woohoo! |
One of the dudes is a friend of a co-worker. He says that the thing they are most worried about are walruses, which apparently are very aggressive in the water and have been known to take out kayaks. |
THE PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER TEAM FOR KIDS PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR July 22, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.pptkids.org/? --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Symbols--they're everywhere! Do you know what they mean? * President Lyndon Johnson tells about leaders relying on prayer! * Martin Luther tells how he pleases God in prayer. THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By now you've probably heard that God has answered our prayers for the President and his choice for the Supreme Court. So it's a great time to give thanks to God for helping President Bush choose a new person to serve on our country's Supreme Court--Judge John Roberts. Pray also for Judge Roberts as he gets ready to be confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Pray that the process will be orderly and well-mannered as President Bush has asked. Pray for the President and Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff and his team they work to protect our country from more terror attacks, asking God to bless their efforts and make them effective in protecting Americans at home and abroad. Pray for our troops who keep on serving overseas--for their safety, protection and patience, and for all their loved ones who are doing without dads or moms or grandpas or grandmas because of military service. Ask God to bless their efforts with success. OTHER LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary of Defense--Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is a great person to lead America's Defense Department. He was appointed by President Bush for service during his first administration and now continues his service. Secretary Rumsfeld came to the Defense Department four years ago after a great career in business. He also served in the military as a Navy pilot, and has worked for several former presidents including Gerald Ford. Secretary Rumsfeld also served in Congress representing his home state of Illinois from 1962-68. As Secretary of Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld is responsible for directing the actions of his department in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 including our efforts in Iraq. He advises President Bush on all matters of defense and works with him and other members of the Defense Department to decide how our country will defend herself against outside threats. He is responsible for creating our defense policy and for making sure that it is carried out. The Department of Defense includes the Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps), Air Force, the Inspector General and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Secretary Rumsfeld is also a member of the President's cabinet and a member of the National Security Council. Secretary Rumsfeld is married to Joyce and they celebrated their 50th anniversary last year. They have three children and five grandchildren. Photo courtesy of the Department of Defense. Director of the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives--Jim Towey Jim Towey and his team work hard to help churches and other faith-based charities get the money they need to help many Americans--especially those who are hungry, homeless or drug addicted. He helps them get money from our government through grants and other forms of government funding. In this way, the FBCI help strengthen America by bringing needed assistance to those most in need, including the elderly, addicted, low-income and those marginalized in other ways. Mr. Towey started in this important position during President Bush's last term and has continued in this new term. He has a big heart for people in need, and he learned about helping others from someone who knew a lot about it--Mother Teresa of Calcutta! He was Mother Teresa's lawyer and helped her with legal advice as well as serving in her Washington, D.C. center ministering to people with AIDS. Mr. Towey received his bachelor's degree and J.D. from Florida State University. He and his wife Mary have five children. BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen to my prayer and my request, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to You. --II Chronicles 6:19 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times. --Romans 1:8-10 PRESIDENTIAL QUOTE FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America." --Lyndon B. Johnson THINK ABOUT IT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When President Johnson referred to the "men who have guided the destiny of the United States" do you think he is talking only about the Founding Fathers? What other individuals have guided the destiny of the U.S.? Have they been men of prayer? PRAYER QUOTE FOR THE WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many things I have tried to grasp, and have lost. That which I have placed in God's hands I still have. --Martin Luther THINK ABOUT IT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Martin Luther said he could only "have" the things he placed in God's hands, what did he mean? KNOW YOUR SYMBOLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does your car have a little silver dove on the back? Or a simple fish design? If you do, your parents probably placed it there so that your family could be recognized as Christians. Did you ever wonder how the dove and the fish became symbols that stand for faith in Christ? If so, keep reading! A symbol is a simple picture that tells a story or represents an idea. The world is full of symbols. As you grow up, you learn to understand these symbols. You can't get along in life without understanding certain symbols. Do you remember how old you were when you first realized what a stop sign stood for? The stop sign is an important symbol to understand, even before you are a driver! And how can you figure out which restroom is the right one for you if there are no symbols on the door? Throughout history, people have used symbols to declare their beliefs, show their loyalty, or honor the memory of others. Some of the symbols we know and use so readily have interesting stories behind them. Today we are going to learn about some of the symbols used by Christians as well as some of the symbols that mean the most to us as Americans. You may be surprised by what you learn! THE "ICHTHYS" FISH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christians have used pictures of fish for many centuries. The fish was popular with the earliest Christians because when they saw a picture of a fish, they thought of the loaves and the fishes that Jesus and His disciples used to feed the 5,000. A fish was a direct symbol of Jesus' miraculous power and His ability to care for them. Also, the word "fish" in Greek is "ichthys." (Pronounce ik-thoose.) It may sound funny to you, but it took on great meaning to first century Christians because they found a special meaning in each letter of the word. Here's the acrostic they made: Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter, which means Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. The fish was also a secret symbol for church members. As people living under a government that did not allow them the freedom to worship and believe as they pleased, they needed a way to know who was a part of the church and who was not. When two strangers would meet, one might draw one arc of the fish with their foot in the dirt. If the other person completed the drawing, they knew they shared belief in Christ. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bible is filled with many references to fish. Can you think where you would find one of the stories of loaves and fishes that inspired the catacomb painting above? THE DOVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you had to guess why the dove is a popular symbol for the Christian faith, what would you say? Of course the dove is a universal symbol of peace. For Christians, it speaks of God's peace and His communication with His people. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doves were present in two very important Bible stories. Can you think of one from the Old Testament? After several weeks, Noah could see dry ground. The dove gave Noah the hope that there was dry ground for him and his family to live on. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you think of a story in the New Testament in which a dove plays a very special role? The early church had many, many symbols for their faith--symbols to encourage them, to remind them about the truth of Jesus, and symbols to bring them hope when they were discouraged. THE ANCHOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The anchor was a very common symbol to the church of the first few centuries. Because it was a common symbol, and not one suspected by Roman officials, it worked well for early Christians. In fact, if you lived during the first few centuries, you would never have put a cross around your neck--that was a symbol of death! Early Christians used symbols of hope and of life--things that reminded them that God was their helper and deliverer. That's how they began using the anchor. When they saw an anchor, they were reminded that no matter how badly they were persecuted, Jesus was the anchor Who would hold on to them and not let them get lost. The anchor was also a great symbol because it has the image of the Cross within it--like a secret symbol that Roman guards would not recognize. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you think of a Bible verse that talks about anchors--maybe a verse that might have inspired the Early Christians to adopt the anchor as their secret symbol of hope? Hover here to read: There are dozens and dozens of other symbols that have meaning for the Christian church. What is your favorite? Do you know of a symbol that we have not mentioned here today? Write us and tell us about it and why you like that symbol. editor@PresidentialPrayerTeam.org to email PPT Kids. SYMBOLS OF AMERICA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's fun to think of symbols that have meaning to Christians. They encourage and help us remember how much God loves each of us. As members of The Presidential Prayer Team for Kids, we also enjoy another bunch of symbols that are filled with meaning for us. Those are the symbols of our nation. What symbols do you think of when you think of America? Here are some we came up with: Statue of Liberty Liberty Bell Bald Eagle Capitol Building White House Great Seal Which is your favorite? WHAT IS MISSING? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which symbol of the United States is missing? There are probably several--but we are thinking of our American flag! It is perhaps the very best symbol of strength, courage and hope for Americans. What do you feel when you see the flag? Does your heart stir? Do you think of a loved one or family member who gave their life for your everyday freedom? Do you think of the Star Spangled Banner and the inspirational battle that caused Francis Scott Key to write our national anthem? Whatever your emotion, it's important to know the symbolism of the American flag. OUR FLAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Founding Fathers were very thoughtful and deliberate when they planned what our first flag would look like. They knew they wanted something special--as a new nation, they needed a unique flag that would stir courage and muster bravery among the Colonists. The Colonists had created a variety of flags during the years before Independence was declared. Neither of these flags--or dozens of others that had been used--would do, so General George Washington, Robert Gouverneur Morris and George Ross went to a young Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross. They told her they needed a special flag. BETSY ROSS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betsy Ross willingly stitched the new flag that was hastily sketched out by General Washington--with one suggested change. The original design was for a six pointed star, but Betsy told the men that a five pointed star was a better choice for their flag. She showed them how she could create a five-pointed star with one snip of the scissors. The men agreed to her suggestions, and before long, Betsy was in the flag business. In fact, after the flag was first flown and approved by Congress, she devoted herself fully to making the new American flag, stitching as many as possible from her upholstery shop. SYMBOLISM IN OUR FLAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Washington and his fellows wanted red, white and blue for good reasons--red symbolizes hardiness and valor, bravery and courage. The white symbolizes hope, purity and innocence. Blue stands for reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance and justice. In time, the red would also come to stand for the blood that was shed by soldiers for our freedom. The thirteen stripes on our flag stand for the 13 original colonies. At first, a new stripe was added for each new state as well as a new star. After awhile, there were just too many stripes on the flag, so it was decided that there would only be 13 stripes for the original colonies and a new star would be added for each state. WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or false: The fish symbol was used in the first century as a secret code to tell if someone was a believer in Christ. A) TRUE B) FALSE QUESTION 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or false: The reason the fish was used was because it reminded early Christians of God's gracious provision for them all the time--just like when Jesus fed 5,000 people at once. A) TRUE B) FALSE QUESTION 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or false: The dove is a symbol of value to Christians because it is a nice, peaceful bird that everyone loves. A) TRUE B) FALSE QUESTION 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or false: The anchor was used as a meaningful symbol by early Christians because so many of the apostles were fishermen. It was a common symbol with them. A) TRUE B) FALSE QUESTION 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or false: Betsy Ross made changes to the original design that was brought to her by George Washington. A) TRUE B) FALSE A WORD TO PPT KINDS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's good to know about symbols. As you grow, many symbols that will take on meaning for you--perhaps the logo of your favorite sports team, a favorite brand of clothing you like or something else. We want to remind PPT Kids that as kids who pray, you need to always remember to keep God and His love for you first in your life. You may want to learn more about the many symbols that are meaningful to Christians, so you can be encouraged by them. And remember to keep one important symbol--The Presidential Prayer Team logo--right where you can see it all the time. That way you will always remember to pray for the President, because that's one of the most important things about being a member of The Presidential Prayer Team for Kids, after all! |
end bits, so they could hide among us!! |
THE PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER TEAM FOR KIDS PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR August 5, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.pptkids.org/? --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * What did President Bush say when he finally got to speak to the Boy Scouts at their Jamboree? Great words all kids should hear! * How did the island of Martha's Vineyard get the "Praying Indians?" * President Abraham Lincoln tells about his reliance on prayer. THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that even the President needs to take a vacation? President and Mrs. Bush are at their home in Texas--they call it Prairie Chapel Ranch--so they can get a little rest and refreshment. When they go to Texas, however, they still have many important things going on--like hosting foreign dignitaries, (President and Mrs. Uribe of Colombia were there on Thursday!), like traveling around the country talking with people and like working on important problems right there in the office at the ranch. You can see why the White House often calls these trips a "working vacation!" So it is the perfect time to pray that President and Mrs. Bush will have a terrific time at their ranch, that they will be blessed by God in many, many ways. Pray that they will be renewed and refreshed in their relationship with each other and with God, and ask God to help them have fun! Pray also for their protection, health and strength through the whole month of August. Things are still pretty rough in Iraq, and people are still being hurt and killed, so it's time for God's children to pray for the end of the attacks and uprisings against those who are working for a free and independent Iraq. Ask God to strengthen and protect every person who wants to do what is right, and pray especially that innocent people will be protected. Pray also for those writing the Iraqi Constitution, because the first draft is due on August 15! Pray that God will guide them to write a document that will serve their country very well for many generations to come. It's been an exciting week for the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery! It's a great time to thank and praise God for helping astronaut Stephen Robinson to make the needed repair to the outside of the shuttle, and pray for a very successful return and re-entry next Tuesday. Pray for America's new Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton. Ambassador Bolton started his job this week after a rough time with Senate confirmation hearings. President Bush appointed him while Congress was in recess this week--that's a way of bypassing the final approval from the Senate. The President said that Mr. Bolton had the approval of a majority of senators, so he felt it was good to allow him to get to work! Pray for Mr. Bolton as he starts work, builds relationships and sets his goals. Our brave troops--hundreds and thousands of men and women--continue to serve so faithfully, right there in harm's way, in Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world. So we must never forget to pray for the troops' safety and protection, asking God to comfort, strengthen and empower them to do their jobs well. Pray for victory and success so the faithful members of our military can soon return to their homes. OTHER LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambassador to the United Nations--John Bolton John Bolton is the United States' newest Ambassador. But rather than traveling to a foreign country to represent our country, Mr. Bolton will be serving the nation right in the Big Apple--New York City. He is President Bush's choice for the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, so he will represent our country in all the meetings held at the U.N. where he will speak for the President, the Congress and our country. Mr. Bolton has had a lot of great experiences serving our nation including several different jobs in the State Department and the Department of Justice. In fact, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called John a man who "knows how to get things done." As someone who has worked with many nations and all kinds of tricky international concerns, he will put his experience to very good use as our country's Ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. Bolton received both his undergraduate and law degrees from Yale University. