see an auction of the excess military might on ebay? is this any better? Any more than after the O-man gets assassinated simply for being the first black president (even though he is pretty white), do we want The Biden jokester as a leader? What choices do we really have? It makes no difference, the apathetic American says. And it likely won't as long as big oil and big pharma keeps wringing profits from what's left of the middle class. Yes, big goverment will always be a friend so long as you agree with its abuses. | |
i could waste a whole lot of time on ms nova. lisa seems like the type of talent to turn up on mad tv or snl in the next year or two. |
I know I'm an internet snob. I know this. I've been on this bitch for 20 years next year. No celebration, feels more like mourning, because it's still Eternal September and it always will be. |
btw, didn't you know, if you vote for McCain Palin, you really are voting for more of the same. dontcha know, it's GOD'S WILL that we're fighting in Iraq. interesting, she sounds a lot like a Muslim extremest. just replace "jesus christ" with "allah". |
Hdtex (22 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Poor comment Good comment Marked as spam Reply | Spam What a scary loopy cunt |
I mean, I'm drunk, but theres a difference between being exposed to another persons stupdiity, and expressing it yourself. |
I'm drunk. |
Friday: Silver State Bank of Nevada Goes Down September 6th, 2008 Via: CNN: Nevada regulators have shut down Silver State Bank. It was the 11th failure this year of a federally insured bank. Andrew McCain, son of Republican presidential nominee John McCain was a member of the bank’s board, but recently stepped down for “personal reasons,” according to The Wall Street Journal. The younger McCain, 46, had also served on Silver State’s audit committee, and was only with the bank for five months before leaving on July 26, the Journal reported. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was appointed receiver of the bank, located in Henderson, Nev. It had $2 billion in assets and $1.7 billion in deposits as of June 30. The FDIC said Friday the bank’s insured deposits will be assumed by Nevada State Bank of Las Vegas. Its branches will reopen Monday as offices of Nevada State Bank in Nevada and National Bank of Arizona in Arizona. The agency said depositors of Silver State Bank will continue to have full access to their deposits. The 11 failures so far this year compare with three for all of 2007, and federal banking officials have said that more banks are in danger of collapse. Silver State Bank has operated 12 branches in Nevada and Arizona as well as loan offices in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California and Florida. The FDIC estimated its resolution will cost the deposit insurance fund between $450 million and $550 million. Regular deposit accounts are insured up to $100,000; for some individual retirement accounts, the limit is $250,000. There were about $20 million in uninsured deposits held in roughly 500 accounts at Silver State that potentially exceeded the insurance limit, the FDIC said. Concern has been growing over the solvency of some banks amid the housing slump and the steep slide in the mortgage market. The pressures of tighter credit, tumbling home prices and rising foreclosures have been battering many banks, large and small, across the nation. The largest bank failure by far this year has been that of savings and loan IndyMac Bank, which was seized by regulators on July 11 with about $32 billion in assets and deposits of $19 billion. The seizure of Pasadena, Calif.-based IndyMac, which was the largest regulated thrift to fail in the United States, prompted hundreds of angry customers to line up for hours in Southern California to demand their money. IndyMac also was the second-largest financial institution to close in U.S. history, after Continental Illinois National Bank in 1984. The FDIC has been operating the bank, now called IndyMac Federal Bank, under a conservatorship. The FDIC plans to raise insurance premiums paid by banks and thrifts to replenish its reserve fund after paying out billions of dollars to depositors at IndyMac. The fund, currently at $45 billion, is expected to take a hit from IndyMac of $4 billion to $8 billion. Federal officials expect turbulence in the banking industry to continue well into next year, and more banks to appear on the FDIC’s internal list of troubled institutions. Of the 8,500 or so FDIC-insured banks in the country, 117 were considered to be in trouble in the second quarter - the highest level in about five years and up from 90 in the first quarter. The agency doesn’t disclose the banks’ names. Only 13 percent of banks that make the list fail, on average, and most are nursed back to health or acquired by stronger institutions, according to the FDIC. Federally insured banks and thrifts set aside a record $50.2 billion to cover losses from soured mortgages and other loans in the April-June quarter, when profits plunged 86 percent from a year earlier. |
Which can buy you a sandwich in your new home. A new meaning to roughage. I dunno, GWB says the economy is getting better, he said that just two weeks ago, right before he raised gas 20 cents. |
using the power of my mind is giving me too many nosebleeds. |
Fresno, CA. |
apocalypse survival kit guns knives several pair of sturdy boots canned food fishing gear kerosene tent rubbing alcohol first aid kit sunscreen and apparently a ticket to Alaska, the haven for christians who will be saved |
Forgot to mention iodine tablets, good for water purification and post nuclear exposure. But we ARE distracted from the facts of McSame's strategies of distraction. Just wait til Wall Street dumps in a week. |
