Coleus leaves What are you eating?: Coleus leaves
By Chordata on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 02:20 am:
    I'm right now chewing on a legal hallucinogen, the leaves of the coleus plant. A friend mentioned they grow wild around the chemistry building here in Berkeley. I did a little net research, and now I'm chomping 50 large leaves in anticipation of a 2 hour mild shroom-like trip.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

    Has anyone else tried this? I am surprised I hadn't heard of it before. It's a fairly common plant, available for purchase in greenhouses.

By Skottey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 08:21 am:
    That is really intelligent, listen, I have these wild berries growing on a tree next to my window, care to have some? Give me your address and I will send you some, eat these and you will have a really good actually feels like you are dying and being put in a box, oh wait a minute, you are, haha

By Kelsey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 03:22 pm:
    chordata, do you know if they are toxic? just curious. sometimes mild levels of toxicity cause the body to hallucinate. so, how did it go, anyhow?

By Chordata on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 04:29 pm:
    My, you certainly are a card, Skottey. Chuckle chuckle yuk yuk yuk.

    Certainly, they are toxic. Generally, any hallucinogen works by releasing a non-lethal (if you are lucky) dose of poison into the body. I did a great deal of research, as I always do before trying anything. I also had an expert and a field guide to help me pick the appropriate plant. I also ate them very gradually to watch for any signs of danger.

    It was a very good trip. Very subtle shroom-like effects of patterns and vivid detail and coloring. It also ended within a few hours, and I feel just fine today. Nothing spooky or intense.

    It gets my thumbs-up. At this time I release myself from any responsibility of harm caused to anyone attempting to eat coleus or a similar plant.

By Chordata on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 04:32 pm:
    P.S. You are far, far, from being a cunt, Kelsey.
    Just to assure you that you have friends. We're just a more reserved majority. But I digress.

By Skottey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 08:30 pm:
    Just curious, how old are you Chordata?

    I think if you give up the drugs for a while you will realize the damage you have already done. You never truely know the damage until you stop long enough to look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck have I done.

    I have nothing against Marijuana, I have not done it since my son was born, but I really have nothing against it. I think in many ways it is good, and it is better than drinking. It just isn't legal, and since it is not legal, it is not worth it to use with the risk of losing my son Russell or my job.

    But I will tell you, you are really gambling when you do LSD, Shrooms, Peyote, and especially any other non-mainstream Hallucinogen. Sure I did all that shit when I was younger, in high school and for a short time after. But I am telling you, looking back, I really don't think it was so cool, sure I had fun, but I know I must have done some type of damage to my brain.

    You should think about quiting that shit, stick with the alcohol and marijuana. Clear your head.

    The reason I ask how old you are is because you should really think about stopping that shit.

By Chordata on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 05:15 am:
    I think you need to worry about your own life and rest assured mine is in order.

    Thanks for the lecture about your brain damage, but don't waste your energy next time. You don't want to tax those remaining cells.

By Skottey on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 07:05 am:
    "I'm right now chewing on a legal hallucinogen, the leaves of
    the coleus plant. A friend mentioned they grow wild around
    the chemistry building here in Berkeley. I did a little net
    research, and now I'm chomping 50 large leaves in
    anticipation of a 2 hour mild shroom-like trip."

    You are right, I am assured your life is in order, what was I thinking?

By Chordata on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 02:08 pm:
    Since when do you have the right to judge the order of my life from a posting on the internet? I'm starting work on my dissertation. What are you doing with your life besides posting about 50 useless messages a day?

By Skottey on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 02:25 pm:
    I am doing a hell of a lot more than taking drugs.

By Kelsey on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 04:11 pm:
    chordata, thanks. i know i'm not a cunt, but it's nice to hear someone else say it as well. are coleus plants the ones with the pink veins and broad leaves?

By Sarah on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 08:26 pm:
    i'll say it again. kelsey, youdabest. rock on.

    btw, i just wanted to point out to everyone that Splotty has admitted to having some type of brain damage. i think we can rest soundly now.

    you're welcome.

By Skottey on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 10:01 pm:
    I have done LSD more than 7 times, that makes me legally insane, same with Chordata and probably some of the other people who post here.

    Yes I am admitting too brain damage, fact is, getting drunk causes brain damage, smoking pot causes brain damage, other drugs cause brain damage. The death of a brain cell is brain damage. Most of us have done damage to our own brains, I know that there are some people that have never had a drink or a drug, they are the exception.

