My kid. My God, I'm going to be a daddy. Or at least the chances of the adoption going through are about 90% or so. It's going slow, which is no surprise. Nothing ever moves quickly through the courts. The kid has announced that if the adoption goes through, he wants to take my last name. There's a small part of me that's fucking terrified that the adoption won't go through and that the kid will be crushed. But so far, so good. I just don't want this boy to get hurt. He's been hurt enough in his life. A lot of you know about what I've been dealing with out here. I'm in the process of adopting and homeschooling a 15-year-old. Lessons are going well. I'm trying to get him to write. It's difficult. He's very imaginative but has little attention span. The writing skills aren't the best. Fortunately, he's actually enthused about writing his first full essay. He's facing the challenge and trying his best. His best wouldn't be good enough for the school system because he's a slow writer. He can't hand in something by the end of the hour. Here, though, he's got plenty of time. Funny thing, the kid's becoming a conspiracy nut. He can't read well enough to read books on conspiracy theory, but has asked me to read to him. At first I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. He should be reading, not being read to. But then it hit one read to him as a kid, which could explain a lot of his educational problems. So yes, I'm reading to him, too. He loves it. I'm always sure to leave the books with him so he can look at them himself later. A neat thing I've noticed is that the boy asks questions. If he's not clear on something, he'll ask about it, instead of silently going on to the next point. He picks up on ideas quickly, but needs to understand things in a very comprehensive manner. First things first. He wants to completely understand Point A before progressing to Point B, or he starts getting frustrated. I don't mind that he's into conspiracy theory. I'm all for anything that'll keep him turned on and looking at books. And conspiracy theory allows me to insert historical facts in such a subversive way that he doesn't realize he's getting a history lesson at all. He's still got some major social anxiety, but is showing slight signs of progress. I felt sorry for him while I was out shopping one day. Everybody was buying back-to-school stuff for their kids. New clothes and everything. Since Brendan has dropped out of school this year, he doesn't really qualify for all that (not that his parents ever got him any of that shit anyway). I decided to buy him some new clothes and school supplies. He was excited as hell, but didn't want to go out shopping. He's really scared of being seen locally, due to years of being tormented and teased by bullies. I probably should've made him face up to his fears, but I didn't. I went well over 100 miles out of the way and took him shopping in the middle of the night. He's terrified of running into people he knows. This way, he didn't have to worry about it. He could just relax and have fun. Brendan does have, I've discovered, a single friend. She had moved out of town, but has come back for this school season. She's a chubby, excruciatingly shy goth chick named Violet. I've never seen such a shy, retiring kid. She speaks in a whisper. She comes by a couple of times a week and talks with Brendan, very quietly. She also gives him music tapes, which he's always happy to get. My boyfriend is so damn cool about this adoption. He's supporting me 100%. He's the best. He's really helping turn this household into a real family. We're a weird family, doubtless, but we're a family. I'm a bit afraid of being a sudden role model. This kid's been around the block a few times. He's no virgin and has used plenty of drugs. He's probably done a lot more than I have, but I worry about what he thinks of me, or how he might judge my actions. Somebody asked me recently if I use drugs with the kid. It really made me think. I'd feel weird about it. It's as if I want to protect him, which is dumb, since he's already had all these experiences. Still, I feel as if I need to watch my step somewhat. On the other hand, I don't want to turn into some kind of hopeless old geezer. It's all a bit bewildering. I'm very new to this daddy business. Anyway, I've got a family now, something I thought I'd never have, which is one reason for me to be cheerful as hell. |
Get him the Big Book of Conspiracies, Pilate. It's in comic book form, but of course there's text. I bet he would read that on his own. |
The boy is also interested in serial killers, especially Zodiac. I'm not sure how to address this one. I think it's a common curiosity, especially for young people. I think it's OK to be curious. I just don't want him to start glorifying the shit. Brendan seems to be fairly sensible about that stuff, though. He likes a lot of dark, macabre or weird stuff without becoming totally obsessed with it. Another odd (and unrelated) thing I forgot to mention is that Brendan's totally phobic of thunderstorms. He freaks out. He starts shaking and wants to be in a well-lit room, as near to me (or my boyfriend) as he can physically get. I'm not sure if this can be "fixed" or not. He and a cousin were caught in a tornado when they were kids. It happened in a mobile home. The cousin was disembowelled in front of him and she died. No adults were around when it happened. He was small then but it freaked him out for life. Anyway, he knows the fear is often irrational (as in the case of small, non-threatening showers) but doesn't know how to make the fear stop. I hate it when Brendan gets panicked. I know he's miserable and I just wish I could fix it. His main triggers seem to be storms, and going out in public. A lot of people would just put a phobic kid on mood elevators but I don't want to do that. He's got enough problems without having his biochemistry fucked with. I'm wondering if heavy doses of serial killers, grey aliens, Nazis, assassins and the Bavarian Illuminati are really an appropriate thing right now. However, a good appreciation for conspiracy could help keep him from being a dupe. Kids get fed total garbage about history in school and are expected to swallow it. If a young person knows that history is extremely subjective, they might not fall for the obvious lies. Then again, the boy could become a rabid conspiracy lunatic, sensing the All-Seeing Eye lurking behind cans of green beans, or seeing apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the medicine cabinet. It's a hard call. But I think it's going to turn out okay. |
