And Agatha, I am FINE. I called my mom last night (she's an RN) and described my symptoms to her and she said it was either a busted ovarian cyst (just go one the pill, she said, why aren't you on the pill now, she said, do you want to have unplanned babies, she said...then breathed, well why aren't you having sex more than once a month, she said, didn't you know it only takes once, she said) or stomach flu, but it sounded more like the ovaries. When I was 26 I asked a doctor rooting around up there if they could just schedule me to have the whole apparatus removed, I'd even pay myself if I had to. They said no can do, not unless it's a medical emergency or you're over 30, because of that whole regret-not-having-children-lawsuit thing. Sigh. I want a hysterectomy, damnit. Well, I'm over 30 now...Wonder if they raised the age....