    I gave you my advice, take it or leave it, if you want to do drugs that is your choice, not mine.

By Whet on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 10:44 pm:
    I'm feeding my dog grapes.

    A big handful of them.
    One at a time.
    She smiles, whacks each one 2 or 3 times, swallows.
    Then raises her ears asking for another.

    Wonder if she gets a buzz.

By Dave on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 11:37 pm:
    coleus leaves look like cold green scrotums

By Chordata on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 11:40 pm:
    Speak for yourself: I haven't eaten acid more than 7 times. I haven't eaten it more than twice, in fact. Looks like there's only one legally insane person in this dialogue.

    Kelsey: The coleus looks very similar to mint, though there are different varieties. I would research before any attempts.

By Skottey on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 08:15 am:
    I suppose you are going to tell me that bogus excuse that all the other "mother natures children" say; you are going to say, LSD is man made, shrooms and peyote are natural, they are better for you, well guess what, they are not.

    The point is, you have done brain damage, and if you think you have not, you are a fool.

    I am sure that you have had more than 7 trips in total, whether it be shrooms, peyote, LSD, or some other form of crap you put into your body.

By Blindswine on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 03:52 pm:
    funny... he sure as hell doesn't *sound* like a nuerologist...

By Kelsey on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 07:13 pm:
    cold green scrotums? that really doesn't help me to envision them, dave.

By Skottey on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 08:32 pm:
    since when does in take a brain surgeon to study and understand basic facts about drug use and its impact on the brain?

    Blindswine, some of us study facts, some of us read, some of us understand.

    Just so you know Blindswine, you too are welcome to walk into a public library and look up anything you want, you are also allowed to look for this information on the Internet.

    I don't know who misguided you but you are not required to hold a title to research.

By Chordata on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:35 pm:
    Nope, I haven't tripped on anything more than 7 times total.

    Two strikes. Want to try again to make incorrect assumptions about my life based on your own faulted past?

    Or.. You could just mind your own business! Wow! What a concept!

By Chordata on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 12:53 am:
    I apologize. That was too harsh.

    I know all of what you are saying, Skottey. I know what drugs do to the brain. I am not stupid. Millions of people do things every day to themselves that are not healthy (for example, your consumption of fast food, or people who smoke). Do I reply to your Wendy's lunch post "You are killing yourself with cholesterol. You are going to clog up your arteries and die young."? No, I don't - because I respect your decision about what goes into your own body.

    I appreciate the fact that you are trying to be helpful. However, I don't like it when people tell me what to do, especially when I obviously know it already. If I know drugs hurt me, and I do it anyway, I am not going to read your post and go "JESUS H. CHRIST!! I HAD NO IDEA DRUGS HURT ME! GOD BLESS SKOTTEY FOR BESTOWING THIS INFORMATION ON ME! I HAD NO CLUE! I AM GOING TO STOP RIGHT NOW!"

    Injestion of drugs, food, sex, etc., is a personal decision. No one telling me what to do about them is going to change my mind. I have to decide what goes into MY body.

    While I know your intentions are good, your words are patronizing. I don't need another parental figure. I need autonomy. Making decisions out my own impetus is very important to me.

    Thank you for your concern and for understanding how I feel.

By Skottey on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 03:43 am:
    Fast food, my post was refering to a taco salad. That is one of the healthiest things on their menu. Wendy's is one of few fast food restaraunts I eat at. I have boycoted McDonalds and several others such as BK and Taco Bell. I eat at Wendys because they have a pretty good menu. Sometimes I get a Taco Salad, other times I get a chicken salad or a garden salad. Though I am not a vegetarian, I RARELY eat burgers. If you have seen my other posts you will see that one of my favorite foods is fruit, and that is what I eat a lot of.

    I am just trying to give you solid advice, I do not by any means regret the things I have done in my past drug wise, I think my past in that aspect has made me a better man. But since I know the damage it can cause I always have to say something to LSD or Hallucinagen users.

By Nate on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 02:10 pm:
    omigod, you eat chicken? that's fucking disgusting. do you know the lives chickens lead before they go to slaughter?

    i am legally insane by the simple fact that by the laws of the land i have ingested enough tabs of acid to make myself such (which, oddly enough, in the state of california seems to be three tabs, regardless of the actual dosage on the blotter.) furthermore, since my mind does not block out certain perceptions, i know that of which the very knowledge indicates insanity.

    now, since i believe i am beginning to sound like the main character of a cheap lovecraft ripoff, i will find new purpose.

    skotty, i don't think people here care whether you are right or wrong, but rather that you are presumptious and condecending. from a distance, actually, your posts are quite funny. they display all sorts of ignorances of the type that you are trying to dispell.

