I'm brown, tired, relaxed and back

sorabji.com: Reasons to be cheerful: I'm brown, tired, relaxed and back
By moonit on Sunday, June 2, 2002 - 06:23 pm:

    Cruises rock.

    I'm exhausted and I keep walking into things, and wonder why the house isn't rocking.

    I didn't want to get off the boat.

By moonit on Monday, June 3, 2002 - 12:23 am:

    So being on a cruise with no cellphones and no computers and no home issues has really made me start thinking that I need to re-evalute my life. Not quite sure how I'm going to do this as yet but whatever.

    Got to say though, that a floating hotel is the best way to go for a holiday, and I'm sure that I'll be going again next year, and not to hook up with the waiter (even if it does get you huge servings of dessert with icecream).

    heh, will have to post some pics once i get them developed. Should be hell funny.

By J on Monday, June 3, 2002 - 03:07 am:

    Does this mean you had a really hot cabin boy?

By moonit on Monday, June 3, 2002 - 03:40 am:

    no i had a really sweet waiter from Jakata, where I've been and on the last night I met him after he finished work and had a chat about his life. I think somehow I've ended up being his Christchurch port ho. hehe. But he was lovely, and it was a fun trip, and I went on there for pure relaxation and I had it.

By patrick on Monday, June 3, 2002 - 12:40 pm:

    i speculated there must be a lot of fucking going on on a cruise ship.

    lots and lots and lots of fucking.

By moonit on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 12:24 am:

    I'm guessing there is, but I didnt. Not from lack of opportunity but because I wanted relaxation and no stressful bullshit.

    I got it.

By droopy on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 12:30 am:

    you have until next saturday to post your holiday pics, as i am leaving the internet next sunday.

    no pressure.

By Nate on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 01:11 am:

    leaving the internet?

By moonit on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 05:57 am:

    how can you leave us?

By drpy on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 12:27 pm:

    i'm completely jealous about this indonesian waiter thing. now i'm off to mexico to find a cabana boy named pablo.

By R.C. on Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 01:05 am:

    Since that title of this thread describes me too/I thought I'd stop in & say hi!

    Glad you enjoyed yr cruise, Moonit.

    So, whazzup with the rest of you folks?

By Joe on Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 01:58 am:

    mel, it's good that your cruise was good for you, but i'm upset that you're crying now. what gives?

By Joe on Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 02:00 am:

    by the way, the best vacation i ever had was a cruise back in 1987 to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary. even though i'm divorced, that cruise still rocked. mel, talk to me.

By moonit on Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 04:40 am:

    hehe well Agung was very sweet, but I don't think its meant to be ; )

    I was crying last night because I broke off with 'drew for good. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done - after all the last time I did something like that the person died. So it was pretty intense.

    I have feelings for someone else, and he's making plans to come see me soon to see if the spark is really there, which is quite nerve racking.

    Anyway, I promise to actually tell you guys a cruise story tomorrow. (Hi RC!)

By moonit on Saturday, June 8, 2002 - 12:04 am:

    I have some photos! Well okay I've got one scanned. If you wanna see it and more when I get them next week email me ; )