I'm guilty, occasionally, of saying "serial killer" when "mass murderer" would be more appropriate. There is a difference, after all. Albert Fish was, indeed, a real piece of work. I'm just what point does it become unhealthy for a kid to be interested in serial killers? The kid's grooving on conspiracies, the occult, serial murder.....all that fun shit. I don't really have a problem with any of it. I think he's at a good age for it, and I don't want him to become some kind of clone who refuses to question the status quo. I just want to make sure that he doesn't become obsessed or creepy about it. He seems to have things in a fairly healthy balance at the moment. His interest in the occult is fairly strong but I don't think it'll be going anywhere, at least for now. He's a Pentacostal kid. I don't know if all the occult theory in the world will be able to override that. He does practice a bit of voodoo. Crimson's been able to talk to him about this because she started practicing voodoo at the same age. To most kids who do it, it doesn't seem to conflict with their religious beliefs at all. A lot of staunch Christian kids carry mojo bags. No biggie. The boy does consider himself a Christian but sees occultism, including Satanism, as being "somehow more interesting". I think it's good that he's showing signs of both intellectual and spiritual curiosity. His little buddy, Violet, is a Pagan. I'm wondering if she's secretly trying to win him over to her belief system. If she does, I don't really care. |
The media is everywhere. But they're already losing interest rapidly because it was apparently just a murder-suicide, not a Columbine type incident, like they initially thought. |
Get him the cartoon history of the world. The best book on earth. A friend of mine has a terrible time with reading, since he is dyslexic. He just read a 250 page book all on his own, because he wanted to. I'm very proud of him. |
Oh. reasons to be cheerful: Bell_jar rocks. |
my ex-husband barely got out of high school. he was profoundly dyslexic. yet, he was a gifted artist and read all the science fiction he could get his hands on. it's just that he had a form of dyslexia that affected his ability to write. he could barely write a single sentence. he was considered by everyone around him to be stupid. he read slowly, but he read stuff that none of the rednecks around him could possibly understand, which made him seem even more alienated. he completely fell through the cracks of the school system. but he was definitely of above-average intelligence. pilate's kiddo, brendan, is extremely intelligent. if his so-called "parents" had done a damn thing w/ him during his childhood, he could be brilliant. the best thing that could ever happen to that boy is to be removed from his family forever. the shooting at the university today turned out to be between an english prof & a grad student. they're still a bit unclear, at the moment, as to who shot whom. most peculiar. |
I heard of one who got up in the middle of his thesis defence, went to the roof of the building, and tried to throw himself off. |
the word, as of this morning, seems to be that the grad student had been working on his doctorate, but he got dismissed from the Ph.D. program last monday. the prof who was shot was not only the grad student's advisor, but was on the faculty advisory board responsible for canning him from the program. but still, they claim that they don't know which man did the shooting. |
"Under the mistaken impression his tenured mentor and advisor had voted to remove him from graduate school, a 37-year-old doctoral student at the University of Arkansas apparently shot and killed his former English professor Monday before turning the gun on himself." mistaken impression? oops. |
LITTLE ROCK, AR. -- A 10-year-old girl and her mother are recovering from gunshot wounds suffered during the weekend when the girl's cheerleading coach flew into a rage and opened fire during a pee-wee football game, authorities said. The coach, identified as 30-year-old Kimberly Whitaker, remained at large today, said police Officer Terry Hastings. Whitaker is wanted on two counts of aggravated battery in connection with the shootings. Authorities say they do not know what triggered the violence between Whitaker and the defenseless mother and daughter toward the end of the Saturday afternoon football game between two pre-teen teams at a Little Rock municipal park. "There was some kind of argument," Hastings said. Investigators say it's unclear whether Whitaker's rage was the result of the child's performance on the field, or whether some other factor played a part in the shooting. "All we know is that Miss Whitaker ... pulled out a gun and started shooting." |
however, shooting a 10-year-old is bad form, even in arkansas. |
Semi, you are playing with a time bomb there..... |
Charlton Heston never said a damn thing about a fucking PeeWee fucking coach fuckng packing a fucking piston and fucking shooting one of her fucking students and her fucking parent. Blow things out of porportion much?????? |
Talk about rhetoric and propaganda and going over board, damn! |
('s belIEve..and can you pass that on to Satan as well, pretty please.) |
Why any man in his right mind would want a blow job from that guy is beyond me. |
And with your adorable accent, you'll pick up all the penal boys you can handle. I'll just make 'em all breakfast. |
Exactly when did Canada become so universally funny for AMericans, anyway? |
But I hate to tell you this...I can barely pick a Canadian accent from an American midwest one. |
I always replied "Unfortunately, no" |
I always replied "Unfortunately, no" |
The kid wants to dye his hair. He got hold of a porn flick. I don't even know where it came from. But he came into the living room last night, wanting to watch it with us. I felt a little weird about it. Not that I have a problem with porn flicks. Watching it with the kid, though, could be a little odd. I mean, if anybody actually got aroused or something, it could make for a weird moment around the house. I'm not sure that sitting there with a raging hard-on around my future son is really kosher. Kid doesn't understand why it's not OK for the three of us to sit around watching porn. There's also the fact that he's a minor and everything. Then again, most minors have seen porn flicks and survived. The kid's probably done stuff that's worthy of a porn flick in its own right. I'm just not sure how I feel about this. When I left the house, the boy was outside climbing a tree. In a dress. Sweet Jesus. |
I dont think I could handle it with my daughters, but if i had a son, i think i would feel different about it. |
However, I'll probably watch it with him anyway. Maybe I'm being paranoid. I'm just trying to play it as straight as possible for now. I'm scared of any activity right now that could jeopardize the adoption process. I know that watching some dopey pornflick with the kid won't really hurt anything. But imagine if the word got out to anybody involved in handling this adoption. The authorities would pull the plug on it immediately and return the kid to his stupid, abusive family. I'm not going to let that happen. I don't want anything to get in the way of my getting permanent custody of this kid. However, the boy seems to be able to deal with confidential matters pretty well. I won't tell if he doesn't. |
