Dear Friends, . . . Reasons to be cheerful: Dear Friends, . . .
By Brother Bill Barnstormer of Billville on Sunday, June 1, 2003 - 06:13 pm:

    "Oh we hear a lot these troubled days about patriotism, say thank you for that.

    But what must we do now to prove ourselves a grateful nation unto the administration?

    How can we say thank you to the leadership committee of the U.S.?

    Now I know you've wrapped your car in the flag of our homeland and glued the 'don't tread on us' sticker in the window behind the gunrack. . . . .

    You say the pledge of allegiance in the revised standard version before breakfast and important business and social meetings Thank You.

    You identify yourself completely with the rigid and authoritarian hierarchy of the military industrial complex.
    You mingle your local church, synagogue or mosque as deeply as you can into the politics of fundamental rights and freedoms and that's right.

    You know that nothing is a matter of opinion and ya pray, say 'thank you,' for affirmative answers to what ya think is right already, yes.

    And still, many of us simply can't be patriotic enough but most of all, what can we say, to him?
    OH Dear Friends, Let him hear ya love him, that's all.

    Write a letter to him at the White House in Washington D.C. and say,

    'Mr. president i love you and I feel good now like you said you did after you started your war and i feel prideful and important and full of brass tacks just like you do sir. and I say thank you because I know

    ".. . . Freedom is a bush on fire.
    Give us a light and we'll follow him anywhere."
    Thank you.

    This is Brother Bill Barnstormer. . . ."

    That Barnstormer sure can put words together, and take 'em apart too!

    "hello, Mutt and Smutt's Frontline OnLine store, Mutt speakin". . .
    (Earth Day - Tuesday April 22, 2003 broadcast)