no way man, freddie and fannie are going to be alright. the housing crisis is over right? |
WTF? Who are they kidding. No Patrick, I'm talking about the current rumor that a few more big unsuspecting banks will fail, those directly tied to mutual funds development, because of fees that they are gouging the investors ...which will come to light in the next few weeks. I think the mutual fund martket will take a devastating hit; confidence will cllapse; world markets will react negatively; money can be made short term in currency de-valuation, but don't take it from me, I'm a gambler and not a good one. |
PALIN: He's also known as the maverick though. Taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about--the need to reform government! OBVIOUSLY FRUSTRATED COURIC: I'm just going to ask you one more time, not to belabor the point- specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation? PALIN: I'll try ta find ya some and bring em to ya! ________________ wow. |
and the Letterman clips from tonight which are much discussed are out already |
Part II of Couric/Palin my god. she's a moron. a complete moron. |
she isnt fit to be mayor of Mayberry. |
seems to me she's downright begging us to have feel-good dittohead orgies of partisan mudslinging and juvenile name-calling. |
I missed most of tonights bullshit with the Republican walkout, etc just. fuck. i mean, DRAMA with a capital D. This is a fucking joke. This is retarded. I can't believe what the fuck is happening with these people. It's erratic, amazing, reality show bullshit. I'm drunk right now and just sat down at the computer seeing whats transpired over the last couple hours, this happens and WaMu get seized and it's all a big goddam show. I mean JESUS CHRIST what the hell is wrong with these reckless freaks? FREAKS! |
"So [looks down at something] healthcare reform and [looks down at something] reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions [looks down at something] [keeps looking down] and tax relief for Americans [looks up]." Tax reductions have to accompany tax reductions and tax relief. It's all so simple! |
I actually really liked tonights debate. Lehrer was the best moderator I've seen this year, easily. McCain did better than I expected, but so did Obama. It's obvious he's a lot more comfortable against someone not in his own party, who he can demonstrate clear differences with. I think Obama looked more presidential for what thats worth, and considering this was supposed to be McCain's strong suit... by the expectations and visuals game, I say Obama won the debate. by content alone, I'd call it about as close a draw as you could say. Obama smoked him on economic stuff though. And thankfully I think I only heard 'my friends' once, and 'change' not even once. |
And, uh, point. Jim Lehrer is the only moderator we've seen this year, and he let things get out of control a couple of times. Especially when McCain started losing it, he should have been reining that shit in. I think that, intellectually, Obama won, although he missed a few easy shots, and he didn't leave a strong close. Emotionally, when McCain was being all crazed, he landed some very direct hits which I suspect appealed to a lot of viewers. But, er, he was kind of crazed, which made Obama's much cooler attitude an even sharper contrast. It was weird to hear all this stuff about nuclear proliferation/nuclear power plants, since I feel like it hasn't come up that much before. I was also disappointed to hear Obama basically endorsing offshore drilling, and the stories about soldier's mothers made me writhe painfully in my seat. But, I guess that's the sort of thing people lap up. |
I still stand up for Lehrer, mainly because his questions were good and I actually prefer him taking a step back and letting them interrupt and talk over each other sometimes. I think its one of those intangibles you've gotta let go sometimes. They do it to show strength and make it known they aren't going to let things fly, that they aren't just on talking points. there was one time it was clear McCain didnt want Obama to continue making a specific point but overall yeah... I dont know, maybe me liking Lehrer is more of a statement against the shitty job most others did this season? |
If you're looking for somewhere to watch the debate on Thursday and would like to be around a bunch of other people who can't wait to make fun of Palin, no matter how good she might somehow manage to pull this off, come over to the Compound. D***'s here in town, and I think he plans on cooking up some vittles (probaby a Moose or Caribou stew). Just bring your gun, parka, minivan, hockey puck, frameless glasses, and binoculars. We'll use the binoculars to try to see if we can see Russia from my balcony. Give us an idea if you're showing so we can plan how many Moose we need to shoot and butcher between now and then. And there will be a prize for best Palin impersonation and/or accent imitation. |
Tonight, Katie seems to have lightened up a bit on Sarah. |
"what newspapers do you read?" "uh, all of them?" | |
McCain goes and does something stupider than anything Palin did recently to me - look like a sniveling grumpy twat, and lie, in front of a newspaper board. People said he looked angry at the debate. he looks much worse here. |
JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST. Listen, I know she's not a lawyer. That's not an excuse. I don't give a fuck. When the president appoints Supreme Court justices, you better be able to identify court cases you agree and/or disagree with. They only care about Roe v. Wade. She couldn't even drag up Brown v. Board of Education |
wha? |
