why is no one concerned about fallout from Fukushima?

sorabji.com: Are there any news?: why is no one concerned about fallout from Fukushima?
By Daniel ssss on Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 05:04 pm:

    Call me crazy but the truth is raining down on us worldwide, and the pro nuke and government/corporate media blackout is going to kill billions of people... not that you and I can do much about what has already happened. There's been no mass panic, even in Japan where circumstances are dire. Since I five or six, I have been fascinated and horrified by the prospects of what is now occuring. In St. Louis MO US we've had days of 269 times the background radiation figures; recently 50 to 100 times normal, with a solid base line of 20 times normal since March 20. It took nine days for fallout to reach the midwest. The Cascades have radioactive snow on them. All food from California ought to be avoided. Cesium levels in Europe are elevated, as well as in my front yard here, and with a half life of 300 years the garden won't be yielding non radioactive food for some time. Likely the water is contaminated, rain certainly is, and the drinking water comes from the rivers not wells.

    Is it because we are all experiments easily dispensed by a corporate government?

By Danielssss on Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 05:06 pm:


    and you find more links there on these sites.

    Neither are sensationalized...rather calm statement of facts.

    alexanderhiggins is a bit suspect.

By Danielssss on Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 05:07 pm:

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 09:17 pm:

    The government loves to wipe entire population of the world capacities. So that the national defict would start all over again. And don't forget that we nuked Japan twice back in the 45's, so......

By heather on Monday, December 5, 2011 - 03:52 am:

    I made out with a really keen artist and a woman who makes amazing latex clothing. Then I got strep.

    My life is magical and amazing and I still don't have anything I want. Maybe I should let go of that bullshit, soak in the radiants and glow.

    My friend and boss became a meme while I was on a silent retreat. Fiction barely compares when it's missing all the fine details.

    Don't listen to me, I'm drunk.

By Antigone on Monday, December 5, 2011 - 10:57 pm:

    Daniel, You're spouting bullshit. You could pulverize the
    fukushima power plant, blow the resulting powder on the jet
    stream, and still not cause the damage you speak of.
    Hundreds of open air nuclear detonations have happened over
    the years, releasing millions of times more radiation than even
    the worst estimates of fukushima, and we're all still here and
    doing fine.

By Dr Pepper on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 - 01:08 am:

    Damielssss, just take potassium iodine, ok?

By Danielssss on Thursday, December 8, 2011 - 03:33 pm:

    a. it's not bullshit, it's a coverup, and

    b. yes there is a horrendous rising of background radiation levels, which in fact may be killing off humans and animals. The US especially the western US is pretty toxic and you and I have driven through it, stayed next to it, and not known it. and

    c. potassium iodine only appears to help the very young and they old with exposure to radioactive iodine, many tonnes of which were exploded into the air since March, just not in FuKu, but in Nebraska dn North carolina, Austris and the former ussr. Afghanistan and related countries are barely inhabitable, and full of birth defects since the Soviet testing there. As a MFLC I was asked to go to Japan, and declined. Didn't want to not see my grandchildren grow up.

    d. RAI affects miscarriages and borths, check the 400% increase in abnormalities and mortality in infants in Calif, Oregon, and Washington state since April. It is the cesium and americum and plutonium by products embedding into the ground and not the RAI that will be the end of us all.

    e. When background radiation is subtracted from the count, levels in the great midwaste where I am ...have been 250x to generally 30-50x higher, with the higher readings after precipiation.

    f. the resulting powder is already and has been for months in the jet stream of the northern hemisphere.Get thee to Ecuador when Chevron is our only concern.

    f.. Marshall and Bikini island inhabitants can tell you of the long term damage, yes still living some of them and definitely NOT fine, and my personal experiences with the children of Chernobyl confirm what others are saying. We have nbot yet begun to see the damages. Literally thousands of japanese are sick and just now beginning to die. TEPCO should be held accountable as should the Japanese government.

    g. I have no specialized knowledge and not an expert. But I know when something goes entirely wrong...like nuclear power in this an other countries. Because I have long hair. Go figure.

    h. We are still here; we are not doing fine. My wife contracted thyroid cancer within 30 days of her thirty year old daughter contracting the same illness, due from an exposure at the Whidby Island Seaplane base in the 70's.

    i. What we are not being told is extraordinarily real, looming, and hopefully is no cause for Heather to drink to excess.

