Melly the Grub Reasons to be cheerful: Melly the Grub
By Zephyr on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 01:59 pm:


    Anytime I'm feeling down, I'll just say "Melly the Grub" to myself a little bit, and it just puts a silly grin on my face.


By Mavis on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 02:08 pm:

    zephyr, what exactly is melly the grub?

By Jay on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 03:44 pm:

    i had a friend who called his grandmother GrubGrub. I thought it was the funniest shit ever. still do. i just have always loved the work grub, but saying it twice like that just made it that much better.

By Dougie on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 04:16 pm:

    Or Selma's pet iguana, ChubChub

By Zephyr on Monday, August 7, 2000 - 06:52 pm:

By moonit aka mellythegrub on Monday, August 7, 2000 - 10:09 pm:


By Gee on Wednesday, August 9, 2000 - 01:53 am:

    that is the cutest thing.

By Cat on Wednesday, August 9, 2000 - 06:46 am:

    Much cuter than when I accidentally called you Moontit :) And we're from the same side and all...sheeesh!