"Do you think they made the same assumptions about Lou Cannon (who is white) when he wrote his book about Reagan?" said Ifill, who is black. Asked if there were racial motives at play, she said, "I don't know what it is. I find it curious."- |
MIT's student newspaper talking points cafe the greasy guide timeout |
And no one is going to be watching it!! I didn't know about it until i read the news this morning! The headlines are all like- "Watching the Canadian Leadership Debate Tonight? HAHA, AS IF" Except perhaps bitter political reporters being forced to watch it by their editors. Even then, they'll probably just get it off Tivo. Cause 'aint nobody gonna miss this trainwreck. *ordering pizza, printing out Palin bingo cards* | However it brings up abortion for no reason, that's not an issue, and some of the points are the same across the 3 left wing parties. Actually it's pretty crappy. But fun. Maybe. |
step 1: ooo! bouncy heads! fun! step 2: what the hell? am i supposed to read all of that? |
the death by a million cuts continues: |
O'Biden! Talibani! |
i was watching online on CNN, with this running graphic tracker that followed the approval/disapproval of a room full of reps, inds, and dems in Columbus, OH. from that completely unscientific source i'd say the inds are leaning towards obama/biden. |
the story is less to me about Palin's performance and more about Biden. I thought he did fantastic, and even considering Palin exceeding such low expectations, even if she had been her optimum, he SLAUGHTERED we had a Veep party at our house, I had about a litre and a half of potent cheap wine, and i can still see it for what it was. Even with Palin doing better than expected, this was Biden's night by far and Obama is as set as he's ever been. |
inarticulate bumpkin who answered direct questions with effusive and evasive generalizations which he defended as "straight talk". people prefer things dumbed down. they don't want someone who makes them consider complexities. Palin did a lot better than i expected in that she didn't make a total ass of herself. O'Biden did better than I expected too. But clearly Biden was the only one up there who has the experience and the knowledge to do the job. I'd prefer to have people who are much smarter than me running the country, not someone like Palin who seems as if, like everything I've seen so far, she'd just be winging it. |
but i wish the moderators would grow a pair and actually keep these people on track. i thought she was a horrible moderator. Leherer is marginally better in taking the answers to task when they stray, but this format hardly qualifies as a debate. |
god! people are so fucking stupid. sarah palin could say anything with a giant plastic smile on her face, using her sweet simple poison. |
How 'bought you take your shit seriously, how about that? But hey, her running mate said "gooks" so what do i know. And i too recall with sadness and frustration a 2004 debate in which an eloquent and brilliant speaker totally pwned a clueless bumpkin. Golly gosh gee, people love stupid. |
It seems Letterman is the true pit bull at this point. |
My jaw dropped looking at this. Obama went Keating Five. This documentary, not available for a couple hours, was ready all along, waiting for October/when McCain was ready go to nuclear. Poised and ready to strike. I'm just in awe at how prepared a Democrat - a Democrat! - has just shown himself to be. Mind you, if its badly made or goes too far, or fearmongers too hard, its going to be seen as a swiftboat attack right from the Obama camp themselves. It's not like this is risk proof, but this morning my immediate reaction to something like this is "Holy shit." |
i'm sorry i don't know what's wrong with me i can't fucking help myself i'm obsessed |
Sarah Palin still doesn't know that the Vice President does. |
This woman is the scariest woman in the world right now. |
The RNC has spent 150 grand on Palin's clothing, which I think is more than she gets paid. |
Sarah Palin, putting the cunt back in our country. this is the work of one of senor's friends, who he's known since the 4th grade, and who we recently visited with on our last trip to st. louis. |
they get her to talk about the abuse of power and the McCain campaign yells "NEXT" to cut off that part of the interview |
I dont know why I keep posting these. I just feel compelled. But christ... she doesnt even understand the first amendment/freedom of the press |
not one thing could convince me she knew this was a prank in advance. the ending makes it so certain. |
we went to our neighborhood halloween block party friday night and one of our neighbors was dressed up as a moose campaigning for Obama. in case you need to be reminded: tomorrow's the big day! |
We vote Saturday. |
hell, most of us think you're australian. |
i've already voted. i filled out a mail-in ballot - with pen in boxes - and hand delivered it to the voter registrar office. |
I have to be excited about voting, after all NZ was the first country to let woman do it; and we've had a woman prime minister for yonks! |
someone call australia and tell them that twenty-five years ago MLK had been dead for fifteen years. |
election over, Palin drama doesn't end She didn't know Africa was a continent ..... and this is a report from Fox. |
Party line, she has NO brain for herself. She can't even answer questions. We should seriously consider IMPEACHING BUSH AND CHENEY. Then let McSame go to the VA HOME FOR DISABLED VETS and Put Palin on a boat to Luhanske Ukraine to incite against Putin. And have illegitimate Russian babies she could say were her daughters... Sorry that was mean. |
you use the same tactics as the ones you abhor. divider. ruiner. |