On the subject of the pornos though...this might be a good time to set some rules. I don't have children let alone teenagers, so maybe this is all bullshit, but if you're not comfortable with a situation, then there's probably a good reason for it. You've been so supportive with the boy, but there comes a time when you have to also let him know that there are limits to what is permissable. I'd explain to him that because you care so much about him, it just doesn't feel right to be sitting around watching pornographic material with him. Use the father/daughter example so he'll see where your concerns are coming from. |
Of course, Pilate, you know much more about the situation than we do. Do what you feel is ok. |
This is just one of those gray areas that I haven't really had to deal with much. I don't want to come off like a hypocrite. I don't want to tell the boy to avoid things that I'd actually do myself. However, I have a fair amount of adult perspective that he doesn't have. I don't think that porn would traumatize him. It's just that his initial idea (for all of us to sit together in the dark and watch it) gets into some weird areas. I don't even really care if he watches porn, but would prefer that he did it after Trace and I are in bed, asleep, with the door shut. If the kid wants to get his jollies privately, I don't especially mind. He's a teenager. He's bound to be horny as hell and has no real outlet. I also feel funny telling him not to watch porn because he's got a couple of porn mags, which he had when he moved in here. I didn't make him throw them out (if anything, I was hoping that he'd read them as well as looking at the pictures, because even crap literature can help one's reading skills). If he can have porn mags, why not a porn flick, too? It's like the drug issue. I know Brendan's done drugs. Brendan knows that I've done drugs. But now that the adoption is in progress, everything seems different. Doing drugs with the boy is a serious gray area (he asked me once if I'd ever consider tripping with him......something we kinda did in a group situation before the whole adoption thing came about). If he ever did do anything like that, I'd damn well want him here where I can monitor him. It's not as if I've got a six-year-old here. He's damn near an adult. Yet, he's very childlike, and I can see major problems with him assimilating into the adult world. In fact, he seems to want me to shield him from it as much as possible. But he wants the "fun" adult and all that. Well, he's already dabbled in that. I do worry about his perspective on sex, though. Much of the sex he's had was either for money or forced on him. In fact, I can't really think of any healthy sexual interactions he's ever had, given what he's told me so far. It's all weird new territory. I don't really know what to do at times. So I'm just making it up as I go along. |
you seem like a very smart and fair person...and a great parent. your idea to not forbid porn, but not to participate sounds appropriate. reminds me of all the cool parents (mine were not) who let their kids experiment in their own home with things like pot and alcohol, so at least they were safe to try things, and could have dialogue with their parents about it. i like Patrick's reminder about using the flick to teach safe sex too. and props to the kid for not being embarassed to talk about this stuff with you. i could barely watch the last racy film i brought home (an annie sprinkle how-to-sorta-thing) with my housemates! it is a touchy subject though. i'm sure the adoption people have much different, even drastic ideas about what is appropriate for Brendan... good luck. it sounds like you and your partner are the best thing to ever happen to him. |
and is this the same Trace around here? im so confuesed im gonna go smoke |
Trace's name (talking about my man, Trace, here) is actually Robin. But he got fucking sick of the endless Batman jokes and, as a kid, switched over to using Trace, his mother's maiden name (and his own middle name). Crimson is a dear, dear friend of mine. She's married to Ren. I'm Crimson and Ren's friend. Just thought I'd clear that up. Mavis...your post was helpful. Everybody's posts have been helpful. I really appreciate the input (and could always use more, hint, hint!) |
Trace and Pilate are in the parental role and can't and shouldn't try to take the place of mates/siblings etc. From previous posts, it seems it's hard for the boy to interact with other kids because of bullying etc. But there's gotta be other kids in the same situation he can hang with. But how to find them is the problem...I'm thinking females would be good cause that takes the sexual element out and leaves him free to just develop a real friendship. |
I'm not even sure what Violet's whole deal is. She's morbidly shy and rarely smiles.....except when Brendan does something funny and makes her laugh despite herself. They seem to talk a lot about music and the usual teen stuff. Violet's in Catholic school now. Her parents seem, by all accounts, to be major jerks. She sometimes carries her clothes here with her. She changes out of her school uniform into goth clothing. She's also into '20s culture and silent film and sometimes wears very strange retro clothes. She told me that my home is one of the safest places she's ever been, which made me feel pretty good. She and Brendan sometimes goof about being brother and sister. They're playing some kind of offbeat roleplaying game, too. It's not one of the standard ones. It's one that Violet made up herself. They create adventures for themselves as characters and get lost in it, pretending that they're different people. I don't think it's unhealthy. At least not yet. I want Brendan to socialize more, but I'm almost afraid of it. Other kids his age might lead him down the wrong path. I don't want to see him turn into some kind of airheaded, drugged out fool. I don't want him to get turned on to thievery, vandalism and other bullshit. I almost like it that his primary influences are (relatively) sane adults. Violet seems to reinforce his antisocial nature at moments, but then again, they did go to the store together recently. That's a big step for Brendan, who's so phobic that he rarely leaves the house. She held his hand while they walked so he wouldn't panic. Violet's an odd one. She sees Marilyn Manson as some sort of superhuman and godlike figure, which is spilling over to Brendan. But that's okay. I've been giving him small writing assignments. Writing is very difficult for him. He handed me a brief history of Manson's band, and he worked his ass off on it. Fine. I'll take it. ANYTHING to get the kid writing. It's weird. He and Violet are probably the only two teens left in the whole damn country who don't give a flying fuck about the Internet. They just don't seem interested at all. |
Girls make great friends. if he can meet some worthwhile ones...send the poor kid to a punk/hardcore show...he might meet people there. I dunno. YOu seem to be doing the right thing for him. I wish him well, as well as you. |
