Thank God I managed to pull that out of my ass Reasons to be cheerful: Thank God I managed to pull that out of my ass
By J on Thursday, August 5, 1999 - 04:19 pm:

    It,s 106 degrees hot here today,and hummid,I,m going crazy,cause it,s just too fuckng hot to do anything but swim.I had my S/O talked in to taking today through Monday off and going to Pinetop AZ where it,s cool.I tried so hard to make reservations somewhere there yesterday,and no luck,so he went to work today.Today one of the cabins called, they have an opening,so we are going tomorrow.The paper says the weather will be 68 high 52 low.Thank you Jesus,Thank you Lord.I, going to run around the woods naked and cool.I,ll miss you all

By Rhiannon on Thursday, August 5, 1999 - 04:27 pm:

    Wow! Sounds like a blast! Have fun, and we'll miss you and your snarly posts too!

By Gee on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 04:11 am:

    My family is originally from AZ.

    Have fun J. =o)

By Sarah on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 03:01 pm:

    i thought this was going to be a post regarding anal fetishes and maybe a near miss with EMS.

    have fun J!

By Waffles on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 03:04 pm:

    it can a story??

By Sarah on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 05:15 pm:

    once upon a time there was a man from Kentucky who got off on smelling little boys' bicycle seats....

By FETIDBEAVER on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 06:54 pm:

    Oh damn! That's nasty.
    Here's a true story though. When we moved to Iowa from Los Angeles we were in the parking lot of a store. My son was about 5. He was standing in a shopping cart while I was getting my daughter out of the car. She was 4 months old, so needless to say I'm screwing around getting the car seat unhooked while my wife waits. Anyhow this man walks up and says, "Hi there little feller, have you had your lick'em today"? Naturally he says, "No". With that the man leans over and licks the side of his face from chin to forehead. I'm standing there stunned, I couldn't believe it. The wife is freaked. everyone gets back in the car and we go to a pay phone and call the police. Cop comes out, takes a report and states, "Oh yeah, that's old man ___?___ he's been doin that for years. He used to own a service station in__?__ and gave all the kids lick'ems". Wife was good and pissed now and I just said, "Well, welcome to Iowa...I guess".

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 07:03 pm:

    did he walk crouched down and bow-legged and speak backwards ???

By Mrs. LM on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 09:17 pm:


By Semillama on Friday, August 6, 1999 - 09:41 pm:

    Uncle "Bob"!

By Gee on Monday, August 9, 1999 - 03:24 am:


By Semillama on Monday, August 9, 1999 - 07:27 pm:

    Did you expect anything different?

By Yobelffaw on Monday, August 9, 1999 - 07:33 pm:

    cixelsyd ylreves eb tsum uoy tsop terces siht daer ot

    gnieb namuh a ma I odriew a ton ma I

By YobAmajap aka Mij on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 11:52 am:


    Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?

By Amallimes on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 07:04 pm:

    .icniV aD odranoeL eb tsum uoy ,tsop taht daer ot ,yllautcA

By Gee on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 08:33 pm:


By Semillamas not so secret identity on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 - 10:41 pm:


By Tinoom on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 12:36 am:

    ydnah rorrim a evah ro

By J on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 10:25 am:

    What the hell is all this wierd word shit?Are you all talking in tongues?Gee where is your family from out here?I fucked up after looking at all my options on the net,I booked a cabin that wasn,t the one I thought it was.We had to sleep in a double bed that sagged in the middle,my back hurts now.There was a loft up stairs,but no bathroom,and the way I get fucked up,I didn,t want to do the stairs.To add insult to injury,it cost $25.00 a night more than the place I thought I was going to.

By Nate on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 02:52 pm:

    ohm ally goom goom shan boo poh lah.

    send me $1000 and i will grant your salvation.

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 02:57 pm:

    I can do it for $900

By Nate on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 03:09 pm:

    don't fall for his blue light salvation!

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 03:51 pm:

    I can name that tune in 3 notes, Wink!

By Waffleboy on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 04:18 pm:

    ok, $850 and I'll throw in an official holy shroud replica, a personalized Book of The Disciples, your very own collection plate and bitchin recipe for green bean casserole.


    speaking of cheap sales, did one ever catch the B-Boys "infomercial" when their latest record came out. It actually aired on the Home Shopping Network. They were promoting hand full of "products" and they had an 800# you could call to order the CD.
    It was a fuckin riot.

By Gee on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 06:10 am:

    I don't know where in AZ, J. It was a long time ago. Like, my great-grandmother long. But believe me you, my american roots are a constant source of pain for me.

    Welcome back, by the way.

