I have my own, and it is viewable by going here. |
mine |
teehee. |
I mean, I had to decide which side I fell on regarding the cloning debate. So I picked one, clicked "accept" and then I got a screen saying: -------------- "This is the position your government is preparing to adopt." "The government has indicated its intention to follow the recommendations of Option 2." "To follow one of the recommendations above, simply click on the link." ---------------- Yet...there's no link for the issue I picked...it's just in bold print. I picked it yesterday, so shouldn't it have taken into effect by now? *whimper* I'm so dumb. Oh, yeah: this is my poor fledgling nation. I've added you all to my dossier. We should create our own region and move there together! |
me nation. then we can all endorse spider to be our UN delegate. |
Viva la Vyvyanland |
"To Fish or Fuck, either is your destiny" |
http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=pescadores_e_mulheres |
is it inaccurate or something? |
Resolution 245A Proper Grammar A resolution to increase democratic freedoms. Description: Too long have UN Proposals been filled with improper grammar. One can scarcely move between two pages of proposals without seeing some sort of grammar or spelling error. People need to realize that "your" and "you're" are NOT the same word. People also need to realize that "to" and "too" are also not the same word, and that the "Vaticant" does not exist. Any country that files a proposal with such language shall henceforth be banned from proposals until such time as they understand the English language and can properly convey their ideas. Votes For: 8597 Votes Against: 6885 |
spider, you never answered me, was there an inaccuracy with babel's portaguese? |
i dunno. online translators are not known for their accuracy. |
well, you know, Uranium Mining and Furniture Restoration are so similar..... how many nate's for a dollar?! |
i will enjoy being the nationstate that no one has any idea what the fuck im talking about. |
Imagine what the world would be like with a few hundred semillamas...more slack indeed. *sigh* I will keep the gushing to myself. thank you. |
i love my land. |
Join our region! |
wanna link your nation to your friends" and it has a link, that you highlight, cut and paste. |
http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=all_that_is_eri |
*grumble* I've got racist TV shows in my country now....goddamn moron populace. I leave them to govern themselves, and look what they do. |
Thanks for reposting that trace. I laugh like hell when i compare yours to Patricks, and I hope you and he do too. |
:( bastards. |
I think it is safe to say that Patrick and I are political polar oposites |
eri wants to get into nates lower region. |
It's like "Mr. Loux's Neighborhood." |
Loo-ooks? Loo-eks? Lewis? Loozer? Elouxy? |
:) |
"Civil Rights: Excessive" that's all i needed to hear. |
"We remain critically short of blood plasma and various organs," says Semillamia One hospital administrator Max Chicago. "Especially hearts. A good heart is hard to find. But if we were allowed to pay for donations, we'd get more of them and could save more lives. Plus the donor takes home a few hundred nates in compensation." |
My latest is that "two wheels good, four wheels bad" and activist group is riding bikes on the main roads slowing down traffic on rush hour as a protest to all drivers. |
we dont need no stinkin UN. |
Proulx rhymes with true. |
we're not french. lukes. |
Plus, there are some mysterious new nations in the region, have you noticed? |
Thanks, Nate. |
I'm known in the Church of the Subgenius as Doktor Semillama, and those guys are into NationStates as well. ALthough I thought they were forming their own little region. I know one of them asked me to join, but I would probably just make up another nation to do that. |
funk em' to hell. |
Holy Shit! I love your currency and animal. I used to say that my bestfriend was Statler to my Waldorf and the world is our muppet show...GET OF THE STAGE YA BUM!!! Sweet! |
I put "Social activist Chastity Falopian is outraged." up there as a dummy entry because I like her name. But that's no good. Suggestions? |
I just had to share this issue. It was fucking hillarious. "I agree that something needs to be done about drunken stripper over-population," says random passer-by Sue-Ann Winters, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal." I dunno, though. I know lots of guys who wouldn't mind eating drunken strippers!!! |
things have gone horribly wrong. i think perhaps the last time our nation was a nation was well before i was born. |