The weather is almost cold Are there any news?: The weather is almost cold
By Dr Pepper on Sunday, May 12, 2013 - 05:30 pm:

    It is May 12 th and the weather is almost cold outside, if it is cool all summer, then, we might have a warm winter times later times.

By Dr Pepper on Monday, May 13, 2013 - 10:51 am:

    I had a "Happy" dream for the first time in many years, I saw my self living in San Francisco after quitting my college classes and job after many year, I am standing on fire escape balcony eyeing the street in S.F. and looking down the colorful fire truck with handsome men, suddenly I found my counselor from my college who stop by my place unannounced. She has the nerve to travel all the way from Illinois to see me in S.F. So I had to explain everything to her and wanted to leave my past behind. She was much oblgied and left, the next things is that I undergone a sex change operation and looked the beautiful! When moved to penthouse at the top of tower, I listened to my little sister, Heather who was yelling at my crews, demanding the whole lavish bathroom of hers to be sparkled clean.
    I am not sure about undergoing a sex change, but, I saw myself very interesting in my dream. Don't ask me why..

By Dr Pepper on Monday, May 13, 2013 - 02:15 pm:

    The last message I posted above, ignore it!

By Antigone on Monday, May 13, 2013 - 04:02 pm:


By Dr Pepper on Monday, May 13, 2013 - 08:09 pm:

    Because I feel that way!

By heather on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 04:33 pm:

    I don't care if you want to get turned into a unicorn... why not?

    Go crazy.

    Be whatever.

    But yeah, get that bathroom clean.

By Dr Pepper on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 08:11 pm:

    Thank you, Heather.

By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 03:34 am:

    But until then, I got to see my L.C.S.W. for some therapy. Because part of me just a struggle, but the other part is just a beginning.

By J on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 04:35 pm:

    I think that's called life.

By Danielssss on Thursday, May 16, 2013 - 02:35 pm:

    need chips.

By Dr Pepper on Friday, May 17, 2013 - 02:13 am:

    Heard on the news that the tornado touched down in northern Texas, near Ft Worth. Wonder if everything alright with droopy?

By Antigone on Friday, May 17, 2013 - 07:05 pm:

    I would have sensed a disturbance in the force.

    The tornados were south of the cities, and droop lives near
    downtown Ft Worth.

By Dr Pepper on Friday, May 17, 2013 - 08:26 pm:

    Yeah, I like to know if he is alright. I am just working on how much to pay off my credit card. Because, I wanna see someone for some help. The paycheck is next week and figure it out what is left to pay off the final part.

By droopy on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 01:38 am:

    i'm fine. i just got rained on.
    i'm thinking about selling my fender p-bass to help
    pay off my credit cards.
    i just found out there are free conversational
    spanish lessons at the library on saturday mornings.
    i'm thinking of going, just for the hell of it.

By Dr Pepper on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 12:00 pm:

    Droopy, we have a free computer course at our local library, both in English and Spanish. lol!

By droopy on Sunday, May 19, 2013 - 01:12 am:

    mine, too.

    went to the spanish class this morning. got there
    20 minutes early and had to wait on the sidewalk.
    the front doors of the library are enclosed in a
    stone vestibule with a massive iron gate. maybe 15
    other people were on the sidewalk with me. a lot
    of them looked homeless and where just there for
    shelter. a couple of raggedy guys stood at the
    with their faces between the bars. it was

    when they let us inside, only one of them actually
    went to the spanish class. all the rest got on
    computers. my classmate was a rough-looking
    character in his early twenties. his friend, who'd
    wander into the classroom every so often, was a
    little scary. he'd heard about the class at a
    half-way house or shelter or something.

    the first hour was basic spanish: indirect
    articles, gender, etc. the second hour, which is
    supposed to be "advanced", was spent trying teach
    that guy the concept of conjugation.

    "i AM at the library. you...."

    "should be at the library?"

    they won't have class next weekend because it's
    memorial day weekend. but i'll go to the next one.
    i can't wait to see who shows up next.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, May 19, 2013 - 01:25 am:

    I wish they have a class for people who has a gender identity disorder.

By Danielsgoat on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 03:01 pm:

    that's a conjugation disorder, right?

By Ms Pepper on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 10:36 pm:

    Well, ask yourself if this is relating to liver problems.