1) You keep a knock'in but you can't come in. 2) Rescue Me. 3) I'm forever blowing bubbles. 4) We all live in a broken submarine. 5) I've just spent six days in a leaky boat. 6) Under the sea. 7) Breathless. 8) I am the walrus. 9) Baby it's cold outside. 10) .....anything by air-supply |
Very nice. |
Polish officals confirmed a twin seater Cessna aircraft crashed into a cemetery, there were no survivors. Polish officals also report that they continue excavating bodys. Death toll stands at 428 but is expected to go much higher. |
not you in particular, fb. the joke just made me think of it. |
me too polish, czech, french canadian, iroquois.... |
or not. |
or not. |
i'm 100% down with that photoshoot. i wanna be the brotha in nyabinge gear wearing a necklace of screaming babylonian skulls. stuff that shit down your must-see-tv. |
A Texan went up to the airline check-in counter and boomed, "Howdy ma'am! My name's Brown, spelled B-R-O-W-N. Ah'm from Dallas, Texas. Ah'm 6 foot 3 inches tall. Ah'm white from th' top of mah head to th' tip of mah toes, and I hate the Irish". The ticket agent rolled her eyes and sent him to his seat. He turned to the man in the seat next to him and boomed, "Howdy suh, mah name's Brown, spelled B-R-O-W-N. Ah'm from Dallas, Texas. Ah,m 6 foot 3 inches tall. Ah'm white from the top of mah head to th' tip of mah toes, and I hate the Irish". The man turned to him and boomed, "Well now, how d'ye do. My name is Patrick Michael O'Donnell. I'm from Dublin Ireland. I'm 5 foot 6 inches tall, and I'm white from the top o' me head to the tip o' me toes, except for me rectum, which is brown, Spelled B-R-O-W-N". |
i have a print-out around here somewhere that makes fun of the yankee navy. ooh, that sounds neat. yankee navy! yankee navy! yankee navy! |
i am a benneton commercial. |
I was impressed. |
We thought Ralph Nader was to busy running for president to notice. Those tires were designed to be inflated with Cheese Wiz only. Years of working for Nike has softened the third world labor force. You just can't get 9 yr olds to listen anymore. We shouldn't have used that cheap air from Taiwan. It was a sincere but misguided effort to recreate for everyday commuters the fiery excitement of NASCAR crashes. Look!!! Over there!!! OPEC is raising fuel prices again!!! Operation Philip Morris' was proceeding nicely, but we accidentally started killing customers before our lobbyist were in place. Our reaserch and development was too busy developing new fragile porcelain brake pads to notice. Revenge for an April 2, 1998 when Firestone's CEO was cut off by a Ford Explorer on his way to work. |
http://www.debsfunpages.com/funpic79 |
"You're no safer in 1st class" |