twix... the only candybar with a cookie crunch Reasons to be cheerful: twix... the only candybar with a cookie crunch
By amanda on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 - 11:41 pm:

    so twix rereleased their peanutbutter candybars. yummy. following my new years resolution to do one thing nice for myself each day, i stopped by a kwiki mart to purchase the peanutbutter twix bar i so loved as a child. when i arrived at the counter i realized that i had no money in my billfold, and i had left it in the pants i had worn to my internship. i told the man behind the counter that i was sorry that i didn't have the money i thought i had. he smiled and told me to pay him back next time. he let me have the candybar.

    i feel as if this will be a good year. things are looking up in the life of amanda.

By TBone on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 01:08 am:

    That's awsome, amanda. I sincerely hope it is a wonderful year for you.

    I wasn't even aware they stopped doing peanutbutter twix. I'm gonna hafta get me some.

    I still owe you a package, don't I?

By Hal on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 04:08 am:


    I was on this horrible coffee trip, like 5 maybe (maybe because I can't really remember) 6 cups of the meanest ass, stomp your brain, eat your stomach raw, ass puckerin', fuck your world coffee. And got hungry, real fucking; I'm stoned outta my mind, I have the munchies, I'll eat everything and anything right now as long as it has nothing to do with anything that was ever a plant, if its meat its good, if its synthisised its good, if its chocolate its good, and if it's green and wasn't made from one of the above its bad, hugry. But I wasn't stoned because, I FUCKING DON'T SMOKE POT... (and I can never understand why people can't FUCKING UNDERSTAND that.), I was fucked up on kill anyone coffee. And so we drove to the holiday up on Shiloe and Grand. And SLPURGE, I think I ate a box or so of those peanutbutter twix before I left the store. Scored some chips, a little dip, lots of jerky, twinkies and milk ( we got the chocolate twinkies ) and two tins of Black Penguin Mints, (the best in the world.) And yet out of all that food (and no drinks because we already had coffee,) and all that madness of food carnage, I will remember with unwaivering certainty.

    "The peanutbutter twix, were the best."