cicada killer! Are there any news?: cicada killer!
By droopy on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 12:08 am:

    this evening, while it was still light, i noticed
    something new in my backyard. by back yard, i mean
    the thin strip of lawn that you can see from the
    back door of my apartment.

    anyway--i was out watering my basil plant when i
    noticed a mound of red dirt piled up next to a bit
    of monkey grass. it looks like an ant hill, but
    not as fine-grained. on closer inspection, i could
    see a small hole - a burrow - leading down under
    the tuft of grass.

    i had a feeling. i had hopes it was what i thought
    it was. so i waited. finally, a head poked out of
    the burrow. i really didn't know how big these
    animals were, so i thought it might be a small
    lizard. but then she came out all the way, i knew
    what it was: a cicada-killer wasp.

    i actually shot a little video of her on my ipad
    while she was tidying up the outside of the nest.

    this is the female of the species. she digs a
    burrow in the soil, usually of several chambers,
    to lay her eggs. but she does something extra. she
    goes out and finds a cicada (usually more than
    one), paralyzes it with her sting, then flies it
    back to the nest - carrying this thing that's
    twice her weight underneath her like cargo - and
    places it in one of the chambers. the cicada is
    paralyzed, but still alive. then she lays an egg
    in it. when the egg hatches, that's what the
    larval wasp feeds on until it's big enough to
    leave the nest.

    gruesome, i know.

By Pepper on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 01:31 am:

    Fire ant are aggressive than the black ant, normally we do not have fire ant, just the black ants. we rarely see any of these, because we keep our place clean. We haven't seen any bees for a while/ I guess, I am pointing it out on cellular tower.

By droopy on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 01:25 am:

    i haven't see fire ants since the 80s, when i worked
    out in the fields for a landscaping company. i know
    they're still around, but i never see them in the

By Pepper on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 06:39 pm:

    Hmm,so you are saying that there is no more fireant? You might lives in downtown.

By droopy on Thursday, August 7, 2014 - 06:58 pm:

    i was just saying i hadn't noticed them. i probably
    see them all the time, even in the city. i think it
    has a bit to do with being in a wheelchair. my life
    is mostly in a paved world.

By Pepper on Thursday, August 7, 2014 - 08:19 pm:

    I remember the one that bit my finger back in 1982 in Dallas, I was like 15 years old then, it was one summer shortly before my 16th Birthday and was coming back to school in a month.
    I noticed it has a pimple like and tried to pop it out. It was a hard one.

By droopy on Friday, August 8, 2014 - 04:54 am:

    that's it. what we remember is being bitten by
    fire ants. stepping into to a nest and they swarm
    up your calf. i remember being at local lake and
    lying down on the beach for a nap. soon i was up
    and running into the lake because a swarm of fire
    ants were in my shirt and setting my torso on

    but fire ant bites are nothing compared to
    chiggers. i know people freak out when i use that
    name (it's a corruption of "chigoe flea"), but
    that's what they're called. google

By Antigone on Friday, August 8, 2014 - 07:47 pm:

    I'd have to say the worst is a tick on your scrotum.

By Pepper on Friday, August 8, 2014 - 08:29 pm:

    But, fire ant in your pee hole will wise you up in no time and make you scream like Klaxon alarm.

By droopy on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 03:23 am:

    about this time of year, down on our farm land south
    of austin, a very large bug shows up. the official
    name is greater arid-land katydid, but locally
    they're known as red-eyed devils. they look like
    huge grasshoppers, and they can grow to the size of
    small birds. somewhere on the web, there's a picture
    of one of them eating a lizard (gecko). i imagined
    passing out in a field on the farm, drunk and naked,
    and waking up to find one of those things were in
    the process of eating my penis.

By Pepper on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 11:15 am:
