expensive tapeworm of regañado

sorabji.com: Reasons to be cheerful: expensive tapeworm of regañado
By droopy on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 05:22 pm:

    - "To see but not to touch if I do not authorize to you, we are brothers-in-law, ok"

    And tanga rose, I am placed the part of above that as soon as it covered its nipples,

    - "Please, Ferna, ayúdame to cuadrar this dress",

    I expensive tapeworm of regañado small dog static and I have left,

    - "We go ayúdame that I authorize to you to that I touch myself, you do not put asi '",

    Lower to its tanguita and his pelambre as soon as contained it was revolt, takes saliva with my hand and I passed it through its long assholes,

    - "That beams" said to me,

    - "It is so that your hairs are flattened" I answered,

    Humid the greater lips were something, and his clítoris was seen between the hairs,

    - "That is that" , I indicated to him,

    It lowered the Vista and she herself separated the hairs and she opened the lips, it appeared the small lengüita of his clítoris, I put my finger in its crack and touches its sensible point and when returning to put the finger to me in the mouth I felt that new flavor, I continued putting between its lips my finger entering its crack and returned to absorb it, when in silence she pointed with its index remembering to me the saying to me, more appeared of my paper of consultant I returned to raise the panties to him, with confidence I turned, I opened it to its rumps and sobé to taste and placed the dental thread between its glúteos,

    -"Creo that this very behaved shamelessly, is average chocha to you, watches as me to position to my ' " I said showing my bulk to him, - " single Ah you want to see your solito me, but I will do case to you, I will prove the other ".

    Coat tanga and now his vulva was to 20 cm. of my face, could perceive the aroma of its pretty one, without thinking embraces it its rumps and I stuck my mouth to its hairs, the scent to vulva was typical, tightened its rumps and opened to my mouth absorbing its hairy lips, believes that about the surprise thing it did not reach to react and I could pass my language through his swollen nugget and feel his penetrating scent and dulzón flavor, at the moment with force but in silence I take hold myself by the hair and separated my face of his abruptly chocha, I I occurred to account of the error that finished committing, it raises to me and I left the vestidor, without saying nothing, hoped to that Virginia left, when came to pay its dress was all serious one and in energetic form it said,

    - "Vámonos immediately for the house",

    My heart beat accelerated, thinking that Virginia would report with Jose and my parents to me, by my breach of trust. We returned in silence, but before entering house it said to me,

    - "Fernando, I authorized to touch to you to me, but not to kiss to me and for the overflow you put all the language to me in chocha, so that you did it. You have behaved divine with me, but that is not well ".

    -"Perdona Virginia is that tapeworm so close your vulva and I liked as much your scent and in addition wanted to know the flavor well your ass, as well as made Jose last night, I thought that you could please to me in something " ,

    It argued,

    - "But it understands that Jose is my husband and your single my cuñadito that as soon as we are knowing ourselves, I tried to you to please permitiéndote that you see me undresses and until touching to me but he understands that we cannot go further on, good, but we do not give as much importance him, already that step '" .

    The rest at night was the usual familiar meeting, my parents retired to its 9,00 rooms to p.m. and we saw TV until the 10, when Jose went by water to the Virginia kitchen whispered to me,

    -"A the 10:30 begins the show that you prometi ' ".

    They retired to their alcove and soon I followed, closing my room, to 10:30 I left to the dark corridor and I saw that the light left among a resquicio of the door that my sister-in-law had left so that she saw it, I put the vision and I realized that the task already had begun, Virginia despatarrada on the bed, while naked Jose absorbed the velluda crack, put and removed two fingers from his ass whereas the index entered coño. My sister-in-law realized that I already had arrived at the observing point and asked his husband,

    -"Papi, méteme but fingers in the ass " ,

    Jose took cream that tapeworm to its side, added a little to the anus and introduced a finger but and soon it removed the three letting see the expanded hole slowly closing itself, soon to close the four fingers in cone form and metérselos to the bottom, was awhile putting and removing the fingers,

    Soon Virginia said to him to Jose, "my love already I am ready for you"

    My sister-in-law rose and put his nalgonas in pomp so that I could see everything and that Jose the door had left of backs, Jose diligentemente put the head in the back hollow and the tremendous piece went disappearing centimeter to centimeter, its long and venous yard slid in the later tunnel until the eggs ran into, by the sight the enculadas ones were very common among them, began to remove it and to put it very easily, in a while removed everything to it and it directed it to vulva where it was inserted totally continued pumping quickly and Virginia began to moan and to shout,

    - "Thus papi but méteme todoooooo, oooo, me vengooo.."