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development--Alphonso Jackson Alphonso Jackson has been at the helm of the Department of Housing and Urban Development since March 31, 2004. In that role, he and his team work hard to provide affordable housing for all Americans while promoting economic development in our nation's cities. HUD helps make our cities great places to live. They work to provide housing for the homeless, to help neighborhoods with big problems to tackle and solve them and to help every American realize the dream of home ownership. Alphonso Jackson knows about the importance of good housing--he grew up in a family with 12 children! His father worked very hard at three jobs. He educated his children, and instilled the values that have helped Secretary Jackson as he leads HUD--among them, the importance of giving back to the community. He is grateful to work in a job where he gets to give back to his country every day! Secretary Jackson holds a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in education administration from Truman State University. He received his law degree from Washington University School of Law. With his wife, Marcia, he has two grown daughters. BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD, whose people He has chosen for His own. --Psalm 33:12 Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. --Colossians 4:2 PRAYER QUOTE FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go." --Abraham Lincoln WORDS FROM THE HONORARY COMMITTEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Bryant knows a lot about prayer. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to pray. In these words, he talks about the way that prayer works. Prayer is action. By it we step out in advance of all other results...Praying is an activity upon which all others depend. By prayer we establish a beachhead for the kingdom among peoples where it has never been before. Prayer strikes the winning blow. All other missionary efforts simply gather up the fruits of our praying. --David Bryant THE PRAYING INDIANS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the first Pilgrims and Puritans came to America's shores, many of thousands of native people lived here. Did you ever wonder how the new residents got along with those who had lived here for hundreds of years? Depending on which history book you read, you may have heard of some sad stories about mistreatment of the Indians. Or you may have heard stories of kindness and blessing on the Native Americans. In today's update, we want to tell you of one neat story of Puritans and Indians mixing well and getting along in ways that brought great benefits to each other. And their relationship revolved around some Puritan settlers who felt an urgent need to teach the Bible to their native friends. JONATHAN MAYHEW AND THE PRAYING INDIANS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Pilgrims came to Cape Cod and founded their first settlement at Plymouth, they encountered many native people who were members of the Wampanoag tribe. The Wampanoags had lived in that area for many, many years. They lived throughout Cape Cod and also inhabited several islands in the waters off the Cape including Nantucket, the Elizabeth Islands and Martha's Vineyard. Have you ever heard of Martha's Vineyard? It's a very special place that is visited by many thousands of people every summer. But long ago, Martha's Vineyard was not a place for vacationers; it was home to a unique group of people--the Wampanoags who became known as the "Praying Indians." HOW DID THEY BECOME PRAYING INDIANS? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man named Thomas Mayhew bought the islands from the British in 1641 and later that year he sent his son, Thomas, Jr. to check out the new purchase. The next year, Thomas, Sr. came to Martha's Vineyard, settling in Edgartown and bringing with him many tools and animals to begin making a life and a community there. He also brought something else that was important--people! Before long, Thomas Mayhew, Sr. was made the official governor of the area, under the British crown. The Mayhews were a Puritan family who were utterly devoted to Jesus Christ and serving Him in every way that they could. Along with responsibility for the well-being and governance of the island, they had a great burden for the spiritual well being of its people--all of its people. As the Mayhews began meeting and trading with the Wampanoags, they made friends with them. Young Thomas Mayhew, Jr. was the first missionary to the Indians, teaching them about God's love as well as sharing the Bible with them. At first, Thomas preached in English. In time, he realized that he should learn their language so that the stories of the Bible would have the greatest impact when the Wampanoags heard them. So, just as he had learned Greek and Hebrew at Oxford University, Thomas, Jr. now tackled the Algonquian language of the Wampanoags. He found that many more people would listen to him if he spoke in their own language. Soon he was preaching to them regularly at many of their favorite sites around the island--the great interior ponds and the cliffs of Gay Head/Aquinnah. Many came to understand the Bible and God's love for them. Thomas organized the praying Indians into several groups, and traveled tirelessly around the island preaching to them each week. In time, Thomas trained members of the Wampanoag community to read the Bible and to teach it to one another. Many assumed leadership of their local faith communities and taught each other with the same love and kindheartedness that Thomas had taught them. SPECIAL TREATMENT OF INDIANS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas' ministry was truly unique among the missionaries of his day. Many English men and women were concerned for the spiritual lives of the natives they found when they settled, and shared the Good News of God's love with them. But some required them to become like Englishmen when they accepted the English faith in God. They made them wear English clothing, live in English-style housing and adopt English manners. Today's missionaries know that it is not necessary for people to change their culture just to love and receive God. But in Thomas Mayhew's day, many didn't believe that--except for Thomas! His approach to the Indians was remarkable. He did not require that the Indians change their habits, but rather showed respect for their customs, only asking that they not observe certain customs when the customs directly conflicted with the Bible. As a result, he quickly earned their respect, and has been remembered in history as a gracious and compassionate missionary who always treated the Indians fairly. As a result of Thomas' kind treatment of the Wampanoags, the people of Martha's Vineyard did not experience the horrible tragedy that many other New England towns did during the Indian Wars. They experienced unity and peace and at times the white people were protected by the faithful Wampanoags. HIACOOMES, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Mayhew, Jr. had a meaningful ministry to hundreds of Wampanoags, but it all began with one young man named Hiacoomes. Hiacoomes was the first to become interested in the things Thomas taught. He would stand outside the door of Thomas' Sunday meetings, drawing nearer each week. Eventually he entered and learned from the Bible how much God loved him. And Hiacoomes and Thomas became friends. In fact, Thomas went to Hiacoomes' wigwam to learn to speak the Wampanoag language. At first, Hiacoomes' decision to embrace Christianity was unpopular with his family and friends. But eventually, they all came to believe along with him, in part because they saw that those who believed did not suffer as much from the horrible illnesses that claimed the lives of so many Indians. On August 22, 1670, Hiacoomes was ordained as a Christian minister. He became the first Native American preacher of Christianity, and was helpful in training many others. There is so much to say about the kindness of Thomas Mayhew, Jr. and his ministry to the Wampanoags of Martha's Vineyard. So much, in fact, that we will continue to tell his story in next week's edition of the PPT Kids Update. Be sure to check in with us next week to find out: * Did many of the Indians of Martha's Vineyard come to believe in the God of the Bible? * Educated Indians! * What is the mystery surrounding Thomas Mayhew's disappearance? WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read Mr. Bryant's statement again. If you connect his words with what you learned about the efforts of the Mayhews on Martha's Vineyard, which statement would you say is most accurate? A) The Mayhew family probably accomplished what they did with the Wampanoags of Martha's Vineyard by a lot of hard work. B) The Mayhews probably prayed for the Wampanoag people after they all became Christians. C) The Mayhews were God-fearing Puritans who believed fervently in prayer for the people they were trying to reach, so they surrounded their efforts with much prayer before, during and after their efforts to reach the Indians. QUESTION 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In thinking about Thomas Mayhew, Jr. an early founder of New England, which statement would you say is true? A) Thomas went to Martha's Vineyard to get a lot of land and have a really good time. B) Since he had never been around Native Americans in England, Thomas wanted to find out what the Indians were like so he made friends with them. C) Thomas believed that everyone in the new colonies should be fully aware of God's power and love for them, so he began to teach the Good News to the Wampanoags of Martha's Vineyard. QUESTION 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which statement do you think best explains the ability of the Wampanoags to begin leading each other in church and in their spiritual life? A) With the arrival of the English on Martha's Vineyard, the Wampanoags developed a higher level of living with better food and clothing, so they became stronger in everything else. B) The Wampanoags wanted to be just like the English, so they started going to church every Sunday. C) The Wampanoags saw the love that the Mayhews had for them as well as hearing the Good News of God's love in their own language, so they responded by embracing the Christian faith. WORDS FROM THE PRESIDENT ON VALUES AND MORALS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After several delays due to difficult conditions, President Bush addressed the Boy Scout Jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, VA last Sunday night. He reminded the Scouts that there is nothing old fashioned or out-dated about being young men of faith and morals. Here are some of his words--great ones for kids and adults alike! Always remember where you come from and what you believe. At times, you may come across people who say that moral truth is relative, or call a religious faith a comforting allusion. They may question the values you learn in scouting. But remember, lives of purpose are constructed on the conviction there is right and there is wrong, and we can know the difference. In the years ahead you will find that indifferent or cynical people accomplish little that makes them proud. You'll find that confronting injustice and evil requires a vision of goodness and truth. You'll find that many in your community, especially those younger than you, look to you as an example of conduct and leadership. For your sake, and for the sake of our country, I hope you'll always strive to be men of conviction and character. Finally, your life will grow in meaning when you serve a cause greater than yourself. There's a wise saying: We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give. That truth is expressed well in the Scout slogan: Do a good turn daily. When you help someone in need, you're making America more hopeful, one heart and one soul at a time. And you're answering the call to love a neighbor just like you'd like to be loved yourself. --George W. Bush QUESTION 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True or False President Bush believes that each kid should decide what is right and what is wrong for him or herself. A) True B) False QUESTION 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When President Bush quotes the saying, "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give," what do you think he really means? A) President Bush means that kids like the Boy Scouts should try very hard to be successful, to make a lot of money and to enjoy it for the rest of their lives. B) President Bush means that we should try to get others to give us as much as they can. C) President Bush means that both making a living and having a meaningful life are important, but the greatest reward comes in giving to others. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you think of a Bible verse that reminds us to do good to others, just like the Boy Scout slogan suggests? There are so many terrific verses! Check 'em all out! Verse #1 - In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. --Matthew 5:16 Verse #2 - Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. --I Timothy 6:18 Verse #3 - If you are wise and understand God's ways, live a life of steady goodness so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise! --James 3:13 A WORD TO PPT KIDS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hope you've learned a lot by reading about Thomas Mayhew and his efforts with the Wampanoag Indians in Massachusetts. As a godly man who made a difference in the lives of others, he is a great example for us to follow, especially when we want to reach those who may not be exactly like us! To show the love and acceptance that Jesus speaks of is the first thing we should do--just like Thomas Mayhew. And remember to pray for those whom you want to reach, because it is always God who draws people to Himself--we just get to be His helpers. |
now, if they referred to them as injuns, that'd be bad. but i'm more appalled by the complete glossing over of the whole genocidal aspect of our history with the native americans. no, instead, it's all about teaching them to love the lord as they give them the shaft. kinda like it is today with so many americans. |
You remember nigger art gallery. I think we have different rules here. Native people get many benefits, they don't have to pay sales tax and they go to college/university for free. To not be offensive to them in any way is pounded into our culture. If you call them indians, someone will correct you. Or cough and shuffle uncomfortably. |
i never heard about "praying indians" when i lived in new england. i remember "king philip's war" in the late 1600s - a war between the wampanoags and the plymouth colonists that ended with the death of king philip (the wampanoag chief) in rhode island. there's a radio station in dallas i listen to every week - KNON - that has a show that comes on every sunday called "beyond bows and arrows". it's native american music, talk, news a native can use, and all that good shit. i'll have to listen tomorrow, but i'm pretty sure i've heard them use the term "indian". incidentally - there's a show that comes on every saturday called "radio bharti" that covers the local indian (asian subcontinent) community. people from india are from bharat and are bharti. |
there's a similarly fluid debate about what to call central and south americans who speak spanish. and, of course, those who come from african descent have, throughout history, preferred to be recognized in several different ways. the point is, many of these people really don't care, accept the common term, and cringe when they hear white folks and/or the establishment use the fashionable favorite. "If you call them indians, someone will correct you. Or cough and shuffle uncomfortably." and if you call them native americans, or indigenous peoples, or hispanics, or latinos, or whatever floats the loudest complainer's boat, you're bound to make someone uncomfortable no matter what. so you make a mistake, learn what someone prefers to be called, and oblige them, on an individual basis. if they have too big of a problem with it, fuck 'em. they suck. just like i'd suck if i got all put out about being called a white guy and insisted on being called a northern european. or nordic. or teutonic. or whatever, because some uppity intellectual or anti-intellectual racial purist demands to be called something special. white folks have an abundance of these assholes running around and most people think they suck, including me. fuckit, i'm white. for good or bad or otherwise. coming from certain people, calling someone white is loaded with hatred and bigotry. i couldn't care less. decent people will work it out. the rest can piss off. gahd, humans are ridiculous. (not you, wisper. you're the bestest.) |
actually, terran is a good word. i wuldn't want anyone treat my cat like they wouldn't treat me. |
my vote is consistently: speed racer. |
I think the indian/ Native American thing is kind of like insulting members of your family. For example, I'm allowed to talk about what a neurotic control freak my father is, but I will kick your ass if you dis my dad. I also know Native Americans that call themselves indians. I'm on the diversity committee at my work (big joke, but we try), so I think I'll bring this up at our next meeting and see what the other members have to say about it. |
.....ummm, shuffle shuffle, throat clearing, wander off muttering.......................................... ................................................... ................................................... Funny thing is, I was going to write "that's so gay," but I changed it. I'm going to go lock myself in a room now. |
Big L on my forehead. |
PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR October 7, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.pptkids.org/? --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Christopher Columbus--Did God lead him to the New World? * A Frenchman searching for greatness in America finds it--but where? * Read a very special prayer from George Washington's diary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THINGS TO PRAY FOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that President Bush visits wounded troops very often? This week he and Mrs. Bush went again to Walter Reed Army Medical Center and visited with many wounded soldiers. He also awarded the Purple Heart to several. After his visit, President Bush said, "Every time I come here I'm amazed by the courage and decency and strength of those who wear the nation's uniform. It is such an honor to be the Commander-in-Chief of such fine men and women. I ask for God's blessings on them and their families as they recover from their sacrifice and service." Photo courtesy of the White House. The Supreme is still in the news! President Bush has now announced his next nominee for the Supreme Court, and it's a pretty exciting choice. So pray for Ms. Harriet Miers as she begins the process of getting to know members of Senate--especially the Senate Judiciary Committee--in preparation for her confirmation hearings. She has already made several "courtesy visits" to members of Congress. Pray also that the process will be dignified and honorable as President Bush has asked. Have you heard about Avian Flu? Some people are pretty worried about it, but for kids who pray, that just means it's a great time to talk to God. Pray that there will not be an outbreak of bird flu, asking God to stop its progress all over the world and especially in the U.S. Pray also for all the people who are working to prevent an outbreak as well as those who are thinking about how our country would respond if there was one. There's still plenty to pray for in the Gulf Coast. First, there is good news that the City of New Orleans is pretty well dried out and many businesses, churches and schools in the entire region are again providing services, so be sure to offer thanks and praise to God for those answered prayers. And there are lots of school systems that are still struggling to begin classes again, and there is still so much rebuilding and recovery that still needs to happen, so we can pray that God will help with every part of the recovery and rebuilding efforts. Pray also for New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin as he had to lay off 3,000 workers this week--pray for him to have God's guidance and help as he leads, and pray for the people who lost their jobs to be encouraged and to find good, new jobs. Pray for our troops in Iraq as they prepare for the constitutional referendum on October 15 and ask God to quiet the violence and disruption of those who are working against freedom and liberty for that country. Pray also for all our troops who are serving faithfully in Afghanistan and all over the world, including the U.S. Pray for all the branches of the military as they work to recruit more troops, especially the Army, as they didn't meet their recruitment goal this year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS TO PRAY FOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONDCP Director John Walters consults regularly with President Bush on the progress in the war on drugs. Photo courtesy of the White House. Director of the Office on National Drug Control Policy--John Walters Have you ever heard of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)? It is a great team that fights illegal drugs and drug addiction in our country. Their efforts are especially aimed at kids, but they work to help us all understand how really, really bad drugs can be, for everyone, and they work to keep kids involved in all kinds of good things so they won't turn to drugs. In his job as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Mr. John Walters has a lot of responsibility. He is often called the President's "Drug Czar" because he fights the battle against drugs and drug dealers on behalf of our country. With his team, Mr. Walters works to greatly reduce the use, import, production and selling of drugs in America. One of the neatest ways Mr. Walters has helped kids resist drugs is with the "Anti-Drug" campaign which points out all kinds of things that kids can do that fill their lives with good things so they don't feel so tempted to take drugs--everything from sports to pets to math to art. ONDCP also encourages kids and parents to talk about everything so they can keep their relationship strong. We think the ONDCP should add one more item to their list of anti-drugs--PRAYER! As you pray for John Walters and the ONDCP, remember to ask God to give them great wisdom, to help them in their daily work and pray that God will work to defeat all the forms of evil that make people turn to drugs. Walters and his wife Mary have two daughters: Michaela and Rebecca. Director of National Intelligence--John Negroponte Did you know that our country has 17 different intelligence agencies? "Intelligence" is information that is gathered about an enemy or an enemy's efforts to bring harm. President Bush created the position of Director of National Intelligence as a way of getting all the different intelligence-gathering agencies in our country working together. Ambassador John Negroponte works with them all, helping them share information so that our country can be safe. Ambassador Negroponte also briefs (Provides with the most important information.) the President every morning on any threats to America's security that are revealed by our intelligence efforts. He sets the budget for each of the intelligence agencies as they do their work every year. How many of our country's 17 intelligence agencies can you name? Hover here for full list: America's Intelligence Gathering Agencies Ambassador Negroponte was born in London, England and is a graduate of Yale University. He is married to Diana, and they have five children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Hezekiah received the letter and read it, he went up to the Lord's Temple and spread it out before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed this prayer before the Lord: "O Lord, God of Israel, You are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth. Listen to me, O Lord, and hear! Open your eyes, O Lord, and see! Listen to Sennacherib's words of defiance against the living God. --II Kings 19:14-16 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and fasting. I wore rough sackcloth and sprinkled myself with ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: "O Lord, You are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your promises of unfailing love to those who love You and keep Your commands." --Daniel 9:3-4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRAYER QUOTE FOR THE WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To stand before men on behalf of God is one thing. To stand before God on behalf of men is something entirely different. --Leonard Ravenhill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEET CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Monday, October 10 is Columbus Day! What do you know about Christopher Columbus? You have probably learned that he was a very brave and adventuresome man who wanted to explore beyond where anyone had yet explored. Because of his dream, he went to the King and Queen of Spain and asked them to help him follow his dream by providing funds for his explorations. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451, the son of a wool merchant and weaver. He began his experiments in navigation and exploration while still a teenager, going as far as Iceland to seek adventure and new lands--or new routes to lands that had previously been discovered. Columbus knew that to truly explore and find a way to the eastern lands by going west, he must have the backing and the blessing of a large government. Forsaken by his native Italy, he went to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain seeking their help. They eventually agreed to provide financing and help for his venture, so he embarked on his first voyage in 1492. What you might not know about Christopher Columbus is that he believed that exploring the New World was not just something he wanted to do--it was something God wanted him to do. He was certain that his efforts were being stirred by God. He also wanted to teach the love of God to those he found in far away lands. We are fortunate to have the diaries of Christopher Columbus, and they show a sincere and godly man who was convinced that he was following God's will when he navigated new and uncharted waters. He believed that every new place where he made landfall was an opportunity to tell others about God's love, whether they were people of faith or not. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some excerpts from Columbus' diary. What can you learn about him from the things he writes? Read his words and answer the following questions: It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because He comforted me with the rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Spirit. QUESTION 1 In reading Columbus' words, it seems like Columbus was seeking fame and fortune, so he decided to find a way to sail ships to India. Columbus believed it was impossible to sail to India, but why not have fun trying anyway? Columbus felt that God was nudging him to try finding a route to India and he believed he should respond and obey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bible talks about the hand of God as His rule and authority. But it is also referred to as a way that God urges His people to follow and obey Him. Hover here to read about a time in the life of Israel when this happened. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 Read Columbus' words above once again. Which of the following best describes the situation facing Columbus when he let everyone know that he had a new idea for finding India? Columbus' friends and fellow citizens thought he was a genius with a great idea, and they told him so. A few friends laughed at him but he didn't mind. Everyone thought Columbus was nuts, but that didn't bother him. When others laughed and made fun of him, it just convinced him more that he was doing what God wanted him to do. In fact, he was quite aware of God's comfort in spite of the teasing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is another part of Columbus' diary, written when he was very close to finding land, but had not yet made his big discovery. Read it and see what you think about his attitude. I found our Lord well-disposed toward my heart's desire, and He gave me the spirit of intelligence for the task...Who doubts that this illumination was from the Holy Spirit? He, with marvelous rays of light, consoled me through the Holy and sacred Scriptures...encouraging me to proceed. QUESTION 3 When you read these words of Columbus' it seems clear that lots of things were compelling him to keep going. Which answer below best explains his motivation? Columbus had a lot of friends who wanted to know how far a ship could sail without finding land. Columbus wanted to prove how intelligent he was. Columbus believed that God was granting him the desire of his heart and was encouraging him through the Scriptures and through His Holy Spirit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever noticed how when your heart is right with God, things just seem to go better? Can you think of a Bible verse that explains how that works? Hover here to read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW COLUMBUS PRAYED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to reading God's Word and trusting Him, Christopher Columbus also made sure that prayer was a regular part of life for everyone on his ships. In fact, they followed the regular schedule of morning, noontime and evening prayers. You can learn more about the role of prayer in Christopher Columbus' journeys by reading an excerpt from a fantastic new book by James P. Moore, Jr. It's called One Nation Under God: The History of Prayer in America. The book is coming out on November 1, and everyone is really excited about it because it is full of incredible stories about the huge role prayer has played in our country. We think you'll really like reading about Columbus and his prayer life. Christopher Columbus' Voyage to the New World by James P. Moore, Jr. Thanks to his meticulous diary, letters, and notes, Christopher Columbus left behind rich details of his voyages. For all of his arguable virtues and failings, Columbus was a devoutly religious man, accustomed as much to the Catholic rituals and prayers of his native Genoa and adopted Spain as he was to his vocation as a mariner. "I am a most unworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely," he confessed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSPIRATION FROM A FRENCH THINKER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over 300 years after Columbus came to our shores, a man named Alexis de Tocqueville of France visited America in 1831. A young man of just 25 years, he had heard a lot about our country, and he was curious to see what made it great. He looked all around, to find the greatness of America, and might have been surprised by the discovery of what it was that made our country great. Upon his return to France, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: I sought for the greatness of America in her harbors and rivers and fertile fields, and her mines and commerce. It was not there. Not until I went into the churches and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the greatness of her power. America is great because she is good; and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 4 Why do you think Alexis de Tocqueville looked for America's greatness in the harbors and rivers and mines? There aren't any really, really big rivers in France, and he wanted to see what a really big river looked like. Tocqueville had heard that there were some really, really beautiful and big diamonds in America and he wanted to see them. America produced many great products and had gained fame around the world, so he thought that he would look to our natural resources and industry to find our greatness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 5 Why do you think Tocqueville believed that the greatness of America was found in our churches? France just doesn't have big beautiful churches like we have in America. He really liked the Protestant preaching he heard in America, since France is primarily a Catholic country. Tocqueville realized that the churches in America were working to bring a longing for righteousness on the part of most Americans--and righteousness means greatness and goodness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESIDENTIAL QUOTE FOR THE WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almighty God...I yield Thee humble and hearty thanks that Thou has preserved me from the danger of the night past, and brought me to the light of the day, and the comforts thereof, a day which is consecrated to Thine own service and for Thine own honor. Let my heart, therefore, Gracious God, be so affected with the glory and majesty of it, that I may not do mine own works, but wait on Thee, and discharge those weighty duties thou requirest of me. Give me grace to hear Thee calling on me in thy word, that it may be wisdom, righteousness, reconciliation and peace to the saving of the soul in the day of the Lord Jesus. Bless my family, kindred, friends and country, be our God and guide this day and for ever for His sake, who lay down in the grave and arose again for us, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. --From the Prayer Journal of George Washington -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's amazing to think that Columbus was communicating with God as he sailed to the New World. But then, when you think about it, that isn't so different from what we do every day when we pray and talk with God about the things that are on our minds--especially praying for the President! Remember that prayer is just talking with God about anything. So whether you are on the verge of a fantastic discovery or you are just on your way to school, remember that you can pray and can find guidance and help from God no matter what. That's how it works, because God loves to hear and anwser your prayers. |
really, really. |
people from catholic countries really enjoy protestant preaching! the world was a better place in the 15th century! |
....and you can talk to him directly when you're in heaven after you die of bird flu. But don't worry, only "some" people are worried about that :D ------ "Pray also for New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin as he had to lay off 3,000 workers this week....and pray for the people who lost their jobs" SUBTLE. ------- "Did you know that our country has 17 different intelligence agencies?" and hey kids, remember september 11th? well that's why it happened! please don't stop posting these, dave. |
orwell would be impressed. pity the kids who subscribe to this thing. |
ain't that thought-provokin'! |
plus, did you catch in the prayer requests up there, this little jingo-gem: "Pray that there will not be an outbreak of bird flu, asking God to stop its progress all over the world and especially in the U.S. " because, you know, god loves the US more than any of those other countries. Manifest destiny, don't you know. |
------- 10/1/2005, 4:00 PM v is: No point posting,the place is dead,v is off to new sites.See ya. ---- i pray for those sites. |
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051013/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_iraq_10;_ylt=At9yNteEvAP2it0l9Q_YnK1qP0AC;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl |
- The Presidential Prayer Team IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Meet a dedicated spy who served his country well. * President Bush tells about Veterans Day. * Learn about the faith and prayer life of President Lyndon Johnson. THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Bush, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt and many others have been working hard to create a plan that will help America be ready for a flu epidemic, if and when one should occur. So we can pray that God will continue to guide those working to put the plan into action, asking Him for cooperation from the countries of the world and all the states and related agencies in America, so that the health and well-being of our country and all the countries of the world can be safeguarded. President and Mrs. Bush are heading to South America, specifically to Mar del Plata, Argentina on November 3-5 to participate in the Summit of the Americas and to meet with Argentine President Nestor Carlos Kirchner, so all PPT Kids should pray for their safety, protection and for blessing on their meetings. Pray also for them as they visit Brazil on November 5-6 at the invitation of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and the nation of Panama on November 6-7 to meet with President Martin Torrijos Espino. Pray for protection, effectiveness and good relations to be developed. President Bush has nominated a new person for the Supreme Court so we must pray for Judge Samuel Alito as he begins to get acquainted with members of Congress in preparation for the confirmation process. Our nation's First Lady, Laura Bush is celebrating her 59th birthday on Friday, November 4, so be sure to pray for God's rich blessing on her throughout the coming year, that she will continue to be faithful to the Lord in prayer and the Word and to her husband as she continues to support and pray for him. Pray also for Mrs. Bush as she works for a variety of important causes including Helping America's Youth and others. Pray for our troops as they continue to serve in harm's way, asking God's protection and care over them wherever they serve around the world. Pray especially for those who are working to bring freedom and democracy in Iraq that they may have success and safety. And since it is Veterans Day next week, pray that every person who has served our nation in the military will know the gratitude of all American citizens as we enjoy the blessings of freedom daily. Pray that veterans will have all that they need whether they are still serving actively or are retired. LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary of Veterans Affairs--Jim Nicholson Mr. Jim Nicholson is our country's Secretary of Veterans Affairs. He brings a terrific background to this job! He served in Vietnam as an Army Ranger and Paratrooper and did such a great job that he was honored with many awards, including the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Vietnamese Cross for Gallantry. You many not know what each of those represents, but we can tell you this--a person has to be very brave and a very good leader of others to receive those awards. Mr. Nicholson is also an ambassador! That's right--he represented the United States to the Vatican for three years. He has also served his local community in Colorado with integrity and compassion. It's good that he is a former member of the military, because in his job as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Ambassador Nicholson is responsible 25 million military veterans who served our country and preserved our freedom when we needed them. Now the VA must make sure we give them back what they need, including health care, retirement benefits and more. He will also be responsible for a department of over 230,000 employees! That's a lot of people, so Secretary Nicholson will really appreciate your prayers. With his wife of 37 years, Suzanne, Secretary Nicholson has three children. He grew up in a small town in Iowa and attended West Point. His home has been in Colorado for several years. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff--Gen. Peter Pace General Peter Pace became our nation's 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 30, 2005. As Chairman of the JCS, he is the top advisor on military matters for President Bush, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and members of the National Security Council. Gen. Pace is very effective in this position--he was Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs for four years before stepping into this new position. Gen. Pace is also the first Marine to be the Chairman. General Pace was born in Brooklyn, NY and grew up in Teaneck, NJ. A 1967 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, he holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from George Washington University and attended Harvard University for the Senior Executives in National and International Security program. Gen. Pace has had a long and exciting career with the Marines, having served in Vietnam, Washington, D.C., Thailand, Korea, Japan and Somalia. General Pace's personal decorations include: Defense Distinguished Service Medal, with two oak leaf clusters; Defense Superior Service Medal; the Legion of Merit; Bronze Star Medal with Combat V; the Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Medal with gold star; Navy Commendation Medal with Combat "V"; Navy Achievement Medal with gold star; and the Combat Action Ribbon. A former runner, Gen. Pace now stays fit by walking and doing 30-40-mile bike rides. He met his wife Lynne when he was at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, and they have been happily married for 34 years. They have two adult children, Peter and Tiffany Marie. BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. --Proverbs 3:5-6 One day soon afterward Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. --Luke 6:12 PRESIDENTIAL QUOTE FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that President Lyndon Johnson was a man of deep and abiding faith? He relied on prayer to help him find his way through the difficult decisions he faced daily. Consider these words of President Johnson about prayer and faith: "The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees." --Lyndon B. Johnson "The separation of church and state is a source of strength, but the conscience of our nation does not call for separation between men of state and faith in the Supreme Being." --Lyndon B. Johnson ONE NATION UNDER GOD: THE HISTORY OF PRAYER IN AMERICA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to read more about President Lyndon Johnson and his practice of prayer? Read an interesting story from One Nation Under God: The History of Prayer in America. SPECIAL VETERANS DAY EDITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know about Veterans Day? Next Friday, November 11 is Veterans Day. Veterans Day is observed across our country by people of all ages. It is a special day that has been set aside as a way to say "thank you" to the members of our military who have served our country in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserves during war time and peace time. Stop and think for just a moment about all the awesome freedoms we enjoy in America. You can worship God as you please, and you can go to any church or house of worship you please. You can travel where you want to without being afraid, and you can listen to any kind of music. The sacrifices of our veterans have bought you these freedoms, so it is a very good time to say "thank you!" When you consider how hard our troops are working to help the people of Iraq gain their freedom, you can get an especially good appreciation of the freedoms that you enjoy right here in America. In this week's Update, we're going to learn a little more about Veterans Day--and we hope that will encourage you to find a vet and express your gratitude. In the mean time, you can honor our veterans by praying for them! President Bush laid a wreath to honor America's veterans during last year's Veterans Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery. Photo courtesy of Veterans Affairs. Americans live in freedom because of our veterans' courage, dedication to duty, and love of country. On Veterans Day, we honor these brave men and women who have served in our Armed Forces and defended our Nation. Across America, there are more than 25 million veterans. Their ranks include generations of citizens who have risked their lives while serving in military conflicts, including World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and the war on terror. They have fought for the security of our country and the peace of the world. They have defended our founding ideals, protected the innocent, and liberated the oppressed from tyranny and terror. They have known the hardships and the fears and the tragic losses of war. Our veterans know that in the harshest hours of conflict they serve just and honorable purposes. Through the years, our veterans have returned home from their duties to become active and responsible citizens in their communities, further contributing to the growth and development of our nation. Their commitment to service inspires all Americans. --George W. Bush WHO WAS NATHAN HALE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a young man, Nathan Hale served his country first by teaching school, and later by enlisting in the local militia (a militia is a group of citizens who are prepared to do battle on short notice). He was one of the very first spies in our country. To learn more about Nathan Hale's dedication to independence, and to find out more about his heroic quote, read on. Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut in June of 1755--that's several years before America was born! Nathan's family was very large with many brothers. Their church played a big part in their life. Nathan's schoolmaster was Rev. Dr. Joseph Huntington, a well known pastor, and he attended school at the pastor's home. His studies included Latin, Greek, Hebrew, penmanship and more. He was well prepared for higher study and he and his brother Enoch began Yale University as teenagers and they did well--so well that Nathan graduated as one of the top students in his class. This photo shows the first schoolhouse in which Nathan Hale taught. It is located in East Haddam, CT, and he only taught there for five months before going to the larger city of New London. Photo courtesy of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. When Nathan graduated at age 18, he became a school teacher. His first assignment was in the small town of East Haddam, CT. There he worked long hours with large groups of students, but they loved him and responded well to his teaching. He soon moved to New London, CT, where he caught wind of the unrest that was sweeping the Colonies. By 1774 the clouds of revolution had begun to gather, and as they spread across the New England states, Nathan caught wind of the discussions and became very interested in the cause. He joined the militia in New London and practiced with the other men so they would be ready if they were called to battle. After praying and talking to elders whom he respected, Nathan decided to leave his teaching job in New London and become a full-time soldier fighting for independence. He was commissioned as a First Lieutenant and sent to Cambridge, near Boston. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nathan Hale put to use a good idea from Scripture when he consulted with the elders from his church before joining the military. Can you think of a Bible verse that Nathan Hale might have read when he decided to get wise and godly advice from those he respected? NATHAN GOES TO NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After several months, there was little action in the Boston area for Nathan and his soldiers, so they marched to Long Island in New York where things were heating up. He saw some battle action there, but it was at this time that Nathan Hale became interested in spying. Even though a spy could be executed if caught by the enemy, Nathan decided to become a member of a special corps of soldiers--the Continental Army's first elite (specially chosen) secret intelligence unit known as Knowlton's Rangers. General George Washington believed that the gathering of intelligence (information about what the enemy is doing) was very important. He was convinced that he needed an elite group that would gather information and report directly to him. They used secret codes to talk about locations and people. George Washington himself was identified in secret code as "711." When you read the Bible, there are stories of good spies and bad spies. Even King David used spies to check up on King Saul when Saul was chasing David. Do you know where to find that story in your Bible? Hover here to read. In this new job as a spy, Nathan was responsible to go behind enemy lines, get information and bring it back to his leaders. When one of his respected friends discouraged him from spying, Nathan had a ready response. Nathan believed the American cause of freedom for the colonies was right in God's eyes because it was for the greater good of all people. When discouraged by his friend he said, "I wish to be useful, and every kind of service, necessary to the public good, becomes honorable by being necessary." Nathan worked as a spy for only a few weeks, posing as a Dutch schoolmaster. His secret identity was uncovered and he was caught and arrested by British soldiers in New York. Sadly, he was hanged the very next day, so the British could use him as an example to anyone else who was considering spying. Nathan was only 21 years old. NATHAN'S LEGACY LIVES ON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though Nathan Hale's promising career was cut short, his legacy lives on. Because he was a young man of conviction and faith, he is remembered for always doing what is right, and for not being afraid to risk his life. In fact, Nathan's famous quote, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," shows us that he was willing to serve his nation even if it meant he would lose his life. But there is another part to the legacy of Nathan Hale. As a godly young man, raised by parents who wanted him to know God's Word and live by it, Nathan Hale had a Bible. It survives today, and if you were to open it you would see many verses that he marked to remember. One special verse points to the unexpected ending of Nathan's life by speaking of Heaven: "In my Father's house are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2). We know that Nathan Hale valued God's Word because he asked for a Bible right before his execution. Sadly, Nathan's request was denied, but it is likely that he had God's Word stored away in his heart and it comforted him. WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you read the story of Nathan Hale? Do you know anyone who is willing to give his or her life for their country? Perhaps your dad or aunt or grandfather is a veteran. Every person who is a veteran of the armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines) has given a part of their life to help our country--like Nathan Hale did. Be sure to say "thank you" to a veteran this week. And be sure to say "thank you" to God for the freedom you enjoy in America. QUESTION 1 Before he went to Yale University, Nathan Hale learned Greek, Hebrew and Latin, like most students during the Colonial days. Why did kids learn Greek, Hebrew and Latin in school? Kids learned these languages in case they ever traveled to Greece, Israel or Rome. These languages were taught so that spies could use them for communicating secret messages. Kids had to know these languages so they could study the Scriptures for themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 Why do you think Nathan Hale was so willing to give his life for America? Nathan was a daredevil, and he knew that people would call him a hero. Nathan had been taught to put his selfish wishes aside in order to do what would help others. A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, many American women and men are following in the tradition of Nathan Hale by making big sacrifices for our country and for freedom. They are putting their own interests aside to help others and to serve the "greater good" just like Nathan Hale did. Nathan Hale is a great example of a person who believed in serving the "greater good" because he gave everything he had for the cause of freedom. As a kid who loves his or her country, we want to encourage you to take some time this week to say thank you to a veteran you know. If you don't know a veteran, call the local VFW and they can put you in touch with someone. It's a great way to celebrate Veterans Day! GIVE US A VETERANS DAY REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a Presidential Prayer Team for Kids member who has spoken with a veteran, either to learn about his or her experiences serving our country, or to say thanks? Then write us and let us know. Send an email to Editor@PresidentialPrayerTeam.org. |
PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR November 18, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=mMJjHl00_tyMkgi9FZ8UCw.. --------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Great Scriptures for Thanksgiving--how many are familiar to you? * Do you know the wonderful story of the first Thanksgiving? * President Bush's words on Thanksgiving and why we celebrate. THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President and Mrs. Bush are still traveling in Asia for the APEC summit, and they are attending a lot of very important meetings that will affect America's relationships with other key nations like Japan, Korea and China--big countries that have a lot of power in the world. So it is a great time to pray for these meetings--for the formal events and the little moments when the President talks with others at mealtimes or in passing--asking God to be present in everything that takes place, accomplishing His purposes for the nations of the world. People are still very concerned about an outbreak of bird flu--in fact, President Bush will be discussing it with Asian leaders at the meetings this week, so it is good for us to keep on praying that there will not be an outbreak of Avian flu, and that all the people of the world will be kept safe from it. Pray that all the nations of the world will work together to keep people healthy and safe from disease. Since it's Thanksgiving time, think of all the things you can thank God for! Then tell Him how grateful you are for every person in your life and all the wonderful things He has given you. Remember that when you thank God you are obeying His word and honoring Him in exactly the way He has told you to! To learn more about that, see the Thanksgiving Scripture Hall of Fame below. As long as you are thinking of things to be thankful for, tell God 'thank You' for the great job our troops in Iraq are doing, asking Him to protect every one of them with His care and power. Pray that those who have lost loved ones in the military will be especially comforted by God during the upcoming holiday season, because that can be a really hard time for those who grieve and mourn. Pray for strength and help for all our troops as they serve. OTHER LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary of Health and Human Services -- Michael Leavitt Before becoming Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mike Leavitt was Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, starting in August of 2003. He has plenty of positive experience to draw on, for Mike Leavitt has not only served with the EPA, he was also the Governor of Utah for 11 years. When he was governor, he worked hard to reform welfare, manage natural resources and strengthen environmental stewardship. Mr. Leavitt also worked hard to make government services easily available on the Internet and he set high standards for his administration, insisting that leaders must be able to account for their actions to those whom they lead. The Department of Health and Human Services is really huge! And its services reach across our whole country. HHS provides more than 300 programs and it pays out over one-fourth of the money that the government provides for services. Maybe you have heard about Medicare and Medicaid, the health insurance programs our government has created for American senior citizens. Yep, HHS is in charge of those. It also works to fight disease and keep our food and medicines safe; it helps low-income families with their needs; it works to improve the health of moms and babies in our country, and it tries to help everyone stay off of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. They also help people in our country to be ready in case of all kinds emergencies, including terror attacks. Right now, a big concern for Mike Leavitt and the Health Human Services team is the prevention of a bird flu epidemic, here or anywhere in the world! The HHS team includes more than 67,000 employees and has a budget of more than $581 billion! Secretary Leavitt