By Danielssss on Thursday, December 8, 2011 - 05:39 pm:

    And from the hills of PA to the midwaste yes we have had our chare of contamination:

    from Philly: December 8, 2011 at 12:47 pm Log in to Reply
    Philadelphia has had I-131 in their water supply for 9 years, they didn’t bother to tell anybody about it till recently. The Limerick NPP discharges into a river that feeds the water supply, and they have been handing out potassium iodide pills to people that live near it.

    Of course, they blamed it all on peeing cancer patients.

By Daniel on Thursday, December 8, 2011 - 07:30 pm:

    December 8, 2011 at 6:01 pm Log in to Reply
    Corporate agenda?

    Take all of the profits, but transfer all of the risk to the public, meaning you and I.

    Take all of the corporate welfare money from Public coffers, by calling it subsidies. Attack anyone else doing this for any other reason, like feeding the starving, housing the homeless, etc.

    Transfer most of the public Treasury to finance privately profiting corporations by calling it wars, but label all other public programs ‘socialism’.

    Keep all of the profits and pay no taxes. Then transfer all disaster costs onto the public; call it Superfund sites, or ‘too big to fail’, or whatever else works.

    Keep ripping off the average person, until they die.

    Divide and conquer the people. They end up fighting each other, while corporations keep on stealing everyone blind.

By Antigone on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 02:08 am:

    Just read this:

    If coal plants put out a fukushima's worth of radiation every three
    months, (they are) and the fukushima radiation is so deadly, (it's
    not) then why aren't we all dead?

    I'm sorry about your family experiences with thyroid cancer. There
    is absolutely zero danger of radioactive iodine release from
    fukushima. None. The half life of radioactive iodine is too small
    for any release in Japan to affect anyone in the US. But if you want
    to avoid that just take an iodine supplement regularly. (Kelp works
    great. Costs about $10 per year.)

    Ranting about nuclear will do absolutely nothing to improve the
    societal conditions you speak of. In fact, it'll have the opposite
    effect. Nuclear is the only option left for energy generation. No
    other option will work long term. Without abundant energy our
    society will revert back to the old days. You think things are bad
    now? Just wait until overt slavery comes back into the picture,
    which is the mode society operates in when we can't make energy
    our slave.

By Antigone on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 02:18 am:

    Educate yourself:


    "[Radioactive iodine] has a radioactive decay half-life of about
    eight days."

    That means half of it becomes non-radioactive every eight days.
    How long has it been since Fukushima? Roughly 300 days, or 37
    half lives of radioactive iodine. That means there's 1 over 2 to the
    37th of it left. Do you know how small 1/2^37 is?

By Danielssss on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 11:13 am:

    Not worried about I 131... more about cesium, plutonium, strontium, and a hundred other isotopes difficult to measure and separate from one another. Sorry we disagree on this Anti, but I think you are (dedad) wrong on what you say. Read this, all of this, and every link there too, and then tell me that nuclear is safe ( http://enenews.com/gundersen-if-in-oregon-wash-calif-you-need-to-demand-officials-test-how-fukushima-fallout-has-affected-rivers-and-fish-significant-radiation-hit-west-coast-and-settled-in-on-cascades-video )... Oppenheimer was right, and he lived a good life regretting it all, and died from radiation induced esophogeal cancer too. History proves me right. How can you be so naive to believe that nuclear is safe at all? Think for yourself, not what you've been taught by the corporate oligarchy.