By J on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 03:11 pm:

    Thanks Gee,the highlight of my trip was giving some little jackass some grief.We were driving in town it has 4 lanes,2 each way,we are in the right(slow lane).This little snot in a red sports car was right on our ass,he looked maybe 18,he started honking and making gestures,he finally passed on the left and was calling us names,after a few obscene exchanges,he got in a turn lane and was telling us to pull over.Part of me was thinking bring it on,but wrote his licsense# instead,when he saw I was calling 911,he turned around and took off.When we were coming back from the store,saw the cops had pulled him over and was searching his car,we honked and waved as we went by,he and his girlfriend didn,t seem too happy.

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 03:28 pm:

    You know what they say about guys who feel they have to drive sportscars.

By J on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 03:36 pm:

    It was probably his dads, ha ha,I got you,same as big trucks lol.

By Lucy Phurre on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 05:14 pm:

    No, I used to date a guy who drove an SUV & he wasn't compensating for size....

    ...he was compensating for performance issues.

By Antigone on Thursday, August 12, 1999 - 11:37 pm:

    Here we go again...

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 01:40 am:


By Gee on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 02:55 am:

    Don't egg her, Anti. I'm getting tired of seeing people fight.

By Antigone on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 10:17 am:

    Oh, heck. I ain't gonna fight. Just commenting...

By Nate on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 02:14 pm:

    i almost got hit by a fucking SUV the other day. some rich lady, honey buy me a land-rover CUNT CUNT CUNT. drifting all over 17 because she doesn't know how big her vehicle is (or rather, she's afraid of the hillside because she can't drive such a big vehicle.)

    she's coming at me from the right, and on my left i have a 4 foot concrete divider to love gently. behind me some ass is riding mine. so i gun it, get up to 95 and then have to cut the bitch off to swing a curve.

    of course, she gets all frazzled and drops to 30 or something. she never even knew she was pulling into my lane.

    i hate SUVs. they should be a crime. i can't legally buy dope, but any rich fuck can buy an SUV for his incompetant housecunt.

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 02:18 pm:

    i'll second that. I love how those things come with all the offroad features that I know people get so much use out of. Those cattle pushers on the front........oh yeah right...they are so many wild animals in hollywood......maybe a tranny down on Santa Monica Blvd. or a dirt head in North Hollywood or better yet a banker downtown....or how about the wench. Yeah right!....draggin other SUV owners out of the ditch they ran into.

    Better yet how about the fucks that bought HUM about product placement after the war.

By Lawanda on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 02:43 pm:

    Way back there, there is a post about local crazy people by FB. Here's my true "Where the hell did this guy move me to" story.

    We're staying at the local hotel until our house goes through. I make my first trip to the grocery store. There are filthy little kids running around with no shoes in the store. I come out with my bag and I see...a guy with a beard down to his knees, looks like he hasn't bathed in months, driving the oldest, dirtiest truck I've ever seen. Attatched to the front of the truck is a bush.

    Ack! Where did I move to? Now that I understand the area more, that probably wouldn't shock me now. The guy was probably a crazy half-hermit logger, and the kids more than likely were just at the creek playing and decided to sneak in without mom knowing.

By Semillama on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:01 pm:

    As someone who sees a lot of humvees, there's not a better off road vehicle and the Army has never had a more versitile vehicle. Those things can go a lot places anything ashort of a tracked vehicle would have trouble with.

    Of course, when you see one parked at a college fraternity, it's an abuse of what the vehicle was designed for, and you should firebomb it immediatley to put the vehicle out of its misery.

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:05 pm:

    drive through beverly hills, you'll see one if every parking lot, fucking sick

By J on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 03:41 pm:

    Theres lots of those around now,not only can hese people not drive them,they can,t even park them.

By Nate on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 04:25 pm:

    if you pipe the exhaust, you can drive them suckers under water, ya no?

By Waffleboy on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 05:13 pm:

    oh really, I have been in the market for an dual purpose vehicle such as that so i can exploit my desires for deep sea fishing and mud bogging

By Semillama on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 07:31 pm:

    Mud bogging? Hey, waffles, if you don't mind me asking, where you from originally?

By Why on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 07:39 pm:

    Atlanta, GA, ....why

By Lawanda on Friday, August 13, 1999 - 09:20 pm:

    An interesting social experiment: Get a pad and paper, wade through these threads, and see how many times we stay on topic. It never ceases to amaze me how these things have a life of their own.

By Semillama on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 01:50 am:

    Yeah, but sometimes they wander back on.

    I just wanted to know how widespread the term "mud bogging" was, as I have only heard it in Da U. P. before.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 11:29 am:

    Great minds think alike, Lawanda! :-)

By Lawanda on Saturday, August 14, 1999 - 12:22 pm:

    Yeah, Jim, when I read that on the other thread I said "Hey, he stole my line!" But since it was you, it's perfectly all right.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, August 15, 1999 - 03:06 pm:

    And the art of it, Lawanda, is I wrote mine before I even read yours.


By J on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 - 03:06 pm:

    He,s that good.