By Christopher on Saturday, February 14, 1998 - 01:46 pm: |
When company drops by, my cat likes to jump in their lap, lift her tail and show them her little starfish. A real ice breaker. smoking a joint and going to the movies ALONE. cooking for a lot of people Staying up until 2 am playing Jet Moto with my friends. fresh laundry that's still warm. Sleeping in until noon. being warm inside when its raining for the 45th day in a row. quitting my last job, and barely giving them any notice. What really makes me happy is that 2 weeks later they went out of business. HA! Fuckers... Jim Woodrings "FRANK" comix working out so hard that I can barely move my arms the next day. Anticipation. Hope. knowing that the rains will end someday.caring for plants. painting. champagne. gadgets. mystery. The new VW beetle. calculating my average annual sexual encounters and realizing that according to statistics, I'm due to get laid again in 2 days.(!) |
By R.C. on Sunday, February 15, 1998 - 12:22 am: |
By Paladin54 on Friday, February 20, 1998 - 04:47 pm: |
Or a really nice. . . reminds me of a story. . . . at a party long time ago, the escort of a girl there just returned from going out to get more drinks or something. He had Baad news for his date, who's car he used. He told her the truth. . . that the Mustang,. . . . he had wrecked it on the way back. She "cold-cocked him with a sucker punch" literally. HE SAID. . .or someone said. . . it was only a car. . . . ##@!! (red Mustang in boss condition). She SAid:"Yeah, but it was BITCHIN' !!!@#####@!@&****" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
By Tucker on Sunday, March 15, 1998 - 11:52 pm: |
tell me if im out of line here |
By Grant on Monday, March 16, 1998 - 12:41 am: |
By AMR2LL on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 03:12 am: |
By Pete on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 10:58 pm: |
By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, April 8, 1998 - 03:10 pm: |
:) |
By Hungry n Thirsty on Sunday, April 19, 1998 - 11:01 pm: |
By Hey its just my opinion on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 02:36 am: |
By Jimmy Swaggart on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 01:47 pm: |
Try it once, get married, then tell me you are not tempted. I have never cheated. I am tempted, though. BTW the contraction for 'you are' is spelled 'you're'. Also, I realize that the women you revel with are glossy with a staple in the middle, but REAL humans smell sometimes. god forgive me for my sexual fantasies...I guess. |
By HIJMO on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 02:21 pm: |
By Waiting for someone else to throw the first stone on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 04:13 pm: |
tough crowd. |
By Worse News on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 04:46 pm: |
By Human Leaving... on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 04:50 pm: |
C-YA |
By HIJMO on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 07:32 pm: |
By Repentant Horny Guy on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 08:00 pm: |
I really am the most honest person that I know!!! |
By HIJMO on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 08:17 pm: |
By Walking Pool Cue... on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 08:58 pm: |
But, in my twisted mind, I view that problem as a matter of perception. Some men and women would have sex and fall in love and leave their spouses. In fact, my wife did just that a few years back. She is so good that I had to forgive her...we have been married for 18 years. I was terribly hurt at the time. If she had just enjoyed the company of the guy and not let her emotions get the best of her, WHO GETS HURT? If she had done the sex thing, then come home to me...SO WHAT? If she had gone to Disneyland with the guy and rode all the rides and got excited and sweaty and had a great time...WHO GETS HURT? Same thing(to me). I am no saint. 13 years ago I did the same thing. Lately, approaching 40 years old, I am able to control myself. This tawdry little tale may make us seem like candidates for Jerry Springer...but we are not. We all do dumb, hurtful stuff. I would only CONSIDER having sex with another woman if she was a considerate, warm person with as much to lose as I do. Dishonest? Selfish? Piggish? No. No other woman on earth could make me leave my wife. THAT is the difference. |
By Kelsey on Tuesday, April 21, 1998 - 02:47 am: |
and yes, real human beings who don't use fds deodorant spray get stanky. it irks me when people don't admit that. you are probably just looking for that first rollercoaster rush of being with somebody new. it seems to wear off for most people. sad. i kind of like the comfortable stage of the relationship, myself. but, i do understand the appeal. new sex is exciting. |
By Plaid chad on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 10:55 pm: |