    The three hundred days ... yes, if FUKU would have stopped spewing on 3/11... if it werre just one release... it is a continuous release since then, with huge spurts especially in August when the first melt down ocurred. In December spent fuel was igniting and all the uncounted hydrogen explosions since 3/11 were adding to the nuclear soup. I 131 not really of concern... it's the rest. As governments raise the "safe" standards to accomodate and pacify fears, do you really think they have our interests at heart? Population control. Even Bill Gates with his "low risk non fissionable reactor proposals" has to be crazy. This country is full of waste that has been irradiating us for years. We are with Chernobyl and FUKU and the other messes in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Canada, and North Carolina, and even Port St Lucie, the US is as guilty as Japan in ignoring the reality of the nuclear peril.

    Let's talk in 400,000 years when the wild boars in germany aren't radioactive.

    Another good readable and reliable in this very reality is elenafilatova.com Pluto's realm website.

    We can no longer ignore the damage that is already done. All we can do is stop the insanity of believing nuclear is safe.

    Paul Ebertsall tried to commit suicide after he rode the Enola Gay into the Japanese airspace, tried to kill himself several times, and his daughter, with whom I worked, succeeded in jumping off the same bridge and killing herself because she could not live with the memory of her father's contribution to the Manhattan Project. Neither died directly of radiation poisoning, but nuclear killed them too.

    You are, Anti, we will likely die of radiation poisoning. That's the legacy of nuclear seven decades later.

    I'm pretty goddam educated about the issue, and stand firm. Do your homework. Here's something I wrote years ago:

    Prayer for Paul Ebertsall
    His daughter Alicia Laurenson


    It is not important to see the sunset
    Only to sense it
    Where there is holocaust or a man's
    Undeveloped paranoia:
    Twenty three years later she jumped off the same bridge
    As her father had when she was away at school:
    She succeeded where he failed twice before his last attempt.
    She may have guessed he always operated outside of time
    Could see it in the sunset every time he recalled
    The urging of the moment in a painful picture,
    A wave heating across the square and the silence of the birds
    Sunset red as his dream, his nightmare
    The hell he created at Los Alamos:
    Never intending it to cost his life, his daughter's, and the others:
    The many, many others who visited him in his dreams:
    Some nights the river ran blood red in his recollections of the pictures:
    Craters and emptiness and dust and, at the rim, twisted metal and debris:
    His lurking moods and subtle shifts of energy so clear to her
    All her youth, and now at the bridge herself
    She would grip the railing and climb:
    Walking under moonless stars in the New Mexican desert
    She was the river giving life to the arid arroyo his life became:
    She, all cottonwood and green, verdant and forgiving
    And he would grip the railing twenty three years before she would,
    And climb it three times,
    Because he could not forgive himself
    But walked alone in silence and self hatred, not hearing the bitter wind
    For what he did to two cities around the globe:
    Only damning himself for what he hadn't done to stop it:
    Across the bridge to the edge of the dust and dark
    Streetlights casting shadows half across the river below
    Half across the world he helped destroy:
    For some, there is always the opportunity to go back
    To speak whatever might be necessary to the dead.
    But trapped by sudden death, murder suicide accident overdose:
    We still wander aimless, don't know we are dead.
    Jumping from a bridge may be more premeditated,
    Or just as convincing.


By Danielssss on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 11:38 am:

By Danielssss on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 11:45 am:

    and: www.potrblog.com

    Pissin' On The Roses
    Feral dogs, out in the cold, marking our dissent, one rosebush at a time.
    Wednesday, December 7, 2011
    Possible Attempt to Hide Long Life Radioactive Fallout By A Claimed "Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory"

    The POTRBLOG team performs rapid, live research and development in order to quickly identify, and cost effectively mitigate, the risk associated with the on going Fukushima disaster. One of the primary reasons we share our work is to improve our own risk mitigation position via public feedback. Recently we have received some useful input from an individual "Be Well" who self identifies as a "Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory" However, along with that useful input, we have also received what we suspect is a blatant attempt to deceive the public about the detection of longer half life radioactive fallout.

    In that regard, we have developed the charts above and below to make the issue at hand understandable. The charts superimpose the actual fallout data from the 11/08/11 detection against POTENTIAL candidate radionuclide(s). The green line in each chart is the measurement of the actual fallout. The red line is the measurement of the average background radiation taken inside of our improvised lead shield apparatus; the apparatus is simultaneously utilized to take the green line measurement.

