this verbage actually appears on the pretzel package. i am not making this up. mmmmmmmmmm Rods! |
i have two viagra pills in my possession. does anyone know what happens when women take them? |
First of all/you shd've seen a dcotor before you got those pills. Becuz they're not like yr usual recreational drugs. Even if you can get them over the Internet/they aren't SAFE w/out an informed MD's advice & warnings. If you are taking any other medications/inc. b.c. pills/decongestants/or illicit drugs/you shdn't take Viagra. You can read more abt it here: Notice that this site contains NO INFO on how Viagra effects women. Becuz Viagra is a drug designed for MEN. Particularly older, impotent White men. If you don't fit those categories/you shdn't ben taking it. It's been on the market less than a year/& the stats are still out on how it effects women. If the guy is old enuf to need Viagra/maybe you shd consider picking them a bit younger. If he can't get it up just looking at you naked/then you're shorting yrself. Capisce? And if the Viagre is for you -- good grief girl! Find yrself someone who turns you on w/out drugs! At least the 1st few times. You are truly buggin' ... |
i have not actually taken viagra. i simply have two pills in my possession. as far as i can tell, viagra increases blood flow to genitals. i understand that penises are different from vaginas, but viagra is not a horomone and does not contain horomones. it also is not a fertility drug. it does not contain steroids. so it is hard for me to come to the biologically or physiologically scientific conclusion that a drug that simply increases blood flow to genitals would be harmful for women. aside from pre-existing side effects of the drug itself, of course. my guess is that there are many women out there who have taken viagra, perhaps just simply out of curiosity and not necessarily because they have sexual dysfunctions. i have done a search on Medline to try to find more information about women and viagra but found none. so i thought i would ask anyone here if they knew how viagra affects women or if any women reading these boards has taken it, or have anecdotes of other women who have taken it. i've posted the same question to a few USENET forums as well. hardly scientific inquiry, but i was just curious. but jeeez RC, all i did was ask a question. you sure did jump to a lot of conclusions. |
It pretty much said that sensitivity and pleasure (read orgasm) were heightened. I will look for the mag. and get back to you. PS as i recall the only side affect mentioned was a headache the following morning. |
"i loved the number of orgasms i'd had, and the fun, pleasure, and luxury of having his unflagging member at my disposal. but we were struck by the fact that although viagra makes you hard and and ready, it doesn't make you horny. that's still up to the relationship, the chemistry, and the exchange od pleasure between you and your partner." |
oo. maybe that's not time. |
and what's with you and your obsession with margret's meat? |
"If you take any medicines that contain nitrates - either regularly or as needed - you should never take VIAGRA.If you take VIAGRA with any nitrate medicine or recreational drug containing nitrates, your blood pressure could suddenly drop to an unsafe level. You could get dizzy, faint, or even have a heart attack or stroke. Nitrates are found in many prescription medicines that are used to treat angina (chest pain due to heart disease) such as: •nitroglycerin (sprays, ointments, skin patches or pastes, and tablets that are swallowed or dissolved in the mouth) •isosorbide mononitrate and isosorbide dinitrate (tablets that are swallowed, chewed, or dissolved in the mouth) Nitrates are also found in recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite ("poppers"). If you are not sure if any of your medicines contain nitrates, or if you do not understand what nitrates are, ask your doctor or pharmacist. VIAGRA is only for patients with erectile dysfunction. VIAGRA IS NOT FOR NEWBORNS, CHILDREN OR WOMEN. Do not let anyone else take your VIAGRA. VIAGRA must be used only under a doctor's supervision." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a drug co. warning tell me flat out that this pill is NOT for women/that's enuf cause to pause for me. But hey -- it's yr body. |
..."ouch that hurt....don't go so deep" ...."it seems he has bruised your cervix and encouraged a development of PID" ..."honey I am still sore from 2 nights's because you so god damned big, i can't handle you more than twice a week...." |
funny... the government used to tell people that voting wasn't for women either. good thing there were some women who could think for themselves or else today Dan Quayle might be the Chief. in any case, it's 4am and i'm annoyed. my new roommmate woke me up yet again with her squealing. maybe *she* is on viagra... i'll have to ask. that is, AFTER giving her eviction notice when she wakes up in a few hours. it's useless for me to sleep right now. i'm folding laundry, listening to the soundtrack to Gridlock'd, drinking Grand Marnier, and hoping one of you east coasters is awake soon to keep me company. long live pharmeceuticals. |
Pause Say, in a calm measured tone "Keep it down" |