Trace is younger than I am. He's a damn handsome thing, too. His phase of abruptly leaving me had an explanation. It turned out that he was falling in love with me and didn't stick around because he didn't want to tell me how he really felt. Fear of rejection. Once he was able to tell me, and I accepted his affection, he never wanted to leave again. My romances tend to definitely fall into the "whirlwind" category. I fall hard and fast. I've had excellent luck so far. I seem to know when the right people come along. With Brendan, I've got a whirlwind adoption. This all has come up so fucking fast. But I'm ready for it. Trace is the right man and Brendan is the right kid. I know this in my heart. |
Time to go get the boy out of the branches, take him home, and put him to bed. Where I should be, myself. In bed. Sleep would really great right now. Crimson's burning some kind of incense that smells like a wet parakeet. Her description, not mine. |
Yes, Violet sounds very cool. I like that neither of them gives a shit about the Internet. That's really awesome. |
mind if I sent him a mixtape (to refine his musical tastes, of course!) ? dude. I am off my goddamn rocker. wait. pilate, email me...I've got just a couple of general questions about stuff anyway. |
I just wanted to pop in and wish Crimson a happy birthday! |
For instance, at the moment, I'm a bit drunk. Some role model. Kiddo doesn't know it, though. Trace and I had a bit of a private party after Brendan crashed. Magnificent sex and plenty of alcohol (but never, EVER so much alcohol that I couldn't deal with Brendan, if something should arise). Thanks for all the advice. About the Marilyn Manson thing......I'm not bothered at all by the kid listening to Manson's music and/or propaganda. In fact, it's almost a relief. Manson seems, in his more lucid moments, to be relatively articulate, as opposed to, well.....a thousand other guys Brendan could be listening to. If he's gonna have a role model, at least let him have one who's polysyllabic. I've also got no problem with Brendan hanging out with Violet. It's kind of nice. They compliment each other well. The only issue I forsee is that Violet is here, I think, more than her parents would like for her to be. Her parents are pretty creepy. Brendan has asked me if she can spend the night sometimes. I don't care, but I bet her folks would have a hell of a lot to say about the matter. I'm starting to get the suspicion that she's over here after telling her folks she's going to actually be somewhere else. That could be disastrous right now. Hell, I'd be glad to have her here anytime, but her parents are seriously weird. They could start getting in my face about the whole thing. I don't want ANYBODY fucking with my family while we're trying to go through this adoption process. By the way, we're not from the Midwest. We're from the South (an even more fun place to grow up gay). I feel that I have a completely open line of communication with Brendan. I talk to him about everything. Even if I don't want him to do something, I'm very open and specific about my reasons why. Weird thing. The kid was trying to help me out. He tried to iron a shirt for me. Burned a hole in it about the size of my fist. He nervously asked me when I was going to punish him for it. He doesn't seem to realize, no matter how many times I've told him, that his days of being beaten are over. I turned off the iron and just pulled Brendan close to me, holding him tight. That poor fucking fragile kid. Jesus. If I can correct even a fraction of the wrongs committed against that boy, it'll all be worth it. |
no, that doesn't have a damn thing to do w/ this thread. just thought i'd mention it, anyway. |
i read at a lot of shit like this. fetish shows, etc. this one might be kinda fun, though. not as risque as some of the larger shows i've read at, but there are factors that could make it fun, nonetheless. |
one time, i was loaded, & thought about putting some lines of poetry on sorabji. the idea was that i'd come in day after day & alter them, revise them, & beat them into a finished poem, while an audience looked on. what the hell was i thinking? i was SO glad i didn't do that. i mean, it's an interesting experiment & all--for someone besides me. this is a more educated crowd. people could rip me to fucking shreds, dissect my writing & generally make me feel about one inch high. i don't even think so. it's best when i deal w/ folks who know a bit less about literature. think about charles bukowski w/ a hormone overdose on about 10 hits of acid. that's kinda what i write like. i don't do the fancy stuff. i write gut-level shit. it tends to really offend the academic types. but eventually, i'll have an audio tape. now that, i wouldn't mind distributing. i was on an audio compilation once, years ago, & got tons of fan mail off of it. i'm more comfortable w/ people hearing me than reading me sometimes. i've been published plenty, but still, there's something weird about it. almost every printed poem i've got out, i want to seriously revise. putting out printed words is like carving something in stone. |
i'll bet i can find some lying around here somewhere. i'm trying to talk pilate into writing poetry. it's something he's never really tried before. his kid wants to try it, too. brendan, the kid, is funny as hell. he's interested in music...digs the blues. he was w/ me for a good part of the day. stood in front of my mic doing the funniest fucking lip-sync i've ever seen to muddy waters' "mannish boy". the boy fell asleep over here in my spare bedroom. when pilate came to get him, brendan couldn't wake up. so pilate gently picked him up like a little child & carried him out to the car. pilate's such a good daddy. he just is. |
my folks just sent me a slightly belated birthday present. i know they can't really afford it. guilt. but still, it's a nice gesture & i can definitely use it. pilate's birthday is coming up soon. we're both virgos. but he's younger than me (who isn't?). got a phone call a while ago...someone from the S&M group i'm reading for was wondering if i'd like to join. gadzooks. |
I look forward to hearing from Pilate. Violet sound increasingly interesting. |
Violet's interesting. A very odd girl, which is fine. I'm still concerned about her parents, though. They're weird. And I'm not sure they're aware of how much time she spends over here. Brendan's doing well with his lessons. I'm slowly working up my nerve to approach the sciences. Basic human anatomy, biology and all that good shit. And yeah, sex ed. He knows all the street terms for stuff but doesn't really have a grip on it scientifically. The kid's sexually active, but what he doesn't know about basic human sexuality is kinda frightening. Although he's got the safe sex bit down, thank heaven. He's becoming addicted to educational TV. That's cool. I'd rather see him addicted to the History Channel than to sitcoms. I've been trying to leave Brendan and Trace (my boyfriend) alone together for small amounts of time, so they can bond. Brendan gets nervous when I'm gone too long, though. I've got to go home and crash. Brendan's already in bed. I dropped him off before coming here. |