By R.C. on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 05:13 pm: |
By Hugh Jass on Thursday, August 6, 1998 - 02:45 pm: |
By Strange on Friday, August 14, 1998 - 10:06 pm: |
Bitter and jaded at the moment, Strange |
Hope not |
So, whats my reason to be cheerful? It's over. it's OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVER!!! I'm probably doomed, but at least now I can get a decent, fucking, nights sleep. I quit cigarettes, and a friend threw me a bag of really nice grass. I have enough money to last me a few months, and I heard that unemployment payout is going up in January. I'm brilliant. I'm handsome. Now that my beard turned white, I'm DOWNRIGHT DISTINGUISHED. After the federal government collapses, I could get me one of them fancy little white suits that Colonel Sanders wore, and set myself up a brand spankin' new dictatorship based on a more kinder, more benevolent form of fascism. I can go see Harry Potter, undisturbed by writhing, squirming masses of children, at an early afternoon matinee. I can head off to the park and, uh...Why, GOSH DARNIT...I could GO TO THE PARK AND FLY A KITE. You See? All of these things are possible...AND MORE! Much, much more. All because I have been given the axe, from a job that I stopped enjoying years ago. Come, join me in line. George Bush promises that everything is going to work out just fine... |
welcome back! and congrats on the loss of your shitty soul sucking job! |
Damn. I'd blow up my boss's house or something. Congradulations indeed. I also envy your likeness to The Venerable and Inscrutible Colonel. But not the method through which you gained it. |
yesterday during lunch i was thinking that a root beer float would float my boat. sorry to hear about your job. or not. i'm not sure. but either way, stay away from tabacco. |
way to go fucko! smoke if you got em!!!! |
Congrats dude, and I also agree with patrick, smoke'em if you got'em. |
LS |
that was so damn rude!! P |
Oh, did I mention the pot? It was really good. Christopher |
goddamnit. i've been trying to get laid off forever. |
Being able to take a great big dump before you go to work in the morning. That way, you start off the day with an accomplishment. |
i really really really insist on pooping from the comfort of my warm home. |
thats the kind of euphamism i can use! |
or maybe it's just a connecticut thang. |
when i have to go, i will poop in any toilet, any time. i've also pooped outside lots of times, camping or whatever. that's what happens when you spend nearly a year on the road traveling. you get over pooping hang-ups. |
my father thought nothing of walking into the bathroom while i was brushing my teeth and squatting down for a good redolent shit. with the door open. i had a friend in high school who'd do that do. we'd have conversations while he squeezed one out. in hospitals complete and utter strangers have had more intimacy with my bowels and their workings than i ever want again. i once lived in a house where the only bathroom had a huge hole in wall, like a cave entrance. nowadays i want hardcore privacy; i want a bunker deep underground with locks, alarms; i want a TV, magazines - candles, soft music. barrel-sized cans of air freshener. |
However, I've made several rip-snorting fart jokes in recent weeks so I'm hoping maybe I've broken through the quivering ass barrier at last. But it doesn't make sense because I make really fine ass jokes. My buddy, Bumrush, told me only yesterday that you need a higher level of passion and commitment to successfully pull off fart or dump jokes. I don't think I'll ever master the casual chat about dumping. Once I was talking to Dave and he told me he'd done a huge dump at a service station. I mean, no preamble, it was just there on the screen. What do you do with this information? Is there a recommended response? Do you act interested and ask for details of the number of asswipes required? I have a theory that if there are three men in the room, it will be a mere five minutes before one of them starts talking about a bodily function of some kind. |
There will also be a Sorabji wing, where ya'll will have your own rooms styled to your own tastes... Droopy sorry though, you'll have a nice private bathroom, but only I will have access to the bunker. It will have retinal scanners and finger printers... It will be nice... |
dammit droopy, your genius boggles. such breadth. once i said i have a crush on droopy. it remains true. |
i have a dream. s'ok hal, a man's dump bunker is his castle. |
That's the thing I love most about camping -- whipping it out and peeing anywhere you damn well please. Dumping outside's fun too, once you get the hang of it. |
always pamper the pucker. |
cat and I never discussed bodily functions but then it was only me and her and n6t 3 6f 4s. |
ALWAYS Especially with my mother. Those two together. Fun times. |