    Because of limited space in the apparatus and a desire to be conservative with the measurements, the green line source is shielded to a greater extent against background radiation than the red line measurement. If the red line data where shielded to the same extent as the green line data, the red line would be an even lower value; and as a result the green line data would appear proportionally higher. The blue line data in the charts are CALCULATED values; they were created in an attempt to identify the composition of the fallout.

    Two versions of each chart are shown, one with the green line being the top most visible and the other with the blue line being top most visible. The more exactly the blue and green lines cover each other up, the better the identification.

    The charts shown in figures A & B above are one possible identification scenario, however the uncertainties of the identifications are greater than we previously accounted for. The increase in uncertainty results from the needed addition of a short half life isotope to make the curves fit well. While we had previously seen the need for such an addition, its influence was greater than initially accounted for. We realized the issue after inputs from "Be Well" made us revisit our initial assumptions. However, there was also an aspect of "Be Well's" input that smacks of an out right deception to hide long half life Fukushima fallout.

    In short, the apparent deception was designed to hide the long half life fallout by improperly raising the measured background radiation to the point it obscured the long half life detection. Specifically, "Be Well" raised the background radiation by more than 1.25 standard deviations. He/She has so far refused to mathematically defend his/her actions, hence we believe those actions to be deliberate.

    In that regard, we have used "Be Well's " data to create Charts/Figures C & D below. Note that "Be Well's" data under reports the data when the actual background measurements are used. In fact, the affects of his/her fallout decay curves completely disappear after approximately 4500 minutes (3 days) into the data . The data from 3 days onward reflects only background radiation noise. "Be Well's " actions serve to hide nearly 75% of the radioactive fallout data.

    The POTRBLOG team will not tolerate deception; and given we believe the situation to be an actual case of deception designed to hide the public health impact of the long term buildup of radioactive materials with each fallout event, "Be Well" will be the first person we have ever had to ban from the POTRBLOG site. We pray that "Be Well's" self identification as a Senior Scientist from OaK Ridge National Labs was an act of deception as well."""

    You'll have to go to the website to see the charts Anti.

By Antigone on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 01:23 pm:

    Just look at potrblog's posts before fukushima. It's two years
    of paranoid rants looking for a suitable conspiracy. With
    fukushima he finally found one. He's a nut.

By Antigone on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 01:25 pm:

    My grandfather was a nuclear chemist at Oak Ridge, from '48
    to '77. He worked with all sorts of nuclear material, including
    plutonium. He died at the ripe old age of 97 from heart failure.

By Daniel on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 04:54 pm:

    with fuku she got one, yes. she is a nut but the measurements don't lie. what do you think of enenews.com? same thing? nuts?

    I really dont trust any blogs. I don't read Japanese. But my son does. some of the stuff coming out of there and Woods Hole for example I think we have to take seriously.

    Tweets are unreliable as well.

    But there is no doubt there is a huge coverup of catastophic proportions in this case. it will never be exposed on Fox news even when there are massive deaths.

    GE's FUKU is not Oak Ridge either. GE and Westinghouse own the media, nuclear interests own the media and the federal government.

    Just saying. My ex wife was part of a legal team that quietly won a huge court case regarding dioxin poisoning of a little town called Times Beach here. Different poison, same outcome: huge unwarranted totally avoidable deaths by leukemia and cancer.

    Heart failure is one of the many documented effects of radiation poisoning. Sorry.

    Thanks for engaging me, and keep on breathing: just stay out of the rain, and test or change or air filters regularly. Keep your pets and their water and foods out of the shit too.

By Antigone on Friday, December 9, 2011 - 10:30 pm:

    He was 97. You're saying that after 30 years of working
    around radioactive material it took another 30 years to finally
    kill him? Really? You're not gaining any rationality points with
    that assertion.

