Unlike Cyst I hate Doctors. Smarmy bloody white coated know it all fuckarses. It starts like this........... I was shutting a drawer on Tuesday night and thought ow. My back. Its been sore for the last three days, although it wasnt too bad this morning - due to the fact I made the Grump massage it and then rub this herbal heat stuff in it. When I told him I felt better but it was still a bit sore and prehaps I won't go to the Doctor, he said.. 'I don't want to have to listen to you bitch all weekend about your back. If you don't go you can't talk about it'. So I went. The Doctor said I had done all the right things and that he could either a. give me drugs (cool!) b. give me a couple of days bed rest (cool) but because i was okay and could walk he flagged both and said just keep getting your boyfriend to do the massages and you'll be fine. I told him also about my grandmothers stroke and that my great grandmother had one also. He said: 'this is where you get the weight lecture. Energy goes in and energy gets expended but you seem to be winning (WTF?) You're a beautful girl but you have a weight problem. You need to address this and enjoy your life. Doctors make their money two ways - through smokers and overweight people.' I left his office. Payed my stupid $29 for 5 minutes. Went to work. I'm a beautiful girl with a weight problem. Nice. And he didnt even suggest ways I could lose weight. Or give me an eating plan. I got nothing but a strange compliment. |
....all the following week, my back was killing me, I couldn't even get up out of bed in the mornings, it huirt when i took deep breaths. Finally I went to a chiropractor and it wasn't until the next sunday when everyone was ribbing me that i realized it was the fall that fucked me up. I had totally forgot. Damn margaritas, pain killers AND creators in one. anyway, my chiroquack suggested i take epsom salt baths and avoid sleeping on my stomach. I did and baddabingbaddaboom, my back pain went away. give it a try ans see if it helps..... |
Hmmm... |
And try to check out a good yoga or Pilates class. I swear by both/becuz they work & they're easy to do. (I've been doing Pilates for 4 wks. now & the difference in my ass & abdomen are already noticable.) The classes are generally $$ becuz they're both trendy now. But if there are none in yr area/you can check out the floor excercises for Pilates here: http://www.hermit.com/hermit/mat/matlist.html The Pilates workouts w/the equipment in a class setting are $$. But the floor exs won't cost you a dime. And the pictures & the site are very thorough. You can search for a Pilates class in yr area here: http://www.hermit.com/hermit/~mjm.html |
I was surprised to see a New Zealand address on that website, but its in Wellington (which is the other island) so I might just try the exercises by myself. My boss told me I could have an extra half hour for lunch every day if I went to the gym. (I love her). Starting Monday - step class. I hate step but its the only lunchtime aerobics thing on. I might see a pesonal trainer and get some weights going again. I used to do weights and I never felt better, I was starting to get definition but I fell off the exercise track. |
Also they have evening and Saturday surgery too. email me and I'll tell you my doctor's name |