    Simultaneously Jose began to jadear and contracting its muscles he was spilled within its wife. Coat humid his picha that initiated the reduction and semen began to slip between the lips of chocha, the hairs of Virginia were greased and sticky, I retired to my room pajear to me, the milk unloading calmed to me, I remained slept naked.
    In the morning I awoke late, when I felt that they opened my door entered underneath with the same small pajamas without anything, saw its nipples and his bush of hairs to traverse, I undress I was to cover, seated to my side in the bed and said,

    -"Tranquilo, already Jose and your parents left we are single, as it seemed to you my demonstration of last night? That you liked but ",

    I answered, - "Spectacular, coverall when I absorb chocho soon to you and you put everything by the very small one, was to you todita, you do not have left inflamed "

    - "For anything, if you want examínalo, I authorize to you" , and its pajamas took off, was totally naked and in my bed, that was a true happiness.

    I rise with my yard hanging and at the Virginia moment she took it for the first time with a hand,

    It said, "These brothers well are equipped" , the yard I finish becoming hardened between its hands that felt for the first time the pole of their cuñadito;

    I lowered of the bed and I laid down mouth above, I raised its legs to it until their knees touched their sines and I could close by appreciate the true reason for which my brother so was enamored with her, the fat lips covered with hairs which they arrived until the anus, was a temple to adore the love, the fat rumps and without cellulitis vestiges they were the complement of the ideal, single ass you could think about entering its interior and that was what it caused to me, my yard requested a desperate entrance within my aloof sister-in-law.

    I put saliva in my finger of the heart, I touched with a finger its anus that with their short hairs alrrededor samples did not give of I mistreat, pushes a little the finger which one slid entering the first phalange, I stopped waiting for the reaction of my sister-in-law but before its silence I continued putting it until the bottom,

    I removed it and I absorbed it, my single sister-in-law watched to me, the lips of his vulva now half-opened were humid, with both hands I opened them and a great hole was before my eyes, finally saw close by a true vagina, I put a finger in its crack and soon I put another one,

    I dared to say:

    - "Sister-in-law you now allow me to prove with my mouth the flavor of your chocha" ,

    -"Bueno, chúpame but single awhile, so that you see that I also please to you " , answered to me.

    I lowered my face and I buried it between its hairs, my language settled in the entrance of its vagina and I licked with avidity, the flavor of its juice that lowered gave me but I animate, but by my evident lack of experience it did not allow me to make the things well, reason why my sister-in-law said to me,

    -"Tómalo with calm, I am going to teach to you to eat chochas, pásame the smooth language by the nugget and it tours to its alrrededor, soon you introduce your language to me in the vagina to where you can and asi you repeat several times, I help you " ,

    With the legs gathered to the maximum she herself separated the crespos hairs of the entrance, opened the lips and appeared his clítoris that already she knew, but did not know that so much could be enlarged, removed the end from the language and began to lick it according to its indications, my sister-in-law began to rotate the hips smoothly and was increasing her rate, I I licked with delight and their liquids soaked the face, I crossed their channel until arriving at the back hole, became lean it with desire and returned their hairy grotto, his moaned tone law raising.

By V on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 06:33 pm:

    "I I licked with delight"???...So,,,admit you were in the Navy!

By droopy on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 06:37 pm:

    yo no soy marinero. soy capitan.

By V on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 11:11 am:

    I dont thats the real droopy.

By V on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 11:14 am:

    ....just slot in "think"

By droopy on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 03:55 pm:

    already you know the "real" droopy?

    i was doing a google search for "pepita" - the spanish name given to the cartoon character "nancy". after a while these spanish porn sites started showing up. turns out, pepita is also a slang term for "clitoris" in spanish. (literally, it means "nugget" or "pip".) so i clicked on the above story in spanish, which i couldn't follow because of my limited spanish and heavy use of slang and euphemisms. so i hit the "translate" button, and that's what came up. i thought it was hilarious, had sort of a comic william s. burroughs quality.

By agatha on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 07:43 pm:

    I was going to comment on it when I had more time to decipher it. Now that I know you didn't write it, I won't bother. I always read the droopy writing, because it's the bomb.

By droopy on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 12:20 pm:

    my writing always bombs.

    i still have my saucy mermaid print, agatha. in fact, i've got it placed in such a way that she watches over me as i surf the web.

By V on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 02:03 pm:

    droopy,now both have clones,got one on my back last night.

By agatha on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 02:17 pm:

    No, your writing IS THE BOMB. I still think you should write a book.

By V on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 03:38 pm:

    agatha,thank you,the book is started allready.

By semillama on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 12:54 pm:

    "I could pass my language through his swollen nugget"


    I'm going to have to turn off Jizzmop, now that Daniel SSSS is accidently getting swept up, and troll activity is sorta low enough to be funny again.