Falafel, The Falafel Place, extra hot sauce. Muffin, Robins Donuts (swiped from board of directors meeting while they were on a break - don't tell them!), apple, cinnamon. Coca-Cola Classic, vending machine, 355ml can. |
I think the vending machine plus the extra hot sauce would be plenty !!! Oh, well, to each his own..........Okay , once I ate a 1973 white Fleetwood Cadillac.......We were smuggling it across the border......It was REALLY HELL when it came out, later........so I went back to drug-running.......(just a joke)......... |
My doctor says 'Mylanta'........... |
Ingredients are sugar, glucose, golden syrup, butter, honey, citric acid, flavours and colourings I guess the flavouring could be um CINNAMON? |
English muffin with butter and raspberry jam cup of tea x 2 savoury scone (thats biscuit for all you americans) with tomato, cheese, onion, etc baked in (and butter on it) leftover pizza from last night (Spagalimis meatlovers w bbq sauce) Burger Rings Orange Drink My own recipe meat balls with garlic salad french fries |
Sushi from the salad bar with low-fat Italian dressing "Hawaiian" pizza with chicken and pineapple...Canfield's Diet Chocolate Soda |
Didn't have milk to go with it. :-( Had Canada Dry Ginger Ale. :-( |
a drink I sort of invented to make use of leftover coffee. Carrion and giblet gravy. |
*PJ runssssss* Not Mountain Dew... AIYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! |
UGH! Precisely why Coca Cola's Mello Yello was a non-hit. ICKYS! |
your posts... you from that area? Just curious :) Today so far I've eaten: A strawberry&cream Nutri-Grain Twist bar A 1/2 container (4oz) of nonfat peach yogurt A glass of grapefruit juice Plan to eat: Well nevermind... not sure cuz I'm headed out to Xmas shop w/some friends and may end up somewhere funky for lunch/dinner. Reminds me of the pickup line... "Well, you know the saying, baby... 'you are what you eat', so I guess by morning I should be you. *wink*nudge*" Teeheehee. (Waits for PJ and Pete to join in with their usual "ewwwwwwwwwww!" to that. *grin*) |
Though it doesn't have caffeine. |
My urine does not look like mountain dew. Mountain dew has more caffine than my urine. Me....... admit it, you've drank the bong water. your questions about drinking the urine of a drug-addict reveals something about your character. today i have eaten: 1 order burger king hashbrown things. 1 whopper. 1 med. Dr. Pepper. 1 can (355ml for you 'meeeetric' people.) Diet Dr. Pepper (with the Find Flik and Win Instantly promotion where you have to really read the fine print just to find out what you could win. 10 cans have "Flik" written in the bottom. Prize: Trip for 2 to Hawaii. Odds 1:38 million.) i have 'moved' once. rating: odor: ** consitancy: ** volume (size): *** volume (audio): * cleanup: **** overall satisfaction: ** Lunch will likely be the caf. special. not to be confused with the calf special, which would probably be easier to stomach. For dinner, probably fish sticks. brussel sprouts. brocolli. lima beans. 3-4 shots of kettle one 1-2 shots patron 2-3 rum & cokes (or bourbon and cokes) 2+ bowls "mixed greens" |
not eating so well these days. i have no money at all until after christmas. not even enough to buy cleo anything. dave and i agreed not to exchange this year. times are rough. |
1. Fish - fuck fuck fuck and a goddamn thrown in for good measure but I loathe fish. It smells fishy, probably tastes fishy as well. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. 2. Brussel Sprouts - like little baby Cabbage Patch doll heads. 3. Lima beans - any vegetable that was used in the making of Oliver Stone's "JFK" to simulate Kennedy's brains when he was shot in the head just isn't going to cut it for me.... Broccolli can be acceptable when surrounded by some kind of gelatineous cheesy substance. Today I had uhmmm, some chinese food, a fountain Barq's root beer, a handful of chocolate covered raisins, a turkey sandwich and some Lipton Tea. Exciting, huh? |
*blech* And what's amazing, is I got Mr. Rocky Pet to go to dinner once to a seafood joint. I had been there before and got shabby service so they gave me a free dinner for two. As I recall tho, Mr. Rocky Pet could smell ALL the fish cooking from the kitchen. *g* |
--The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, ©1969. |
I note that your message was posted at 2:57 in the morning. You go on to say that "today" i.e., between midnight and 2:57, you ate Chinese food, root beer, a turkey sandwich, Lipton tea and chocolate covered raisins. Are you an insomniac? I, by the way, happen to love certain kinds of fish so Jim, next time they treat you shabbily at that restaurant, invite me and I'll go with you. I also like brussel sprouts so if you get treated poorly at a brussels sprouts restaurant, I'll go back with you there, too :) |
Sure thing Liam-babe! P.S. Have you put a piccypoo in the mailypoo yet? *wink* |
