Sibling rivalry Reasons to be cheerful: Sibling rivalry
By Biro on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 04:22 pm:

    My sisters and me are very close in age, 18months between each of us, as kids we did nothing but fight and argue. I am the eldest and was considered the bossiest we played a game called "slave", each day one of us would be the slave too the other two. When my turn came around I would generally pick a fight with them and so weezled out of being the slave. When it was their turn to be the slave I was relentless. Oh, the shame I now feel :-) - don't feel sorry for the other two, they had evil tricks up their sleeve too. I have one child and I wonder sometimes if he is missing out on the joys of siblings.

By TBone on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 04:26 pm:

    er.. what sort of things did you have your slaves do?

By Biro on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 05:02 pm:

    just kids stuff, take out the garbage, wash the dishes (if it was my turn) make my bed, get in my bed to warm it up before me...... that was a mistake. Clean the fireplace, fill up the coal bins. Go to the stores for candy. Tickle my back with a feather, I liked that one a LOT. Still do. I have two brothers , they were not slaves though unfortunately. My older brother liked to sneak into my bedroom and catch me naked, but that was okay as I did the same to him, only I used to laugh....

By Kalliope on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 05:08 pm:

    i always used to be able to beat the shit out of my younger brother. then i went away to boarding school, came back and he was a foot taller than me, and i had lost my advantage.

    the only thing i could ever win with was making fun of his voice cracking.

    mean and childish i know, but it pissed him off pretty bad. his face would turn all red and he'd start huffing and puffing.

    then he'd beat my ass into the ground.

    we're better now. now we fight with sticks.

By crimson on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 05:37 pm:

    i didn't have siblings. i LOVED being a only child. i had a bizarre life, a very weird childhood full of dark & twisted events--i was on the road frequently & was exposed to a lot of sex & drugs before entering grade school--but i was also frequently left alone. i learned to treasure my private time. nothing was more sacred to me than privacy. among my greatest joys was finding a quiet, serene place to read & think.

    then my stepfather remarried & i ended up w/ a whole shitload of loud & bullying siblings, all older, all very mean-spirited & sadistic. fuck that shit. the day i got siblings is the day my childhood stopped. unfortunately, i was still a child & had to keep on living through the nightmare.

    i cannot see, for the life of me, why parents think it's cute to consider subjecting their firstborn child to siblings. a child needs intense levels of privacy--& plenty of it--just like any adult does. when i got siblings, my privacy was instantly vaporized. it was gone, never to be reclaimed again until i left home in my teens.

    some people think siblings are just groovy. i can't think of anybody, offhand, who didn't find their own siblings an excruciating, horrible, insufferable pain in the ass, but maybe i've just been talking to the wrong people.

    to me, my own siblings are just these fucking bullies i knew when i went to school. that's about all they mean to me.

By Pilate on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 07:06 pm:

    I was an only child. My mother was so horrified by my birth that she got "fixed" afterward. She said that pregnancy was the most revolting, humiliating thing she'd ever experienced, and damned if she intended to go through it again. She was appalled that a medical staff had to look at her "down there".

    I was pretty content as an only child. I went to Catholic school, though, and met other kids who had 8 or more siblings. I couldn't imagine it. It just didn't sound like too much fun, wearing hand-me-downs and fighting for food, although some of them seemed to cope fairly well with it.

    Most of the people I've known who grew up with lots of siblings tend to talk loud. It's a weird thing I've noticed. I guess they have to speak up to be heard over the mob.

    There's a 15 year old kid staying with me right now who's one of 11 kids. He's not loud. He's just malnourished and emotionally traumatized, but that's another story.

By Spidre on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 07:28 pm:

    My brother and I have a weird relationship. I'm only two years older than he is (and there's just the two of us), and we played together when we were little and still do things with each other (like tonight we're seeing a movie together), but we're not close at all. Close as in intimate, or as in knowing personal things about each other.

    I got a lot of privacy from him and him from me, but almost too much, at least for my liking. My best friend is the eldest of 6 (5 girls, 1 boy), and I've always envied (there it is again) her large, close family. I've always wanted a sister, too. Alas.

