By MandeZ on Wednesday, June 10, 1998 - 09:53 pm: |
#12 - You could be taken captive by Samilian spies and be forced to work with Sally Struthers to help "Save the Children.... for just 64 cents a day. The same amount of money as a cup of coffee!" #23 - You could be Bob Hope. #29 - You could be a roll of toilet paper. #35 - You could be held prisoner in a factory that makes Algebra text books. #36 - You could spend your life writing "Life Could Be Worse...." sayings, like me. #49 - You could realize that your whole life is someone else's dream. #54 - You could be forced to meet everyone you've talked to online face-to-face. #60 - You could have the fashion sense of an orangatan. #69 - You could have been an extra in "Penguins of the Antarctic." #79 - You could be a deer trapped in a human body. #83- You could be a sparrow. i think that's enough torment for now. i'll post more some other time, unless of course, some one is sent to my house to kill me in order to prevent that from happening. See ya. --mandeZ |