ROFLMBAOff! (Reminds me of dormlife...) Sad as it sounds/you simply can't evict people for having loud, sheet-searing sex. You cd however/ask to join 'em... Or shag the guy yrself & see what all the fuss is abt. Which wd probably precipitate said roommate's immediate evacuation in a huff. (Can you swing the rent alone?) |
My girlfriend at the time had an old boyfriend (of twenty years past) who let slip that he not only had a prescription, but just taking half a pill had changed his life. She cadged one from him, and we split it. After the requisite thirty minute wait, the here were the results: ** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ** I do not need, nor have I ever needed, pharmaceutical or any other assistance in this arena. Thank you for your attention. We now return you to your regularly scheduled scientific experiment. Sarah is right about the logic of increasing blood flow to the genitals and that it should be non-gender specific. We had heard various anecdotal evidence that a minor benefit to women may or may not accrue. My partner, however, reported no changes at all, either during or after. The male in the study, however, reported a definite effect. While the, ahem, equipment had always been more than satisfactory (testimonials on file in the office), once things got under way, there was a definite increase in rigidity, size, and persistence, all areas, it should be pointed out, that were already thought to be optimal, if not a bit uncomfortable (see above). It may be that I'm just getting old and hadn't noticed a gradual decline, but it really seemed as if there was a last 5% of potential there that had never been reached before. In short, a good time was had by all, and an attempt to procure more was thwarted by the (understandably) miffed ex who was reluctant to subsidize someone else's fun. I would recommend to Sarah that she try it; I, at least, would be interested in the results. My advice would be to use only half a tablet each. I'm a fairly large guy with historically a very high tolerance for medications, so I was skeptical, but half was good. Did I mention that I don't need Viagra? I'll be leaving the board now. |
But if all it does for women in increase blood flow to the genitals/there are dozens of herbs that'll do that. For a lower price & w/out the possible side effects. |
men are dumb apes and women are the enlightened! o sarah, please grant us more tidbits of your infinite female wisdom! |
Be nice/or Sarah will take down yr pants & spank you both -- good! |
I may have torched a guy's car. And I broke a lamp over one dude's head for backhanding me once (& he never hit me again) ... But I wd NEVERR, ever cut off the Johnson. You never know when you might want some of that again... |
If I had a dick that got cut off & it had spent many hours lying by the side of the road/getting sniffed by every stray dog that passed by & God knows what else/I'm sorry -- l'da told 'em "No thanks -- gimme a new one!" [Funny -- surgeon's can replace a severed dick. But if you cut off yr foot or hand/you're generally shitouttaluck.] |
Lemme go eat... |
Is there ANYTHING worse than listening to loud, animalistic sex when you're not getting any? |
yeah. listening to your ex having loud animalistic sex with someone else when you're not getting any. mercifully however i am getting some these days. |
BEGONE OPPRESSORS! this statement is blatant sexism! why am i bad? all i did is continue the sentiment...i didn't start it. |
eat the shit, accept the hipocrisy, and smile like you enjoy it. be a man. |
I'll keep ya posted PS. go for it!! you ever take drugs(narcotics)? it can't be any worse. |
if you want to continue to think that i'm a racist and also a sexist, go right ahead. i'm not, but i don't give a fuck what you think of me. that said, if my statement was at all slanderous, it wasn't slander against men, but against The Man. i mean, there's a reason why the term "The Man" is synonymous with oppression. but it's certainly not my fault that the majority of legislators/goverment officials (and economic leaders in the private sphere as well) are men. hmmm... actually, it is my fault. come to think of it, if women were so enlightened we'd rally our forces to launch all those priveledged, white, dumb apes out of public office. oooops, i did it again. |
"yes Ma'am may I please have another CRACK!, yes ma'am may I please have another...CRACK!....." good days ahead sarah |
is that the best you can do? pfffft. |
Clearly the reason The Man is The Man is because once the woman got the vote and the freedom to go to work, she spent all her time policing the politics and sensitivity of her compadres, in print and on message boards. Couldn't have anything to do with entenched systems of power against which one feels less that hopeless, whereas one has a venue and gets a reaction bitching to the converted. Sarah's a racist? I thought that was what everyone decided about J. Only my complete inability to grow a dick kept me from defending J back then, so because I have belatedly sprouted some OVARIES AND THEN SOME I will take a stab at it now, but I don't feel like finding the Chandler AZ 1:00 a.m. thread to do it. J was discussing the "wetback" issue, which is one of particular sensitivity in all areas bordering Mexico. But there are different cultural environs. Texas and California each have their ways of dealing with illegal immigration, etc., socially, politically, economically. Arizona and New Mexico and