Yo-Yo Ma is one of my heroes. We have an instrument & alma mater in common. And even tho' I cd never dare to dream of being as accomplished a human being as he is/it really warmed my heart to see the city of NY pay hommage to him in such a significant way. If you cd name a street corner after anyone you chose/in any city on earth/which corner wd it be & who wd you pick? |
I would rename my corner Gilmore and Pesci. Love David Gilmore to death and ol' Joe has been a favorite of mine for a looooong time. I know Gilmore St. doesn't have the pizzazz of a cool name, but his talents outweigh his bland name by far. |
I have no interest (sp - intrest?) in changing my street name, but I would like to be mean to all the people who sneer at my area and the KFC delivery guy who thinks he's safer hanging out in the parking lot at 10pm than he would be walking ten feet farther (sp - further?) to my door. We're averaging three murders a year now, and the gangs are dressing a lot smarter lately! I think we're doing pretty good (sp - well?). That last one shouldn't have been an "sp", but I forget the little thingy for grammer booboo's. |