    Anyway, the problem with many of the folks taking background
    radiation readings, and freaking out at any spike, is that spikes
    happen all of the time. Did they check whether the spikes
    happened before Fukushima? So far I haven't found a single
    one who did. On top of that there is absolutely NO PROOF
    that radiation detected in the US came from Fukushime.
    NONE. They should pay more attention to their local coal

By Danielssss on Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 11:20 am:

    thanks for bringing me back from the edge of irrationality.

    really, thyroid cancer can take up to three to six months or 30 years to develop from a single exposure. Yes, thirty years is distinctly possible. Check rates of survivors of Chernobyl, now nearly thirty years later.

    Or your grandad may have died of natural causes, certainly.

    Thgere is absolutely no proof that the radiation did not come from FUKU or the other myriad plants worldwide leaking shit into the atmosphere which is just the point. With the raising of background radiation worldwide, from sundry sources, the nuclear industry is protected from taking any responsibility because such spikes could come from FUKU or solar flares or coal, but godforbid, those nasty nuclear plants that we KNOW are leaking.

    Just saying. Yes there have been spikes before FUKU, usually related to releases from nuclear plants or weapons detonations, or mining, or Afghani open to air waste disposal, which really is a Russian responsibility ...

By Antigone on Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 03:42 pm:

    There is absolutely no proof that the radiation did not come
    from alien invaders from Mars, either.

By SsssleinaD on Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 10:41 pm:

    Danielssss, yes, FUKU!

By J on Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 03:54 am:

    There is no call for that!! You shush!!

By Shush on Monday, December 12, 2011 - 12:12 am:

    J, read Danielssss' last post.. he mentioned "FUKU" few times...

By Radioactive Dan on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 11:06 pm:

    the ongoing abbreviation for Fukushima. hi J. No need for vulgarities you assholes.

By Shush on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 02:57 pm:

    Well when he typed in "Upper Letter", I do find this provoking.

By Danielssss on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 05:26 pm:

By Danielssss on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 05:30 pm:

    Heather, you are glowing!!!!

By Antigone on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 11:18 pm:

    “These elevated levels pose no threat to the health and safety of
    the public” -TVA official

By J on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 11:32 pm:

    Danielssss, I don't think Heather lives in Tennessee, but Bay area...

By sarah on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 12:28 am:

    mental illness.

    and death.

    If the thunder don't get ya then the lightening will.

By moonit on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 02:35 pm:

    You gotta die of something.

    Although personally for me, quietly in my sleep with all my mental facilities intact, would be the best option.

By heather on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 03:01 pm:

    (I am glowing)

    I want to be eaten by bears. At a zoo. After I parachute in "accidentally". While dropping hundred dollar bills and filming it all. At age 103.

    Maybe we'll just hug. Bears like me.

By la on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 10:25 pm:

    Well good. I was planning on dying of cancer anyhow.

    Once I'm finished caring for some of the last children born on the West coast.

By Antigone on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 10:47 pm:

By Dr Pepper on Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 12:08 am:

    Antigone, can you explain this to me in English? I don't understand the scientific breakthrough story.

By Antigone on Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 03:27 am:

    Basicly, the study showed that at low levels of exposure
    radiation isn't nearly as harmful as we thought. Our cells have
    "repair centers" for DNA that can handle the damage brouht
    on by low level radiation exposure. Above a certain level the
    cellular repair mechanisms can't keep up, but below that level
    there are little ill effects long term. This contradicts the
    commonly acceped notion of "linear, no threshold" which
    states that no amount of radiation exposure is safe, and that
    the damage of radiation accumulates and is never repaired.
    That assumption had never been tesed until now, and it's
    plainly false.

By semillama on Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 12:08 pm:

    Fine, Antigone, but does it explain how a teenager can gain super powers from a radioactive spider bite?


By moonit on Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 02:31 pm:

    I just 'ha-d' Mrs Krabappel style.

By J on Friday, December 23, 2011 - 03:51 am:

    Sem is right you know!! It doesn't explain it at all!!!

By moonit on Friday, December 23, 2011 - 05:05 pm:

    I think an earthquake is going to kill me one day. UGH so over this shit.

By J on Friday, December 23, 2011 - 06:49 pm:

    Move here for good Moonit!!!