    "I don't know who misguided you"

    i tend to agree that all psychedelics are dangerous. what i have done to my mind is serious and (i am guessing) permenant. it has made my life difficult. but i would go back and do it all again. i learned so much. but i definately paid a price.

    maybe you got fucked in the deal. maybe you paid your fare but closed your eyes on the ride and missed out on everything that made it worth the price.

    while i would rather chordata not fuck her self up, i'm not going to (er, directly, i guess,) tell her this. she hasn't been duped into all of this, she is walking into it with open eyes.

    "Blindswine, some of us study facts, some of us read, some of us understand."

    this is too funny.

By PetRock on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 04:17 pm:
    well my brain damage came not from drugs but other nonsense....shit that was out of my control and that i had no way of forseeing or preventing.

    maybe R.C. could relate to this....i don't think there are too many others in here who would understand....that i KNOW somehow that i am different now and that i have to work just that much harder to do seemingly simple things, like take down phone #'s or write down $ amounts, or proofread docs. like dyslexia i guess but mine came on suddenly and without warning.

    am i complaining? no....i don't think so....maybe you might though. sorry for that if you think so....i'm just stating facts as i see them....

    hmmm.....but i did smoke pot in college, and i did (do) drink but brain damage then? i don't think so....the harder stuff? no thanks....i come from an addictive personality background and was too afraid of getting sucked into the whirlpool....even though i always thought that i COULDN'T ever get caught in that particular trap....that i knew better.

    the cat is hiding in the border's book bag right now so i've lost all my concentration on this post....see what i mean?

By Skottey with an e on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 05:41 pm:
    I guess the loss of concentration is one of the key factors to drug use. I have a terrible time concentrating on certain things, like reading some of the posts, especially the really l o n g ones. I remember when I was a kid I loved TV sitcoms, from Prime Time Comedy to Nick at Nite classics, I loved sitcoms, I loved movies, I loved TV. After I started smoking pot and tripped on LSD a few times I began to lose interest in television, almost as if it was too simple for me. I have often wondered what is actually going on when you trip, what is going on inside your head? During a good trip you feel a lot smarter, you are more alert, you feel good. Does anybody actually know what is going on inside the head?

    Nate, I never had a bad trip, I had a wonderful "Ride" as you put it. I had some wonderful great times, over and over again, some of my fondest memories of my Late Teen years involve tripping. LSD, the industrial drug, everything seemed so dirty yet beautiful at the same time. I remember discussions that I had with my many tripping partners, I remember hating everything about anybody that was not tripping when I was, I remember pure fun.

    I am not saying that I really regret it, I am just wondering if it was worth it. I am not saying that I have a lot of brain damage, I notice some, not a lot, I am just wondering if it was worth doing all that. At any time I could have snapped, gone over the edge, had a really bad trip.

    It was really fucked up, one of my sisters good friends in College was in the middle of his first trip ever, something went wrong and the guy went nuts, he never came down, ever. I have met a lot of people that I could tell really burnt themselves out, they are out there, you all know those people. They are WAY OUT THERE!


By Nate on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 04:08 am:
    yeah. way out there.


    all i can say is you must have missed the boat.

By Blindswine on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 11:17 am:
    i'm not really interested in getting into a protracted discussion with you about anything.
    i'll keep it short and sweet.
    <<Blindswine, some of us study facts, some of us read, some of us understand. >>
    understand, huh?
    exactly what is it that you "understand"?
    neurobiologists and neurophysiologists have yet to understand the way hallucinogeons work on the synaptic level. subsequently, (despite the claims of anti-drug propoganda) there is no conclusive evidence that LSD or any other psychotropic "damages" the brain in any way (physically, electrically, or chemically).
    of course from a common-sense perspective, one should be advised that temporary or permanent adverse psychological affects may come about from ingesting psychotropics.
    from a social perspective, few people would want that advice from someone who comes off as you do.

    study this:

    Snyder (1986): "Drugs and the Brain" Sci Am Books Inc. From FAQ-LSD
    .Nicholls J, Martin R, Wallace B (1992): "From Neuron to Brain: A cellular and Molecular Approach to the Function of the Nervous System"
    Aghajanian GK(1980): "Mescaline and LSD Facilitate the Activation of Locus Coeruleus Neurons by Peripheral Stimulation" Brain Res 186:492-496
    Jacobs, B (1985): "An Overview of Brain Serotonergic Unit Activity and its Relevance to the Neuropharmacology of Serotonin." From: Green, A: Neuropharmacology of Serotonin
    Jacobs, B, Trulson M, Heym J, (1981): "Dissociations Between the Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on Behavior and Raphe Unit Activity in Freely Moving Cats" Brain Res 215:275-293
    Pierce P, Peroutka S (1990): "Antagonist Properties of d-LSD at 5-Hydroxytryptamine2 Receptors". Neuropsychopharmacolgy 3(5-6):509-517
    Moret C (1985): "Pharmacology of the Serotonin Autoreceptor" From: Green, Neuropharmacology of Serotonin
    Glennon R (1990): "Do Classical Hallucinogens Act as 5-HT2 Agonists or Antagonists?" Neuropsychopharmacolgy 3(5-6):509-517

    that oughtta keep you busy.

    i won't be responding to any more of your posts.

By Skottey on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 12:11 pm:
    Good, I am glad to hear you will no longer be responding to my posts. One asshole down, one to go, Martin.

By Martin on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 12:35 pm:
    You call people names because you don't understand things that are more complicated than fruit salad?

    No wonder you're so lonely.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 01:24 pm:
    Go Martin! Get busy, it's your birthday... hehe

By Dave on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 01:50 pm:
    Add to Blindswine's list, 'Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer' by John Lilly. Sort of off topic but it explains what the author believes LSD's effect on the brain is and how it might be used constructively. Of course, that kind of LSD doesn't exist any more (I think) and sensory deprivation chambers are also hard to find but the theories are interesting as are the applications.

    Kels, should I buy a coleus and a bag of ice and show you?

By Nate on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 02:16 pm:
    oooooooooo yeah.

    uh huh uh huh uh huh.

By Martin on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 03:17 pm:

By Kelsey on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 04:34 pm:
    electric koolaid acid test by tom wolfe.

    dave- hmmm, let me think about

By Skottey on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 05:27 pm:
    Martin, I didn't know I was lonely, thanks for the input. This is pretty cool, I can get free psychological evaluations on the Internet. I don't even have to leave my house to get help, I can just listen and learn from the almighty Martin. I am glad to meet somebody so intelligent, you are so much more than fruit salad, what was I thinking.

By Mr. grim on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 08:16 pm:
    you're also deceased, did you know that?

By Martin on Monday, June 29, 1998 - 09:06 pm:
    Yeah, skottey, you really lucked out here. But it's not free! What gave you that idea? Nothing's free!

    Most everybody here is much more, um, "almighty" than me. And in recognition of your fine diet tips, health alerts, and relationship advice, you'll notice lots of great hints and alerts (like the one from Mr. Grim above) around here.

    You just have to keep providing us with your fine, well-considered views.

    And pj: YOU so crazy!

By Skottey on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 11:59 am:
    I have always hated the saying "You so crazy!"

    That is the most overused phrase used by our friendly black community.
    I am not saying us whites are any better, we too have our stupid sayings. I try not to envolve myself in trying to be "hip" and use the "cool" words.

    As intelligent as you seem to think you are, why don't you come up with a few sayings of your own. That one is a little stale Martin.

By Martin on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 05:15 pm:

By Nate on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 06:31 pm:
    skotty is oatsy.



By Skottey with an e on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 07:05 pm:
    I also hate the term "whatever" used in that sense. It always brings to mind some stuck up girl in high school, it is also a perfect example of a white persons stupid saying. It would be interesting to meet Martin in person, I bet he uses a lot of slang terms. That is a sign that he is a really intelligent conversationalist.

    I guess it just goes to show that none of us are perfect like some of us think we are. I have a habit of using profanity such as fuck, shit, asshole, bitch. Some people use "hip" words or phrases such as "You so Crazy" or "whatever".

By Skottey with an e on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 07:08 pm:
    I also hate the term "whatever" used in that sense. It always brings to mind some stuck up girl in high school, it is also a perfect example of a white persons stupid saying. It would be interesting to meet Martin in person, I bet he uses a lot of slang terms. That is a sign that he is a really intelligent conversationalist.