Her parents disapprove of her weird clothes and makeup (they go batshit if they catch her wearing makeup). She has a fairly extensive freaky wardrobe and a lot of it is now stored in Brendan's closet. She doesn't even have to be going anywhere particular to dress in that stuff. She just wears it around the house. I have a slight concern about her influence on Brendan. On the whole, she's a good kid. But she's showing signs of being slightly manipulative (at a time when Brendan is showing signs of being slightly gullible). She seems to be able to talk him into things that he normally wouldn't do. So far, it hasn't been a problem. I just hope that it doesn't turn into one someday. |
We sat and watched tons of nudity, with a lot of people getting the whips and chains treatment. We (Crimson, Pug and I) all remarked on how unerotic it was. I couldn't get a hard-on over any of that shit, which is a drag, because if it had been handled more competently, I probably could have. So anyway, I got home at some bizarre hour and the kid was up waiting for me. We sat up for hours, until well after sunup, talking about sex. Brendan opened up and talked about his sexuality. It's stranger than I thought. The boy is perverse. He also doesn't fully understand why I wouldn't take him with me to the sex show despite my explanations (he wanted to go with me). I told him about all the action, though. He said it would have been better if it were all guys, a point I can't exactly argue with. Brendan considers himself celibate at this point (best news I've had all month). It's a long story. His sexuality is heavily tied into his emotional state. He wants to be taken care of. He wants a daddy, even in the sexual sense. He's also extremely submissive and has a definite interest in the whole B&D scene. But he's got me, the platonic daddy, so he's emotionally taken care of. He's not interested in finding a lover. He just wants to live with Trace and I until he's old and gray. He wants to be our baby forever. That's what he said. I can kinda roll with that right now. If he's my baby, and he's satisfied with that, at least he's not out randomly screwing strangers. Still, there's something less than healthy about it all. But that's okay. Healthy is relative, especially in this household. |
It isn't as wierd that Brendan is clutching at a father--it is a little wierd that he's so into it, the way you describe it. Probably not taking him to the sex show was a good idea. It's also really cool that you're so open with him about sex and such things--better to have it out than thrown in a corner. You get a good daddy award so far. |
is it difficult to adopt kids? what is that process all about? did you have to be a foster parent first? i mean... how did you meet Brendan and all that? |
also, let's see photos of Crimson's outfit. |
Normally, it's extremely difficult to adopt kids. However, this is a very unusual case. Brendan's parents, after finding out that I had taken the kid into my home and was trying to homeschool him, practically begged me to adopt him. There are 11 kids in that family (living in 2 separate trailers), plus a few random half-brothers and sisters, plus all the kids that Brendan's sisters keep having. The family just can't handle another mouth to feed. They cut Brendan off when he was pretty young and told him not to come home, because they couldn't afford to feed him. They don't believe in birth control or abortion (they're not Catholic, either, but Pentecostals) so they just keep on cranking out the kids. When the kids hit adolescence, they're turned out onto the streets to make room for the younger kids. Brendan's mother told her own lawyer that she wishes there were shelters you could dump kids off at, like you can dogs and cats. Brendan's parents don't want him and have said so many times publicly. They've said it in front of both our lawyers, they've said it to a judge, and God knows, they've said it to Brendan. They also have a child neglect record that's not working in their favor. The authorities have taken away several kids, but the geniuses keep saying that it's best for children to stay in the family, so they keep sending them back. The kids are half-starved, living in filthy and overcrowded conditions. Dinner often consists of a big bag of generic potato chips, ripped open and tossed on the dirty carpet for the kids to forage through on their hands and knees like animals. We're hoping that the adoption will be final around New Year's. I've got temporary legal custody of him now. Normally, such a process could take years, but since the parents are obviously overjoyed to get rid of Brendan (they don't want another kid costing them money) and they've made it clear that I'm the person they want the boy staying with, it makes things much easier. As for Brendan's daddy fixation, I think a lot of it comes from his desperate emotional need for a parent, ANY parent, good or bad. Someone who'll show him affecton and care for him on a personal basis. At home, he was always a burden, just another liability, a mouth to feed and nothing more. He was not treated as an individual in any way. Just another damn kid to feed. I'm not sure what contributed toward the boy becoming gay, except for his experiences in prostitution. Plus, the daddy/son role-playing bit is a whole subculture within the gay community, and Brendan's not the first kid who ever went seeking out a "daddy" in a sexual sense. But a lot of his interest in that scene is emotional. There's a sexual edge to it, but mostly, he wants an authority figure who can be cool and controlling at the same time. He's been out of control for so long that he seems to enjoy having some basic guidelines. He also loves the affecton and attention he gets here, of which there's an endless supply. |
I'm really glad that at least one kid is getting a second chance. |
that is absolutely horrifying. but you are an angel to the rescue. wow. amazing. |
job interview monday! |
