absent from a lot of things and focused on a few. We're inside two weeks. We've set up a home birth, have a midwife we love, even have an aqua doula rental enroute. We've been practising hypnobirthing techniques and generally getting prepared, mentallly for an intense, private and amazing experience at home. That is until we found out yesterday the baby is breech. Initially lots of anger came at the NP and rotating midwives at UNC that have seen her up until late last month (when we switched to the midwife and homebirth plan) for not catching this sooner. For telling us they felt a head in pelvis, where there has never been a head down there, at least not in the last two months. So, we're trying everything from daily visits to the chiropractor for the webster technique, some ancient chinese secret technique of burning incense on your toes, prolonged periods of being upside down, the "moth method" (flashlight to belly), hypnosis and if that all fails in the next few days, we have an appointment to have a doctor try inversion, which sounds scary and uncomfortable as shit. the reality of a csection is very very real and upsetting. any positive, non c-section/healthy birth thoughts you can send are most apppreciated. maybe some of you moms have some suggestions or experiences that could be useful. |
I planned a homebirth and then I didn't have one. I was disappointed but it's not the end of the world. |
a very close friend of mine who went to the same birthing center i did, her baby was breech 3-4 weeks before her due date. the midwives were able to do a successful external cephalic version. have they tried that yet? |
oh, and a c-section is definitely not the end of the world. i know it seems like a huge deal, especially if you have your heart set on a home birth it can be very emotional, but of course the most important thing is a healthy baby on the outside. plus, when you have a c-section none of your wife's female parts will be torn or stretched. there's always that to consider, which may help her cope mentally if a c-section has to happen. but i hoping for you both that you get the birth that you want! |
we're trying the other things I mentioned between now and then. im trying to keep her brain focused on the healthy baby outcome, rather than the longer healing process, the loss of vaginal experience, the negative aspect of being in a hospital and the fears and risks that are increased with csections. i have mention that the chick parts will be available for play much sooner should the worst happen but her response is not necessarily due to the discomfort of the wound she will incur. she's been so good for he last nine months, so nurturing, so good with her body. Im reminding her that this is just one last step she needs to do for her. poor mama needs a margarita or three like nobodies business. help us out and visualize turning babies in space for us. im calling on prayer and positive thinking to friends and strangers alike. |
For now I'll just say that I was a breech baby and I know my mother would have given ANYTHING to have had a C-section,I don't know why she didn't get one as she had small hips. It really traumatized her and she never let me forget it. A healthy baby and mother in the end is really all that matters to me. |
eyes* spunk? |
its all about faking baby out at this point. chess match. which way is up milkdud. thanks for the thoughts folks. :-) |
she? i don't remember you saying it was a girl before. |
Whatever you do, do not have a Mormon-assisted birth. |
pretty good at this shit and the baby appears to to have head from the 11 o clock position to somewhere between 8:30 and 9 o clock. we're consider a Meatwad-assisted birth. Either that or Danzig. One of the two. |
dad. they can't prepare you for the disturbance one endures watching two docs trying to forcibly turn a baby in mom's belly . good news is her head went from 10 o clock to 9 oclockso perhaps she will do the rest between now and the 25th, when we have the csection scheduled. aye. we need many drinks. soon. |
it's okay, it's okay, i know it's so hard, you really need to be resting and not stressing out about it. get down in her business and talk to her coochie. loudly. help her do a supported down dog (fun for you too). do what you can do, and then let go. i know it's hard, TRUST ME i know. once that baby gets here, however she gets here, that's the prize. |
thats what everyone is saying but mom is really mourning the (most likely) loss of a natural child birth. its not stress, but rather depression. she feels shes been put into the medical establishment grind house is and not matter how much effort, control, desire or passion to do the most natural, healthy and free thing, shes thwarted. to outsiders it seems like shes getting caught up in this particular detail. to me, im empathetic but when this extrapolates into all the other negatively and bleak outlook, i have to shut down. she's prone to depressive bouts and this is a perfect spring board for her right into postpartum and the therapist who is former OB, has warned her that pp often mimics as anxiety and shes got a lot of bleak anxieties now that a c-section is a near certainty. |
that sounds like a really tough spot to be in. i'm so sorry. |
excitement has come back into play...that and the desire to get her body back. its beyond obscene how big her belly is. she's gained no weight, anywhere else. its shocking. |
i hate her. |
bring me the baby bring me the baby. |
oh boy do i know that feeling! hang in there! btw, i don't really hate her, i was just being facetious. i too am glad your wife is feeling better, and i am still thinking good thoughts for your baby's birth. do you have a name picked out, or a short list? |
we do sarah, though i got the memo around 5 mos that we werent supposed to tell incase the milkdud came out and looked like someone else. so, in due time. she fully admits the blessing she has received in terms of weight gain and the distribution thereof. if anything though it results in a more public "oh my god you're going to drop any minute" reaction because of the very fact that she looks normal right on up to her ass and from behind she doesnt even look pregnant. she looks fucking dramatic. though she is worried about postnatal muffin top. but you know, i find all that sexy as hell and seeing as how we the sex, despite how weird it got in the last two months, is now offically closed for business, i just want too the baby out and asleep so we can get back to some sense of normalcy. *sigh* beer. its whats for lunch. i just need to bike my ass home. is it true you can scare a woman into labor? |
Are there any news? |
FONT SIZE=-1>By <B><B><FONT COLOR="#00FFFF">Dr Pepper <!--Name: cpe-74-72-198-190.nyc.res.rr.com --> </FONT></B></B> on <B>Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 05:31 pm</B>:</FONT><P> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="500" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2"> <TR VALIGN="TOP"> <TD WIDTH="500"> <UL><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">I'm a asshole! I post with other people's names! I obsessed with bisexuality and transvestitism! I wanted a muscled lady! Where's droppy!?</FONT></UL> So, you can't fool me with this. we all knows you lives in N.Y.C.. |
explain what? view source. that's what. any further questions, Doc? |