Born with an extra penis Reasons to be cheerful: Born with an extra penis
By V on Thursday, May 25, 2006 - 10:21 am:

    It was a bit in a London paper from a year or two back,a man from Brazil,with two big ones,his Wife said,"he can use one,or the other,or both at the same time,I regard him as normal" far as I know the man has turned down offers of amputation.I think this information was not published in the U.S.A. for unknown reasons,(envy) ???,guys,would you want a spare one?,would it come in handy for close encounters? will people laugh at you,or send you fan mail?,he needs a web site of his own...I dont have the infomation regarding the location of the "penii"? side by side or virtical,...I think I found the info in "Metro",a free paper you get on the London undergroud rail net work.Is it true some girls have 4 or 6 boobs? I dont think thats implausible.

By droopy on Friday, May 26, 2006 - 12:57 am:

    "born with an extra penis"

    sounds like a song. someone should write lyrics set to the tune of "dream the impossible dream".

By V on Friday, May 26, 2006 - 05:56 pm:

    droopy, it happens,we get born with 2 hearts, get born with 2 heads,but you wont see them on line,ever,but they exist,some place.I have seen a live pig with 2 heads,30 years ago,...freaks surface now and then,they get shut down.,So as not to cause offence to us perfect humans. I dont claim to be perfect, in small ways I am imperfect.,not normal,but v is so boreing,is it worth me posting?

By V on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 01:22 pm:

    droopy,I know that tune,"Born... in the U.S.A.,...with an spare penis, ... I,ll have a nice day,yeah,"