    I guess it just goes to show that none of us are perfect like some of us think we are. I have a habit of using profanity such as fuck, shit, asshole, bitch. Some people use "hip" words or phrases such as "You so Crazy" or "whatever".

By Chordata on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 07:19 pm:
    i think he wrote "whatever" for irony, skottey. irony. knowing that you would not be able to grasp it and go off on some silly tirade while we all laugh at you.

    mission accomplished.

    p.s. i'm not so sure you should be giving writing and grammatical advice to people. that is also irony. pretty funny shit.

By Skottey on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 07:55 pm:
    If you say so Chordata, I will take your word for it.

    By the way, have you been on any interesting trips lately? Maybe right now.

By Dave on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 08:15 pm:
    That hurts, Kelsey. Would a bit of green paint sweeten the pot?

    Is "sweeten the pot" a real idiomatic expression or am I combining different sayings.

By Kelsey on Tuesday, June 30, 1998 - 09:15 pm:
    it's real. i'm not sure exactly what it comes from, though. don't be hurt. it's it's such an unhealthy color for skin.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 1, 1998 - 02:41 am:
    sweeten the pot comes from gambling with cards.

    skotty: you're snapping like a cornered mongrel. do we "perfect" people frighten you?

By Dave on Wednesday, July 1, 1998 - 05:22 am:
    Nate, I can't help but think it originally meant something way more literal but I can only think of either smoking the pot or spicing the pot. Sweetening the pot sounds icky. Pot of what? Mush? What else goes in a pot that one would want to be sweeter? Chili? Folks put sugar in chili, right? I dunno.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 1, 1998 - 02:34 pm:
    well, with the pile of money being the "pot" in card gambling, adding money to the pot would be "sweetening" it. but that doesn't prove or disprove a more literal meaning.

    i dunno. i put sugar in my spaghetti sauce. i put sugar & peanutbutter in my chili.

By Harry on Thursday, July 30, 1998 - 11:08 am:
    Shrooms are the best cause nothing beats the real thing

By Your daddy on Saturday, July 3, 1999 - 09:51 pm:

    poop on you .com

By Your mama on Saturday, July 3, 1999 - 09:56 pm:

    screw all you tree hugging hippies. you can contact me at

By R.C. on Sunday, July 4, 1999 - 02:52 am:

    My 2 cents:

    Anyone who used & enjoyed drugs in their salad days has no business preaching abt their evils to other adults. ALL grown-ups have the right to pick their poison & take their chances. Same as you did, Skottey.

    And believe this: If you've got cognitive brain dysfuntion/you'll know immediately. Nobody even thinks abt their own brain function. But when yr brain starts misfiring/you know it right away. None of the many drugs I used when I was younger fucked w/my brain. Even the aneurysm I had for God-knows-how-long before it was found didn't fuck w/my brain. (And Skottey -- if you try to tell me that my brain aneurysm was caused by past drug usage/I'll keelhaul you!) It wasn't til they put me under w/some new anaesthesia drug to remove the aneurysm 2 yrs. ago that I went into a coma/ came out w/brain damage/& had to re-learn basic shit like how to drive a car & what keys are for & how to type & spell correctly. But I got very good cognitive therapy & I'm fine now. Despite the occasional brain fart &/or short-term memory lapses. Which/from what I've read/are common to women approaching or in their last years of fertility before the beginning of menopause (it's called periomenopause). Ginko helps alleviate it.

    And brain damage is so easy to get. Anyone can suffer a stroke or a car wreck or dive into a pool that's too shallow & end up a vegetable. The risk of damage from using psychotropic drugs is much lower than the risk you take every time you leave yr hse.

    I intend to buy myself a coleus plant & check out the buzz. If Chordata will supply me w/the latin name of the particular plant she used. I haven't gotten high since 1993. I miss it.

By FETIDBEAVER on Sunday, July 4, 1999 - 08:41 am:

    Skottey, not only can you get free "psychological evaluations" on the net but also the other end checked for free. I will now provide my free internet proctological services.....the tests are back.......YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!

By Mala-dicta on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 12:31 pm:

    Salvia Divinorum,it,s not against the law.

By J on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 12:53 pm:

    I hate that when everybody gets all name calling,I thought these boards were to discuss ,not cuss at each other.Any time I ever did acid I just laughed my ass off,did I look stupid?Yea,did I care,no,but if your insane for 7 times,then I should be in a rubber room gnawing rope.