    I never got any privacy from my parents. They used to take the door off my room as a punishment, since I didn't have anything else they could take away from me and they didn't hit me anymore. What made it hard was that my dad wouldn't give it back to me until I begged him for it. That burned so much.

By Isolde on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 04:54 am:

    I have two half sisters--one 10 years older than me, the other 20. It's very wierd to think about. All by my father, all didfferent women. There are probably more. But--I never associated with them, never talked to them except ont he phone briefly. The other day, I woke up and thought--I have sisters. I've met both of them. We've never all been in the same room at the same time. Eliza is totally insane, messed up and confused and wierd. Cary is normal, works for an art gallery in San Francisco, always travelling...But I really enjoy being an only child. I learned to read earlier, and appreciate books more, I have privacy--which is a problem in and of itself because I can't stand sharing space with people now, and I got attention, which was really nice. I don't think I would have grown up any other way.

By PeriPheral on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 12:32 pm:

    I have a sister who's two years younger than me. She's pretty cool, and she has a daughter who is almost three. My sis and I were very close, until she turned 10 or 11. Then she got way cooler than me, or maybe I got nerdy or something, but we just couldn't hang out any more. I think she didn't like me around, because then guys wouldn't come talk to her and her friends. And I wish that I'd been around all the more, because she ended up hooking up with some pretty shadey/loseresque guys. We live in the same town again now, and I still hardly ever see her. I don't even know what she's about anymore.

By semillama on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 01:22 pm:

    I have on ebrother, 4 1/2 years younger. We never got along as kids, which is mostly my fault fro taking out all the crap that got handed to me at school on him, but also he'd throw massive fits because of his ADD. Now that we're both grown up, we get along much better. I keep trying to gethim to come down and visit me (I've been up to see him more than a few times), but he keeps having to go to weddings.

    My dad grew up with two brothers and two sisters, and the way he tells it, makes me kind of wish i had more siblings. There's just this bond between siblings who grow up in a family that isn't traumatic like Crimson's that I envy a bit.

By agatha on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 02:06 pm:

    i have one brother and four sisters. i love them all and loved growing up in a big family. it had its bad moments, but overall our family was close and they are all very cool. i don't want cleo to be an only child, but dave doesn't want any more kids. he's afraid he won't be able to give two kids a good life. i would rather her have less money and a sibling, but that's just my personal perspective on the matter.

By Biro on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 05:54 pm:

    what a can of worms I opened with this topic! Very diversified. Coming from a large family, Irish/Scots (need I say more.......) I envied only children, I have one child by choice. I often ask him if he feels lonely not having another brother/sister, his answer has always been a resounding NO. When he was younger he used to stayover at a friends house and 9 times out of 10 would call us to bring him home, he said it was too noisy. Pilate made a good point - my siblings are very noisy, we were always shouting to be heard above the rest, don't know how my mother put up with it, maybe she took valium! I know I would. Of my other four siblings, no-one has had more than two children.

By Anti-drew-a-blank on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 12:01 am:

    hrm. I started out with 2 siblings, and 10 years later, i have 10. weird. as is being pointed out, though, i have nothing creative to say about them. bummer.

By PeriPheral on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 11:57 am:

    My sister once slammed a closet door on one of my fingers. I got her back, though. I threw my miniature drum set at her. That finger that got slammed...the nail scabbed off eventually. I did not eat it. I have been known to eat some of the old, tough skin around my nails. And hangnails may be eaten or spit out, depending on mood, I guess.

By Biro on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 12:58 pm:

    One night long long ago in the dead of night my brother asked me if I wanted a sugar sandwich (yes sugar) yes says I..... he brings me the sandwich I take a huge bite and start yelling that something has bitten my tongue, my brother rolls around laughing his head off then tells me he has put ants in the sandwich. I was very naive and trusting after all he was my older brother, my protector, so when he told me to put my fingers in the lightsocket of a standing lamp, yep I did it. In adulthood he totally denies these events, and there were many more.

By Spider on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 01:31 pm:

    Biro, I am not one to advocate having one's vengeance, but I sincerely hope your brother paid for that.

