I like frosted flakes. |
you never know. i've decided that it is time in my career to move from black uniball ONYX pens to blue uniball ONYX pens. i like to fuck up the tips of my ONYX pens so that writing bears the "scritch scritch" sound effect that so many foley artists insert into movies containing quill pens. speaking of which, i found a flight feather under Kaya's cage the other day. i gave it back to him. he likes to hold his feathers like scepters. anyway, i can't remember if this is molt time, but i'm hoping this is the first feather of the molt. this molt should reveal kaya's gender for certain. and reveal his brilliant incandescent violet head. speaking of which, "I" is moving out today. my 11 month house guest. and prose, his tiny terror. he's also taking his unregistered firearms, which is a good thing i think. which reminds me, did i mention my house was raided by the DOJ last friday. "I" was home, eating soup at the dining room table, when two US Marshalls entered the house. they were looking for an indoor dope farm, we suspect. all they found were two pipes, a bong and a few loaded firearms. small beans, apparently, since instead of chaining "I" they just said "I unloaded your firearms, sir." my phone does half a ring every half hour. i'm wondering if it is bugged. i've been having a lot of reality problems recently. i'm on this mental trip regarding evil, i can't quite shake it. not that i'm much concerned about my soul, i'm just stunned by too many unanswerable questions. and yes, i could adopt a faith that would answer these questions for me. but that sounds like a cop out. and yes, i could decide that morality is individual and there is no defined right and wrong. but that sounds like a cop out too. so what path do i have? insecurity and uncertainty for the rest of my life because i'm skull to skull with a godhead i'm not even sure cares? tomorrow i have an appointment to find out if i'm epileptic. don't tell mom, i don't want her to worry. i'm not sure if the GP will be able to do an EEG or if i'll have to be refered to a neurologist. i tried to skip the middle man and go straight to the neurologist, but they wouldn't take me without a referal. assheads that they are. i hope i'm not, though if i am that will answer at least some questions. and if they take away my driver's license then at least that will help me push for a telecommuting gig. fuckers. i think everyone in my life is depressed. this morning has born itself beautiful. blue sky and clouds stacked up over the mountains to the east. a pleasant light. it's amazing how different the mood is on either side of a half-inch of glass. what did darwin say? something about evil battles in beautiful woods and smiling plains. aye. and sherbear, if you're a newbie and not some old hand with a new handle: fuck you, you ass. welcome to sorabji.com |
the morning is beautiful on my end too. it finally stopped raining........it so clear and clean feeling after such a rain..... they took the coffee machine for repairs this morning. fuckers. |
the US marshalls were looking for a previous occupant. they had a warrant and "I" gave them verbal permission to search the house (apparently they asked when they discovered that the old people don't live there anymore, even though we still get thier mail ... ) i schooled "I" on what say when a US marshall says "you mind if we look around anyway?" my neighbor says the previous occupants were "a bunch of 3am bongo hitting hippies." "I" gave the feds this information. "is your neighbor a hippie?" apparently there was quite an op there in the past. there are a lot of nice spaces for growth of all sorts of growables. |
thats like rule #1 learned in a high school US Law class.... same for the glove compartment and trunk of your car. If they don't have a warrant they can't search it. However, i have heard cases in which the reply "no" is deemed probable cause and they do it anyway....... |
repeat after me boys and girls: "I will not grant permission to search my [car/home]" |
I had yoghurt for breakfast this morning. |
I will not allow Pinks to live with me. i will not allow Pinks to live with me. Thank God for can't-be-bothered-with-it cops. Thak God for can't-be-bothered-with-it cops. Thank God for... |
i am so hungry this am....."everything" bagel with butta is in orda |
But Natorious -- whazzup w/the raid? High-income Whiteboys living in the NoCal wilds ain't supposed to get raided by Tommy-Lee-Jones-wannabees. (Did somebody drop a dime on you?) And you better KNOW that if you were Swine livin' in the same crib w/loaded firearms & a bong/yr ass wd be somebody's bitch in jail this very day! But I'm quite concerned abt you, Nate. So here's a word to the wise/for whatever it may-or-may-not be worth: If you're wrestling w/the God thing/take a minute to siddown & pray. Not to any particular whoever or whatever/just in general. Abt yr personal shit. And if you come away from that feeling a bit lighter & better abt yrself/then whatever or whoever you feel heard yr prayers/call it God & believe in that. Becuz cool as you are/there is still something greater than Nate. In all yr Natoriousness. And know that I am not alone here when I say that I love you. So don't get too funked-up abt anything. |
http://www.angelfire.com/sys/popup_source.shtml?Category= With that I am off to bed. |
Toothsome --: 1a: agreeable, attractive. b: sexually attractive. 2a: of palatable flavor and pleasing texture; delicious. |
i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love. |