By Dave on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 06:18 pm:

    Come on, J. Name calling is fun! Especially on acid. I liked calling people slobbering ogres when I tripped. The ogre phase of the trip was my favorite.

By J on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 07:21 pm:

    Don,t get me going motherfucker,I,m sensitive about that slobbering ogres business,when it gets to that part of the trip,they,d try to trick me into the cage,sometimes they could,sometimes they couldn,t.

By Dave on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 - 02:53 pm:

    Those were the days. . .(sigh)

By J on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 - 02:52 pm:


By Dave on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 - 07:44 pm:


By Enlightened Guidance on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 08:16 pm:

    Well, this thread has been dead for about seven years...
    seven years seven trips...who are you calling crazy?
    I'm shouting in the dark, and no-one can hear me or see me...

    Wow...Skottey really is an uptight, pretentious little prick. LET
    isn't logged on anymore, and has probably forgotten this
    thread...but she's still a condescending bitch...

    My own personal note, for anyone reading this thread: Coleus is
    excellent stuff if you want mild, pseudo-psyloscibine-like
    visuals, and general euphoria. I recommend smoking it (four to
    twelve leaves, dried), since tea is weaker, more unpleasant, and
    takes longer to make. You can also chew a quid (six to ten
    leaves) for about fifteen minutes...the effects are much like
    smoking it, but some people don't like the taste (it's quite bitter)
    Some people say that if you smoke it with Harmala or MJ it vastly
    increases the effects, but I haven't tried this. REMEMBER:
    Harmala is an MAOI, so be very careful with it. most importantly
    DO YOUR RESEARCH! Study anything that you plan to take in
    depth before attempting it...don't just try it out of the blue and
    end up melting your liver, or something.

    That's all for now.

    Have Fun, Stay safe, and keep up the Good Vibes

    Remember, Enlightenment is within, not without. Good Luck!

    -Enlightened Guidance

By Echoes on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 09:03 pm:

    i saw here that a few people thought that marijuana damages the brain. this is not true at all, it does not kill brain cells like the gov would like you to beleive. that was one of the many scare tactics made by a gov scientist in the 70s who was later fired bc his experiments were so bogus.

By sarah on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 09:53 pm:

    just reminiscing...

By Nate on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 10:35 pm:

    for what it is worth, grapes are really bad for dogs.

By ... on Monday, October 12, 2015 - 01:44 am:

    September 29, 2000, Berkeley, CA. Chordata hands
    me a copy of the Braille issue of Playboy
    magazine. Picture taken by a friend who since
    moved to New York and is now CEO of a company
    optimistically valued at $4.3 billion, Wall
    Street analysts' bit of cud chewing which said
    friend solipstically laughs off. The company
    might actually be worthless by Wall Street

    I have been clearing out one of my closets for
    the last four days. Sobriety has its fidgety
    directionlessnesses. Among other relics from the
    last 18 years I found that handsome Playboy
    Braille volume, along with this handsomer photo
    of some stooge and Chordata, the letter of whom
    I will love forever.

By sarah on Monday, October 12, 2015 - 11:00 am:

    beautiful. do you stay in touch?

By ... on Monday, October 12, 2015 - 02:21 pm:

    once in a while. as far as i know she's still in
    Berkeley. there's this nut job who contacts me
    every 3 or 4 years asking if i know her e-mail
    address or other contact info. i always forward
    that request to Daniela before remembering that
    it's the same nut job who's been pestering her
    since kindergarten. it's no problem or anything,
    as she doesn't want her contact info out there,
    so it's better that i forward stuff like that to
    her than respond directly. next time i gotta
    remember to just ignore it.

    last i heard she was a nurse practitioner at a
    hospital for homeless people. she had a baby in

    Sarah - she e-mailed a few years ago asking for
    your e-mail. at the time the best guess i had
    was you i guess i could have done
    a WHOIS on but when the web site was
    not active i must have assumed you'd let the
    domain name go. did she ever reach you? she
    comes and goes through FB, always under some
    random name, couldn't tell you what alias she
    uses now that i'm off the grid and deactivated.

By sarah on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - 11:48 pm:

    no, i never got any correspondence from her. i'm
    happy to know she reached out, disappointed we
    didn't connect. i love seeing her picture. still belongs to me and hopefully will
    stay in our family after i'm dead.

    a few times a year i get offers for it, which i
    always ignore.