is married to Jackie together they have five children. He received his bachelor's degree in economics and business from Southern Utah State University. Secretary of Energy--Samuel Bodman Samuel Bodman is our country's Secretary of Energy. He has a strong background management and engineering, so he is really qualified for the job. He started out as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology! In his position as Secretary of Energy, Mr. Bodman leads a team that makes sure our nation's energy supply and resources are safe and secure. His department is also involved in making sure that our environment is protected, both in getting and using energy resources. They work to develop new sources of energy for the future and to ensure that all Americans have safe, reliable and affordable supplies of energy for all their needs. Secretary Bodman is from Massachusetts, but he has held positions in both the Departments of Commerce and Treasury. With his wife Diane he has three children and eight grandchildren. That's a lot of birthdays to keep track of! WORDS FROM THE PRESIDENT ON THANKSGIVING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Bush has these special words for all Americans as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. Each year on Thanksgiving, we gather with family and friends to thank God for the many blessings He has given us, and we ask God to continue to guide and watch over our country. Almost 400 years ago, after surviving their first winter at Plymouth, the Pilgrims celebrated a harvest feast to give thanks. George Washington proclaimed the first National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, and Abraham Lincoln revived the tradition during the Civil War. Since that time, our citizens have paused to express thanks for the bounty of blessings we enjoy and to spend time with family and friends. In want or in plenty, in times of challenge or times of calm, we always have reasons to be thankful. America is a land of abundance, prosperity, and hope. We must never take for granted the things that make our country great: a firm foundation of freedom, justice, and equality; a belief in democracy and the rule of law; and our fundamental rights to gather, speak, and worship freely. These liberties do not come without cost. Throughout history, many have sacrificed to preserve our freedoms and to defend peace around the world. Today, the brave men and women of our military continue this noble tradition. These heroes and their loved ones have the gratitude of our Nation. On this day, we also remember those less fortunate among us. They are our neighbors and our fellow citizens, and we are committed to reaching out to them and to all of those in need in our communities. This Thanksgiving, we again give thanks for all of our blessings and for the freedoms we enjoy every day. Our Founders thanked the Almighty and humbly sought His wisdom and blessing. May we always live by that same trust, and may God continue to watch over and bless the United States of America. --George W. Bush PPT FOR KIDS WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read over President Bush's words once again. QUESTION 1 True or False The first settlers of our country landed 500 years ago and celebrated Thanksgiving at Jamestown Colony, Virginia. A) True B) False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 True or False Even though our country has a rich tradition of giving thanks to God during harvest time every year, it is not something that is observed as an official holiday by our government, because that would violate the separation of church and state. A) True B) False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 3 True or False In these words from President Bush, he says that the wonderful freedoms we enjoy in America have come to our nation easily. A) True B) False THANKSGIVING SCRIPTURE HALL OF FAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever noticed how God is always reminding us to give thanks? It's not just because He loves to hear our praises (He does!). He also know that giving thanks is good for us too. When we take time to thank God for all the awesome things in our life, it gives us a special perspective--one that is focused on Him and His power rather than us and our worries or problems. Try it--it'll bless God and you! These verses should help you give thanks and praise to God--there are plenty more beside these, but these are great to get started. With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: "He is good; His love to Israel endures forever." And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. --Ezra 3:11 I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. --Psalm 69:30 Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us give a joyous shout to the rock of our salvation! Let us come before Him with thanksgiving. Let us sing Him psalms of praise. For the Lord is a great God, the King above all gods. --Psalm 95:1-3 Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. --Psalm 100:3-5 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. --Philippians 4:6-7 Always be thankful. Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use his words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father. --Colossians 3:15-17 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior. --I Timothy 2:1-3 THE THANKSGIVING STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that the whole story of Thanksgiving started with a group of people called the Pilgrims? They were devout Christians living in England in the 1600's. They were in search of a place to settle where they could freely worship God. The Pilgrims did not want any government telling them which religion they had to follow or what ideas they had to believe. Things did not work out for the Pilgrims in England. They were persecuted for their beliefs, so they moved to the Netherlands to see if they could find religious freedom there. Things went well for awhile, but eventually they decided they couldn't stay because they didn't like the influence of that place on their children. In time the Pilgrims (who were also called Separatists) came to believe that if they were to preserve their religious freedom they would have to create a new place to live where God's laws were honored and obeyed--perhaps a new colony in the New World. They fasted and prayed and asked God's help in deciding where to go and what to do. Jamestown, Virginia became their intended destination. But God had a different plan for them! A NEW LAND FOR THE PILGRIMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This painting, called Embarkation of the Pilgrims, shows the leaders of the Pilgrims, including William Brewster holding the Bible, Pastor John Robinson, Governor Carver, William Bradford, Miles Standish, and their families in prayer as they were preparing to leave Delft Haven, Holland on July 22, 1620. This ship was called the Speedwell and they planned to take it all the way to Virginia. They sailed to the coast of England to meet up with the merchants who would accompany them in another ship called the Mayflower. Both ships began the journey, but the Speedwell started leaking so badly that the Pilgrims dared not go any further in it. They headed back to England, and eventually sold the Speedwell. Everyone got on board the Mayflower and they all sailed together in one ship--one fairly small ship! It was tiny compared to the large vessels that cross the ocean today. VIRGINIA OR CAPE COD? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though their intended destination was Virginia, the Mayflower ended up sighting land just off the coast of what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts. After the rough ocean journey, they were happy to see this spot! Anchoring their ship in a safe spot in Plimouth Harbor, Massachusetts, they would face many challenges, including the cold November winter that had set in. Click here for another artist's look at the landing of the Pilgrims. Governor Bradford reported on their landing with these words, (Note: You'll see that Governor Bradford wrote and spoke an older form of English. Some spellings are different, but if you use your imagination, you can get his meaning just fine.) Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees & blessed ye God of heaven, who had brought them over ye vast & furious ocean, and delivered them from all ye periles & miseries therof, againe to set their feete on ye firme and stable earth, their proper elemente... Being thus passed ye vast ocean, and a sea of troubles before in their preparation (as may be remembred by ye which wente before), they had now no friends to wellcome them, nor inns to entertaine or refresh their weatherbeaten bodys, no houses or much less townes to repaire too, to seeke for succoure. What could not sustaine them but ye spirite of God & His grace? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 4 True or False When the Pilgrims landed at Plimouth, there were lots of friends there to greet them and make the feel at home. A) True B) False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 5 True or False According to Governor Bradford, the Pilgrims had nothing to rely on except the goodness of God and the kindness of His grace. A) True B) False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Governor Bradford observed, things went from rough to tough for the Pilgrims, but they didn't let that stop them, because they believed they were on a mission with God. It would have been great if they had landed somewhere with a settlement and buildings and people who could welcome them. But since there was nothing there, the Pilgrims had to build their homes and settle in during a very harsh and cruel winter. They had brought some tools and furniture items with them, but any of the people who knew how to make needed items were too busy with the day to day necessities of building shelter and getting food. Many became sick and died, but those who lived kept on trusting God and working hard. The Pilgrims planted many crops and in the fall of 1621 they had a good harvest--so good and so plentiful that they felt they must celebrate and thank God for His help. Governor William Bradford showed his godly leadership by calling for a big feast. Three days were set aside to give thanks to God and celebrate the help He had given the Pilgrims. Bradford invited all the members of the Plimouth Colony and all the Indians who lived nearby. The first Thanksgiving was born! Here is part of a passage from Governor Bradford's own pen, but this time the language has been modernized: They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty. For as some were thus employed in affairs abroad, others were exercised in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good store, of which every family had their portion. All the summer there was no want; and now began to come in store of fowl, as winter approached, of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degrees). And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides venison, etc. Besides, they had about a peck of meal a week to a person, or now since harvest, Indian corn to that proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports. THE FIRST THANKSGIVING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many people came to the first Thanksgiving celebration. The Pilgrims were good neighbors, and they invited all the Indians who lived nearby, including Massasoit, a chief who had been very friendly and helpful to them. Since the days of the Pilgrims and Indians and Governor Bradford, the tradition of Thanksgiving has changed and grown. There have been many different efforts to remind Americans to take time out to thank God. During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress called for days of thanksgiving and prayer. THANKSGIVING DAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, people celebrate Thanksgiving in all kinds of ways. The most common thing we do isn't that different from what those original Pilgrims did. We gather with our family and friends and celebrate together the fantastic blessings we enjoy. How will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year? Do you have a special way of acknowledging God's goodness to you and your family? Do you do something special to help others? Whether you are with your family or out helping others, be sure that you take some time to tell God how very much you appreciate His goodness to you! And have a great Thanksgiving! QUESTION 6 Take another look at the painting called Embarkation of the Pilgrims. The artist has chosen to show the various leaders of the Pilgrims doing two really important things--reading the Bible and praying. Why do you think the artist showed the leaders in prayer? A) They are praying because they were really scared about the trip, and when you are scared, it is a good idea to pray. B) The Pilgrims are praying, because they are very religious people, and that is what religious people do--they pray a lot. C) The Pilgrim leaders are shown praying because they want God's help and blessing on every part of their journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 7 Look closely at the left side of the painting, Embarkation of the Pilgrims. There is a rainbow across the sky. Why do you think that the artist placed a rainbow in this painting? A) Everybody loves rainbows. He put a rainbow in the painting to make people feel good. B) Since the leaders are gathered under a canopy that protects them from the rain, the artist wants to show that the rainstorm has stopped and the Pilgrims will be able to sail to the New World without any bad weather. C) The rainbow is a reminder from the artist that God protects and preserves His people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 8 Read again the words of Governor William Bradford as he describes the preparations the Pilgrims made for the winter: They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty. All the summer there was no want; and now began to come in store of fowl, as winter approached, of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degrees). And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides venison, etc. Besides, they had about a peck of meal a week to a person, or now since harvest, Indian corn to that proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports. Which of the following do you think best explains the situation as Governor Bradford has described it? A) Everything had gone foul for the Pilgrims. They wanted many things and had few, so they wrote to their friends back in England telling them that the New World was a bad place to live. B) The Pilgrims didn't have many things to be thankful for, so they decided to let all their animals go wild and give up on trying to make a living in the New World. C) The Pilgrims had much to be thankful for--their crops had done well and there were plenty of birds for food. As they approached the winter and readied their homes, they were so pleased they wrote to their friends in England to tell them how well everything was going. THINK ABOUT IT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever gone camping? If you have been to a fairly remote campground, you understand that everything takes a lot of work because you don't have all the modern conveniences of home. That's what it was like for the Pilgrims those first several years at the Plimouth Colony. There was no running water, so they had to bring water from the spring nearby. There was nothing to heat their homes except for fires that burned the wood they cut down in the nearby forests. And when laundry was done, it sure wasn't in a washing machine! Cooking was also done over open fires, and homes were simple wooden structures made of logs with thatched roofs. Would you like to live that way today, if you had a choice? Do you think your mom or dad would like to live they way the Pilgrims did? SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though things were pretty rough for the Pilgrims during those first years, they kept on persevering, and soon, they had a wonderful place to live! Can you think of some verses in the Bible that talk about perseverance--keeping on, even when things get tough? We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are god for us-they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. --Romans 5:3-5 A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year? The most important thing about Thanksgiving is to be thankful! That's right. It may seem obvious, but sometimes with all the other things going on, we can forget what the day is all about. Since you are a member of The Presidential Prayer Team for Kids, you are the perfect person to help everyone remember the purpose of Thanksgiving! You can start out by remembering to express your thanks to your teachers, parents and other loved ones for the many good things they do for you every day. Try to use some meaningful words when you express your thanks, like: "Mrs. Bradford, I'm really glad you're my coach," or "Mom, you take such good care of me! Thanks!" You'll find that the more you practice an attitude of gratitude the better you'll get at it. And it's amazing how gratitude can help you get out of a bad mood or give you understanding into a situation that confuses you. Give it a try. You may be surprised! nice. |
...in your pants... |
but i feel so damned blessed. |
torrent of the pinter nobel speech. |
PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR December 9, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=5n8q1UpeiIKTQr6iXwzAJg.. --------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Why does it seem like they're trying to get rid of Christmas? * What does "separation of church and state" mean anyway? Does it mean no religion anywhere? * What did they do to "Silent Night?" * President McKinley reminds us all that America's presidents have all relied on God for help. WHAT TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pray that America will be united in our ability to understand and embrace our Christian heritage while still respecting the fact that all faiths are welcome in our country. Pray that the real spirit of Christmas, which is Jesus, will come through to people who are confused or think Christmas just isn't for them. Did you know that people in Iraq will be going to the polls again on December 15? Even though there is a lot of unrest in Iraq, and news reports make it look as though things are very bad, Iraq is a nation that is moving steadily toward freedom and democracy. So it is a very good time to pray for the people of Iraq as they vote, asking God to protect everyone on polling day and in the days leading up to it! Some of the insurgents in Iraq have increased their violent activity since then, so we need to ask God to protect and cover everyone--troops, police, Americans, children, government leaders--everyone! Pray also for success in the elections that millions more will come to vote, bringing Iraq closer to freedom. Be sure to pray for our troops and their families. As the Christmas season approaches, those troops who are away from their homes and their family and friends will really miss them, so we can pray that God will comfort and strengthen them. Pray for the families of those who are deployed also, asking God to draw near to them and to provide His help and comfort for them at every moment. LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of the Transportation Security Administration--Admiral David Stone Admiral David Stone has been serving our nation in the Transportation Security Administration since December 2003. Before helping out our country in this way, Admiral Stone had a fantastic career in the Navy. He served commands in Manama, Bahrain and Gaeta, Italy and was the U.S. commander of the NATO forces in the Mediterranean during the conflict in Kosovo. He also had a tour of duty in the Pentagon! The Transportation Security Administration is one of the newest parts of our government, along with the Department of Homeland Security, the organization that's in charge of the TSA. The TSA does just what it sounds like--they make sure that people are safe when they travel the many kinds of transportation in our country, including airplanes, railroads, boats and ships, highways and mass transportation like busses and subways. In his job, Admiral Stone works with the Department of Homeland Security, the Congress and other leaders to be sure that people and can travel safely in our country while preventing anyone who plans to harm America or Americans from doing so. That's a very big, so you can be sure Admiral Stone appreciates your help! Admiral Stone has been married to his wife, Cynthia since 1977. Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation--Robert Mueller The Federal Bureau of Investigation has a rich history of protecting Americans and fighting crime--all the way back to 1908! Created by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte and President Theodore Roosevelt, earliest investigations concerned corruption and crime of all kinds. Since the first 34 investigators were hired, the agency has become one of the largest in the world with a force of 28,000 employees. The first priority of the FBI is to defend Americans from terror attacks and foreign intelligence threats as well as fighting corruption, organized crime, white-collar crime and all major acts of violent crime. That's a lot of things to take care of, but they also investigate crimes as well! The FBI has jurisdiction over 200 categories of federal law! In fact, the FBI is home to the largest database of fingerprints in our country, used extensively in criminal investigation and identification. They receive more than 37,000 sets of fingerprints every day, seven days a week. Robert Mueller is a former Marine and Vietnam veteran. After military service, Director Mueller earned his law degree and began practicing law, but was soon tapped to be Attorney General first in San Francisco, and later in Boston. He was appointed Assistant Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush and had a rich history of public service mingled with the private practice of law. He was appointed Director of the FBI on September 4, 2001, just days before the 9/11 terror attacks. In the ensuing years, he has overseen the perhaps the largest reorganization ever of the Bureau. Robert Mueller received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton University and his Masters in International Studies from New York University. He received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1973, where he served on the Law Review. He is married and with his wife, Ann, has two children. PRESIDENTIAL QUOTE FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President McKinley took office in 1897 and was assassinated shortly after his re-election in 1901 The men who established this government had faith in God and sublimely trusted in Him. They besought His counsel and advice in every step of their progress. And so it has been ever since; American history abounds in instances of this trait of piety, this sincere reliance on a Higher Power in all great trials in our national affairs. Our rulers may not always be observers of the outward forms of religion but we have never had a president, from Washington to Harrison, who publicly avowed infidelity, or scoffed at the faith of the masses of our people. --William McKinley BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live. There I will go to the altar of God, to God--the source of all my joy. I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God! --Psalm 43:3-4 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we don't even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. --Romans 8:26 PRAYER AND FAITH IN THE NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- School District Rewrites Beloved Carol! Courtesy of Baptist Press An elementary school in Wisconsin allegedly has written new lyrics for "Silent Night" for its winter program, stripping away all references to Christ and replacing them with winter weather themes. The conservative legal group Liberty Counsel says that Ridgeway Elementary School -- located approximately 30 miles west of Madison -- is asking students to memorize "Cold in the Night," sung to the tune of the popular Christmas carol "Silent Night." Liberty Counsel also says the school has decorated its classrooms with Santa Clauses, Kwanza-themed items, Menorahs and a "Labafana" -- which Liberty Counsel says is a Christmas witch -- but has no Christmas decorations. Liberty Counsel, which represents a student's parent, says it will file a lawsuit if the situation is not addressed. The group sent a letter to school administrators. "When a school changes 'Silent Night' to 'Cold in the Night' and secularizes the lyrics, it is hostile to Christianity, and its actions violate the First Amendment," Liberty Counsel President Mathew Staver told Baptist Press. "The law is clear that Christmas is constitutional, and when a public school intentionally mocks Christian Christmas songs by secularizing their content, they cross the line from being neutral to putting itself in a hostile position." A request by Baptist Press seeking comment from a Ridgeway Elementary School administrator was not returned. Staver said the school's actions violate both the First Amendment's free speech guarantees and the religious free exercise clause. According to Liberty Counsel, the lyrics of "Silent Night" have been changed to: Cold in the night, no one in sight Winter winds, whirl and bite How I wish I were happy and warm Safe with my family out of the storm "It's about a cold winter night sung to the tune of Silent Night," Staver said. "When you hear this song sung, it's the traditional Silent Night hymn." The first verse of Silent Night traditionally reads: Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace "The war on Christmas has reached the level of the absurd," Staver said. "This year has illustrated that fact." The lyrics of "Silent Night" were written by Austrian Joseph Mohr (1792-1848). Franz Gruber set the lyrics to music. The song was translated into English by John Freeman Young in 1863. WHAT IS PERSECUTION? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know what persecution is? Persecution is giving bad or rough treatment unfairly to someone because of a trait they have--like their race or their religion. It is picking on someone and treating them in a way that you wouldn't treat others. If you still aren't sure what persecution is, read the next story, and you'll get a really good picture of persecution as it was experienced by one American seventeen-year-old. We're seeing all kinds of biased behavior and inappropriate decisions on the part of local government today, and it's just too bad. And unfortunately some of the persecution and bias that takes place against Christians happens because leaders--principals, school superintendents or others--don't really know the rules and the laws that govern freedom of speech and freedom of religion in America. TEEN STANDS FOR HIS FAITH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the story of one young man who had a tough problem at his school. An American teenager named Joshua had an up-close-and-personal experience with religious persecution. Joshua is an honor student from a small town in Illinois. He loves to read all kinds of books, but his favorite book is the Bible. Joshua's Bible is in several sections because it is written in Braille--that's the special alphabet of raised dots that blind people "read" with their fingertips. Joshua is legally blind--but he goes to a regular school and takes regular classes. One day Joshua brought the Book of Isaiah to school with him--that's because it is one of the smaller parts of the Scriptures that he owns in Braille. During his lunch hour, he pulled out his Braille Bible and began reading. When two of his friends asked what he was reading, Joshua read aloud so his friends could hear. Pretty soon one of the adult supervisors in the lunchroom came to Joshua's table and told him he had to stop. She said that he couldn't read his Bible in school. She took him to the principal's office. Joshua was surprised that he got in so much trouble for doing something good like reading the Bible. He was given a negative mark in his permanent school file. But that's not the end of Joshua's story... Just a few weeks later, Joshua had an assignment for his speech class--to write a speech about music. He decided to speak about gospel music, and when his teacher heard about his decision, she took him to the principal again, who gave him a failing grade and made him serve a three-day, in-school suspension. Joshua's mom and dad are supporting him in what he did and so does The Presidential Prayer Team. We are glad he speaks up for his faith and is not afraid to talk about it, even if he is being persecuted. LEARN ABOUT FIRST AMENDMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Constitution protects your rights in very specific ways. Be sure you know about the rights the Founding Fathers meant for you to enjoy. Do you know about the First Amendment? It is an important part of the Constitution--one that our Founding Fathers debated on for a long time before they decided exactly what to write. Anyone who is a member of The Presidential Prayer Team for Kids should know about their rights under the First Amendment, so we'll talk about it a little in this Update. Here is what the Founding Fathers finally decided to include: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. If we were to put this in simple language that kids can understand, it would say something like this: The government will not make any laws about religion--either requiring or preventing one religion over another, and it won't make laws that keep people from exercising their freedom of speech or the freedom of the press. Nor will it make any laws to stop people from getting together in a public place in a peaceful way, or to bring their concerns about the government to those who can do something about it. The Founding Fathers meant these words to protect people of faith, and to secure their religious freedom. Unfortunately, many people think the First Amendment means that religious faith shouldn't be included in any part of our life together as a nation. They think we should be a country that has no religious faith at all. Because the holiday season is here, some towns and schools are having problems understanding just how they should go about celebrating the season. Some towns don't allow religious symbols like nativity scenes and menorahs to be put in public places like the town square or at schools. They don't allow words of faith to be sung in their public celebrations. Others place their religious figures around their town and hope that no one complains about "the separation of church and state." Some schools are getting downright silly and are changing the words to our most beloved Christmas carols, and are taking the meaning and goodness right out of the season! WHAT DOES IT MEAN - SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you notice how the words "separation of church and state" are not even used in the First Amendment? Those words came from a letter by Thomas Jefferson to a group of Baptists, but he never intended his words to mean that our nation should be completely free of all faith! Instead, the opposite is true. In fact, Thomas Jefferson himself, when he was serving as the superintendent of schools for Washington, D.C., had only two books on his required reading list. Can you guess what they were? The first was a collection of hymns by Isaac Watts, a famous 18th century hymn writer. The second was--you guessed it, the Bible. So remember that Thomas Jefferson was not against religion, or the Bible. KNOW YOUR STUFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what does the First Amendment mean for kids who know and love God? It's important to know your rights as a citizen under the First Amendment--not so you can make a big show of practicing your constitutional rights--but so that you can obey the laws of our country and honor God at the same time. Often when our rights are refused, legal action must be taken, even all the way to The Supreme Court. Have you ever been in a situation like Joshua's where you wanted to pray or speak up about your faith but you weren't sure if you were allowed to? Here are some important things to keep in mind. These rules are taken from the Department of Education's guidelines. KIDS RIGHTS FOR RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION AT SCHOOL? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an American citizen, everyone has the same rights--you included! You can speak up about what is important to you, including what you believe, as long as you do it appropriately. In other words, when you enter your school building or grounds, your First Amendment rights go with you. You don't leave them at the street! If you want to pray or read your Bible in school, you can! You have the same right to pray--by yourself or with a group--during the school day as you have to do any other similar activity. You simply cannot disrupt others or pray when you are supposed to be attentive to the teacher. Your principal and the leaders of your school are allowed to make and enforce rules that keep order and discipline in your school, but they cannot make special rules that discriminate against religious activity or speech. You have the right to talk to other kids at school about your faith, telling them what you believe and what is important to you, just as you would talk about your support of your favorite sports team or music group, or anything else. Just be thoughtful and considerate about it. If you take it too far, to the point where you are really bothering others, first of all, they won't appreciate your message at all, and second, you could get in big trouble for bothering them too much. You can be involved in before school or after school meetings or events that are religious in nature, because they are just the same as other non-school activities like Chess Club or French Club. That includes prayer events like "See You at the Pole." Your principal, teachers and other leaders in your school are not allowed to keep you from participating in any religious activity at your school. They aren't allowed to encourage you to participate either. Whatever you choose to do with your religious faith at school needs to be your own idea--it cannot be directed by a teacher. Your teachers are allowed to teach about religion--and they should, but they are not allowed to promote any particular religious faith. It's up to you to decide. You can express your religious beliefs in your homework or your artwork or any of your written or oral assignments, just as you would express your ideas about anything else that is important to you. Your work should be judged by the regular standards that your teacher always uses. You may also give religious literature or notices to other kids if you follow the rules of your school about giving out materials that aren't related to your class work. In other words, if your school allows kids to give out information about scouting or sports, you should be able to hand out information about your youth group or church activity. It's okay to wear a T-shirt or other item of clothing that expresses your faith, just the way people can express their political or other beliefs by the shirts or other items they wear. Be sure to follow the dress code of your school. SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does your Bible offer any help for kids who want to talk about their faith at school? Sure it does! Can you think of a verse that tells how you should act when you are telling others about your beliefs? Again! Can you think of a verse that encourages a person who is persecuted or discriminated against? WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take a moment and read both Bible verses again. Think about them in relation to your rights, remembering that all of your rights come from God. In these letters, Peter wants to be sure that believers in God behave in a way that draws positive attention, not negative attention. QUESTION 1 In these verses, the Apostle Peter keeps reminding us over and over again that we are free. Why do you think he wants to make such a big deal out of our freedom? He wants everyone to understand that freedom in God means you can do anything you want to. He wants us to know that we must use our freedom wisely by making our own rules for most things. Our freedom means we can willingly choose to obey God and His rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 The Apostle Peter gives some valuable advice about what to do when people ask you about your faith in God. Which answer do you think best fits with the Apostle Paul's advice? When people ask about your faith, don't say very much, because they probably have their own beliefs and you don't want to offend them. When people ask about your beliefs, invite them to your church. That way others will probably tell them about your beliefs. If someone asks about your faith, get out your Bible and make them sit and listen for a long time while you tell them every single thing you believe. When someone wants to know what you believe, speak to them respectfully, clearly explaining what you believe is true. A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You don't have to read your Bible for very long to realize that kids who love and obey God and speak up about their faith in Him may not always have the approval of others. But that's okay! As long as you are living as God wants you to--putting Him first in everything--you will honor Him. Hover here for a neat Scripture that will encourage you as you do this. As a kid who prays, we hope you are growing in your ability to tell others about God's love for them, always being respectful and thoughtful as you do so. When you remember how hard our Founding Fathers worked to ensure your right to speak up, you can speak up with confidence--and respect! Have you ever been persecuted or discriminated against in your school or somewhere else? If so, write us and tell us about it. We can pray for you, and we can allow your story to help other kids learn about what's happening in our country. Send an email to Editor@pptkids.org. |