    The thing about my brother was that he had no concept of being even. Like, if he hit me and I hit him back, we weren't even, oh no. He would react as though I had jumped him without provocation and just erupt into total limitless violence. He had no limits. If there had been knives laying around in plain view when we fought, he would have stabbed me without a moment's thought. I learned very early not to hit him back when he started with me. He learned that he could hit me and I wouldn't do anything. Even today, he comes in and demands that I go somewhere with him (no "hey, do you want to go to the record store?" Instead, "we're going to the record store, get your keys"), and then he has the nerve to act shocked when I tell him to fuck off. Bastard.

By Fetidbeaver on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 01:55 pm:

    He's going to make a wonderful husband.....

By moonit on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 04:23 pm:

    I love being an only child. well I do actually
    have a half brother and sister but I've met then
    like once and they are way way younger than

    I also love my space and find it hard to share.

By Biro on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 07:22 pm:

    Spider - yes he did pay, when we were older and dating he was always trying to get me to fix him up with my girlfriends, no luck there buddy! He actually turned out to be a really nice guy, someone I can confide in and talk too in times of need. I talk to him more than I do my sisters. We have a family site and his picture profile right now is of a really obese fat lady,nude in the shower, he doesn't know it, but everyone else on the family site does... payback is sweet. Of course it will be all out war when he see it, but life has taught me to "be prepared" ...... ah, the joys of siblings is an endless ride.

By semillama on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 06:58 pm:

    Spider - is your brother Uncle Sam?

By Spider on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 07:40 pm:

    No, but I just realized that he is Loyalist Northern Irish terrorism on the small scale. And he's also the (can't think of the word...avatar?) of white men who complain about Affirmative Action.

By crimson on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 02:15 am:

    i just got home. my father had a rather sudden & life-threatening medical condition (long story). this was stressful & bizarre enough, but dealing w/ my siblings turned it into a true ordeal. i'm so nervous around them. it was incredibly difficult for me to be w/ certain members of my family. i felt like a total outcast. like a puzzle piece that didn't fit in.

    i'm pretty jaded, but something unraveled inside me when i saw dad on the ventilator w/ about a hundred tubes crammed into his body. he looked so frail. the only thing keeping him breathing is that machine. my god.

    my siblings & i have nothing in common. they just spook me, that's all. they don't mean to, they just do. they're normal & i'm not. i feel useless & frightened around them.

    i felt like i wanted to go running down the hospital corridors to get away. there were too many people around. i'm still recovering from having to deal w/ so many people. i don't like that sort of thing, not at all. the place was swarming w/ people. it scared the hell out of me. i was in a nail-chomping panic & trying not to show it, because nobody would understand.

    incidentally, my thanks to ren, K, pug, & pilate for helping me live through this.

    my siblings didn't do anything wrong. not at all. they were just being themselves, which means they were loud and abrasive, w/o even realizing it. what kills me is that the family sees me as a zero because i'm NOT loud & abrasive. a lot of them don't like me very much. i'm too quiet, secretive, & weird.

    it's time for me to do something i haven't done in a long time...sleep.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 02:51 am:

    g'night crimson.

    y'know, spider: the thing about white guys and affirmative action is that it seems to be more about vengeance than equality. of course, if i say that, i have a bad attitude. if i say anything opposing affirmative action, i'm a cruel, heartless, bastard cro-mag. and by the way, it's open season on non-jewish white guys. call us the worst possible things you can think of. it's encouraged and we deserve it. reverse discrimination is a bitch, too. i think the word you were looking for is icon.

    he sounds like a bastard. to hell or sierra leone with him. arrogant idiot.

By Spider on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 11:26 am:

    Were you agreeing with me?

    What I meant was: you have a person/group of people who have been oppressing (an)other(s) for quite some time. When the oppressed retaliate/make strides to better their position, the oppressor(s) don't understand that this is how the oppressed are getting their dues...they see it as aggression or threat. So then *they* retaliate. Which is wrong.

    My brother's not that bad anymore. Since he moved out two years ago, he's pretty fun to be around.

By Spider on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 11:26 am:

    Crimson: I sincerely hope your dad does all right.

