By -oDDBALL oDD- on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 - 11:27 am: |
By Antigone on Wednesday, July 29, 1998 - 01:12 am: |
Gimmie dat ground crawlin', ship stickin', olive oil packed seafood any day. And, it's a great source of omega three fatty acids. |
All pretty good cept some of the flavored ones where they put a lot of yuck in there to fill up the can rather than putting FISH in there like they should. But all in all a good experience. Walk on the wild side too for me. Have to admit mabe some of the really expensive ones were pretty good (good if you a person that LIKES sardines in the first place, which I am) BUT I'll be damned if the .50 cent ones weren't about #2 or #3 on the list. |
It was a special moment. |
Yummmm. Or get those John West Tuna Tempters (tuna with oven dried tomatoes and basil is best), put them on an english muffin, add a slice of real (not processed) cheese and melt under the grill. Can't wait to get home and have some. |
One special moment for me, was having opened a can, been distracted for a moment, hearing a lapping sound, and turning around to see one of my dogs self serving out of my JUST opened can. I scraped off the top, fed them to her, and finished the rest myself. Well, you kind of had to be there :) NZ.... I don't know if I should be hungry or sexually aroused from your description of sardines! I'm just starting out slow, eating them straight from the can with a fork. Be gentle ;-) |
Sorry Whet, get me on the subject of food and I just can't help myself. You should definately try sardines on toast. There is no comparison. I know what you mean about your dog. My cat always appears when I open any sort of canned food, despite the fact that he hates canned cat food, and will only eat dry Iams. |
*urrrp* uh, I think I'm gonna be sick here - *dry heaves* Damn if there are few things more disgusting than sardines (except the fish display in the grocery stores. The smell alone :-p ) The only kind of fish I can eat is tuna and that is only with plenty of mayo and if I don't think about eating a stray eyeball. *do they remove the eyes from sardines or do you eat those as well? |
Mostly sardines come in little tins with no head at all (so no eyes to eat). |
I've had that a couple of times at Thai restaurants. (before MoonUnit and PetRock freak out, you don't have to eat the eyes!) |
Ever had deep-fried turkey? There's a guy in Texas who does that for Thanksgiving every year. He suspends this huge cauldron over a fire and fills it with peanut oil. (all of this is done outside, in his backyard.) When the oil's hot enough, he quickly lowers in a whole turkey. All the juices are sealed in everything is cooked evenly and to perfection. There is nothing better. |
deep fried moro bars *g* |
too much sweet fatty stuff! |
Food called turd.uck.something. The recipe for this dish could keep a Freudian busy for life. |