the ppt for kids is, by far, more entertaining. |
http://www.myfortress.org/JoelOsteen.html |
Christmas 2005. Merry Christmas everyone. |
gayface all the way |
PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR January 20, 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=iZKLyw0bfbbsUKVB0of1_g.. --------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Happy 300th Birthday, Ben Franklin! * Ben Franklin--great man, great faith. * Have you said "Happy Birthday" to Vice President Cheney? * Tense times? Ben says, "Pray!" THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are probably used to hearing about the "war on terror" by now. Even though we are accustomed to hearing about the war on terror, we need to keep on praying for our nation's efforts in the war on terror and to ask God to stop those who want to hurt innocent people. This week, Osama bin Laden made another threat against our country, so we can turn to God and ask for His help, protection and intervention! That's the best thing to do! President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are working very hard with other people in the international community to stop the nation of Iran from developing nuclear weapons, so we can pray that God will help them as they talk with others, and will give them success in their efforts. President Bush continues to meet with many heads of state, and on January 24 he will meet with Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, so we can pray for a good meeting between President Bush and Prime Minister Aziz, because our relationship with that country is very important. It's great to pray for people who are struggling with health problems--but when it's a former President of the United States, it's really important! So remember to pray for former President Gerald Ford as he continues to recover from pneumonia. Ask God to heal him completely and to bring strength and vitality to him and to former First Lady Betty Ford. Our troops are still working really hard around the world, helping to keep freedom alive in places where it is challenged and helping those who want more freedom to get it. So pray for all the members of our military as they serve faithfully in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world asking God to completely protect them all and to help their families and loved ones back home. LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary of Veterans Affairs--Jim Nicholson Mr. Jim Nicholson is our country's Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Secretary Nicholson has a terrific background to do this job! He served in Vietnam as an Army Ranger and Paratrooper and did such a great job that he was honored with many awards, including the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Vietnamese Cross for Gallantry. You many not know what each of those represents, but we can tell you this--a person has to be very brave and a very good leader of others to receive those awards. Mr. Nicholson is also an ambassador! That's right, he represented the United States to the Vatican for the past three years. He has also served his local community in Colorado with integrity and compassion. It's good that he is a former member of the military, because in his job as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Ambassador Nicholson will be responsible 25 million military veterans who served our country and preserved our freedom when we needed them. Now the VA must make sure we give them back what they need, including health care, retirement benefits and more. He will also be responsible for a department of over 230,000 employees! That's a lot of people, so Secretary Nicholson will really appreciate your prayers. With his wife of 37 years, Suzanne, Secretary Nicholson has three children. He grew up in a small town in Iowa and attended West Point. His home has been in Colorado for several years. Secretary of Energy--Samuel Bodman Samuel Bodman is our country's Secretary of Energy. Mr. Bodman has a strong background management and engineering, so he is really qualified for the job. He started out as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a professor! In his position as Secretary of Energy, Mr. Bodman leads a team that makes sure our nation's energy supply and resources are safe and secure. His department is also involved in making sure that our environment is protected, both in getting and using energy resources. They work to develop new sources of energy for the future and to ensure that all Americans have safe, reliable and affordable supplies of energy for all their needs. Secretary Bodman is from Massachusetts, but he has held positions in both the Departments of Commerce and Treasury. With his wife Diane he has three children and eight grandchildren. That's a lot of birthdays to keep track of! BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were sorry and humbled yourself before God when you heard what I said against this city and its people. You humbled yourself and tore your clothing in despair and wept before me in repentance. So I have indeed heard you, says the Lord. --II Chronicles 34:27 But if you pray to God and seek the favor of the Almighty, if you are pure and live with complete integrity, he will rise up and restore your happy home. --Job 8:5-6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice President Richard Cheney will celebrate his birthday on January 30. Have you thought about saying "Happy Birthday" to Vice President Cheney? If so, you're in the right place, because we have made a way that you can write your encouragement, wishes, prayers or greetings to the Vice President! We'll take all your greetings, put them in a book and send them to Vice President Cheney at the White House. FOUNDING FATHER BEN FRANKLIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know about Ben Franklin? He is one of our most famous Founding Fathers and he worked to guide our country to become the strong nation that it is today. He was well-known for his ingenious inventions, his clever ideas, his popularity in Europe and his leadership when our nation was founded. Ben Franklin just celebrated his 300th birthday! Well, of course, he's not around to celebrate, but lots of other people have noticed his birthday and there have been some great celebrations in Philadelphia, PA and other cities across America. Born in Boston on January 17, 1706, Benjamin Franklin lived most of his life in Philadelphia. His life is a fascinating one, because he was involved in many things: he was a printer, author, scientist, musician and statesman. He represented America as an Ambassador to England, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. A complex and thoughtful man, Franklin also professed a strong Christian faith that came into play at some of the most crucial moments in our nation's early history. For example, he was right there and was very involved in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Though Thomas Jefferson drafted most of the document, it was a final edit by Franklin that called our rights "self-evident." Ben Franklin also had some pretty big ideas about the symbols that would characterize the new nation. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress asked Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to "to bring in a device for a seal for the United States of America." Each Founder had an idea about the seal. Do you know what Ben wanted? A scene from the Bible! He suggested that the seal show Moses parting the Red Sea and the soldiers of Pharaoh drowning in the water! The motto he proposed was famous among the Colonists, "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." This made perfect sense to the Colonists' minds, because they really believed the forming of their new nation was completely in God's hands! Ben Franklin was also well-known in Europe as well as in the Colonies. Well-versed in the Scriptures and convinced that virtue and faithfulness to God were vitally important for every citizen, Franklin was drawn to a meeting where George Whitefield (say "Whit-field--the 'e' is silent!) was preaching. Whitefield was a traveling evangelist--one of our nation's first of his kind--who spoke in the open air because traditional churches didn't like his fiery approach and message of complete surrender to Christ. Since Whitefield wasn't invited to speak in the pulpits of the Colonies, he would simply find a large field and address people there. As word about his message spread, thousands flocked to hear him, and he was a key part of the Great Awakening. He was incredibly popular, and people responded to his clever, entertaining preaching with great enthusiasm and commitment. Ben Franklin went to hear Whitefield when he spoke on the steps of the courthouse in Philadelphia, PA, and he was among those who was enthralled by Whitefield's message and charismatic approach. He struck up a friendship with him that lasted many years. Franklin printed Whitefield's sermons and journals, further advancing Whitefield's popularity. Franklin could also see the impact of the conversions wrought by Whitefield's preaching. Franklin was so impressed by this that he wrote of it in his autobiography, saying, "It was wonderful to see the change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants. From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious, so that one could not walk thro' the town in an evening without hearing psalm sung in different families of every street." BEN CALLS FOR PRAYER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ben Franklin was a part of the Constitutional Convention--and that was a tough job to start with! They met in Philadelphia during the hot and muggy summer of 1787. Charged with drafting a workable document that would frame the government of the new nation, tension was running high. Between the heat and the bugs, the representatives were on edge, and there were disagreements between the larger states and a complete lack of unity. Each state charged its own taxes and tariffs and minted its own money. Would they ever be able to devise a plan that would work for everyone? Only the dynamic leadership of key individuals like George Washington and Ben Franklin held them together. Highly respected for his intelligence, wisdom and faith, at this point in his life, Ben was older than most men in the room at age 81! Ben knew what would help the assembly, and he rose to speak as James Madison carefully recorded his words, In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle have observed frequent instances of superintending Providence in our favor.... And have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or, do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing I see of this truth: "that God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little, partial local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we shall become a reproach and a byword to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest. I therefore beg to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and it's blessing on our deliberation be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business." AMERICA'S LEADERS PRAY! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone in the room was moved by Franklin's request. James Madison made a motion that they follow Franklin's recommendation. Local pastors were called in to lead in prayer at the start of every day. The result, according to Jonathan Dayton, "We assembled again; and every unfriendly feeling had been expelled, and a spirit of conciliation had been cultivated." Pretty cool, eh? Have you ever had a situation like that--where everything was tense or scary or where you just didn't know what to do? At times like that it is really great to follow the example of Ben Franklin and pray! When you stop and pray, you give God the chance to work in your situation, bringing change or helping in other ways that you may or may not see! That's the great thing about prayer--when you pray, God hears and He acts! FUN FACTS ABOUT BEN FRANKLIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a young man, wrote a newspaper column under the penname of "Silence Dogood." As Governor of Pennsylvania proposed that state's first day of fasting for God's help and protection. Founded the nation's first public library. Experimented with electricity, leading to the invention of the lightning rod. Believed that children should learn to read and write so they could read the Scriptures for themselves. Founded the first fire department, police force, public university and hospital. Had a long and sound friendship with evangelist George Whitefield and wrote with glee about the spiritual outcomes of Whitefield's sermons. Proposed that Moses parting the Red Sea be depicted on the Great Seal of the United States. Was an accomplished musician who invented the armonica (see the photo) and had several other instruments in his lavish music room. Click HERE to hear a real recording of an armonica being played. Was present in the concert hall when George Fridric Handel conduct his last ever performance of the Messiah. Is in the Swimming Hall of Fame for his invention of flippers. THE DAILY PRAYER OF BEN FRANKLIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O powerful goodness! Bountiful Father! Merciful Guide! Increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest. Strengthen my resolution to perform what that wisdom dictates. Accept my kind offices to thy other children as the only return in my power for thy continual favours to me. --Ben Franklin GREAT FRANKLIN QUOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All persons...having children...shall cause such to be instructed in reading and writing, so that they may be able to read the Scriptures and to write by the time they attain to 12 years of age. --Benjamin Franklin A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in every district--all studied and appreciated as they merit--are the principal support of virtue, morality and civil liberty. --Benjamin Franklin WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 1 Why do you suppose people still remember Ben Franklin on his 300th birthday? People remember Ben Franklin because he made so many significant contributions to American life. People remember Ben Franklin because he was such a key leader in the development of our colonial government and our national identity. C. People remember Ben Franklin because he was a man of great faith who helped others believe in God and trust Him with their concerns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 When you read over Ben Franklin's words calling for prayer, which of the following would you say best describes his concern? Ben Franklin feels that the only good prayers are prayers in which people beg for what they need. Franklin thinks that they should get right down to business every morning and leave the prayers to others. C. Ben Franklin knows that the group needs the help of God, so he asks that a minister be brought in to lead prayers--not just until their problem passes, but every day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 3 When Ben Franklin proposed that the Constitutional Convention take time for prayer, which of the following would you say is true? People felt that prayer wasn't something that government leaders needed to do. The men felt that if there would be prayers, they should be offered by someone who wouldn't offend anyone through their prayers. The leaders knew that Franklin was right and prayer to the God who had helped them win their independence was the best thing to do. A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've learned a lot about a great leader this week. Ben Franklin had a fascinating life, and lived with a strong faith in God. He's a great example for kids today, because he tried so many different things and he succeeded at many of them. God has given you lots of gifts and talents, and He really wants you to develop them in the best way possible, so He can impact your world through you! So next time you think of something you'd like to try, go ahead and give it a go, asking God to lead and guide you. You may be surprised at the results. And whatever you do, remember to follow Ben's example by praying in every kind of situation--because when we turn to God, it's the best time for Him to act! --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=TBAqsjcUgjbfHbFDWXnkzA.. --------------------------------------------------------------- About The Presidential Prayer Team: Member Service Center: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm (MST) Email: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam.org Phone: 800-295-1235 Fax: 520-797-7176 |
Encourage your congregation to pray for America and our President on Thursday, May 4th, using the PPT Guide to the 2006 National Day of Prayer. Request yours today before time runs out! http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=InBAh9B_ESaXOIZKgoIt7Q.. Dear Davey: Are you nervous about Americans slipping back into the complacent way we were before the terrorist attacks on 9/11? Are you nervous we'll start trusting in ourselves again, not in God? Are you nervous we'll stop praying for His protections? I am. Since 9/11/01, our enemies have not suffered from a shortage of commitment. They are still dedicated to our destruction. We need to be just as devoted to prayer as they are to hatred and violence! We need to be prayerfully supporting our troops, our nation and our President, as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says. The 2006 National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 4th is the perfect time for your church to pray with hundreds of thousands of Americans that God will bless and protect the United States. Are you willing and able on Sunday, April 30th to encourage your congregation to pray on Thursday, May 4th? If so, let me provide you with some helpful materials: http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=H0mDhAfcgBewnp1Q8SoSLg.. To help your people pray on May 4th, we have prepared a new 2006 Guide to the National Day of Prayer. I want to send you this unique prayer resource right away. Filled with scripture verses, inspiring quotes, suggested prayer topics, important prayer websites and the names of our National Leaders, this attractively printed, full-color guide will make the 2006 National Day of Prayer a more meaningful prayer experience for your people. Distribute it on Sunday, April 30th, or soon thereafter. http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=Nye5_xbiWaP6Ckx1NpA1hQ.. For your convenience, the PPT Guide to the 2006 National Day of Prayer comes in two versions: 1) a free, downloadable black and white version that you can copy with our permission. Preview it here! http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=MkJIm7C18lVWoDYglof4SA.. 2) a printed full-color enhanced version that you can order at discount rates. Preview it here! http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=iMndt60K2ajycEScxyRi3A.. Thank you for leading us in prayer, and God bless America. Praying together, John Lind President/CEO P.S. If you would like to use the attractive color version of the PPT Prayer Guides, be sure to place your order on or before Monday, April 24th, in order to receive them in time for distribution on Sunday, April 30th. Get more details. http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=NzRPkfPWjzWuY0_JU536cg.. http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=gv-szg7tQwNZnsMvFXwr4Q.. rev. davey catapulting the propaganda. |
PRESIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR July 28, 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/site/R?i=k5E4WDQVxU31HeRIKdL0tw.. --------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * President Bush talks to kids about making good choices * Rebecca St. James reminds kids they can make a difference through prayer. * Benjamin Franklin's great choice! THINGS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The situation in the Middle East is still pretty bad. People are fighting and many are getting hurt. Dr. Condoleezza Rice has visited the region and has met with many key leaders. For kids who pray, now is the time to ask God to send His Spirit to stop the fighting and to protect all the innocent people in both Lebanon and Israel. Pray that kids who are scared will have responsible adults to comfort and care for them, and pray that everyone will agree to stop the fighting and bombing. It's also a great time to thank God for helping thousands and thousands of American citizens get out of the region with the fantastic help and support of the U.S. military. 2. Things are still pretty rough in Iraq, so it's a great time to pray for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who was in Washington this week, meeting with President Bush, thanking our troops for all the sacrifices they have made and speaking to Congress. Pray for President Bush as he continues to provide support for the Prime Minister and his people, and pray that the fighting in Iraq will come to an end too. Pray for wisdom for the President and for all the members of his team, that they will rely on God and look to Him for help! 3. One of President Bush's best friends is coming to Washington to talk about the world situation and to think with him about how to work together to bring peace and democracy. Do you know who it is? That's right, British Prime Minister Tony Blair--so it is a very good time to pray for these two world leaders as they meet, that they will acknowledge God's hand on world affairs and will seek Him and His help. 4. Something really cool is going to happen at the White House this weekend! Two teams of kids from Challenger Little League get to play a game of tee ball on the South Lawn. This is an event the President uses to draw attention to baseball and to children with disabilities, showing that they can achieve many things and can have the same kind of fun that kids across the country have. So pray for all the kids in Challenger Little League to be encouraged and to have a fantastic time at the White House along with their parents. And pray that God will be glorified in that fun event. 5. Pray for the thousands of U.S. troops still in Iraq, working to make things better there. Many of them are in danger every day, so pray that God's care and protection will surround them and that He will give them success in their work. Pray for their families who remain back home, because they really miss their loved ones! LEADERS TO PRAY FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary of Defense--Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is a great person to lead America's Defense Department. He was appointed by President Bush for service during his first administration and now continues his service. Secretary Rumsfeld came to the Defense Department four years ago after a great career in business. He also served in the military as a Navy pilot, and has worked for several former presidents including Gerald Ford. Secretary Rumsfeld also served in Congress representing his home state of Illinois from 1962-68. As Secretary of Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld is responsible for directing the actions of his department in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 including our efforts in Iraq. He advises President Bush on all matters of defense and works with him and other members of the Defense Department to decide how our country will defend herself against outside threats. He is responsible for creating our defense policy and for making sure that it is carried out. The Department of Defense includes the Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps), Air Force, the Inspector General and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Secretary Rumsfeld is also a member of the President's cabinet and a member of the National Security Council. Attorney General--Alberto Gonzales The Attorney General (AG) is the nation's top lawyer and the head of the Department of Justice (DOJ). He is also the chief law enforcement officer for the government, and it's his job to make sure all our laws are carried out effectively and fairly. Along with all that, the AG is one of the President's closest advisors, offering him sound advice on any legal matters, and he represents our government in any cases that come before the Supreme Court, or other cases of great importance. Phew! That is a lot to keep track of, but Alberto Gonzales is definitely a great man for the job. Alberto Gonzales came to this job with terrific experience. He has been a faithful public servant for many years, first, as general counsel to newly elected Texas Governor Bush and later as Texas' Secretary of State. He followed President Bush to Washington to be White House counsel. As head of the DOJ, Mr. Gonzales and his team work hard to be sure that everyone in America gets equal justice under the law, especially those who are marginalized. While the war on terror is certainly the highest priority of the DOJ, they also work to protect Americans from those who commit crimes with guns and those who deal drugs. They also work to protect victims of child abuse and domestic violence and create a compassionate society that upholds the dignity of every human life. Alberto Gonzales' story is an inspiring one, for he is one of eight children in the family of a migrant worker. Graduating high school with high honors, he believed college was beyond his grasp so he enlisted in the Air Force. When his officers suggested he apply to the Air Force Academy, he did so and was accepted. Tiring of science and engineering, his interests turned to politics. Gambling his future, Alberto Gonzales prayed and applied to his hometown university, Rice in Houston. When he was accepted, he enrolled and next matriculated at Harvard University. He worked with a prestigious law firm upon graduation until he met Governor-elect Bush. Alberto Gonzales is from Houston, TX and is a graduate of Texas public schools, Rice University, and Harvard Law School. With his wife, Rebecca Turner Gonzales, he has three sons. BIBLE VERSES FOR THIS WEEK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My steps have stayed on your path; I have not wavered from following you. I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. You save with your strength those who seek refuge from their enemies. --Psalm 17:5-7 The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he turns it wherever he pleases. --Proverbs 21:1 PRESIDENTIAL QUOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The faith background of President Taft is sketchy at best. At times, he declared himself to be a Unitarian, but his words on many occasions acknowledged the importance of Christianity to our nation and to democracy. The following words are from a speech he gave about Christian foreign missionary efforts. It was delivered in Hot Springs, Virginia, August 5, 1908. Click here to hear a three-minute excerpt of the speech. When you hear these words of President Taft, what do you think? No man can study the movement of modern civilization from an impartial standpoint and not realize that Christianity and the spread of Christianity are the basis of hope of modern civilization in the growth of popular self-government. The spirit of Christianity is pure democracy. It is equality of man before God--the equality of man before the law, which is, as I understand it, the most God-like manifestation that man has been able to make. --William Howard Taft, in an address to a missionary gathering in 1908. PRAYER QUOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week's prayer quote reminds us that when we choose to pray, we get the very best thing of all--a close and intimate knowledge of God! Wow, there is nothing greater than that! The last and highest result of prayer is not the securing of this or that gift, the avoiding of this or that danger. The last and highest result of prayer is the knowledge of God--the knowledge which is eternal life--and by that knowledge, the transformation of human character, and of the world. --George John Blewett, 20th century philosopher and theologian MAKING GOOD CHOICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chances are, adults who care about you have talked to you about making good choices--maybe your mom and dad or a youth leader or Sunday School teacher. They talk to you about good choices because they love you so much! Maybe you have friends who have made some poor choices or maybe you have made some poor choices yourself. Here are some important things to remember about making good choices: It's God Himself who gives us the ability to choose. God gives us great guidelines in His word about making good choices. God will give you strength and help in making good choices. If you make a mistake and don't choose as God wants you to, you then have another great choice--the choice to repent and receive forgiveness and love! We have great Scripture verses that show us how much God cares about the choices we make. Do you know where they are? God always wants us to choose Him! God says in His word that He helps us grow in our faith, and that includes making good choices. COOL YOUNG WOMAN MAKES GOOD CHOICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebecca St. James is a great person to know about, because she really loves Jesus Christ with all her heart, and she is very committed to following His Word in every single part of her life--even those parts where many people her age are going against God's ways. Rebecca makes good choices, even when it is difficult to do so, because she wants to please God more than she wants to please other people. Here are some great words from Rebecca shared with a group of teens about how God uses kids--in all kinds of ways--to accomplish His will. Remember when you were a kid and people asked you, "What are you going to do when you grow up?" Well, I really don't believe that we have to be "grown up" to be used by God. God is God, and He can use whomever He wants--no matter how young. I think as teenagers we need to be using these years to do God's will and make a difference. We are part of a generation He is calling to be sold-out for Him. In Australia, only five percent of the population attends church, and being a Christian often draws a lot of negative attention. It's really black-and-white. If you're a believer in Jesus, people ask why you go to church. God may be calling you to serve Him outside your country, or He may just want you to serve your friends and neighbors right where you live. He may call you to go on a foreign mission trip, or just a daily mission trip in your neighborhood. The important thing is to bloom where you're planted. --Rebecca St. James And finally, here are some great words from Rebecca St. James on prayer. When you read these words you can see that she really relies on prayer. Do you think your reliance on prayer is this strong? What could you do to strengthen it? I pray before everything. Sometimes it's very intimidating to get up on stage before adults and before my peers. Praying to God is really my strength. I just have to look at Him and say, "You have it totally under control. You're a great God! It's Yours to do with as You see fit. You take it!" Prayer is so powerful. Without God, we are absolutely nothing. --Rebecca St. James, Recording Artist and member of The Presidential Prayer Team Honorary Committee PRESIDENT BUSH TALKS TO KIDS ABOUT MAKING GOOD CHOICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Bush is a dad. He has raised twin daughters, and knows how hard it can be for kids to make good choices. In his words below, he is speaking with a group of young athletes, reminding them that their choices today affect their world tomorrow. A couple things I want to tell you. One, I hope you enjoy yourself, and I hope you spend time not only competing hard, but getting to know each other. Like, there's all kinds of cultures here, and different languages are spoken, but I think you'll find you share a lot of things in common. Yes, you hope for a better life. You care deeply about people you love. You want the world to be a better place. And so, not only compete hard, but spend time with each other and share cultures. I think you'll find you're all God's children. There's so much in common. A couple other things I want to tell you, is make sure that you continue to make the right choices in life. See, you're at the age where you're going to be challenged with some tough choices: drugs and alcohol, prejudice and hate. Reject that. Reject those kinds of temptations and continue serving your bodies and your soul well by making right choices in life. You made right choices to get here to compete. Continue doing so. I think it will help you. I know it will help you in your life. --George W. Bush A FOUNDING FATHER ON MAKING GOOD CHOICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin Franklin was one of our most beloved Founding Fathers. Born in Boston, he lived most of his life in Philadelphia. His life is a fascinating one, because he was involved in many things: he was a printer, author, scientist, inventor and statesman. He represented America as an Ambassador to England, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. MAKING THE CHOICE TO PRAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever had a problem or wondered what to do about a particular situation? Maybe you've thought to talk about it with your mom or dad or a close friend. Or you might look in a book for some ideas on how to handle your problem. Hopefully, any and every one of those sources will offer you help. But when it comes to facing problems or opportunities, the very best thing you can do is to pray! When we turn to God and consult with Him, it gives Him the opportunity to do wonderful things in our lives, and to lead us on the path He wants for us! BEN FRANKLIN'S GOOD CHOICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a great example in the life of our nation when Ben Franklin made a very good choice--he called for prayer! The members of the Constitutional Convention were struggling with the problem of how to have fair representation in government for both large and small states. They couldn't reach a solution, and the men were getting frustrated and tense. As the host of the Convention, Benjamin Franklin stood and addressed the group with passion and conviction. He didn't have the solution to the problem, but he knew Who did! Here are his words: I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, (discussion and consideration of the matter) be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service. Those who were present in the room reported that everyone was moved by Franklin's words. They all knew his suggestion was right, and they took action to call a minister to come and pray with them. In fact, Congress has been opened with prayer every day since that day--June 28, 1787. Oh, and by the way, the problem was soon solved! That's how we came to have two houses in Congress--one, the House of Representatives, with delegates based on the population of the state, and a second, the Senate, with two representatives from each state, whether the state is tiny or huge! Aren't you glad that Ben Franklin chose to pray? We will never know what might have happened if the members of the Constitutional Convention had not turned to prayer at that moment, thanks to Mr. Franklin's suggestion. WEEKLY QUIZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 1 When you read over Ben Franklin's words calling for prayer, which of the following would you say best describes his concern? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 When Ben Franklin proposed that the Constitutional Convention take time for prayer, which of the following would you say is true? SCRIPTURE CHECK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In many places the Bible encourages us to pray! That's because God loves it when we talk with Him. Can you think of some verses that tell what happens when we obey God's command to pray? God always wants us to choose Him! OUR NATION'S GODLY HERITAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Christopher Columbus landed in the New World, he saw it as an opportunity to thank God for guiding him. Painting courtesy of the Architect of the Capitol. Christopher Columbus had a really interesting choice to make when he landed in the New World. He could have claimed all the glory for himself. But he chose to honor and acknowledge God. Do you do the same thing when you do something really great? Our Founding Fathers wanted future generations to acknowledge the hand of God in the founding of our nation. Therefore, even the Capitol Building is a witness of this. Its mighty Rotunda, the center of the Capitol, features a dramatic oil painting that impresses upon visitors the direct intervention of God from the earliest days of our history. The painting portrays the landing of Columbus in the Western World in 1492. Columbus' eyes are cast toward heaven in thanks and praise as others around him kneel in gratitude to God. This painting depicts the gratitude Columbus felt in the fulfillment of what he believed was his God-given calling. "It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies." Those who commissioned this painting knew what we have known all along, that God in His grace and wisdom guided those who first came to these shores. A WORD TO PPT KIDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've talked about good choices this week. That's not just something that sounds nice. It's really important! The very best choice you can make is to accept God's love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Beyond that, you can choose to do things that will make Him happy each and every time you are faced with a choice. And you can always choose to pray, whether you're facing a problem or an exciting opportunity. And you can especially pray for our president, our country, our troops and the elections! May God bless you as you pray! |
*shudder* |
rock out, rowlfe! |
Maybe he should consider his actions before giving the youth of our country advice on making good choices. Happy B-Day Rowlfe! |
But who can, will, should, do that? |