Colorado have something altogether different going on, and I think (though I'm not sure) that it's because (at least for New Mexico and Arizona) the demographics are different. Arizona is a state whose richest people are retirees from other climes. New Mexico's richest people are immigrants from California and people whose families are old school exploiters, and these latter are of spanish and anglo descent, both (and you should NEVER call them hispanics because their story is they came over with Coronado and by GOD they're sticking to it). In New Mexico, the only people I ever heard talk trash on more recent immigrants were hispanic. Like, 2nd or 3rd generation American citizens, max. And there's a special word for the recent less-than-invited immigrants, which is mojado (pronounced mo-hao, roughly), which is way meaner than wetback, and I have no idea what the translation is. The fear was that the influx of cheap labor and bad elements (Albuquerque was the final destination of many a young person from one of the most vicious gangs in Juarez, the Juaritos) would fuck the people who lived there already financially and socially. So cut J some fucking slack (which obviously everyone HAS, but I'm pretending I didn't wuss out a month ago or so). I am sexist. I think men are less capable of nuanced rational thought than women. I don't think it's genetic, I think it has a lot to do with American culture. I don't think it's true of all men, but I would lay dollars to donuts for any generic woman off the street against any generic man off the street in resolving not just acceptably but fantabulously any kind of COMPLEX crisis. Sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me. |
they understand the importance of fine lingerie. their wines are the best in the world. they make pastries with fresh raspberries all year long. coronado was a hispanic. all it means is that you're ethnically from a spanish-speaking place (e.g. spain). the term "hispanic," like all other racial terms, is vague and often inaccurately applied. I am aware that there are often severe forms of racism within ethnic minorities. a friend of mine told me her chinese (born and raised in china - don't remember which province) sister-in-law totally looked down on any other chinese person with darker skin than her own, and she would wear long sleeves in the summer to keep her skin from looking any darker. anyway, I assume that j is white (doubtfully "hispanic" -- in all my travels in mexico, guatemala, nicaragua, el salvador, honduras, etc., I never met a central american with a 34" inseam), and "wetback" from a white person is an offensive racial slur. I think that use of such terms within an ethnic or racial group, people can use such terms for each other without the same connotations. a black person calling another black person a "nigger" means something different than when a white person calls black people in general "niggers." christ, I hope this doesn't start a really fucking boring discussion. but I think it will. |
but anyway, if this does turn into an argument, I hope I am not saddled with the young-white-privileged-liberal-arts-major-college-politically-correct-liberal side of things, because I am tired of all that and am not very good at it. |
Yeah. Coronado may have been a hispanic, and I'm well aware that it refers to a diaspora. I'm just saying that the old spanish families in New Mexico would be plenty pissed if you called them hispanic. They are SPANISH. It's a mental thing. Dig? Sigh. The french were fine to me when I was in Paris, but they were just recently mean to my friend Jamie the nicest human being on the face of the earth. So, Fuck les francais. |
I've been to spain once so far this year and france twice, and the only rude person I've encountered was one hurried boulangerie worker in paris. neither my french nor my spanish is that great in conversation, but everyone else has been ridiculously gracious and helpful and nice. I'm going back to france in two weeks and will stay for a month, but will probably only fuck an american. oh well, my loss, I'm sure. |
I think my worst experience was in a small, crowded prague restaurant in 1994. we tried being nice, we ordered in czech, but the waiter would only speak english to us. ok, fine, he wants to practice his english. anyway, at the end of the meal, the waiter gave us a bill that was about five times what we had ordered. so we explained there was an error, and he looked at the bill and said, "oops -- I guess I accidentally put a steak and prawns dinner on your bill!" he took that out, but the bill was still way off. so we asked to see the menu, and the waiter said, "it doesn't matter what's on the menu, this is what you're going to pay." we didn't even have that much money on us. I tried to remember what everything was supposed to cost and gathered that many crowns together. but the waiter said we weren't leaving until we paid what he said, and the owner/manager backed him up. we told them they could call the police if they liked, but we weren't going to pay what they asked. then, in this crowded little restaurant, they told us that the was a matter between us and them, and then they went and fucking locked the front door from the inside! so no one could get out. while I negotiated with the waiter and owner, my friend scoped the place out and said, "there's a back door -- let's go." so I left the money we owed on the bar and we all ran away. |