one thing i've confounded christians w/ is asking them where in the bible jesus christ personally condones child abuse. that really pissed my own folks off & they said, "well, it's in there SOMEWHERE!"...but that was about five years ago & they haven't found that chapter & verse for me yet. it's all old testament legalism. they won't keep kosher, but they'll resort to the "eye for an eye" mentality w/o heeding the gospel of forgiveness (in other words, they take the old testament only if it suits their needs at the moment). the food-on-the-floor routine was apparently a big thing at brendan's place. his mother also used to dump macaroni & cheese on the floor & laugh while the little ones crawled up & ate it out of the mouldy carpet. pilate's been over there a couple of times. he says there's rotting food residue all in the carpet & the trailer stinks all to hell. the mother just sits all day in this easy chair & knocks the hell out of the kids if they dare to touch her chair. brendan was raped by several male relatives, including an older brother. his sister, who just turned 14, has a baby, & brendan secretly thinks that it's a relative who knocked her up. pilate was trying to be positive. he told the girl that she had a pretty baby. she stared up at him hatefully & said, "it ain't pretty. it's just a fucking THING." brendan is really different from anybody in that family. his siblings are vicious & mean. brendan is possibly the most forgiving, sweet kid on earth. pilate considers brendan's brothers & sisters to be mostly lost causes, w/ the possible exception of an older half-sister, who was adopted out years ago. i'm leaving for the beach in about 24 hours. happy, happy. my belated birthday present...a trip down to the gulf. can't wait. there's a vague possibility that pilate & brendan may come w/ me. hope so. but pilate's boyfriend can't come, so they're having second thoughts. but even if they don't come w/ me, i think they're going to get together & do something. pilate's starting to want to take brendan as many places as possible. the boy needs to see that there's a whole world outside of this little corner of arkansas. |
and the "Hit em again,granpa" lines from movies,but sadly,most southerners miss the joke.But some good things come from the south----look at you,I always find you so refreshing,and it sounds like you came from the "Little Shop of Horrors",and yet I find a deep sensativity in you------I'm glad you're here.Have a great time on the gulf. |
I wish people gave me stuff like that for my birthday. Oh well. Happy belated birthday and all that. |
pilate's here w/ me. he might hop on & post something in a few minutes. brendan's here, too. he's fooling around w/ my bass, playing "louie louie". i think that he & pilate are about to make a brief run down to alma, AR. whenever pilate goes anywhere, brendan's w/ him like a little shadow. no matter how sleepy the kid might be, he always wants to go where pilate's going. they're still thinking about going to the beach w/ us. man, i hope they do. it'd be a blast. |
I love leaving anywhere at 4am. It always adds excitement. It'd be neat to hear from Pilate. |
pilate's busy (stepped outside for a sec), but he'll be back. he's in a bit of a rush, but he says he'll try to post something before taking off. "louie louie" is now playing, w/ extra bass, for the fifth time. |
I just wish that I could help out more than one kid. But one is all I can handle right now. This whole thing has changed my life dramatically. And I love it. I really like taking Brendan with me on the road, even for short trips. There's a certain innocence about him despite his rough background. Everything is new to him. He notices the small things. Going down the highway and listening to him talk can transform an old, well known landscape into a brand new adventure. He may not be "innocent" in the usual sense, but he's innocent in all the right and miraculous ways. I hope to God he never loses that. I'm going to be humming "Louie, Louie" all damn day now. |
Gotta go to Clarksville. Need caffeine. I can't believe Crimson gave up caffiene. At least her husband's still a caffiene junkie and can understand my pain. |
you in matching outfits.How wonderful for you to be able to see the world through his eyes! |
When I introduce him to strangers as my son, people almost always remark on the family resemblance. We really do look like we're related. Same hair/eye color, similar facial structure. He wants to take my last name and even once mentioned becoming a real Junior, but I couldn't even handle that. But I still call him Junior anyway. I call him a lot of stuff. Trace has some funny nicknames for him, too. |
Anyway. |
have you ever noticed that there are people who CAN'T leave a name alone w/o turning it into a nickname? i use a nickname for my husband. but if you're not really close to him, he hates to have his name chopped down like that. the insurance salesman, bank tellers, all kinds of random people call him by that nickname, w/o permission, & it's all he can do to keep from going ballistic. where do they get off? you don't use nicknames for people unless (1) they give you permission (2) you're sleeping w/ them. although my husband & i do have nicknames for other people...names that we use privately. they're rarely polite & almost always terribly hilarious. less then 12 hours now & i'll be rolling toward the beach. huzzah! |
my name's kind of odd. people tell me it sounds like the stage name of a stripper or a porn star. it sounds like a nickname anyway. it doesn't need any help getting more ridiculous. although i'll occasionally let people shorten it down to the first syllable. |
If only I was a stripper... or a porn star *sigh* Sadly, such is not for me. |
My brother is Mike, My dad is Bill or, if you're one of his cousins/aunts, Willy. He and my late unlce used to call each other "Ignatz". My mom , to her relatives, is "Toots". You know, they shut down puppy farms with better conditions than the Pentacostals Pilate just described. Goddamn, that makes me angry. Makes me want to get into a screaming match with a religous nut who's rattling on about welfare mothers, and yell at him that it's the damn religous freakazoids like him that are a burden on the public. Man, I wanted to stay out of the south just because of the humidity and bugs, but now I have even more of a reason to stay out... |
i should add that i know some pentacostal parents who have done well w/ their kids. it's just that, for some reason, i've seen more abuse within that denomination than in any other. there are about a zillion different kinds of pentecostals. some are more rural & scary than others. i've seen some pretty seriously weird stuff among the holy roller set. i think that brendan is a "church of god of prophecy" kid, i'm not sure. |
happy b'day, pilate! love you! (not that he's going to see this for a few days...he's already on the road w/ his family, taking a little vacation). i'll be leaving for the beach in a couple of hours now. i'm too wound up to sleep. the hubby's trying to sleep, but he's sleeping fitfully, as well. we get excited like little kids about going on roadtrips. |
(ps...happy birthday's all around.) |
Happy birthday, Pilate! |
Confetti for Pilate's Birthday |
hippo birdie! (my dad wanted to nae me axl, had i been a boy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I know all about the trash up here, and I know how to deal with them. SOuthern trash is a different thing entirely, and I would prefer to stick with the trash I know and love. Shine on, you crazy cedar savages! We don't have Pentacostals in the U. P., but we do have fundamentalist Apostolic Lutherans, who often breed prolifically. One thing that I will never forget is this one family with lots of boys and girls. When I graduated, there were 3 girls and 2 boys in high school. Each of the younger ones was the exact image of the oldest ones at their age, hairstyle, everything. Spooky as hell. |
