As expected, the world's most famous Thanksgiving Day Parade takes place in Manhattan - center of the universe. The 78th Annual Macy's (formerly Abraham & Straus - sweets) Thanksgiving Day Parade will be brodcast live from NBC (World Headquarters - Rockefeller Center - hub of broadcasting) to millions of viewers, with an expected 2.5 million in attendance. This year's parade will begin at Central Park (world's most famous recreational park) and end on Broadway (Great White Way - hub of theatre). Once again, only in NYC!ehe -D, NYC "The Jew is neither a newcomer nor an alien in this country or on this continent; his Americanism is as original and ancient as that of any race or people with the exception of the American Indian and other aborigines. He came in the caravels of Columbus, and he knocked at the gates of New Amsterdam (aka New York) only thirty-five years after the Pilgrim Fathers stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock" -OSCAR SOLOMON STRAUS (first American-Jew to hold a cabinet post in 1906 - of "Straus" department store fame) http://www.macysparade.com |
Happy turkey day everyone! |
oh....wait. |
70% of the 5 billion dollars worth of Kosher products sold each year in the US, is purchased by Gentiles (non-Jews). In 1915, The New York State Legislature enacts the nation's first Kosher Food Law. In the US, New York is the largest manufacturer and consumer of Kosher foods, accounting for $3 billion of the $6 billion US market for Kosher foods. Kosher is so popular, "Ball Park" (non-Kosher meat manufacturer) now has their own line of Kosher franks - and they are stinkin' delish!ehe Hebrew National is known the world over. And as we all know, "they answer to a higher authority!" eh As sweet Jewish Joey "father of punk" Ramone (b.Jeffrey Hyman, Queens, NY) once said: "fourth rule is - eat Kosher salami!" eh With that said, here's the Kosher primer: The word Kosher is perhaps one of the best known words in Jewish life, Kosher or Kasher means "fit" or "proper to be used." In order to be Kosher, an animal must chew its cud and have split hooves. It must be ritually slaughtered by a Shocket according to the laws of Shechitah and examined (Bedikah) for lung adhesions by a Bodek. If minor adhesions are found that can be removed without damaging the lung, then the animal is Kosher. If the animal has major adhesions, it is Treifah - physically afflicted and unacceptable by Jewish tradition. The yellow-bellied heathen beast is then shipped off to the nearest non-Kosher meat manufacturer!ehehehe If the lung is perfectly smooth, the animal is Glatt Kosher. Next, certain veins, arteries and forbidden fats are removed (Nikur). The hind quarter is not used in this country because it is a very tedious procedure to remove the sciatic nerve and related arteries and tendons that are forbidden as proscribed in the Book Of Genesis. Before meat can be eaten, it must first be Kashered - soaked and salted in cold water to remove its blood - key source of bacteria. Kashering is most often done these days by Kosher butchers before cutting and packaging the meat; however, it is a process that can easily be performed at home. After soaking and salting, the meat can be ground, cooked or frozen. -D, NYC "Take away the Jews - and Germany is destitute" - JAMES W. GERARD (former US ambassador to Germany - excerpt from "Four Years In Germany" - 1917 |
So how is it that chickens are kosher? (And are they the only kosher fowl?) They don't chew the cud or have hooves. But I know chickens are kosher because every Jewish deli/market sells chicken soup & rendered chicken fat. (The one near me is actually a deli-cum-liquor store, which I've never seen before.) So why do the rabbis only check for lung adhesions? Since they're checking, why not check all the organs for adhesions, tumors, anything indicating an unhealthy animal? Well, I'm sticking to my grassfed beef & pasture-raised chickens, thanks anyway. It costs a lot more, but now that I know the difference, I really don't care for the taste of grain-fed beef & chicken. How an animal is slaughtered has nothing to do with whether or not it was raised on the proper diet for it's species. The real quality of the meat comes from what it ate before you ate it. http://www.texasgrassfedbeef.com/ I'll bet those rabbis get sick of spending all day killing animals for a living. - RC |