By Czarina on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 01:39 pm:

    Crimson,I think I know what you might be going through,I was just there.And it is devastating.Just this morning,J sent me a newspaper article the Phoenix paper did on my dad,after he died.It has me laughing and crying.J can't know how much her sending me that article meant to me.You see,I still haven't grieved for him yet,I guess I'm not ready to let him go.He was a really good dad,and I really miss him.And Crimson,I think you're the normal one,retain your quiet dignity.Did you get the talking voice card I sent you after my father died?Your support meant alot.
    As far as siblings go,its always good to get the last laugh.My older sister has always been a social climbing bitch, president of the yatch club etc.--la-de-da- so when my niece is getting married, my bitch sister is throwing the gala afair of the decade,the Goldwaters are coming,and she's having the reception in her back yard,catered by the best,and her mistake was telling me how proud she is of the putting green she has in her back yard,admittedly,grass is very difficult to grow in Scottsdale,and she had some kind of special putting grass she was very proud of,so I showed up with a bag of rubber dog poo,and snuck out just before the guests arrived from the church,and Peggy Goldwater[the senators daughter] and I scattered the rubber poo under all the fancy tables, and stuck some in the little putting holes,and my mean,bitch sister was mortified.Peggy and I go back a long way,we had mutual friends,and had gotten into and kept quiet some of our misadventures,and she owed me. She didn't like being involved in the poo business,but I convinced her that it was all in fun [mine!].I still chuckle when I see the look on my sisters face when she saw all the poo.{Shamefully,I told my sister it was Peggys idea}Paybacks a bitch-----my sister made me eat a cockroach sandwitch when I was a kid.And I don't even want to tell you about the horrible game of London Bridges she made me play.

By patrick on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 02:36 pm:

    i have a brother 7 years older than me and a sister 12 years older than me. My sister never beat me, in fact she was my guardian for the brief while she lived at home....she graduated and ran away when i was like 5 or something. Anyway...the brother beat the shit out of me regularly. i was his entertainment to him and his dirt head friends. Ever see Heavy Metal Parking Lot? Pick any of those schlubs and you have my brother. He used to pit me and my friends at each other for boxing matches, he used to hang me from the ceiling fan and turn it on (that swas actually kind of fun), he would torture my best friend Sir Dudley Do Right the Dalmation, he made me smoke pot when i was 8 years old and get me drunk soon after as entertainment. He used to suit me up in his football gear that was way too big for me and "run plays" with me. An 8 yearold in a 15 year olds football helmet does wonders to the neck, not to mention the impacts i took. He had a temper.......... one time when my mother was nagging him at the dinner table, he dumped food on her, he went to his room, when my mom yelled at me to go call the cops, he picked me up and lunged me across my moms king sized bed. I slammed into the wall, he came at me, and jerked the phone out of my hand, ripping it out of the wall. He then punched my sister in the face on the way out the door. The cops came and put him in juvi for a weekend. This scene was repeated way to many times. As a single mom, my mother was a trooper to deal with his shit, not to mention a dramatic runaway of a sister, and abratty little shit like myself. My brother has never seem to get things straight. He has been doing odd jobs ever since and has trouble even keeping a pager up and running, not mention a place to live and wheels. He is chaising a rockstar dream, but at 33, he needs to realize there is little market for metal cover bands. I keep telling him whatever interest there is left its out here in North Hollywood.
    I have forgiven him for most of the shit, when my parents split and my dad went crazy, my brother was at a very vulnerable age. He has suffered immensly (psychologically anyway) for witnessing that. When my dad left he told him, at the age of 11 years "Youare the man of the house son". To a 11 year old thats immense pressure. My sister has never done much with her life and has settled for being a housewife. I think she is happy, but at times i wonder if she doesnt want more.

    I on the other hand have had opportunities my siblings never had. College being the biggest one, however my sister barely made it out of high school and my brother never graduated hs. I stuck it out (under better conditions, granted) and have made more for myself.

    fuck, now i need to go smoke, i wasnt prepared to deal with bring all that up again.