For some reason, my family doesn't like to call my girlfriend "Jess". They always say "Jessie". She's actually Jessica, but she introduces herself as Jess, though she doesn't seem to mind being called Jessie as much as I do. |
but we have out own names here. names that we want to use, anyway. i am pez, the great and powerful! |
Our online names make us the first generation to actually decide our own designations. I wonder if, in the future, we will assign our offspring an online name at birth. I am curious about how Sem, Antigone, Moonit, Waffleboy chose their names??? |
semillama = sort of, but not really, a llama. also, sort of, but not really, a lama. I picked thisa out of thin air 10 years ago as my offical Church name. The full honorific is the Reverend Doktor Semillama, Ph.D FS (forbidden sciences). |
sorry. pez is cute and easy to come by, as names go. i probably have thousands of different names that i've forgotten. |
somebody called Jules and I 'units'. When I first started chatting I chose MoonUnit and I thought it described my lunartic *heh* and drunken self perfectly. Gee shortened it to moonit a while ago on the boards. I keep thinking I should change it to something a little more 'kiwi' but not kiwi because thats yuck - maybe weta, or pukeko, or i dunno - moa, hmmm. |
pronounce it puke-ko, but its actually pu-keko. So that would be way too troublesome. |
it won't be long before we're all calling Patrick "KoKo". |
In March, animal rights activists broke into a factory farm in England and liberated 153,000 snails. |
Pez - borocca boost? |
i can't believe that box hasn't arrived yet..... |
pop tarts? that should not take time! |
it has been years since i have had them - cause you could get them in Aussie - dont know if you still can i think it takes about two weeks or so for kiwi-us mail so it must be the same the other way round? I'd like to live in a place called boring. thats kinda funny. Unlike Christchurch which sounds so damn religious . |
pilate & his crew (trace & brendan) hooked up w/ us for part of the trip. we all played in the surf on an island in florida. i got sunburned all to hell. spent a lot of time cruising the coast. found some nice beaches. after we got home, brendan & i both ended up becoming ill...don't know what we got into. i'm finally feeling a bit better, but i was pretty seriously fucked up for about 24 hours. almost had to go to the ER. brendan's still feeling a little weird. pilate's taking very good care of him, though. anyway, the trip was great & we all had a blast. i wanna go back. |
As long as you are not sick for days afterwords | who hasn't gotten their smints yet? |
i'm still sick, but doing better than yesterday (yesterday was horrible, just horrible). brendan's feeling a bit better, but is still pretty much confined to bed. & now pilate's getting sick, too. must be a virus or something. my husband & pilate's boyfriend seem to be doing OK, though. pilate's trying to work, but i can tell he's not feeling well at all. i did almost get motionsick at perdido key, floating in some really large waves. but on the whole, it was a beautiful, pleasant experience (minus the blazing, godawful sunburn...but i'm one of those people who can get sunburn just by stepping outside the door). we all had a really good time. i was so glad that pilate & co. could join us. brendan was just blown away by the beach. he couldn't believe how different it is from home. i'm hoping that we'll be able to take him back down for mardi gras. i think he'll really get a kick out of that. |
I used to get carsick sometimes. Growing up on windy roads. That's it. |
i've never seen sunshine so damn bright as what i saw down in florida. holy shit, it was unreal. i couldn't take my sunglasses off. it was blinding. the sand was hotter than the hinges of hell, & i still have terrible sunburn on my back & shoulders. |
even though i'm still feeling less than spiffy, i woke up w/ this damn song running through my head. something i wrote. so i recorded part of it around sunrise. did the bass, guitar & drums so far. it's almost a jazz type of riff this time. a weird cross between jazz & funk. jazz. funk. junk. hell, i don't know what to call it. i just know that i can't get it out of my head. it won't go away. i think i need to go lie down. |
click on my name to get pilate's addy. just don't send any sound files...he almost always answers his mail from my computer. no sound capacity. yeah, small sunglasses. i think they look dorky as hell. except for the pair of smallish aqua shades i've got. those look exceptionally cool. but in general, i think small shades suck. the day i got burned so badly is the one day i forgot to pack the sunscreen. it felt like it was about 120 degrees outside & the sun just fucking fried me to a crisp. it still hurts. |
I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. Still not feeling so hot. Crimson and Brendan still have a touch of it too. The mystery ailment. We're over the really bad symptoms but are still very easily fatigued. Brendan still seems amazed by the fact that I'm taking care of him while he's sick. He loves it. That hasn't happened for him much in his life. I've been getting into taking care of him. It means a lot to the kid. Maybe I go a bit overboard but who cares? I think Brendan needs to be taken care of, which works out, because there's something deep inside of me that needs to take care of people. I didn't fully realize that until Brendan came along. Actually, I've always had a bit of a protective instinct toward those I care about, but those I care about are few and far between and I've always kinda regarded myself as a slightly cruel, heartless fuck. Brendan's changing my whole attitude. I've been trying to spend more time with my family, with Trace and Brendan (I have no other family, aside from Crimson and Ren, who I count as family, too). Trace is so damn beautiful. I keep thinking of how he looked at the beach, in the water. Blond, great body, looking like he was somehow born to be out there in the waves. I still can't believe he's mine. And the kid. So fucking perfect. I'm not the sappy "count your blessings" type but shit, how did I get this lucky? I've got a peaceful home life, something I've always wanted. And I'm not alone anymore. I've always felt alone in the world. Maybe it's from the folks having died early or something. No other relatives around and I spent almost all my youth in boarding schools. When my parents were alive I only saw them a few times a year. My memories of a family are pretty damn vague at best. But never mind all that. I've got a family now. A very tiny one, but one that's working out great. |
I'm sorry Crimson is burned. |