By ... on Friday, October 23, 2015 - 09:57 pm:

    someone offered me $350 for a few weeks ago.
    i ignored it, but get offers for it and other domains
    several times a year. those offers don't usually
    include a dollar amount, so the $350 figure was kind
    of curious. years ago i sold to a
    custom rocking chair concern for $5000. they
    approached me, i never actively solicited a sale of
    that domain, and it's the only one i ever sold.

    i was about to type the whole story about Leslie
    Harpold and the weird way in which i discovered that
    she was once thinking of registering, but
    i remembered that i already posted that story here in
    another thread. i registered in her
    memory. i recently let that domain expire, partly
    because i'm out of money to spend on such things but
    also because my connection to Leslie was not so
    strong that i have an appropriate role in keeping a
    candle lit for her 10+ years on.

    whenever i set up my living trust i'm provisioning to
    have some trace of my web sites stay alive forever,
    or until they kill the Internet, the latter which i
    honestly believe will happen eventually... not
    necessarily a physical destruction.

    last year i'd been working with a really interesting
    dude from Hartford, CT, who wants to use
    as his kvetch platform. such an interesting dude with
    whose problems i sympathize and even identify. he was
    nominated deputy mayor of Hartford, but a background
    check turned up that he'd been arrested several times
    as a teenager and in his 20s for gun possession and
    possession of cocaine (i think that's what he was
    busted for). a full 80% of kids who grew up in
    Hartford carried guns and dealt drugs, often times
    getting booked just on suspicion. it is so unfair to
    me that one's life has to be perpetually ruined for
    having made youthful mistakes, especially when they
    were part of the culture in which you lived. i
    remember my mother saying about Bill Clinton and that
    whole "didn't inhale" thing, she couldn't understand
    why you would want to vote for anybody who did *not*
    smoke pot in the 60s.

    anyway, the guy, he seems to have lost his
    enthusiasm for using that domain as a pulpit (he's a
    busy guy, really likeable, wish i could get to know
    him better), so i'll probably return my psychedelic
    poetry to that site.

    reason i related to his situation is that my future
    was at the brink of being similarly imperiled when i
    just got out of college. i never spoke of it publicly
    because other people were involved and they have
    reputations now that could be tarnished if details of
    this incident got out. i'd be happy to talk about it
    because i think the case was pursued out of utter
    bullshit ignorance and paranoia, though in the end i
    have to say that calmer heads prevailed. it just took
    2 years and then of thousands of dollars in legal
    fees to calm those fucking heads. i was on probation
    for 5 years. among my first memories of living in New
    York was the required weekly visit to a probation
    officer in lower Manhattan. i only had to do that for
    a year (he was very sympathetic to how overzealously
    the FBI and Secret Service pursued this matter) and
    then i was on limited probation for 4 more years, a
    span of time during which the charges could have been
    re-opened by the attorney general and/or the specific
    company that was suing us. while my attorney never
    considered this a serious possibility i still spent
    years under the cloud of worry that the
    bloodthirstiness that characterized the prosecution's
    pursuit of things would resurface. the charges
    involved phone phreaking and breaking into corporate
    voicemail systems. the court record is sealed, and
    should stay that way in perpetuity. i am not as
    tormented as i used to be by how close this affair
    came to sending myself and dozens others to 2 decades
    in prison. had we broken into a bank's voicemail or
    used computers with modems then we would almost
    certainly have faced a mandatory sentence. it's never
    really left me but i remember the day the limited
    probation period ended. i don't remember the day and
    date but i remember feeling the fog lift.

    all that is behind why i offered to give the
    aforementioned individual for free, even
    though i get offers for that domain 4 or 5 times a
    year, one offer at $3500 but that was years ago and
    came from a very shady looking source. UPPITY was
    going to be a grousing ground for one whose ambitions
    and goals are thwarted at every turn by geophagic
    news reporters. i got away with a sealed court case
    and no criminal record not because i or my family had
    those tens of thousands of dollars to throw at legal
    fees but because the father of one other kid involved
    in this mess did. i have never felt morally good or
    clean about that. i was considered a leader or
    instigator of this nonsense but FBI and Secret
    Service interviews and depositions with some of the
    others involved went on for over a year before i was
    allowed to know anything. i'll never forget my
    college roommate asking me why the FBI was coming
    around asking for me. i forget what i told her but i
    probably made it sound like someone else had done
    something and i was a witness, or blahblah, i didn't
    know how that stuff worked and i guess she didn't
    either because she believed whatever i told her.