So this got me thinking, "I wonder what makes everyone else happy?" and I would really like to know....I am posing this question to one and all..and not only this, but a challenge of sorts. If it is extremely hard for you to think of something that makes you happy, or you can't remeber the last time you were happy, then I challenge you to find something, someone, anything that makes you radiate happiness.....So..tell me what makes you all happy, or what might potentialy make you happy, and also, try and make yourself happy.... |
so i'm happy that my friend lydz has a girlyfriend and that she's getting some action. |
I mean if you're really happy, and not just Trying to be happy. |
Right now I want to know about the proper way to set up a file archive for a law library, and what kind of hardware and software should be involved, and what kind of security system should be in place if someone removes a file without signing it out. Personally, not very interesting. But a client wants to know, and theoretically that firm will pay us what it owes us some day and I will have had to have at least made inroads into getting them the kind of information they want. I could post it to the users' listserv, but I don't want those people just SHARING with me. Ick. The very thought of it makes me ill. So now I'm going to read the 12 pages of bar code basics I just printed off and then tomorrow I'm sending off an email to the front office team leader for the consulting services team and asking her who she might be able to tap to help me out with this. My goal is not just to answer the client's question: he is starting at ground zero and wants to do things properly. My goal is to know how these things should be set up in general, for maximum accountability. He's asking me if there's a way to set up some sort of reminder to go to a group composed of certain people when an attorney SHOULD be requesting a file because they need to be reviewing it. And I'm like...what, you've never used the docketing? And come to find out, they haven't. That's what you fucking get when you buy through a reseller man. And pay us the $600 you've owed us for over a year you chintzy bastards because you're about to be put on support hold...and I can't WAIT to cold transfer you to the sales weasels when you call in needing help. Anyone have any suggestions about this? I want the things that they have at POS in bookstores, and the security gizmos for the doors. I want the file to be logged in and logged out. I want the alarm to be really, super-humiliatingly loud. And I want emails to senior partners automatically generated saying what file was taken and who the responsible attorney for that case is. Because knowing that thing will be going off every five minutes for like two weeks and that partners will be getting spammed with narc email tickles me. |
Last night, I went to a healing mass with my mother and her best friend. I went to one a couple years ago, and it changed me. I know I'll be changed by last night's experience, too. I was very disturbed by the proceedings...very uncomfortable, physically and emotionally and spiritually...but I knew it was good that I was experiencing that discomfort. Like God was working in me and He was shaking things up a bit before they got set to rights. I didn't feel peaceful until I was driving home. Then it was like the peace that comes when you know you have done the right thing and that good will come to you and those around you. That made me happy. I'm also very happy that my mother came with me and had a similar experience. [Aside: I read a study in one of my classes that said that, despite the stereotypes, men are a lot more controlled by their emotions than women. One of the pieces of evidence they gave was the way in which couples argue/fight. The most commonly seen dynamic is called the distancer-pursuer effect, with men being the distancers (saying, "I don't want to talk about this" and withdrawing from conflict) and women being the pursuers. They found that men are more internally reactive to stress than women (looking at the activity of the vagus nerve...the nerve that runs through your trunk and stimulates your organs) and that they have lower tolerance for stress. So men (in general, of course...not all men) become more easily overwhelmed by unpleasant emotions than women, and this makes them want to withdraw from conflict more than women do.] |
No bullshit, he was addicted to prescription narcotics, (which constipate) and speed (which increases cardiac load) throw in some extra body fat, add a little straining to shit (which causes vagal stimulation and alters cardiac function) and presto!!!! One dead "KING" on his throne. |
sometimes I make up techno songs and hum them to myself, pretty quietly, tho, cos it's a lot stranger than singing in the street, and even that generates some stares. |
get a sponsor |
I had to leave during the last song, but I got to see most of it and it was sweet. You don't get many songs in an hour, though. they did the slow-motion victory dance during "Home For a Rest", just like they did the first time I saw them live. it was fantastic! I had to control my laughing so as not to desturb the people who were actually doing work. |