resist . . . urge . . . to make . . . joke . . . about . . . fight over the czech. Ugh. Too late. |
Just wanna say there are 6 wetbacks down here in Texas who want to take you all out for cerveza. 'Cause there just people tryin' to make it. "You need money like you need oxygen." |
When I was in PAris, I made sure my girl (who is fluent in French) did all the talking except when it came to "the check please" "the bathroom please" "another round please" "ashtray please" everything else she did in French. After having many candid conversations with locals in Paris, they initially thought we were from France, possibly the south or something due to my wifes slower diction........otherwise we were well received by all....all though my trip to London proved more successful, simply because I could now communicate and when people found out we were honeymooners they went ape shit with ohhhs ahhhhhs, yada yada......... |
that's exactly what those arrogant french bastards would have you believe. goddamnit. i grew up in sonoma and napa counties. i know the truth. you fuckers. i hate you all. i'm leaving and never coming back. |
I was 17 when I went to France/but my language skills were pretty good. And everyone treated me swell. People went out of their way to give me directions & make sure I didn't get ripped off my unscrupulous cabbies. (How many New Yorkers do that for foreign tourists?) If you make a decent effort to speak their langauge & don't act like an ugly American/the French can be incredibly friendly. If the French never got anything but champagne & pastries right/that wd still be more than enuf to earn them my undying love. |
and I actually don't know shit about wine, but I know that the french make some tasty stuff with pretty labels. |
I am more of a Boone's chick myself. |
As far as wines go. |
There is no such thing as california champagne. i think champagne is a waste anyway, though. it's good for getting panties off and killer hangovers. i'm a zin man. i highly recommend ravenswood zin's. a good sonoma county wine. fuck the french. |
Fou Chien Vingt-Vingt = "Mad Dog 20 20" Nuit Locomotive = "Night Train" I thought perhaps we had a Francophone amongst us. Reminds me of a great old Steve Martin bit. What the hell. Fuck the French. And Jerry Lewis too. |
nothin like waking up on the 42nd floor of the Peachtree Plaza downtown Atlanta, looking out the sole glass/window wall directly across from the bed, head splitting, praying to the porcelin god and climbing on a plane for ten hours........Thanks champagne, thank your making one of the most memorable hangovers in my personal history fuck the french for creating champagne, i'll take MD 20/20 over that shit anyday.......Grape flava pleeeze |
I've been choosing cabernet sauvignon. |
at the comet in seattle we used to pick on recent transplants. "here's $5. go ask the bartender for a pitcher of 'ray-nyay.'" |
Waffleboy - I have a first edition of Cruel Shoes which my dad gave me in 1979 when I was 11 years old. Clearly he never took the time to read it first. "Jugs" is good, but "The New Bohemians" is a classic. And BTW, have you ever tried your waffles with Philly Cream Cheese? |
it was sort of like being in one of the only good parts of a Hemingway novel. |
you and margret can throw obscure sartre references this way too. before I realized just how much time I could waste on the web, I was working on an american-english translation of "the age of reason." |
And Nate is quite right about champagne. |
jesus. white zin isn't even wine. can you even buy that stuff in a bottle? i think i've only ever seen it in a box. |
I never see any sort of zinfandel in the selection of french, italian, moldovan, georgian, israeli and south african wines I peruse out here. is it a napa valley wine? the only california wines available here are gallo and paul masson. |
And good champers won't give you a hangover. Unless you drink it on an empty stomach. I can't ever remember being hungover the next day from champagne. Or any wine/for that matter. Only booze leaves me feeling fucked-up the next morning. And that's usually only vodka or gin. |
Oh, and Waffleboy... apologies... I didn't realize you were married. Keep burying that kielbasa without a brolly. You'll be just fine! |
Waffleboy....your posts are all like 15 minutes apart. What do you do all day that lets you use a computer so much? |
its like listening to a recording of your self and be shocked that you sound like you do. an asshole that is. |
sometimes she would use many in a row////was that instead of . . . ? well, it was just her way, i guess. |
She probably typed so fast that she would occasionally hit the wrong key. Least that's what I always thought... |
Plus, personal experience is that the boards were far more fun years ago, which is one of the reasons I stopped coming. Errr...strike that. Change it to " of the reasons I stopped posting." That's better. |
just heard the latest Home Depot radio spot: "if you want to trim it, tame it, mow it, or blow it..." man, i can't believe i remembered this thread! |
five fucking years ago!! |
i never did take viagra. |
Old thread. No experience with the little blue pill. See there must be some time when sorabjiadvice gets taken. But why revive the thread? A curiosity from the past... |