I wish I had a toaster. |
To go to a supermarket and buy all the stuff I read about in books that we can't get here. Ring Dings, Poptarts, I would say Oreo's but you can get them now, um Twinkies, Dr Pepper, Doritos, Cheese in can..... I'd spend all my cash on strange products. And have to buy another suitcase to take all the excess home in. |
have a coke and a pop tart and you'll have to run about fifteen miles to burn that shit off. |
I am WORKING towards the Jabba physique and the early grave. Kee-rist. |
i can send stuff for free from my job---- which snacks do you want? i will send you some.... i like violet crumble and weird brit candy bars..... |
My dad used to work with a guy who couldn't get enough of them... He always had peeps available. A friend of mine did experiments on them to see if they were in the least bit destructible... She threw one out her window and left it all winter. She found it intact except for the yellow sugar coating. |
I have no idea what Jay was talking about, I was talking about real peanuts in a shell, not pink....ooops. I have no idea what jay was talking about. |
but i don't eat them anymore..... |
I used to like Circus Peanuts -- only a few of them at any given time -- because you could squish them and mold them into different shapes. I like Smarties a lot now. You know how sometimes on TV and movies and such you see people pop some aspirin and then chew them? I used to comfort myself with the thought that they were really chewing Smarties, because chewed aspirin tastes so damned *nasty* I didn't want to think about it because I empathized with unpleasant sensory experiences too much. I was a sensitive child. (Man, I wish there were a little smiley face I could make here that could convey the self-mocking smirk I've got on my ugly mug right now. That would really come in handy.) |
of all the words in Webster's, that's the last one I'd apply to you. |