actually, i used to hate fish. but i decide that i was limiting myself by hating fish (there are so many good fish dishes out there, goddamnit fuck fuck fuck.) So slowly, i became a lover of fish. now i eat it 3-4 times a week. i did the same thing with wine. and tequila. and rum, vodka, gin. and i'm working on whiskey right now. almost have it, i think. today i have had 1 can Barq's, 3 can diet Dr. Pepper, one apple, three slices Roundtable Pizza (supreme.) i will probably eat fish for dinner. BUWAHAH. Oh yeah, i forgot to be critical of your vegetable hatreds. Brussell sprouts are GOOD. I think that they only reason they are so widely hated is because they smell like serious ass when you cook them. Lima Beans are FUCKING GOOD FUCK FUCK FUCK GODDAMN. I don't understand why people don't like them. And finally, Broccoli... it's like eating little trees. FUN AND TASTY. Finally, add cheese to anything and it is good. Sharp Cheddar and Corn Pops comes to mind. Just cut a big chunk of cheddar and eat it with the cereal. |
sharp cheddar and good, homemade apple pie are the best combination ever. lima beans are good with lots of butter. tonight, i am making beans and cornbread. it's that kinda night. there's snow here, too! |
fish....a mouthful of fish brussel sprouts....a mouthful of tightly condensed balls of wet leaves, grass, weeds, etc. I like corn, green beans, potato(e)s, broccoli w/ cheesey shit, and ketchup (which was declared a vegetable by Pres. Reagan, who should know, shouldn't he?) btw Liam....yes, guilty as charged. I am proud to be a nymphomaniac....errrr, I mean insomniac. Actually, I should have said "YESTERDAY, I ate......" |
Corn Peas Potatoes Celery Cukes Carrott's (only in Carrott Cake... LOL) I do not understand the cheese thing. If I don't like something I'm sure as fuck not gonna eat it if it has cheese on it. EEEEEYUCK! Oh, well, and of course the lettuce family. I am not a big fan of spinach and collards. And I only like endive in salad. Not all mushy in a soup. |
I like to order burritos. I had burrito without the shell for dinner tonight. Lots of cheese and hot sauce. I would die if it weren't for cheese and hot sauce. I shall now commence raising the temperature of the earth. You're welcome. (head for higher ground) |
on saturday i ate a carnitas burrito from the taco dive down the street from my house. i thought that by moving north i would no longer find great taco dives. i was wrong. whole bean burritos... that's what i'm saying. and lots of sauce. the kind of sauce that looks like it's made of all seeds. the kind that makes your sinuses drain immediately. the kind that reminds you of what you ate several hours later. |
I hate coconut, dates, turnips, and beets.... I like most Chinese foods; seafood; and aspargus, broccoli, and brussel sprouts..........and I like you !! |
I love vegies: Corn, peas, carrots, brussel sprouts, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. I also love Taco Bell: Mexican Pizza, tacos, bean burritos, Mexi-melts, etc. I used to hoard their hot sauce and bring it home but now they sell it at Ralphs. PJ, babe, haven't forgotten, just haven't got to it yet. Some friends saw a pic of me the other night and said that if I had sent it to them it would have been good enough to get invited to their rubber dungeon New Years Eve party. Alas, I'll be back in Ohio that night. |
Specific dislikes like that always seem bizarre to me. Several years ago I was in Hawaii, visiting a friend who was living there. He was working in a little pizza joint in Lahaina, and he was throwing a dinner party for all his co-workers. He asked me to make cornbread, to remind him of Texas, where we's both frum. Several of the guys who worked with him were from Tonga, working for a portion of the year in Hawaii and sending the money back home. They're Polynesian and every one of them was built like a professional wrestler. Which was funny, because they were all so quiet and polite and sweet as could be. I was going through the line with one of the guys from Tonga (can't remember his name, now). When we got to the cornbread, he kind of furrowed his brows and asked me what it was. "Cornbread," I said. "Bread made from corn." He politely declined a piece. In fact, none of the guys from Tonga would touch it. And they sure as hell ate everything else. I know, that was an utterly pointless story. I just needed to remember someplace warm. Even if they don't like cornbread there. |
things i don't like: mexican food every single goddamn day, like dave always wants it. i love mexican food, esp in california, where it is of far superior quality. regardless, not every day. sourdough bread. yuck. bagels that are wrong- ex: blueberry bagels. chocolate chip bagels. all wrong! soda. makes me really gassy. meat. cheap chocolates with fruity creme inside. i am particularly reminded of these right now, being the holiday season and all. that's all i can think of right now. i'm really not very picky. things i really like: pistachios, cashews, fresh, garden variety vegetables of any kind (no mealy tomatoes from the grocery store), good apples, good oranges, fake bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, eggandcheeseonahardroll, potatoes- any style. too many things to list, this is an entirely unproductive endeavor. |
