Sardeeeeeeeens!!! What are you eating?: Sardeeeeeeeens!!!
By -oDDBALL oDD- on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 - 11:27 am:
    You take some bread...preferrably dark bread...put the sardines on it, slap some spicy mustard on it..THEN, place the sumbich in your mouth...


By Antigone on Wednesday, July 29, 1998 - 01:12 am:
    Good doG, yes. And Kipper snacks! And smoked muscles and/or oysters! And anchovies! And clams!

    Gimmie dat ground crawlin', ship stickin', olive oil packed seafood any day.

    And, it's a great source of omega three fatty acids.

Whet on Tuesday, October 6, 1998 - 10:27 pm:

    In efforts to add a tad more excitement to my life, on my last venture to the market I bought one of EVERY kind of sardines available. From .50 cents to over $2/can. 6 or 8 different kinds.
    All pretty good cept some of the flavored ones where they put a lot of yuck in there to fill up the can rather than putting FISH in there like they should. But all in all a good experience. Walk on the wild side too for me.

    Have to admit mabe some of the really expensive ones were pretty good (good if you a person that LIKES sardines in the first place, which I am) BUT I'll be damned if the .50 cent ones weren't about #2 or #3 on the list.

By Fisher of men on Tuesday, October 6, 1998 - 11:10 pm:

    Which do you prefer: oil-packed, mustard-packed, or tomato(juice)-packed sardines? I don't know if they pack 'em in tomato juice anymore, but they used to. There was a period of time in the early 90's when my roommate and I practically lived off sardines. He liked 'em in tomato juice, I liked 'em in mustard. Each thought the other's was disgusting. One night we found out neither of us had tried the other's sardines, so we traded. I wasn't thrilled with sardines in tomato juice, but I said I liked them, and he said the same thing to me.

    It was a special moment.

By NZAngel on Tuesday, October 6, 1998 - 11:16 pm:

    Take two peices of fresh, hot toast, butter them with real butter (not margarine), and spread em with sardines in Louisiana Hot Sauce.


    Or get those John West Tuna Tempters (tuna with oven dried tomatoes and basil is best), put them on an english muffin, add a slice of real (not processed) cheese and melt under the grill.

    Can't wait to get home and have some.

By Whet on Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - 12:34 pm:

    It used to be hot sauce, then I read a book about 'eat right for your type' (meaning blood type) that said for type A's, like myself, mustard is GOOD for some reason. So I've been eating a lot of mustard things cause of that. BUT from a pure taste standpoint, the packed in oil *slightly* smoked small sardines are quite delicious!

    One special moment for me, was having opened a can, been distracted for a moment, hearing a lapping sound, and turning around to see one of my dogs self serving out of my JUST opened can. I scraped off the top, fed them to her, and finished the rest myself. Well, you kind of had to be there :)

    NZ.... I don't know if I should be hungry or sexually aroused from your description of sardines! I'm just starting out slow, eating them straight from the can with a fork. Be gentle ;-)

By NZAngel on Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - 04:00 pm:


    Sorry Whet, get me on the subject of food and I just can't help myself.

    You should definately try sardines on toast. There is no comparison.

    I know what you mean about your dog. My cat always appears when I open any sort of canned food, despite the fact that he hates canned cat food, and will only eat dry Iams.

By PetRock on Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - 10:39 pm:

    all this talk about sardines....

    *urrrp* uh, I think I'm gonna be sick here -

    *dry heaves* Damn if there are few things more disgusting than sardines (except the fish display in the grocery stores. The smell alone :-p )

    The only kind of fish I can eat is tuna and that is only with plenty of mayo and if I don't think about eating a stray eyeball.

    *do they remove the eyes from sardines or do you eat those as well?

By MoonUnit on Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - 11:15 pm:

    I'm with PetRock on this one.... except the tuna bit *vomit* Give me a piece of fish from Cats Pyjama's.... with batter and salt... nothing like it when you're drunk and McDee's is full.

By NZAngel on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 12:37 am:

    The best thing about sardines is the crunchy bones!

    Mostly sardines come in little tins with no head at all (so no eyes to eat).

By Fisheye on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 01:16 am:

    I was in Mexico not too long ago visiting a friend who lives in Mexico City. His wife is a really good cook and every night she made a really great meal for us. One night it was fish: I can't remember what kind it was, but she cooked it by deep frying the whole fish in oil, like a french fry or something. You get the whole fish, head and eyes and everything on a plate. It was weird, but it was the best goddam fish I ever had.

By NZAngel on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 04:06 pm:

    mmm whole fried fish.

    I've had that a couple of times at Thai restaurants.

    (before MoonUnit and PetRock freak out, you don't have to eat the eyes!)

By Fisheye on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 04:32 pm:

    I did eat the eyes. I had gouged one out because I thought it would be soft, but it was as hard as a marble. I popped both of the eyes in my mouth because I was buzzed. The passed through my system undigested. Ever seen turds of shit with eyes?

    Ever had deep-fried turkey? There's a guy in Texas who does that for Thanksgiving every year. He suspends this huge cauldron over a fire and fills it with peanut oil. (all of this is done outside, in his backyard.) When the oil's hot enough, he quickly lowers in a whole turkey. All the juices are sealed in everything is cooked evenly and to perfection. There is nothing better.

By Asia on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 04:42 pm:

    the deep fried turkey thing was a big summer plan of my brother in law Wally. issue was, we were all debating what the hell to fry it in (metal garbage pail?) and how to inject it with seasonings. (he wanted a creole seasoned bird) i went off to the medical school stock room and (on government funds, mind you. god bless stock room cards.) went all kinds o nuts--i got needles of every shape, size and color. i got tubing. i delivered all the goods and was all excited that we were going to have this wonderful meal some day, but much like everything else, it never panned out. which, to a certain extent is okay because the amount of oil that would have to be used to deep fry a turkey was giving me flashbacks to my very first job at nathan's.

By MoonUnit on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 08:53 pm:

    deep fried ice cream
    deep fried moro bars


By NZAngel on Thursday, October 8, 1998 - 09:37 pm:

    oo yuk

    too much sweet fatty stuff!

By Uh on Friday, October 9, 1998 - 11:08 pm:

By Sheila on Friday, October 9, 1998 - 11:49 pm:

    I know an old lady who swallowed a fly......

    Food called turd.uck.something. The recipe for this dish could keep a Freudian busy for life.