By droopy on Friday, December 23, 2011 - 10:22 pm:

    die american.

By blindswine on Saturday, December 24, 2011 - 04:08 pm:

By Daniel on Monday, December 26, 2011 - 06:34 pm:

    “I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire. . . . I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.” —from The Sound and the Fury

    Merry christmas to you all a couple days late, maybe, dunno. Sarah call if you need to.

By Daniel on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 04:15 pm:

    Wednesday, December 21, 2011
    Paducah Kentucky Dodged a 20,000 Lb Uranium Hexafluoride Bullet

    Today the NRC released an event report which we believe indicates that Paducah Kentucky dodged a 20,000 pound Uranium Hexafluoride Bullet on the week before Halloween. The event report states there was only a "small release"; what they don't tell is that 30 milligrams of the stuff is enough to cause "potential irreversible adverse effects" (such as death).

    There were 3 things that really drew our attention to the NRC report.

    (1) The problem was caused by an escaped manufacturing defect in a pressure vessel, whose catastrophic failure would have released potentially 9 BILLION DEADLY DOSES of UF6

    (2) The problem was "fixed" by patching the pressure vessel.

    (3) We like Paducah Kentucky, especially the Backwoods BBQ .

    Fortunately the failure was not catastrophic, but we have little doubt that a massive glow in the dark, Bhopal like, radiological/chemical catastrophe was dodged in Paducah, Ky. We wager somewhere in a dark room there exists an analysis that quantifies how close the failure came to being disastrous; but we also wager that it will never see the light of day. Given the risks, one must assume that the economic and/or national security risks must have driven the decision to repair instead of replacing the damaged pressure vessel; it certainly does not seem like a decision primarily driven by safety concerns.

    Of course the NRC event reports are never written to make the uninformed aware of the Sword of Damocles hovering over their heads. Heck, the report doesn't even let you directly know that the leak happened in Paducah. For there to be any real chance of these NRC event reports being universally informative, they really ought to be translated by Larry the Cable Guy. In such a case, the current report would have read something like this:"Gaseous Diffusion Plant Makes Pudachinas Poop Their Britches Permanently"

    Update: The leaking crack in this incident was originally refereed to as a "LINEAR DEFECT", see our next blogpost for the details:
    "Linear Defect" = "Leaking Cracked Steel" With 10 Tons of Liquid and Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride Behind It.
    Alternate title: How to know when there is something that should scare the crap out of you in a NRC event report.

    17X Background Radiation in 12/19/11 Saint Louis Rainfall

    Today we took two sample swipes from the truck. The first at approxmiately 4:30 pm and the next at approximately 8:30 pm. The 4:30pm swipe read 16.9 times greater than background radiation, and the 8:30pm swipe read 17.5 times greater than background radiation.

    The current rain seems to be derived mostly from the Northern Jet Stream, which post August 2011 has been dropping radioactive rainfall usually reading a minimum of 20 times background radiation. The max reading observed during that same time span was 276 times greater than background radiation.

    Additional rain is forecast for the area tomorrow, 12/20/11; the current Jet Stream maps seem to indicate that rain will be mostly from the Southern Jet Stream. If that turns out to be the case, we would expect the radiation levels in the rain to drop (based on previous history). However, that Southern Jet Stream was also strongly influenced by a low pressure area which had been cycling over the ocean between southern California and Baja Mexico. That circulation had been strong enough to pull the Northern Jet Stream down into the Southern Jet Stream; the low may also aided in the volatilization of any ocean born radioactive contamination in the area. Tomorrow's readings, if it rains, may prove interesting.

    The Jet Stream maps may be found at http://virga.sfsu.edu/scripts/nhemjetstream_model.html

By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - 01:08 am:

    Daniel, I have been to Paducah, Kentucky, While I was at the Greyhound Bus Terminal, I took a walk down when the sun cames up, I strolled down the street, looking across the river, I see my home state, Illinois on the other side of the river, after that, I took another bus ride down to Tennessee....

By Antigone on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - 02:13 am:

    Daniel, does your blogger state what he considers 1x
    background radiation to be? How many rems?