sourdough bread is mana from heaven. i could live on it every day. meat... well, uh. i just ate a pound of meatloaf. but i didn't eat the carrots and zuccini. |
However, the St. Louis Bread Co. (coming soon to a storefront near you) makes these addictive Asiago Cheese Bagels. They don't look much like bagels, sometimes the hole is about closed up, but man are the delicious, especially with the hazelnut or honey walnut cream cheese... |
If you live near an airport, they will airship it to you and you can get it really fresh. if you have a fancy-schmancy grocer in the area, you can ask them to order it in great quantities and promote it so there is a demand then you can get at will. If you bake, you can try sourdough, but the results are never the same twice, and it's very labor intensive. By the time you get some starter, order all the rest of the ingredients and equipment, and do it, you might as well pay for the air freight. Dave, i have someone going to SF for the holiday. if you send me your address, and stop sniffing your cats butt, i will arrange for you to get some real Boudin. |
i make my own cornbread, too. don't you worry, jim. anyhow, from what i gather, you never actually deliver on the corn-like mannah. seems like a lot of people are harrassing you for this cornbread, it must be pretty good. i like mine with whole corn in it, and honey and butter on top. i remember the first time i went to san francisco, i felt like i should try sourdough bread. i was extremely disappointed. i couldn't even finish it. the burritos in the mission district, however, are still the subject of many food fantasies. i'm making potato latkes for christmas. any suggestions for other food items to go with? the cat pissed again. this time on the bottom edge of our bed. i sniffed it out with a cold and all. i'm going to have him stuffed. dave is fond of calling me the nose. |
Will he be on the platter for Christmas dinner? (I can't tell my cat I said that......) |
water sushi sprite filet mingon brocoli potatoes roll wine salad banana lifesaver fruit punch lifesaver roll *sigh* the holidays.. |
around 4: a small Kit Kat bar. around 4:30: a small quantity of leftover Chinese shrimp with vegetables and rice. Coca cola. Cheez-its. now: (11:30): a little whiskey, Coke, and a tuna salad sandwich. Onion, celery and fresh basil in the tuna salad. Cheez-its. |
"Ortega or El Paso"... Liam, we need to have a serious conversation about what makes a good salsa. It will probably require demonstrations, so you'll probably need a plane ticket. Fruit salsas can be good, but not on conventional salsa foods. Try ginger and mango salsa on a good slab of grilled Ahi tuna. arrhmmmm. Sour dough is best when it is so fresh it is still warm. I'm taking our interviewee out to lunch today, so it will be steaks and shots of patron. gracias. |
I'm from Tejas, but I never much liked El Paso, even if it is made by people who know what picante sauce is supposed to taste like. Real picante should not have a thickener in it. By the way, down here we make a distinction between picante sauce and salsa. Picante is the finely chopped dips and chips stuff like El Paso. Salsa is the chunky, generally less hot stuff that is usually made in California and New Mexico. I've had salsa picante made by Mexicans (as in citizens of that country, not a general term for Latinos), and it was great. Apparently Americans split up the words. My favorite everyday picante is a brand called Hell On The Red. It's made in Telephone Texas, which is on or near the Red River. I like to cook up a batch of chorizo, put it in warmed flour tortillas and pour some Hell on it. If you want to blow your mind, pick up any picante sauce made in Lousiana. yeemotherfuckinhaw. |
Boudin fresh from the oven and still hot/warm can be had down in the basement at Macy's Union Square when they bake about five times a day. One Summer when I was cooking at the Jeffery Hotel down in the Village, I made some mango/pineapple/serrano salsa (which I called chutney) and served it with pork tenderloin as a special one night. The person who ordered it first bought the whole jar, all I had made, for what turned out to be $16 a quart. Naturally I had phantasies about becoming rich with my *special sauce* and having commercials in which grizzled old coots looked at the label and said "This here's made in Coulterville!." Where they know how chutney oughta taste. |
BBBBBBBuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppp!!!!!! |