By Willy Nilly on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 03:35 pm:

    Must be something about middle kids. My family wasn't particularly messed up, but my middle sister (eerily, she's 7 years older than me, and my oldest sister is 12 years older than me) used to hit me a lot too. I tell her now, "think of how smart I could have been if you hadn't hit me in the head so much."

    She did it so often that my mother thought I was lying to get her into trouble.

    The thing she said that made her stop was when she punched me in the stomach once and apparently I passed out. I don't remember this!

    Anyway - I don't hold a grudge for it because it wasn't so so bad, just unexpected, I guess, from an otherwise quiet and well-behaved little girl. Doesn't help my head much, but it's forgotten for the most part.

By Willy Nilly on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 03:45 pm:

    Oh, and as a third child with many third children friends (we stick together, it seems) - we all talk very, very quickly. Almost to the point of being incomprehensible.

    I like having sisters, though. I kind of always wanted a younger brother, but only a year or maybe two, so that I'd have someone to drag places none of my friends would go to.

    Oh well...

By crimson on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 09:17 pm:

    czarina...thanks so much for your kind words! i really do appreciate it. it's been a really difficult time. dad is off the ventilator now, but is in an oxygen tent. he can now speak & recognize people. for this progress, i'm very thankful. the full force of dad's illness has not yet fully hit me. i've put a lot of my feelings on the back burner. they'll probably come bobbing back up when i least expect it.

    it's tough. my relationship w/ my family has been a very strange one. it hasn't been smooth sailing. things have always been somewhat difficult between us. my family members are of a certain personality type & i'm just something else altogether. i don't fit in, & am painfully aware of the fact. i don't understand my family. they might as well be alien life forms.

    your faux dog-poo story cracked me up.

    you mentioned having sent me a card...i didn't get it. i'm sorry i missed it.

    spider, thanks for your kindness. & thanks to anyone else who's said gentle & comforting things.

    the levels of emotion i experienced were very surprising. i don't give a rat's ass about much of anything. it's hard to make me care. i'm surprised at my own vulnerability & weakness. i felt helpless & frightened. not a good thing. people are supposed to be strong in a crisis, not turn into quivering bags of jello. but i'm coping better now.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 02:09 pm:

    Crimson,I looked back through the archives,and found your email address,so will send you another talking card,maybe you will get a laugh out of my pseudo-Cajun accent.I didn't think I had developed one,but J assures me I have.

By crimson on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 02:18 pm:

    czarina, that sounds so cool! but i'm afraid that i won't be able to get a talking card. i mean, i'll get the text, but no sound. i've never had a computer that's been wired for sound (i hope to have one by new year's). i'm on a totally mute machine.

    i'd LOVE to hear your accent. i've got a pretty odd one, myself.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 02:23 pm:

    Well,I just sent the talking card,but now I'll go back and send a non-verbal one.

By crimson on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 02:43 pm:

    hey, i'm really sorry to put you through all the hassle. i should've mentioned it somewhere else (about my mute computer). thanks so much for sending me the cards...i really, truly do appreciate it!

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 02:51 pm:

    Go and check your email------and it was no trouble,I was glad I could find your address.

By J on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 03:28 pm:

    I'm glad your Dad is coming around Crimson,glad you got the card Czarina,I'd send a talking card too,but I have lost my sound.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 04:00 pm:

    J,did you get my email about the "spider"?

By Satan on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 04:31 pm:


By Another sick one J on Friday, July 28, 2000 - 05:42 pm:

    Czarina,yes I got your e-mail,cracked me up,you really are a sick one ha ha ha!!! You know I admire that in you.

By Czarina on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 09:07 am:

    I know I should be ashamed of myself,but I'm not.

By Spider on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 06:56 pm:

    From this week's (August 7, 2000) "U.S. News," namely John Leo's "On Society" column:

    "Double standards are all around us now:
    *The belief that all-black college dorms are progressive but all-white ones are racist"
    *A quarter century of feminist yawning over feminist Mary Daly's ban on males in her Boston College classes, though a male professor who tried to bar females would have been hammered into submission in one day."

    How many hundreds of years passed with dorms being all-white and classrooms all-male? So the tide turns in the other direction and the heretofore-privileged classes start complaining about discrimination? Ugh.