I'm just waiting until winter, when the adoption should be final. Actually, I've gotten word that it could be moved up by a few weeks. Hope so. I'm still afraid that something could happen to jeopardize the whole process. I just want the adoption to go through so I can stop worrying about it. Brendan asked me a lot of questions about my own childhood/adolescence yesterday. I answered everything honestly. It got me thinking, though, and I ended up feeling kinda weird for the rest of the day. I'm not a guy with a lot of issues to deal with. In terms of past issues, I've got approximately four (my mother the ice queen, absentee father of the century, death of my second lover, and a complete mindfuck of a sexual molestation case by a school teacher). Brendan got me thinking about the whole molestation thing and it really bothered me a lot. I don't know why. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of the whole matter in my mind. That was a long damn time ago but it keeps coming up from time to time and really bugging me. All I can say is that if somebody ever did that to Brendan, I'd kill the motherfucker. To my own father's credit, the molestation issue is when he finally popped back up to help me. After years of being a virtual ghost, he suddenly showed up when I needed him most. I reconciled with him just in time for him to die. It felt good at that point in my youth to be rescued at last. I needed my old man and he actually appeared. I want to be there for Brendan all the time. I want to rescue him from the things that scare him. I want to always be there for him. I want to be the kind of father that I didn't have myself, until it was nearly too damn late. |
Trace is an adult and everything, but he's considerably younger than me and in an emotional sense, I'm kind of his daddy, too. I take care of people. That's what I do. I just wish sometimes that there was an older, fatherly kind of soul who could take me aside sometimes and whisper a few answers in my ear. At times I feel so alone. Crimson's here and she's the greatest. But I guess there's just some kind of desire in me to still have my father (or somebody's father) around. Not all the time. Not breathing down my neck. Just some kind of guiding force to tell me that I'm on the right path. But I don't have that, so fuck it. I get to be out here making the rules and hoping to hell that I'm right. Somebody suggested counseling to me recently, and I've even lied before and said I've done plenty of therapy, just because that's the hip thing to do and everybody's got a shrink these days. But I think it's a pretty weak way to go (unless you're a kid or something). What problems can a man not eventually solve for himself? On the other hand, I can't seem to lose this damn molestation thing. It haunts me. It's not the fact that I got fucked by a grown man. It's the fact that I got fucked over by this man and the system and the community and by everyone except my father, who actually believed me and gave me a place to run to. If he hadn't saved my ass, I don't know what I would've done. Suddenly missing my old man, real damn bad. But there's no time for that. Now I'M the old man, and there's shit to take care of. And like Dad always said, "grief is for sissies." |
Catharsis is an incredible step to freedom. |
I found it nearly impossible to feel grief over my mother's death. By that point my relationship with her had deteriorated to near non-existence. She helped send me off to school and I was grateful for the education, naturally. However, she was a frosty, evil bitch of a woman and her being dead hasn't changed my analysis of her character one bit. I do miss the old man, though. Disliked him for years, for his weakness. For his refusal to tell my mother to fuck off. I eventually found out, though, that Dad wasn't a monster. He was just this guy with a lot of problems who basically meant well. He stayed cold and distant to protect himself. When I finally started living with him again, he opened up a lot and we had a good time. So it's him who I'm missing, especially today for some reason. Maybe it's the cloudy, gloomy weather that's got me thinking about all this dark shit. Sometimes I go visit my former lover's grave. I just hang out there and talk to him. Trace and Brendan both know about it and are cool with it. Maybe I should go visit Dad. His grave is several states away but it's an excuse for a road trip. Visiting the dead. How pointless. As if they could possibly know that I'm there. I like to pretend that they can, though. |
He wants me to take him to Mass sometime and to get him a rosary (it's been about a thousand years since I've been to Mass). Brendan's friend, Violet, is totally freaking out about any interest he shows in Catholicism (she's in Catholic school now). She keeps telling him that it's an evil and fucked up institution. Brendan's confused. Turns out that she's been saying the same stuff about Pentecostals, knowing full well that he was raised in that religion. I think the kid's just looking for God. Some kind of spiritual answer. Violet's trying to turn him on to Paganism. Trace and I are giving Brendan information but trying to remain as unbiased as possible. Still, I'd rather see him join up with a religion I can understand instead of some kind of bizarre fucking cult. I managed to make it through a solid Catholic education without converting. I didn't have to. I did have to attend Mass and genuflect and pray and all that stuff, but didn't have to actually convert. I was privately pressured to do so, but I didn't. Brendan wants to pick a patron saint out for himself even though he's not Catholic. I told him that his patron would, of course, be St. Brendan. He didn't like that and wants to pick a patron based on accomplishment instead of namesake. I sent the boy to Crimson, who sells Catholic goods and knows about the various saints. If she can't dig up an obscure patron saint for him, nobody can. |
Havig faith really helps. I can see especially in his postion, too, having a God to listen to you would be really nice. Everyone gets mixed messages. Churches try to rope you in every day. It sounds like you guys can help him keep his head above water, though, so let him test out the prayer bug. |
Even though I have serious reservations about organized religion, I don't think it's a bad thing for a kid to have faith. If it's handled right, it can be yet another source of comfort. If anyone ever needed a benevolent God on his side, it's Brendan. Still, the anti-woman and anti-gay bullshit I endured in Catholic school isn't exactly a worldview I'm wild about Brendan being immersed in. I think he's drawn to the Catholic church just because it's totally exotic to him. I might take him to the Episcopal church sometime. Similar liturgy, but lighter on the dogma. I think there's part of him that'll never lose the Pentacostal upbringing. For him, a typical religious experience might include falling on the carpet, speaking in tongues and having demons cast out of him. That's just the way he was raised. I'll try to roll with whatever spiritual choices he makes. I just want to steer him away from anything too cult-oriented and dangerous. |