cold garlic bread and chocolate milk What are you eating?: cold garlic bread and chocolate milk
By Joanne on Friday, July 3, 1998 - 11:50 am:
    and now I've typed it I'm kinda worried and might just head off to the chemists for a little home test

    nah...if only I had that excuse

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Friday, July 3, 1998 - 03:24 pm:
    Joanne, at 1st my gut reaction was YUCK. Then I kinda thought that combo might be good. Kinda like chocolate covered pretzels. MMMmmm.

By Joanne on Monday, July 6, 1998 - 07:57 am:
    y'see....they market this kind of gut-turning head-swimming combo, so ya pay over the odds and get half as much..make yer own!

By -oDDBALL oDD- on Monday, July 13, 1998 - 07:16 am:
    How 'bout the cold pizza and Nestles Quick shot for breakfast?